Fab_ An Intimate Life Of Paul McCartney Part 23

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Meeting the Queen and receiving their MBEs: PM and GH quoted from the Anthology Anthology (book). Soldiers sent medals back: (book). Soldiers sent medals back: Shout! Shout! (Norman). PM's relations.h.i.+p with the Queen: author's interviews. (Norman). PM's relations.h.i.+p with the Queen: author's interviews.

JL's reason for returning his MBE: his 1969 telegram to HRH.

RS - 'I'm not really into ...' - Postcards from the Boys Postcards from the Boys (Starr). (Starr).

JL claimed the Beatles smoked a joint in Buckingham Palace, contradicted by GH in the Anthology Anthology (book). (book).

GM goes freelance: All You Need is Ears All You Need is Ears (Martin). (Martin).

'Plastic soul' comment: the Anthology Anthology (CD liner notes Vol. 2). (CD liner notes Vol. 2).

PM on who wrote what: Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). (Miles).

'We Can Work it Out': thanks to Spencer Leigh for his thoughts.

Janet Vaughan on 'Mich.e.l.le': author's interview (quoted).

PM on 'I'm Looking Through You' and his open relations.h.i.+p with Jane Asher: his comments in The Beatles The Beatles (Davies) and (Davies) and Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). (Miles).

Jane Asher declines to speak: correspondence with the author.

Jann Haworth on Paul and Jane: author's interview (quoted).

PM to Barry Miles: Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). Also PM on 'You Won't See Me' and 'I'm Looking Through You'. (Miles). Also PM on 'You Won't See Me' and 'I'm Looking Through You'.

Miles on his friends.h.i.+p with PM, and the avant-garde connections: quoted from author's interview. Thanks also to Jann Haworth.

Attends Luciano Berio lecture: Daily Mail Daily Mail (25 Feb. 1966). Quotes from (25 Feb. 1966). Quotes from In the Sixties In the Sixties (Miles). (Miles).

Maggie McGivern relations.h.i.+p: her interview with the Daily Mail Daily Mail (12 April 1997). (12 April 1997).

PM acquires Martha: Punch Punch (23 Nov. 1966). (23 Nov. 1966).

Paul's aristocratic friends: author's interviews including Dudley Edwards.

Tara Browne background: author's interviews and profiles written upon his death.

Sale of Lenmac: I rely on Ray Coleman's book Yesterday and Today Yesterday and Today.

PM on 'For No One': Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). (Miles).

Gibson Kemp quoted from author's interview.

PM on composing 'Eleanor Rigby': the South Bank Show South Bank Show (Jan. 1978). (Jan. 1978).

Bernard Herrmann influence: GM to Melody Maker Melody Maker (28 Aug. 1971). (28 Aug. 1971).

Michael Lindsay-Hogg quoted from author's interviews.

Jane Asher on the Cold War: Saga Saga (Oct. 2007). (Oct. 2007).

Len Deighton quoted from correspondence with the author.

Peter Brown on the paternity claims: quoted from author's interview.

Erica Hubers quoted from correspondence with author.

Marijuana on tour: Peter Brown's book The Love You Make The Love You Make.

Manila concerts: Imelda Marcos is quoted from an interview with the author. I also referred to my interviews with Tony Barrow and Peter Brown and their memoirs. (BE's conversation is from Brown's The Love You Make The Love You Make.) Maureen Cleave's interview with PM, Evening Standard Evening Standard (25 March 1966); author's correspondence with Cleave (quoted); and reference to her 4 March 1966 interview with JL (quoted). Reaction to JL's 'Jesus' interview: (25 March 1966); author's correspondence with Cleave (quoted); and reference to her 4 March 1966 interview with JL (quoted). Reaction to JL's 'Jesus' interview: Evening News Evening News (5 Aug. 1966); the (5 Aug. 1966); the Anthology Anthology (doc.u.mentary). (doc.u.mentary).

Peter Brown on PM's fear of author's interview (quoted).

Chicago Press conference: The Beatles Off the Record The Beatles Off the Record (Badman). (Badman).

Unsold tickets at Shea Stadium in 1966: author's interview with Sid Bernstein.

Linda McCartney (LM) in the press box: Sixties Sixties (Linda McCartney). NB: LM seemed unsure which Shea Stadium show she attended. In (Linda McCartney). NB: LM seemed unsure which Shea Stadium show she attended. In Sixties Sixties she writes that she saw the Beatles at the stadium in '65 she writes that she saw the Beatles at the stadium in '65 and and '66. In seems more likely LM only attended the second show, if she sat in the press box. She'd just started taking photographs professionally that year. '66. In seems more likely LM only attended the second show, if she sat in the press box. She'd just started taking photographs professionally that year.

Riot at Dodger Stadium: The Complete Beatles Chronicle The Complete Beatles Chronicle (Lewisohn). (Lewisohn).

BE in LA: author's interviews with Peter Brown and Nat Weiss (quoted). Additional background: Brian Epstein Brian Epstein (Coleman). (Coleman).

Candlestick Park: audio recording of the show; author's interviews with Barrow and Marty Balin (quoted).


Ravi Shankar quoted from correspondence with the author.

PM's trip to France and quote: Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles) including the quote, 'It made me remember why we all wanted to get famous.' (Miles) including the quote, 'It made me remember why we all wanted to get famous.'

Dylan on fame: Down the Highway Down the Highway (Sounes). (Sounes).

PM on The Family Way The Family Way: the Anthology Anthology (book). GM quoted from his book (book). GM quoted from his book All You Need is Ears All You Need is Ears.

Jane Asher goes to America: press cuttings including London Life London Life (1 Oct. 1966) and PM to the (1 Oct. 1966) and PM to the Daily Sketch Daily Sketch (14 Jan. 1967) in which he talks about (14 Jan. 1967) in which he talks about Cathy Come Home Cathy Come Home.

Tony Bramwell quoted from author's interview.

Recording 'Penny Lane': author's interview with David Mason (quoted).

PM's involvement with BEV: author's interview with Douglas Binder and Dudley Edwards (both quoted).

Cavendish decor: author's interviews and Dudley Edwards (quoted) and Miles.

Nico visits: author's interview with Dudley Edwards. Thanks also to Paul Morrisey.

PM's motorbike accident: the Anthology Anthology (book). (book).

Recording Sgt. Pepper Sgt. Pepper: author's interviews; The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions (Lewisohn). (Lewisohn).

JL inspired by Tara Browne's death to write 'A Day in the Life': John Lennon: The Life John Lennon: The Life (Norman), for example. No connection between Browne and 'Day in the Life': PM in his book (Norman), for example. No connection between Browne and 'Day in the Life': PM in his book Paul McCartney: Paintings Paul McCartney: Paintings.

Douglas Binder quoted from author's interview.

Old boys from the Inny interpret 'A Day in the Life': author's interview with Steve Norris.

Correspondence with Stockhausen: author's interview with Sir John Tavener.r, Alban Berg quote from The Rest is Noise The Rest is Noise (Ross). (Ross).

GM on the orchestral climax: Melody Maker Melody Maker (28 Aug. 1971). (28 Aug. 1971).

Mike Nesmith quoted from correspondence with author.

Carnival of Light: author's interview with Dudley Edwards (quoted).

Encounter with Joe Orton: his Diaries Diaries.

GM's 'biggest mistake': The Beatles Book The Beatles Book (Nov. 1994). (Nov. 1994).

Creating the Sgt. Pepper Sgt. Pepper cover: author's interview with Jann Haworth (quoted). cover: author's interview with Jann Haworth (quoted).

San Francisco visit: author's interview with Marty Balin (quoted).

PM reunited with Jane in Colorado: The Beatles: A Diary The Beatles: A Diary (Miles). (Miles).

Brian Wilson abandons Smile Smile: Heroes and Villains Heroes and Villains (Gaines). (Gaines).

Magical Mystery Tour chart: the original pie chart drawing reproduced in chart: the original pie chart drawing reproduced in The Complete Beatles Chronicle The Complete Beatles Chronicle (Lewisohn). (Lewisohn).

PM quote - 'a crazy roly-poly Sixties' film' - the Anthology Anthology (doc.u.mentary). (doc.u.mentary).

Redlands bust: Marianne Faithfull's memoir Faithfull Faithfull and Bill Wyman's and Bill Wyman's Stone Alone Stone Alone.

PM's friends.h.i.+p with Prince Stash: author's interview with Stash (quoted).

PM meets Linda Eastman, later McCartney (LM): author's interviews with Tony Bramwell, Peter Brown and Dudley Edwards (all quoted).

LM - 'I was impressed ...' - Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). (Miles).

LM background: author's interviews with Marty Balin, Peter Brown, Danny Fields, Al Kooper and Nat Weiss. Also vital records and court doc.u.ments. For Eastman family history I am indebted to Danny Fields and his book Linda McCartney: The Biography Linda McCartney: The Biography, supplemented by my interviews with Sid Bernstein and Linda's half-brother Philip Sprayregen (both quoted).

Mel See background: author's interviews with his common-law wife Beverly Wilk, and Arizona friends Jonathan Kress (quoted) and Debra and Sherry Zeller.

Heather's date of birth: birth record.

LM takes up photography: Club Sandwich Club Sandwich # 64. # 64.

LM - 'I was the only photographer ...' and 'My father used to ...' - Linda's Pictures Linda's Pictures (McCartney). (McCartney).

Danny Fields and Nat Weiss quoted from author's interviews.

Sgt. Pepper party: author's interviews with Peter Brown (quoted) and Sir Jimmy Savile. Also party: author's interviews with Peter Brown (quoted) and Sir Jimmy Savile. Also Linda's Pictures Linda's Pictures and and Sixties Sixties (McCartney). (McCartney).

LM's fling with Prince Stash: author's interview with Prince Stash (quoted).

10: h.e.l.lO, GOOD BYE.

Yellow Submarine: author's interviews with Al Brodax, John Coates (both quoted) and Norman Kauffman.

BE quotes/weekend party: Fifty Years Adrift Fifty Years Adrift (Taylor). (Taylor).

PM and Jane Asher reunited: Daily Express Daily Express (30 May 1967). (30 May 1967).

Dudley Edwards quoted from author's interview.

Ned Rorem on Sgt. Pepper Sgt. Pepper: Time Time (22 Sept. 1967). (22 Sept. 1967).

Sir Joseph Lockwood quoted from the Sunday Times Sunday Times (14 May 1967). (14 May 1967).

US record sales: Recording Industry a.s.sociation of America (RIAA).

JL on Sgt. Pepper Sgt. Pepper: Lennon Remembers Lennon Remembers (Wenner). (Wenner).

PM's purchase of High Park: author's interviews and local enquiries in Kintyre with particular thanks to Jamie and Katie Black (quoted and recalled dialogue), Rory and Mary Colville, Alice and Duncan McLean, and Jimmy McGeachy (father and son).

Inspiration for 'The Long and Winding Road': PM interviewed for Club Sandwich Club Sandwich # 41. Also the # 41. Also the Daily Express Daily Express (15 June 1967). (15 June 1967).

'Christ, it's a Beatle!': recalled by Rory Colville in an interview with the author.

PM meets the Campbeltown Pipe Band: author's interview with Jim McGeachy Snr (quoted).

PM's LSD confession: People People (18 June 1967). (18 June 1967).

Use of cocaine and heroin: Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now (Miles). (Miles).

Drug busts: author's interviews with John Hopkins, Prince Stanislas de Rola and others. Background reading: Faithfull Faithfull (Marianne Faithfull); (Marianne Faithfull); Symphony for the Devil Symphony for the Devil (Norman); (Norman); Old G.o.ds Almost Dead Old G.o.ds Almost Dead (Davis) and (Davis) and In the Sixties In the Sixties (Miles). (Miles).

GH on PM's LSD confession: the Anthology Anthology (book). (book).

Aunt Ginny and the spliff: author's interview with Mike Robbins (quoted).

'Come Back Milly!': videotape of Our World Our World.

GM's difficult week: his book All You Need is Ears All You Need is Ears. Thanks also to David Mason.

Apple School: Fifty Years Adrift Fifty Years Adrift (Taylor). Also author's interview with Janet Vaughan. (Taylor). Also author's interview with Janet Vaughan.

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