Sappers and Miners Part 15

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"Killed?" cried the Major, excitedly.

"Oh, no, father, there was plenty of water, and he got out through a pa.s.sage on to the cliffs, and Sam and I had to pull him up again."

"What mad recklessness!"

"He wasn't hurt, father, only got very wet; and since then the Colonel has been to have a look at the place and had a talk or two with Sam Hardock, and Ydoll--"

"What!" cried the Major, fiercely.

"Gwyn thinks his father is going to have machinery down, and the mine pumped out."

"Madness! Going to throw all his money away. He sha'n't do it. I won't have it. What does Mrs Pendarve say?"

"Gwyn says she doesn't like it at all."

"I should think not, sir. It means ruin spelt with a big letter. Why can't he be contented with his half-pay?"

"I dunno, father. I suppose he feels as if he'd like more."

"Yes, and get less. You never knew me tempted by these wretched mining schemes, did you, sir?"

"No, father."

"The man's mad. Got a bee in his bonnet. Going to ruin his son's prospects in life. He sha'n't do it. How can he be so absurd! I'll go to him as soon as I can move."

"Feel a little easier, father?" said Joe, going to the head of the couch, and pressing his hand upon his father's brow again.

"Yes, much easier, my boy," said the invalid, placing his hand upon his son's, and holding it down for a few moments. "Feels cooler, doesn't it?"

"Ever so much, dad, and not so damp."

"Yes, I feel like a new man again. Thank you, Joe--thank you, my boy.

Haven't been fretful, have I?"

"Oh, just a little, father, of course. Who could help it?"

"I was afraid I had been, Joe. But, as you say, who could help it?

Didn't say anything very cross to you, did I?"

"Oh, no, nothing to signify, dad. But, I say, I am glad you're better."

"Thank you, my boy, thank you," said the Major, drawing his boy's hand down to his lips and kissing it. "Just like your poor, dear mother, so calm and patient with me when I am suffering. Joe, my boy, you will have to be a doctor."

"I? Oh, no, father. I must be a soldier, same as you've been, and Gwyn is going to be."

"But I meant a military surgeon," said the Major.

"Wouldn't do, father. Why, if I were to tell Ydoll--I mean Gwyn--that I was going to be a doctor, he would crow over me horribly, and I should never hear the end of it. He'd christen me jalap or rhubarb, or something of that sort."

"Ah, well, we shall see, and--who's that coming up to the door?"

Joe looked out from the window, and came back directly.

"The Colonel, dad. Shall I go and let him in?"

"Yes, fetch him in, and stop here and give me a hint now and then if I get a little irritable. What you have told me makes me feel rather cross, and I shall have to give him a bit of my mind. I can't let him go and waste his money like that."

Joe hurried out to the front hall, and found that Gwyn had accompanied his father, the former having been hidden by the shrubs as they came up to the door.



"Well, old man; on the sick list?" began the Colonel, shaking hands warmly with his friend. "What's the last bulletin?"

"Bad, bad," said the Major, sharply. "Just heard that a man I respected is going to make a fool of himself."

"Eh? What?" said the Colonel, flus.h.i.+ng. "Who's been chattering about-- ahem! Are you alluding to the mine on my property, Major Jollivet?"

"No, sir," said the Major, sitting up, "I was speaking about the hole by the cliff that was dug by a pack of greedy noodles who were not satisfied with their incomes, and I felt that I should not like to see an old friend of mine go shovelling his money down into it, and breaking his wife's heart."

"Then it was like your--ahem, ahem!" coughed the Colonel, checking himself. "No, no; don't go away, boys," for Gwyn was stealing out, followed by Joe.

"No, don't you boys go," cried the Major; "it will be a lesson for you both."

"Father been very bad, Joe?" said the Colonel.

"Very bad, indeed, sir," said the boy.

"Silence, sir!" cried the Major. "Nothing of the sort. Don't exaggerate, Joe."

"No, father."

"He doesn't, d.i.c.k. You've had a nasty touch this morning, or you wouldn't have spoken to me like that."

"I couldn't help it, old man," said the Major, warmly. "But surely you will never be so mad as to go pumping out that old place."

"H'm! I don't know about mad. Be useful to make a little money for the sake of the boy."

"Very bad to lose a great deal for the sake of the boy."

"Nothing venture, nothing win, d.i.c.k. I'm beginning to think that it would be worth while to put some money in the venture, and I came up this morning to make you the first offer of joining in."

"And throwing away my bit of money, too. No, sir, not if I know it.

I'm not quite such an idiot as that."

"You mean as I am," said the Colonel, quietly.

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Sappers and Miners Part 15 summary

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