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13. One Instructor better than two.
14. Age at which Education commences. In-door breaking for hours, better than Out-door breaking for weeks.
15. To obey all necessary Words of Command, and all Signals, before shown Game.
16. Unreasonableness of not always giving Initiatory Lessons--leads to Punishment--thence to Blinking.
17. Dog to be _your_ constant Companion, not another's.
18, 19, 20. Instruct when alone with him. Initiatory Lessons in his Whistle--in "Dead"--"Toho"--"On."
21. All Commands and Whistling to be given in a low tone.
22 to 25. Lessons in "Drop."--Head between fore-legs--Setters crouch more than Pointers.
26. Slovenly to employ right Arm both for "Drop" and "Toho."
27. Lessons in "Down-charge."--Taught at Pigeon-match--Rewards taken from Hand.
27. Cavalry Horses fed at discharge of Pistol--Same plan pursued with Dogs.
28. Dog unusually Timid to be coupled to another.
29. Lessons at Feeding Time, with Checkcords.
30, 31. Initiatory Lessons in "Dead" and "Seek," continued.
32. In Signals to hunt to the "right"--"left"--"forward."
33. In the "Beckon." Woodc.o.c.k Shooting in America.
34. In looking to you for instructions.
35. In "Care."
36. Always give a reward.
37. In "Up"--saves using Puzzle-peg.
38. Dog to carry Nose high.
39. Initiatory Lesson in "Footing a scent".
40. In "Heel."
41. In "Gone" or "Away."
42. In "Fence" or "Ware-fence."
43. "No" a better word than "Ware."
44. Accustomed to couples.
45. Initiatory Lesson in-doors with a Companion--when one "drops," the other to "drop."
46. Makes "Backing" quickly understood.
47. Initiatory Lessons with a Companion in the Fields.
48. Initiatory Lessons save time--make Dogs fond of Hunting.
49. Checkcord described. Wildest Dogs possess most energy.
50. Advantages of Checkcord explained. Spaniels broken in by it.
51. Lad to act as Whipper-in.
52. Retriever that acted as Whipper-in.
53. Jealousy made him act the part. Might be taught to Retrieve.
54. Instead of "down charge," coming to "heel."
55. As Puppies kept close to you, not to "self-hunt"--"broke"
from hare.
56. Blacksmith straps Horse's Leg above Hock--Dog's similarly confined--Shot-belt round the necks of wildest.
57. Hunted in Gorse.
58. Age when shown Game. Example of good Spaniels advantageous.
59. Perfected in "Drop"--taught to "seek dead"--to "fetch"--entered at Hedge-rows and lightest Covers. Bells to Collars.
60. To hunt farther side of Hedge.
61. How Sportsmen may aid Keeper.
62. Experienced Spaniels slacken pace on Game.
63. Difficult to work young ones in Silence.
64. Spaniels that Pointed.