Dragon Life Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Chapter 46

The village and the village girl. And the auntie.




“Is, is that so? ‘t was a misunderstanding. We troubled you, didn’t we. Forgive us.”

When I explained that my name is Vito and that I never came to this village before, the lady and company’s energy from before disappeared, and they sigh as if disappointed.

“I’m sorry…”

“You don’t need to apologize. We were the ones mistaken. Leaving that aside, what did you come to such a remote village for?”

“Actually we were caught in the heavy downpour during our journey, and we were wondering if you would let us take shelter from the rain?”

Since my head was in a confused state, the Captain answered in my place. He grabbed my hand in a casual manner, and that’s like a lifeline to me right now.

Looking at us who where dripping wet from our heads to our feet, the lady smiles frankly.

“Since that’s the case we don’t mind at all. Although it’s a small house, c’mon in, you’ll catch a cold as it is.”

“Thank you.”

We were let into the house, and were lent something to wipe us dry. It’s a small wooden house, but it’s full of life and makes me feel a nostalgic warmth. We were brought near a hearth that was emiting warmth, and then we were urged to sit on some chairs. As I take the seat and say my thanks, “It’s just a plain thing, but here you go,” she says as she hands us a warm soup. It really sinks deep into our cold bodies.

My heart which was about to explode settles, and once I was finally calm enough I decided to ask.

“Uhm, that girl, Anna, is…?”

“Oh, she’s the child from the couple next door, she went missing a few years ago. Nothing’s been heard of her since then. The couple were worried sick, and pa.s.sed away.  They were good people, too.”

‘Even so, you look like two peas in a pod,’ she says in a nostalgic manner while looking at me sitting on the chair. Their eyes also contained sorrow. As I didn’t know what to say, I remained was silent, and the Captain grasped my hand with a worried face. I had no power to grasp him back, all I could do was hang my head.

“It seems the rain won’t stop tonight, so you can use the second floor. In the past it was used by our children, but now they’re gone.”

“Thank you for all your help.”

“You don’t need to thank us. Though you are a different person, we could see Anna’s figure for the first time in a long while. That’s enough.”

‘Even so, in spite of that you look exactly the same,’ the lady adds, and then proceeded to lead us to a room on the second floor.

When the door was opened there were three beds lined up. They probably had three children, however the room had not been in use for a while as it was covered in some dust. The auntie descended to the first floor with a ‘Rest well.’ When I entered the room, I heard the door close behind me. The Captain’s hand touched my shoulder and I turned around to look at him.

“…Cap, tain.”

Surely, I must be making a grim expression.

“Vito, they got the wrong person”

“But, they said we look exactly the same.”

“They got the wrong person.”

The Captain says flatly. But it is not a mistake. Just the interior is different, the appearance is really the same. I can tell by seeing the surprised expression of

the auntie and uncle. Although it’s been a few years, the chestnut hair that does not change in length, the blue eyes, the healthy skin, and the dark-red garments, probably haven’t changed at all from the figure in their memories.

“…’This child,’ was called Anna, wasn’t she.”

I was expecting that this might happen someday, but there are things that will leave you agitated if you face them with zero mental preparation. Perhaps the main reason is that I’m attached to this form. I had been thinking that she was a village girl from Tiennu Village’s vicinity all along. But the reality was different. I don’t know what reasons she had for going to that far away mountain, but she was a child of this village.


“I am fine. I was prepared for it, but I was just astonished since I never thought that it would come up as such a surprise attack.”

I laughed and looked up, and I was being intently watched by a straight gaze. I wondered if he was worried, as his voice was kind.



That I became agitated was because it was a sudden matter. Now it’s okay. I’ve calmed down. Yes, it was me the one who ate her, but I swore I will live for this child’s part, too.

“…Then, okay, but don’t push yourself.”

He hugged me once lightly, and then took the cloth that covered my head to dry my hair. This is bad, he will catch a cold as it is. ‘I’ll do it myself,’ I tell him, and began drying my hair, but suddenly I saw him take out a dagger and grabbing the single remaining braid of the three he had before, and he was about to cut it off. When I b.u.t.ted in to stop him in a hurry with a “What are you doing!” he stared back at me with a blank face.

“It is troublesome, so I was going to cut it.”

Since it is troublesome to dry it you’ll cu-, cut it?! Why is there only one choice! You’re weird, Captain!!

“It-, it’s a waste! It’s amazingly beautiful!”“Beautiful?”

“It’s beautiful! Moreover it’s delicious, it’s like cotton candy, so stop it!”

It’s sweet, and it fills both my mind and body. It’s my favorite food.

“‘Cotton candy’?”

I was taken aback. I was questioning my own words.

—“Cotton candy”? What is “cotton candy”? My favorite food? Well, my favorite food is’s karaage though.

“Anyway, I will dry your hair, so please drop it with cutting it.”

I am the one who ate the majority of his hair, but cutting it is too much of a waste. To cut off this glossy hair of such a silky quality that would make a woman ashamed… Well, I think that even short hair would suit him though.

I finished drying up my hair, and for some reason, I started drying his hair from right in front of him while he was sitting on the bed. Seeing his locks of hair made me remember the time I worked in the dormitory. I remember that every morning, I would knit it up like this.

“Come to think of it, your hair is quite long. Do you have any particular reason?”

Is it something like a religious vow?

Up until now I have met very few men with long hair. I believe there may a reason why he has been growing it out, but.

“Hmm, it’s a secret?”

“What was that.”

Ugh, even if you say it cutely and using up turned eyes to look at me from down there, you won’t deceive me!

“But, as it’s not necessary anymore, I don’t mind if it’s cut off.”

I’m telling you that cutting it off is too extreme. I will not let you cut it while my eyes are black. It’s a waste. I softly swore so in my heart.

“Vito, your eyes are turning reptile-like.”


He said my pupils are contracting. Are these the so-called cat eyes? It seems that they will come out if my emotions heighten, hmmm, I will have to be careful.

Although it was simple, I thought that I could sleep soundly when finally being in a room with a roof and a bed after a while, but I could not get to sleep. I started drawing the line about “Anna” by myself. But I care about having known her, and about having accidentally arrived at the village where she was supposed to live. Her parents are said to be dead, but there were an auntie and uncle who were worried about her. Perhaps she had friends too. Thinking that way, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

When I was turning over and over, I heard voices coming from below. Because there were some gaps here and there, the voices seemed to leak.

—? I wonder if I am still awake.

When I tried paying attention, I heard the voices of the uncle and auntie.

“That’s —- Rinan —-, substi—-“

“So —-“

“—- hide — Oppor-ity—-? Surel— offerin—- Lord Water Dragon —- n – – -“


I could not catch everything because of heavy rain, but they seemed to be talking about something serious. Since it was an important matter it was rude to eavesdrop, so I quietly returned to bed. Strangely enough, I fell asleep as if I fainted.

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Dragon Life Chapter 46 summary

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