History of Education Part 34

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BORMANN, K. Padagogik Fur Volksschullehrer.

BOWEN, H. COURTHOPE. Froebel and Education by Self-activity.

BROOKS, PHILLIPS. Letters of Travel.

BROWNING, OSCAR. Milton's Tractate on Education.

BRUGSCH-BEY, H. History of Egypt Under the Pharaohs.

BRYCE, JAMES. The Holy Roman Empire.

A Short History of the Roman Empire.

BULFINCH, T. Legends of Charlemagne.

BULKLEY, REV. C. H. A. Plato's Best Thoughts.

BURY, J. B. a History of the Later Roman Empire From Arcadius To Irene.

BUTLER, N. M. the Place of Comenius in the History of Education.

BUTLER, W. Land of the Veda.


CAPES, W. W. Roman Empire of the Second Century: Age of Antonines.

CARLISLE, JAMES H. Two Great Teachers--Ascham and Arnold.

CARLYLE, THOMAS. French Revolution.

CHAMBERLAIN. Education in India.

CHaTEAUBRIAND. The Genius of Christianity.

CHURCH, ALFRED J. Pictures From Roman Life and Story.

Pictures From Greek Life and Story.

CHURCH, R. W. The Beginnings of Middle Ages.


CLARK, HENRY. The State and Education.

CLARKE, JAMES FREEMAN. Ten Great Religions.

COLLINS, W. LUCAS. Montaigne.

COMBE, GEORGE. Education: Its Principles and Practice.

COMENIUS. The Orbis Pictus.

Grosse Unterrichtslehre (see Zoubek).

COMPAYRe, GABRIEL. The History of Pedagogy (trans, by W. H. Payne).

COURTNEY, W. L. John Locke.

c.o.x, SIR G. W. The Crusades.

CRAIK, H. The State in Relation To Education.

CURTIS, G. W. Nile Notes of a Howadji.

CURTIUS, ERNST. History of Greece (5 Vols.).


D'AUBIGNe, J. H. MERLE. History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century.

DAVIDSON, THOMAS. Rousseau and Education According To Nature.

The Education of the Greek People and Its Influence on Civilization.

Aristotle and the Ancient Educational Ideals.

History of Education.

DE GARMO, CHARLES. Herbart and the Herbartians.

DE GUIMPS, R. Pestalozzi, His Life and Works (trans. by J. Russell).

DE QUINCEY, T. Plato's Republic.

DITTES, F. Geschichte Der Erziehung Und Des Unterrichts.

DOOLITTLE, REV. J. Social Life of the Chinese.

DRAPER, JOHN W. Conflict Between Religion and Science.

History of the Intellectual Development of Europe.

DURRELL, FLETCHER. A New Life in Education.

DURUY, VICTOR. History of France (trans. by Mrs. Carey).

A History of the Middle Ages.

History of Modern Times, From the Fall of Constantinople To The French Revolution.

DYER, T. H. History of Modern Europe (3 Vols.).



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