Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist? Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: And then there were three

pappukku cameth home from the carriage.

third, but soft relaxeth in the living cubiculo aft'r returning home.

“th're art three exsufflicate cubiculos upstairs, so sophia and maria hath decided. ”
“mast'r, prithee omit the hon'rary t.i.tle with sofia”
“yes, mast'r, as a slave, this att.i.tude is despis'd by the mast'r”

at which hour the lady did get home, the lady wast suddenly did attract to sophia and maria. Thee has't to doth the right thing.
i has't nothing to sayeth about the main species, but sofia and maria. art still turtles.

"the slaves bethink yond ev'ry cubiculo is extravagant"
“no, i still has't s.p.a.ce.

what! f'rgot to introduceth.
maple, leaveth me”

autumn leaves cameth out of s.p.a.ce, sitting on the couch, i wast riding on mine own lap with a chocolate icon.

“. oh, well enow, stayeth, mast'r, that gent, this is”

sophia and maria art staring at the maple tree, whey-face.

“the nameth of this issue is maple leaf.
“a beshrew. Mast'r, is th're a killeth'r spid'r?”
“oh, i knoweth the elves v'ry well”
“no, thou art a most wondrous p'rson.
if ‘t be true the maple leaf leaves, i needeth not esc'rt, so i has't not confidence in the circle. ”

guideth the int'ri'r of the building and pray pardon me how to useth the bathroom and useth the bathroom.

“hey, we shouldst taketh a showeth'r too!”
“i has't nev'r seen a bath bef're!”

aft'r watching the bathtub and enjoying t freely, the tension between sofia and maria wast v'ry strange.

“sofia, this is soap!”
“this is true! t tastes valorous. ”

because the excitement of the two people doest not ent'r, toucheth the wat'rfall and boileth wat'r. The wat'r is v'ry stout and feng shui is acc.u.mulat'd in a few minutes.

“because the towel is did provide, i hath brought the und'rwear did arrange.
“i has't not a mast'r, the slave first goeth in. ”
“yes, mast'r!”

i has't already did attract the faces of two people. Aye, i am honest.

“i am fine because i am kneading f'rward. ”
“i shall taketh t first”

sophia and maria op'rate und'rwear from the slave tradeth. Sophia stoodeth on one side.

“do not runneth. ”

i has't been making lunch in the kitchen.

“simple things art valorous”

mine own owneth people eke did ignite and heat'd the frying pan on the stove. Baketh the bacon on both sides and lodging t separately on the plateth.
in an item boxeth without oil, lodging the eggs in a bowl. I knoweth not what milketh is, but i card things liketh milketh and so on.

“the gust of salt is enow, if ‘t be true possible, i wanteth cheese. ”

i useth 哼哼 to maketh omelettes.
baketh three omelets and lodging on a bacon dish.

lodging the plateth on the table and lodging the basket with the bread in the cent'r of the table. The side dish of vegetable soup madeth side by side with inf'rmation board.

“mast'r, wherefore is thy mast'r cooking?”

sophia and maria in the bathroom w're a simple dresseth. At which hour two prominent promotions art w'rn in a thin fabric dresseth, the chest and hip lines art eye gouts.

“we has't lunch togeth'r.
at which hour i consume rice, i has't something to doth.
anon alloweth's consume bef're the dishes. ”

i am sitting at the table.
sofia and maria stoodeth still.

“what hath happened?
“slaves and mast'rs consume at the table”

i am did confuse because i knoweth not wherefore maria is valorous.

“place maria sofia on the chair as lief as possible”

i reluctantly alloweth the two people on the table knoweth mine own wishes.

“sofia eke wanteth to heareth maria.
i hath grown up in an environment without slaves. So i knoweth not the meaning of the diff'rence, because t is especially a slave. So t seemeth to has't becometh mine own bond and becometh mine own slave if ‘t be true i adapteth to mine own approach.
aye, this st'ry is anon ov'r. I shall consume. ”

i knoweth not if ‘t be true thee believeth t, but somehow i end'd up eating these three.
i wenteth to the studio of sofia and maria and hath walked out of the building into the studio.

“what art thee not restful of anon?”

i pick'd up the sleeves of mine own s.h.i.+rt and putteth the bodkin on myself.

“tell me!” “hill”

healeth immediately.
removeth the turf from the boxeth and gently pusheth t into the that from which we speak.


i did turn and alt'rnat'd. Obviously, the goal is to improveth the lighteth attribute charm arts.
if ‘t be true the art leveleth increases, the art leveleth is sore to improveth by using t ambiguously. So i healeth the real did wind, deciph'r the poison and crisp the cubiculo. Repeateth t again.

in fact, using m're advanc'd lighteth attribute charm can improveth art levels m're effectively, but the larg'r gendarm'rie doest not.

yond timeth is up.

“oh, i just cameth. ”
at which hour i did get home, maria wast preparing dinn'r.

“oh, mast'r, we can prepareth dinn'r anon. ”
“thank thee”

i consumed three dinn'rs and tooketh sofia to the cubiculo.

“what hath happened, mast'r?”
“well, this is valorous because t is v'ry valorous”

putteth sophia on the sleep chamber.
concentrateth and buildeth procedures.

“extra mountain”

this changeth suddenly shroud'd sofia's corse.


sophia's right handeth beganeth to playeth backeth the ear, the forks regen'rat'd apace, and sophia's hands and feet ceased playing immediately.
mary hath opened h'r that from which we speak in hoyday.

“go with!.

sophia beganeth to caterwauling f'r yond beauty, thus dist'rting h'r visage.

“well ~ i am tired~”
“is this thy mast'r, mast'r?”

maria is talking about tong qin.
finally, t tooketh sofia a dram timeth to recov'r.
the lady smirk'd and wash'd h'r visage, and sophia putteth h'r hams in front of me.

“i am loyal to mine own mast'r, loyal to mine own mast'r”
“sofia, holding thy headeth.
i eke did treat sofia's corse because of me. So grabeth thy headeth sophia”
“this is a valorous sofia”

future w'rk shall beest hath carried out tom'rrow and shall beest did hold the present day in sofia. The pow'r of sofia hast nev'r recov'red, but the lady hast been unable to moveth f'r a longeth timeth.

“good night, sofia.
goodnight maria”
“good night, mast'r. “”

changeth not thy t.i.tle.
nay, i am not thy mast'r, maid cafe

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Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist? Chapter 26 summary

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