Roses For Sophie Part 20

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I see your point, but I'm worried about your reputation if this gets leaked. How about calling a board meeting for later in the week and that way at least if anyone questions what you were going to do about this, you can advise them that you were planning to tell the board at that meeting.'

Oh, Logan, I love...' She stopped abruptly. I love that idea. That's great.'

Logan's breath caught. Had she been about to say that she loved him? Why, when he didn't believe in love, had he known an acute stab of disappointment when that word you' hadn't been forthcoming?

Before he could say anything, Logan's mobile phone rang. Inwardly cursing, he reached over to the bedside table for it and saw a number on the screen he didn't recognise. The phone had been turned off all night because he'd decided his wedding night wasn't going to be interrupted by anyone. It was only minutes ago that he'd switched it back on. He was tempted to ignore it, but as easy as it was in theory to delegate the responsibilities of his business to others, it was much harder in reality.

Reluctantly he put it to his ear. Jackson.'

Mr Jackson, I'm Serena Bayley from the Department of Children's Services.'

Logan's body tensed. What can I do for you?'

Sophie shot him a quizzical look and s.h.i.+fted so she was sitting up fully.

I'm Charlotte Mannering's case worker, and I understand you're applying for custody.'

That's right.'

Charlotte is okay, apart from dehydration, but she was reported missing early last night. Her grandmother rang police and said she'd been abducted but it turns out that she actually ran away from her grandmother.'

A chill seized his heart as he sat straighter. Only yesterday Rigby had spoken to him about security. For a few seconds nothing else registered as he thought the worst. You said she's okay?'

Beside him, Sophie put her hand on his arm and shot him a worried look of enquiry.

She's unharmed. The police found her a short time ago, and took her to Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital for a check-up. I have tried phoning you through the night.'

Logan closed his eyes, his fingers gripping the phone tighter. My phone was off. You said she ran away?'

Yes. Mrs Winston lied about the kidnapping. Charlotte told us that her grandmother had gone into a club at lunchtime yesterday afternoon to play the poker machines, and had left Charlotte locked in the car. When it started getting dark and Mrs Winston hadn't returned, Charlotte got hungry and decided to run away.'

Logan swore.

Obviously Charlotte won't be going back to her grandmother,' the caseworker stated emphatically. Rather than putting her in foster care while you await the court case for your custody application, I've recommended she be placed in your care immediately. If it's convenient for you to have her, I'll have a court order granting you temporary custody within the hour.'

Of course I'll have her.' This was it. Scott's little girl would finally be under his protection, just as he had promised his friend she would be. She'd never be neglected by her grandmother again. A sudden unfamiliar p.r.i.c.kle of nerves shot through him as he hoped he'd do a good job.

How soon can you get here?' the caseworker asked.

I'm in the Hunter Valley. It'll take me about two hours.'

I'll wait with her until you arrive.'

Thank you.'

What's happened?' Sophie asked him the second he ended the call.

He relayed the news to her as calmly as he could, even though he was boiling with anger at the way Kathleen's mother had left Charlotte in a car. Sophie was similarly outraged.

We've got to get to her straight away,' she said. She hurried out of bed and was in the process of reaching for her clothing when she stilled. If the case worker's recommending that you have temporary custody rather than placing Charlotte in foster care, that probably means you would've won your custody case without being married.' Her expression was one of dazed horror. Logan, you didn't need to marry me at all.'

Her need for rea.s.surance was palpable. Inwardly he cursed that Sophie, who was so confident in so many ways, was so unsure of her own worth because of how she'd been treated by an absolute louse.

Reaching out, he took her hand. Maybe you're right, maybe not. It doesn't matter. I'm glad we're married, Sophie.'

The slight furrow between her brows was sign enough that she wasn't sure whether or not she believed him.

I don't regret for a second that you're my wife.'


What I said still goes; we're going to make each other happy, sweetheart.' He kissed each of her hands then pulled her closer so he could rea.s.sure her with a deep kiss. When he felt all the tension seep out of her, he said, I can't allay a feeling of apprehension as to whether my best efforts at parenting Charlotte will be completely what she needs.'

Sophie placed her hands on his shoulders and gave him a sympathetic smile. You love her so much already, you'll be great.'

No way I'd put her in anyone else's care, but that doesn't mean I'm completely confident about the situation and how well I'll handle it now that push has come to shove. I don't want to botch it.'

You won't botch it.' She gave him a sunny smile. I won't let you. If you're still happy we're married then I meant it when I said before that we're in this together.'

Oh man, that was good to know. Negotiator of multi-million dollar deals, tough campaigner for human rights, and not afraid to take on militia groups he may be, but the responsibility he faced for the future of a five-year-old girl was way outside his comfort zone.

I'll get dressed straight away.' Sophie brushed her lips against his and when she would've pulled away, he pulled her back down to the bed and enfolded her in a hug full of thanks.

I'm the luckiest man alive,' he told her, and meant it.

Although she smiled, he couldn't help but feel she was disappointed - pleased with his response, but the shadow that flitted over her features hinted that she wanted more. He hoped she didn't want more than he was capable of giving her.

Chapter 17.

Hey, Scamp.' Logan tried hard to keep the relief from his voice as he strode straight into the hospital room to give Charlotte a hug. For the hundredth time since hearing of Charlotte's plight, he cursed Thea Winston because his little G.o.ddaughter looked frail, and had dark shadows underneath her eyes.

Uncle Logan! I've been praying you'd come.' There was an instant brightness in the blue eyes that reaffirmed to him that she needed him, and that he was doing the right thing applying for custody. Mummy and Daddy always promised me you'd look after me.'

He held her tight. I'm here now, Charlotte.'

Someone's awfully glad to see you.'

He turned his head to see a young woman getting up out of a chair. You must be Serena?' He s.h.i.+fted Charlotte slightly so he could extend his hand to the case-worker.

How do you do, Mr Jackson.'

Please call me Logan. This is my wife, Sophie.' It was the first time he'd introduced Sophie as his wife. Had his chest actually puffed out with pride when he'd said the words my wife? He pushed the thought aside.

You married Uncle Logan?' Charlotte's eyes were wide as she looked at Sophie.

I certainly did.' Smiling, Sophie placed one hand on Charlotte's shoulder and greeted the caseworker formally with the other. Hi Serena. Thank you so much for letting us know about Charlotte. We're both so grateful you rang.'

Serena frowned at Logan. I didn't realise you were married.'

We were married last night,' he supplied.

I know you, Sophie.' Charlotte's voice was all excitement. You were at a party once, talking to Mummy.'

I remember. You were wearing a beautiful blue dress and you showed me your special Cinderella locket.'

You told me I looked just like Cinderella with my blonde hair and I told you that we could dress you up in a mermaid's tail and you'd make a good Arial with your red hair.'

Sophie, a mermaid? Over the top of Charlotte's head, he caught his wife's eye and gave her a wicked grin. That I would love to see.' The blush that spread up her neck and into her cheeks was an instant reward.

Do you remember my mummy had made my hair look just the same as Cinderella's hair from the movie?' Charlotte continued with genuine effervescence.

And you're still a beautiful princess,' Logan broke in. Are you feeling okay?'

I was very, very thirsty and I had a really bad headache. See?' She pointed to the drip. They put this needle in my arm and that stuff in the bag is making me better. Just like magic.'

Logan kissed her forehead. He'd talk to her later about what she'd faced and make certain she knew she must never run away again. Hopefully she'd be so happy with them she'd never feel the need. Anger pulsed through his veins when he thought of what Thea Winston had done, and he had to make a conscious effort to relax and banish the tension that was creeping along his shoulders.

Are you going to take me home and look after me, Uncle Logan?'

Yes.' He ruffled her fringe gently with his fingertips. Sophie and I are both going to look after you, and there's another lady called s.h.i.+rley who'll also live with us, and she'll take care of you whenever we have to go to work.'

I don't want to go back to that lady who says she's my mummy's mother. She's mean to me. I don't think she's my grandmother at all. I think she's a wicked witch in disguise. I bet she's got a house made of lollies somewhere and she's going to try to trick me into going there so she can eat me.'

Logan would've laughed at the gingerbread house a.n.a.logy if he hadn't been so horrified at what Charlotte had been through. He hoped the caseworker was taking notes. Charlotte's grandmother's actions would surely mean that she was never granted custody again. Still, that didn't mean he was guaranteed to be able to look after his G.o.ddaughter permanently. This was temporary custody, and it was still up to him to prove himself a worthy guardian. There was still a court case to win.

The paperwork's all done,' Serena said cheerily from behind them. I just need you to sign a couple of places, the drip has to be taken down from Charlotte's arm and then the doctor's given Charlotte clearance to be discharged.'

Yippee!' Charlotte clapped her hands.

Will she be okay to travel with us to the Hunter Valley?' Logan asked.

He and Sophie had spoken on the trip down about returning to Rigby's with Charlotte for the rest of the day, if the little girl was up to it. That would give the nanny he'd employed time to get settled into his home in Point Piper.

I spoke to the doctor about that,' Serena said. He said there's no problem at all. Just keep her fluid intake as high as possible in the next twenty-four hours.'

We will,' Sophie promised.

Twenty minutes later, they were back in the more suitable family' car they'd borrowed from Rigby, and heading up the freeway with Charlotte strapped in the back in a special children's booster seat that Serena had arranged. It wasn't long before the little girl was sleeping peacefully.

He looked across at Sophie and smiled because she seemed to be fixated upon his hands.

Are you okay, darling?' he asked.

I certainly am. I'm still trying to get used to the idea that we're married.'

For better or worse, you're now officially stuck with me.'

She smiled. I'm looking at your strong, capable grip on the steering wheel and thinking how safe I feel in your hands. You're here at the wheel, driving me along both physically and metaphorically, and apart from Rigby's influence I've always tried to make my own way as much as possible. Now, a day into our married life and instinct tells me we'll travel together as well through life as we're journeying along this freeway.' The laugh she gave was self-conscious. That was pretty deep and poetic, wasn't it?'

He smiled in return. I promise I won't steer our path in life without consulting you.'

I can't think of anyone else whose hands I'd rather be in.' A dimple appeared in each of her cheeks and he realised her words held a double entendre.

Why don't you put the seat back and close your eyes so you're rested when we arrive?' Logan suggested.

Good idea. If I start giving little sighs of pleasure, you'll know exactly where my dreams have taken me!'

Chapter 18.

Logan was aware of Sophie with every fibre of his being as she reclined the seat and s.h.i.+fted a little to get comfortable.

This whole situation felt right. Driving with Sophie in the seat next to him, Charlotte strapped into her booster seat behind him...Not so long ago he would have been appalled at the domesticity of it all. Now, being in this position of trust, this position of personal responsibility for Charlotte sat well with him. He'd never fill the gap caused by Scott's death, but he'd make sure he did the best he could. Looking after a little girl wasn't completely new to him. Whenever he'd been home from boarding school he'd done his best to brighten Melissa's life, to s.h.i.+eld her from the procession of stepmothers that came and went through the Jackson household, and to provide the love that their father had never shown either of them.

Casting another quick sideways glance at Sophie, Logan took a deep, satisfied breath. The vow he'd made never to let a woman into his heart was fast losing its conviction.

His mobile phone began to ring. There was an off-road rest area just ahead, and Logan pulled off the freeway to take the call rather than using the blue-tooth function that may disturb his sleeping female pa.s.sengers.

Sophie stirred, gave him a smile, and shut her eyes again as he took the call.


Logan, it's Daphne. Rigby's being flown by emergency helicopter to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle.' He could hear the panic in her voice over the chop of rotor blades in the background. I'm with him, but I can't reach Felix. He left for Sydney and he's not answering his phone.'

What happened?'

He has severe abdominal pain.' She began to sob.

Sit tight and let Rigby know we're on our way.'

I'll...' Her voice broke. I'll see you soon.'


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Roses For Sophie Part 20 summary

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