With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 17

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"Did you feel any pressure from the Green Bay defensive line tonight?"

I frown down at the idiot and want to ask him if he's ever watched football. Jesus, where did they find this a.s.shole? "I feel pressure from every defensive line."

"Are you ready for Miami next week?"

"I think so. We're training hard, watching a lot of tape. We'll be as ready as we can be next Sunday."

"You've been seen around town with an auburn-haired woman. Is she your girlfriend?"

f.u.c.k. Please, babe, don't be watching this. My stomach clenches and I'm glad I'm already sweaty from the game so no one can see the fresh sheen that's just broken out on my face.

I offer him my lazy, grin. "Dude, does she look like someone that I would date?" I laugh down at him, like that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Yes, she's my girlfriend! She's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I plan to be buried deep inside her sweet body as soon as possible. "She's a friend of the family. I don't have room in my life for a woman right now. Football is my priority."

"Good luck next week, man."

I nod at him, and he turns away from me, on to the next guy to interview.

f.u.c.k. If Meg saw that interview, I'm so screwed. She's already got issues with my arrogant public persona, and this will be the nail in the coffin of our relations.h.i.+p if she sees it.

And that is not possible.

She's mine, G.o.dd.a.m.n it.

I quickly shower and get my s.h.i.+t together, ready to be out of here so I can meet up with my brothers up in the suite, then go meet up with our girls for a night out.

I need to see Megan.

"You wanted to see me?"

Mike, a former Army Ranger and current Seattle cop, is standing behind me.

"Yeah, man. Someone left this in my locker. I found it when I got in after the game." I hand him the f.u.c.ked up note and scowl. "How the f.u.c.k did someone get in here?"

Mike frowns as he reads the note and then swears under his breath. "I don't know. She probably flashed someone her t.i.ts. I'll check the security cameras and we'll find her. Don't worry about it."

I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest. I know Mike is good, he's been with us forever, and no one f.u.c.ks with him. But some of the other guys come and go.

"I want whoever let her in here fired."

"Without question."

"And if one hair on Meg's head is touched..."

"It won't be. This is just some stupid girl with a crush, Montgomery. I'll handle it."

I nod once and turn my back, dismissing him.

The guys, Isaac, Luke, Nate, Matt and Caleb, are in the suite, still eating the spread of food laid out and drinking beer. I grab some chips and stuff my face. f.u.c.k, I'm hungry.

"Good game, bro," Isaac salutes me with his beer and I nod back at him.

"Yeah, we kicked some a.s.s. Felt good. Ready to go get the girls?" I ask and grab another handful of chips.

"Stacy stayed home tonight. She's just uncomfortable, so I'm going to head home and rub her feet and put Soph to bed." Isaac pulls out his keys and waves at us, then heads out.

"Okay, let's go get the girls and take them out for dinner." Nate leads us all down to the private parking garage. "But I'll just tell you all right now, we'll be leaving early. I've got plans for her tonight." He grins and all of us stop and frown at him. Luke laughs.

"Just because you put a ring on her finger doesn't mean we won't kill you, McKenna," Caleb warns him. I suppress a laugh. Nate may be smaller than us, but he could take any one of us. Not all at once, but in a one-on-one fight, I'd put my money on Nate.

"You kill me, Julianne kills you. I know you're afraid of her."

"I'm not afraid of my kid sister," Matt mutters, earning a sidelong look from Luke. "Okay, I'm afraid of her. She doesn't fight fair."

"That's my girl," Nate announces proudly. I like him. He's good for my sister.

Now I need to get my hands on my girl and make sure she didn't hear what an a.s.shole I was on TV tonight.

"You are such an a.s.shole!"

Jules storms at me across the parking lot of the restaurant we arranged to meet at earlier. She pushes me hard in the chest, knocking me back a step. Matt's right, she doesn't fight fair.


"You know," she interrupts me. "I know that you can be an arrogant a.s.s at times, but what you said on f.u.c.king live television tonight takes the cake. Who the f.u.c.k do you think you are to hurt someone like that?"


She takes a step back and her eyes widen a bit. The guys are all standing around, watching us. Natalie's hands are planted on her hips, and she's glaring at me too. Brynna stands next to Caleb, links her arm through his, and I frown.

What the f.u.c.k is that about?

"Seriously, Will, what the h.e.l.l were you thinking?" Natalie asks.

"Where is she?"

"Not here." Jules raises her chin stubbornly. I turn to Natalie.

"Where is she, Nat?"

"I believe she went home. Why in the name of G.o.d would she be here, Will? You announced to the world that she's no one you would dare date. She's no one to you, remember?"

"f.u.c.k, man, what the h.e.l.l did you say?" Luke asks and I wince.

"You guys didn't see it?" Jules asks, her eyes still narrowed menacingly and on me. Part of me wants to cover my d.i.c.k with my hands, but the man in me won't stoop to that.

"No, we didn't see any post-game interviews," Matt adds.

"Well, let me fill you in. When asked who the pretty girl is that he's been seen with recently, our stupid-as-f.u.c.k brother responded with, and I quote, 'Does she look like someone I would date? I don't have room in my life for a woman. I'm a selfish douchebag with a small d.i.c.k."

"I did not say that last part!"

"f.u.c.k, man, why didn't you just say no comment?" Luke asks, looking at me like I'm a moron. And I am.

Why didn't I?

"Because less than thirty seconds before that a.s.shole pushed the mic in my face, I found a note in my locker from some f.u.c.ked-up fan saying that if I don't stop seeing Meg she'll hurt her. I didn't have time to talk to security, or think it through. I had to play it off like I don't have a girlfriend because if anyone ever hurts Meg, I'll f.u.c.king kill them, and I can't go to prison."

Jules frowns at me, and my brothers both narrow their eyes menacingly.

"Does she have security at her house?" Caleb asks, his voice low and p.i.s.sed.

"Yeah, I had it installed last week, thank G.o.d."

"Did you give the note to Mike?" Matt asks and pulls out his cell, dialing while he talks.

"Yes, he said he'll take care of it." I pace back and forth behind my car, and then move quickly to the driver's side. "I'm going to her place. I'll see you guys later."

"Will, she was pretty p.i.s.sed off. You might want to give her a couple days to cool down." Nat's big green eyes are worried, but I offer her a half smile.

"I have to apologize and grovel a bit. Hopefully she'll understand when I explain."

"They caught the girl," Matt announces as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. "Some nineteen year old college student who offered one of the security guys a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b if they'd let her in. She's been arrested."

"Thanks, man. Go have dinner, all of you. I'll text you tomorrow."

What the f.u.c.k did I do? I drive like a bat out of h.e.l.l to Meg's place. I need to see her. I need to hold her and rea.s.sure her that everything I said in that G.o.dd.a.m.n interview was a lie.

I can't lose her.

I pull up to her house, slam the car door and stalk up to the front porch. I ring the bell.

No answer.

The lights are on. I can hear music coming from inside, but it's not so loud that she wouldn't be able to hear the doorbell.

I ring again.

No answer.

I try the k.n.o.b on the door, and much to my surprise, it's unlocked. She didn't set the alarm or lock herself inside like I asked her to.

G.o.dd.a.m.n stubborn woman!

"Meg?" I call out and let myself in. There's no sign of her in the living area or her cute kitchen. I make my way upstairs, calling out for her as I go.

"Meg? Where are you, babe?"

I can hear the shower running in her master bathroom, so I let myself in. "Meg?"

"Ack!" She yelps in surprise and I can't help but laugh.

"It's just me."

"You scared the s.h.i.+t out of me!" She turns off the water, whips back the shower curtain and at the sight of her soft, wet body my mouth goes dry.

f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, she's beautiful.

She's all soft, white skin, rosy pink nipples, soft curves. That hair of hers is some weird mixture of red and brown and blonde, and her hazel eyes undo me.

Of course, right now they're shooting daggers into me.

"I'm sorry, but you left your front door unlocked and you didn't set the alarm like I asked you to."

She shrugs and reaches for a big bath towel and wraps it around herself, covering her body from my view. I want to rip it off her and take her right here against the bathroom wall, but I don't think I'd be welcome at the moment.

"It's not any of your business if I set the alarm, Will." She stalks past me into the master bedroom and starts looking through her dresser for clothes.

"Of course it is. I need to know that you're safe."

"I'm safe."

"You're safer when you turn on the alarm."

She just shrugs again, as if it's no big deal, and pulls on a tank top and yoga pants. Jesus, even in yoga pants her a.s.s makes me hard.

"Look, you made it quite clear tonight that the only thing you give a rats a.s.s about is football. So stop it with the crazy I-want-you-safe-bulls.h.i.+t and leave. I don't want you here."

My stomach flips and my heart makes a beeline straight for my throat.

"Meg," I reach out for her but she pulls back out of my reach, and panic sets in. "Meg, let me explain."

"No need." She shakes her head and moves past me and down the stairs to the kitchen. "I think I get it. You said what you needed to say to get through the three dates so I'd f.u.c.k you, and I was stupid enough to believe you. I won't make the same mistake twice."

"No." I grip her shoulders in my hands and turn her toward me and make her look up at me. G.o.d, she's such a tiny little thing. "No, Megan. I told you before, I've never f.u.c.ked you. Every time I've been inside you has been the best d.a.m.n moment of my life."

"You announced on television that I'm n.o.body." Her hazel eyes are hurt and sad, and I feel like such a f.u.c.king a.s.shole. "Will, I won't be your dirty little secret. I'm not someone you get to hang out with, take around your family, sleep with, but you deny my existence to the press. If you're ashamed of me, you shouldn't be with me. I'm pretty ashamed of you right now."

I swallow hard and clench my eyes closed, and then stare down at her. How did she become my whole world in such a short amount of time? My G.o.d, I'd do anything for her.

Even lose her.

"Megan, someone threatened you tonight." Her eyes widen, and I see I've got her attention. "I found a note in my locker from a stalker fan. She said that she'd seen us together, and if I didn't stop seeing you, she'd hurt you. Then the next thing I know that a.s.shat is pus.h.i.+ng a mic in my face asking me about you. I couldn't tell the truth and risk your safety."

She frowns in confusion, and her eyes are still hurt, and it's killing me.

"Babe, I'm so sorry that you got hurt. I don't ever want to hurt you. But I panicked, and I didn't know what else to do."

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With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 17 summary

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