With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 33

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"Something's wrong." I stand and cross to him. He leans his a.s.s against the countertop and I lean against him, wrapping my arms around his waist, looking up into his handsome face. He frowns and tightens his lips.

"I was hoping to spend the day with you today. I was gone for three days, and I missed you."

I raise myself on tip-toe and kiss his lips softly, pulling on his lower lip with my teeth. "I missed you too, football star."

His hands slide from my thighs over my a.s.s, under his jersey and up my back. "You feel so good."

I raise my arms and he pulls the jersey over my head and throws it on the floor. I pull the hem of his s.h.i.+rt up and he helps me pull it over his head, and I can't help but step back and take in the muscled perfection before me. G.o.d, all that hard work pays off.

"You are so f.u.c.king hot," I whisper, my eyes roaming over his torso. I pull at the b.u.t.tons on his jeans and strip him out of those too, and run my fingernails up his legs to his hips, and trace the V there.

"You make me crazy," he murmurs as I take his erection in my hand and smile sweetly up at him.

"I do?"

"You know you do."

"I know you make me crazy." I kneel and trace the rim of the tip of his c.o.c.k with my tongue and smile when he sucks air in through his teeth. "I know I love your hard body."

I sink down onto him and grip his c.o.c.k tightly with my lips and pull up, all the way over the tip and watch a little bead of moisture form there. I lick it off and then sink over him again. He weaves his fingers in my hair, but doesn't try to control my movements. He just needs to touch me.

"I love watching your little pink mouth on my d.i.c.k, babe."

I moan and pull up, jacking him as I do, and cup his b.a.l.l.s with my other hand. Before I can do anything more, he grips my shoulders and pulls me to my feet, and kisses me, deeply. His tongue dancing with mine, he pulls his shorts off me and lifts me onto the countertop.

"I remember being up here last night."

He grins at me and kisses my neck and down to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, holding onto my a.s.s. He pays extra attention to each nipple, licking and pulling at them with his teeth, and one hand finds its way between my thighs.

"G.o.d, Will." I moan. He smiles against my breast and finds my center.

"f.u.c.k, you're wet."

"You're s.e.xy as h.e.l.l, Will." I lean back on my elbows and watch him kiss his way down my flat stomach, his fingers are ma.s.saging my folds.

"Watch, Meg." He looks up and pins me with his hot, blue stare, and then down at his fingers, playing me like a musical instrument.

I sigh deeply and moan. "G.o.d, that feels good."

He sinks two fingers inside me and moves them, oh so slowly, in and out, stretching me just a little at a time.


"Yes, sweetheart." He leans down and sucks on a nipple, pulling it in his lips and I gasp.

"Need you, babe."


"Inside me."

He grins up at me, then watches his fingers again, and pushes his thumb against my metal, pus.h.i.+ng me over the edge.

"Ah, s.h.i.+t!"

"Let go, honey."

And I do. Holy s.h.i.+t, the o.r.g.a.s.m works through me and I pulse and shudder against Will's hand.

Suddenly, he pulls me off the counter top, spins me around so I'm leaning against the granite, warmed from my body heat, pulls my hips back and pushes himself inside me.

"Oh G.o.d," he growls. "You're so f.u.c.king tight."

He eases all the way in and then starts to really move, pumping in and out of me, gripping my hips and a.s.s in his huge hands until I think he'll bruise me.

It feels fan-f.u.c.king-tastic.

"Spank me," I tell him, looking over my shoulder to see his reaction. His eyes widen and then narrow.

"You want it rough?"

"Why not?" I ask him.

He gives me a naughty grin and smacks my a.s.s, softly at first, and grips my hair in his fist, pus.h.i.+ng my face down to the smooth countertop.

"Is this okay?" he asks softly.

"f.u.c.k, yes."

He smacks me again, harder this time, and I groan, loud.


He complies, just a little harder, and I feel the blood rush to my a.s.s. His grip on my hair tightens and he pulls back, bringing me up so he can kiss my neck, biting and sucking it hard as he slams into me, over and over, harder and harder.

I grip the edge of the counter and push back against him, feeling the rush building in me once more.

"I'm gonna come."

"Not until I tell you to," He growls, and my brows climb into my hairline. Holy s.h.i.+t.

That's f.u.c.king hot.

"Please?" I ask.

"Not yet." He spanks me once more, then pulls out, spins me around, and lifts me, sliding easily back inside me and pins me against the fridge. There's sweat on his forehead, his eyes are glacial and narrowed, and he's panting as though he just ran seventy-five yards for a touchdown.

"I love this," he growls and kisses me deeply, pus.h.i.+ng harder and harder inside me.

"Will, I have to come."



"Almost, d.a.m.n it." His hands on my a.s.s tighten and I squeeze around him like a vice, my hands pulling on his hair. "Now!"

We both explode, our bodies shuddering and shaking with the force of our climax. Will leans his forehead against my shoulder, his whole body shaking.

"Hey," I murmur, caressing his back gently. "Will."

He pulls back, his eyes wide. "Are you okay?"

"Oh honey," I grin. "I'm more than okay."

His whole body sags in relief. "Thank G.o.d."

He pulls out of me and sets me on my feet. "I want to carry you upstairs, but I don't have any strength. You just decimated me."

"Really?" Why this makes me so proud, I don't know, but I'm preening.

"Oh yeah. Come on, let's clean up."

Before leading me out of the room and up the stairs, he leans down and kisses me softly, longingly. Beautifully. "You are mine, Megan McBride. Don't ever forget that."

Chapter Twenty-Two.

"Seriously, guys, this is just way too much." I gaze down at the red Louboutin stilettos with l.u.s.t-filled eyes.

"Honestly, we wanted to do this for you today." I look up at my three friends and giggle. I don't remember the last time I giggled over shoes.

Maybe that's a problem.

Because, holy c.r.a.p, these are just to-die for, and are perfect for the dress Jules is lending me.

The dress that I'm going to beg her to will to me when she dies because it fits me like a glove and I want to wear it every single day.

And now I want to wear these shoes every single day too.

"But you already got me the gorgeous underwear and took me to the spa, and really, guys this is just crazy. Who lives like this?"

Samantha smirks and smooths lip gloss on her plump lips, her blue eyes smiling. "We do."

"Meg, you were born for these shoes," Nat sighs. "They're perfect for the dress."

We are in my bedroom, and they're helping me get dressed. Jules has spent over an hour teasing and curling and fussing with my hair to make it look, well, hot. It's all up, but it doesn't look stuffy or serious.

It's fun.

"I don't know how I can ever repay you guys for all of this."

"Oh please," Nat waves me off and chuckles. "There is no need to repay us. We love you."

"Well, there is one thing you could do," Jules murmurs and bites her lip, her blue eyes wide.

"What?" I ask.

"Sing at my reception."

"Jules..." I shake my head and prop my hands on my hips.

"Just listen," she pleads and grabs my hand, holding on tightly. "Meg, I love your voice. I always have, and you know that. I was always your biggest fan."

"Hey!" Nat protests, and I grin at her.

"Jules, I haven't sang in front of an audience in years."

"It's not like you've forgotten how, sweetie. You don't have stage fright. You will kick a.s.s. Just one song, please?"

I bite my lip and look over to Natalie and Samantha who are both smiling at me.

"Who did you hire to play at the reception?" I ask.

"I don't know, Luke took care of it."

"Luke?" I ask, my eyebrow raised.

"Luke knows everybody," Nat rolls her eyes. "I'm not sure who he got, but he wanted it to be our gift to Jules and Nate."

"So it'll probably be someone famous. Not a local band."

Jules shrugs. "Probably just some up and comer band. But Luke knows the kind of music we like, so I'm sure they'll be great. But you don't have to sing with them. You can borrow a guitar and do just one song. I'd love for you to play the song for our first dance. Please, it can be your gift to me."

Her eyes are pleading me. How can I possibly say no?

"What song?" I ask with a sigh and she smiles widely, her beautiful face beaming, and I can't help but smile back as she hugs me tight.

"I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz."

"I actually know that one," I grin at her and then Sam and Nat. "I guess I'd better start practicing."

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With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 33 summary

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