Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 21

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"What the f.u.c.k?" I frowned, meeting Moody's eyes.

"Don't ask," Moody grumbled, wincing as he pulled his bike forward.

"Lenny said you were wounded."

"I should have been clearer. His pride's been wounded." I glanced back and forth between him and Moody, my gaze coming to rest on my VP for an explanation. He shrugged and said with a smile, "A couple of their b.i.t.c.hes got involved when their men started running and Moody kind of took a hit of buckshot in the a.s.s."

I glanced at Moody, who seemed to be ignoring the whole exchange. As he brought his leg over his seat his expression revealed how much pain he was in. Once he sat down the pain was coupled with a low groan and a few 'f.u.c.ks.'

"f.u.c.k, that sucks," I said to no one in particular. I turned and mounted my own bike. "Let's get the f.u.c.k out of here."

I wanted to get back to Kat as fast as I could.

Chapter 22.

Kat I lay my head back against the edge of the tub and closed my eyes. My abused body needed this, and the hot soak was doing its magic. Once I'd arrived at Stone's clubhouse, I'd been brought to a nice room with an adjoining bath, and brought some clean clothes. I didn't have to be told to strip down and get a bath; I couldn't wait to wash Chicken away, and the tattooed man. I wanted to forget the whole d.a.m.ned day, and scrubbing it away seemed a good way to accomplish that.

Someone knocked on the bathroom door. I knew it wasn't Lynch because he would have just barged in. I gathered the bubbles around me to make sure that nothing was showing before telling whoever was out there to come in.

It was Rachel. She'd taken one look at me when I'd arrived and taken control, as none of the other women present had stepped forward. Though she was dressed like them I got the impression that she wasn't with them. Maybe Stone had called her. Anyway, she'd been kind and sympathetic to my needs.

"You already look better," she said with a smile. "I brought you a first aid kit and left you something to eat and drink in the other room."

"Thank you for everything that you've done, Rachel." She was a beautiful woman, about my age, I guessed. I couldn't help wondering what she was to the club. Was she Stone's old lady? I'd seen the way they looked at one another when we'd first arrived.

"I also wanted to let you know that Ginger will be in to take a look at you when you're ready. She's a nurse and a friend of the club."

"I don't think that's necessary, this hot soak has taken care of a lot of issues."

Rachel laughed. "Well, that's up to you, I'm just the messenger."

"Are you Stone's old lady?" The words slipped out before I could stop them. The smile Rachel turned my way seemed lacking in sincerity. The corners of her mouth were turned up, but it didn't disguise the sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's okay. I, it's complicated. Is there anything else I can get you?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

After Rachel left I sighed and went back to what I'd been doing, staying that way until the water cooled. I pulled the plug reluctantly and got up; reaching for the towel Rachel had left earlier. It was a body towel, so I just wrapped it around me and went to stand in front of the mirror.

Okay, maybe I did feel better, but I didn't look any better. My face was bruised and slightly swollen on one side, and I had a black eye. My eye was almost swollen shut, but I could still see out of it. Stepping closer to the mirror, I examined the cut on my cheek. I would probably have a tiny scar, but I could live with that. The bruises around my neck would disappear and my lip would heal.

Lynch's appearance behind me in the mirror drew my attention to him. "You look like s.h.i.+t, babe, seriously."

I just stared at him for a moment, at his serious expression, and then burst out laughing. Another man would have said the opposite just to make me feel better, but not Lynch. He said it how it was. The slow smile forming on his face told me that he knew what I was thinking, too. He walked further into the room, coming to stand directly in front of me.

His hand was gentle beneath my chin as he forced my face to tilt. I could feel his gaze on me, not missing anything. I felt the burning sting of moisture fill my eyes. "You could look like a f.u.c.kin' child of Freddie Krueger and I'd still want you."

An unexpected chuckle escaped me as a single hot tear rolled down my cheek. It was not because my face was a little messed up, f.u.c.k, in time that would heal. No, it was because that was saying a lot for Lynch, telling me how deep his feelings were for me without having to admit anything that made him look too soft or vulnerable. If all Lynch could do was show me how he felt, that was good enough for me.

"Let me check the rest of you out, since you've refused to see Ginger."

I opened my mouth, quick to defend myself. "I said I didn't think it was necessary. The hot bath really did take care of a lot of the aches and soreness I had. I know nothing is broken, and"

"Relax, babe, and take a breath," he smiled, slowly unwrapping the plush towel from around me. "I just need to see for myself." The towel fell as his eyes lifted to mine. "Okay?"

I nodded. I would probably do the same thing to him if the situation were reversed. I stood there while he made a slow trip around me, knowing that he wasn't going to find much. My face had taken the worst of it. By the time Lynch came full circle his expression had hardened considerably. The anger in his eyes made them appear almost black.

"f.u.c.kin' pig, I'd like to kill him all over again." He touched a spot on the outside of my leg that caused me to pull away. "How did this happen?"

I glanced down to see what he was talking about. I'd forgotten all about cutting myself with the blade. "I did that." I could see in his eyes that he wanted more of an explanation. "When I was being strangled there was a time when I felt myself going under, and I knew if that happened I'd never wake up again. So I cut myself in order to feel something, anything that might take my mind off the hands around my throat, and help me stay alert."

"Christ, babe." He slipped his fingers into the hair at the back of my head and pulled me into his chest. "That was f.u.c.kin' smart, and just might have saved your life."

"It certainly took my mind off not being able to breathe for a second," I admitted, smiling against him. "I wouldn't want to test it again."

"I'm f.u.c.kin' proud of you, Kat."

"For killing a man?"

"For a lot of things, babe, mainly for not falling apart when most women would have. You did what you had to do to survive, and you trusted me to come get you. I'm making you my old lady, babe."

"Because you're proud of me?"

"f.u.c.k, no. Because I love your t.i.ts and a.s.s."

Was he kidding me? I pulled back to look up into his eyes. He was and he wasn't. It was hard to tell until I saw the smile in his eyes. I pushed him away. I was beginning to feel self-conscious, standing there completely naked while he was fully dressed.

"Go eat and let me get a shower." He slapped me lightly on the rump. "And don't get dressed."

I glared at him. "You think I'm in any condition for what you have in mind?"

That slow, s.e.xy-as-sin grin went straight to my core. "You have no f.u.c.kin' idea what I have in mind."

While Lynch stripped and showered I wolfed down the ham and cheese sandwich Rachel had left for me. I was so hungry that I could have probably eaten two but I wasn't about to ask and make a pig out of myself. The apple and gla.s.s of iced tea topped it off.

I sat back on the bed when I was done, pulling the sheet up to cover my nakedness, and listened to Lynch finish up in the bathroom. When he immerged he was naked, glistening, and made me hungry all over again. His c.o.c.k was semi-hard, as it seemed to always be in that state. I felt my p.u.s.s.y clench, like it would do if he were inside me. His knowing expression told me that he was hungry, too.

"Feel better?" he asked, his gaze s.h.i.+fting to my empty plate and then back to me.

"Much better."

He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked toward the bed. "Uncover and lay down on your front side," he ordered. "I'm going to make you feel good."

No doubt, I smiled to myself, doing as he said. I thought I knew what he was going to do until I heard what sounded like a jar being opened and then something cold being put on my back. I gasped loudly.

"Relax, baby." He knelt down on the bed next to me and began to rub the cool, soothing cream into my skin. "Ginger gave me this to rub onto your body; she said it will help soothe your aches and pains."

"G.o.d, that feels good." It not only felt good but it smelled good, too. Whatever he was using left my skin feeling a curious sensation of cold and hot as the subtle scent of lavender floated around us. He'd begun with my back, neck and shoulders, spending a lot of attention there before moving on to the backs of my legs, working the lotion into the muscles.

"I need to tell you about Stella."

"I know all about that f.u.c.kin' b.i.t.c.h. She won't be bothering you or Wild Marauders again."

His tone sounded so final that it frightened me. "You knew about her connection to Chicken?"

"She confessed everything before we headed up here."

I frowned. That didn't sound like Stella. She'd been very determined to have Lynch when I left there. "Just like that? She told you everything?"


"I know you don't like to discuss club business, Lynch, but this concerns me. I have a right to know."

He released a heavy sigh. "Stella is gone. I gave her a choice. Tell me the f.u.c.kin' truth and live, or keep on with the bulls.h.i.+t and die. She chose to live. Once she confessed her involvement with your disappearance I told her to pack a bag and be on the next bus out of town. One of my men went with her to make sure that she didn't forget anything."

"She wanted you, maybe she loved you. Women in love make terrible decisions." What the h.e.l.l was I doing making excuses for her?

"f.u.c.kin' tell me about it. She also said she was pregnant with my child. She failed that test."

I had to ask, because Lynch had told me that I was the only one he had ever f.u.c.ked bareback. "Could she have been?"

His hands stopped moving over me. What little of his body that was touching me tensed enough for me to know he didn't like the question, and that he didn't want to respond to it. He'd told me once that he didn't have to explain himself, but if he had nothing to hide...

"I was with her once; she said the f.u.c.king condom broke." His hands began to move over me again, slow and steady. "Don't question me again about f.u.c.king a woman bareback. I told you that you've been the only one."

Thank you, G.o.d, I thought to myself. I didn't like being lied to any more than he liked answering questions. His anger was obvious, though, and I didn't need to see his face to know that it was drawn tight. Well, too bad, he'd get over it. I was the one who'd suffered at the hands of Stella and her brother.

Now it appeared that I was going to suffer a little at Lynch's hands. His administrations were suddenly rougher, giving me a deeper tissue ma.s.sage that drew moans from me. His touch brought a mixture of pain and pleasure, the kind of feeling that made your eyes roll back in your head.

"Flip over for me, Kat."

I smiled at that. There was not an ounce of my l.u.s.tful lover in his tone. He was focused on what he was doing, soothing away the terror and the filth of the last twenty-four hours. Lynch was making me whole again, putting me first. Healing my mind and body with his strong, yet tender touch.

"I love your hands," I said softly as they worked the fragrant cream into my flesh. My eyes were closed.

"What else do you love about me, babe?"

I could hear the smile in his voice. "Your hair. I love pulling it and burying my fingers in it when we're in the moment."

Lynch chuckled gruffly. "We're always in a moment. What moment?"

It was my turn to smile. "The moment. You know."

"You're not going all shy on me, are you?"

"No. I just don't want you to stop what you're doing. It feels so good." G.o.d, I could fall asleep so easily. The scent of lavender, along with Lynch's soothing touch was lulling me into a lazy, dreamy state that had me feeling calm and safe. My brain was shutting down.

The last thing I remember was the tender kiss on my forehead.

Chapter 23.

Kat Two weeks later...

I walked with purpose into the clubhouse, rocking the jean shorts, thigh-high leather boots, and black sleeveless corset that laced up the front. It was the first time I'd been brave enough to wear anything so revealing, and s.e.xy, so biker babe looking. But I'd promised Lynch that I had a surprise for him tonight. He in turn said that he had one for me, too, so it was only fitting.

The whistles and catcalls from the men in the bar brought a smile to my face and gave me the confidence I needed to hold my head high. I'd pulled my long blonde hair back and secured it with a comb at the back top of my head, letting the bulk fall down my back. Lynch liked it down and I liked pleasing him. The last couple of weeks, when club business didn't get in the way, we'd spent time getting to know one another.

I scanned the room but didn't see him anywhere. Come to think of it, I didn't see any of his crew either. They must have been in a late meeting, or church, as I'd been corrected more than once, although it would have been unusual for a Friday party night. The place was jumping as usual, with bikers and regulars from town.

Dirk waved me over from behind the bar. As I made my way I saw Tiny come out from the kitchen, carrying two bottles. She set them down at the bar next to a wrapped box about the size of a s.h.i.+rt box, and then turned around and went back into the kitchen. Someone must be celebrating something.

"Hi, Dirk." I slid onto a stool.

"Hi, sweetheart. Church is running a little late, Lynch will be out shortly." He set a beer down for me. "You're gonna knock him over in that outfit."

"Thanks," I said. "Think he'll like it?"

Dirk snorted. "f.u.c.k yeah, he'll like it. What man wouldn't?"

"Hi, Tiny!" I waved at her when she reappeared from the kitchen. She waved back with a big smile. "I'm surprised to see Tiny working this late," I said to Dirk.

"She's not really working."

Before I could question him I saw Lynch and his crew walk in and come straight toward me. Giving Dirk a wink, I spun around on the stool and stood up, putting my hands on my hips. I tilted my hips, knowing my stance was both s.e.xy and challenging, especially in a room filled with alpha men high on testosterone and always on the edge. Lynch's eyes grew round when he realized it was me. I could almost see his pupils dilate. His smile remained, but it didn't hide the hungry beast behind it.

"Holy, f.u.c.k!" I heard Lenny say behind Lynch. He gave me a thumbs up. It didn't seem to matter that I was Lynch's woman; the VP took his time looking me over before whistling his approval loudly.

His comment opened the door to a barrage of compliments and comments from the others that were directly behind him. Lynch came to a stop a few feet away from me. Instant heat flushed through my body from the way his gaze raked over me, lingering on the swell of my above the corset. I felt my nipples tighten against the leather.

"f.u.c.k, babe," his voice was hoa.r.s.e, aroused, "You shouldn't have worn that tonight."

"You don't like your surprise?" I asked teasingly.

"I like it so f.u.c.kin' much that all I can think about is getting it off you."

His words turned me hot, because I knew what would follow once he got me naked. He stepped closer, grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled me in for a long, wet kiss. As the pressure increased, I opened my mouth so that his tongue could slip inside. Everything inside me responded to his rough possession and I slipped my hands up to grip his cut. His other hand curled around my waist and he held me tightly, while he ground his c.o.c.k against me.

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 21 summary

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