Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 22

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"Jesus, someone take me away from her before I f.u.c.kin' do her right here in front of everyone."

Laughter erupted but I knew no one would dare. I loved it when Lynch lost control. I loved it when he talked dirty. His husky words were said low, against my mouth. My grin caused him to grin. He leaned his forehead against mine, and then took a step back and gave his head a vigorous shake, as if to clear his mind. He directed his gaze to something at the other end of the bar, and then looked back at me.

"Come on, time for your surprise."

Taking my hand, he pulled me with him. Tiny was still waiting at the far end of the bar, close to where the kitchen was, and she had been joined by Wizard. The music stopped without warning, and the girls gyrating on the poles stopped, as well.

"Everyone, quiet!" Hulk surprised me with his announcement when we reached Tiny and Wizard. His voice boomed throughout the room, drawing everyone's gaze to him. As the club muscle, it wasn't surprising to see how quickly he was obeyed. When the noise quieted down he added, "Prez wants to make an announcement."

"Thanks, brother," Lynch said to Hulk. The next thing I knew he pulled me closer against him. With everyone looking at us I began to get a little self conscious over my new look. "For anyone who doesn't know, this beautiful woman is Kat, and tonight, Kat becomes my old lady."

Lynch handed me the wrapped box as the room filled with clapping and cheers. I was pretty sure what was in the box, but nothing prepared me for the look and feel of the beautiful leather cut. Smooth and b.u.t.tery soft, the leather already had a worn look about it. On the back were the words, 'Property of Lynch,' followed by the club's name at the bottom. I ran my hand over the raised lettering.

"Put it on, baby."

"It's beautiful, Lynch." I felt tears fill my eyes as he helped me slip it on. I turned my back to the room so everyone could see it.

"Next round of drinks are on the club!" Lynch announced.

Once the cheers died down, he took the edges of my cut and held me in front of him. "It's official, Kat. This cut tells everyone that you're my old lady. You can't begin to f.u.c.kin' understand what wearing this means to me, to the club."

"So tell me," I responded eagerly. I wanted to know everything Lynch would let me know. He gently wiped my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

"In time, baby." His gaze dropped down to my cleavage, his hands slipped beneath my cut to right below my I caught my breath when his thumbs came up to graze my nipples. "You're so f.u.c.kin' beautiful, and I'm so f.u.c.kin' lucky."

"Yes, you are," I agreed, kissing his chin. My nipples were sending tiny lightning bolts of pleasure down to my core.

Lynch's nostrils flared. The intense look on his face told me that he was close to losing control. "And I want to f.u.c.k you so badly right now."

His comment made me tremble. "What's stopping you?" My words came out in a breathy whisper.

"Not a d.a.m.ned thing." He grabbed one of the bottles Tiny had put on the bar earlier, along with my hand, and then we were flying out of there.

Lynch had no trouble weaving his way through the maze of tables, chairs, and people until we reached the doorway. Taking a sharp right, I was surprised when we bypa.s.sed his office and continued further down the hallway until we were in the shadows.

"What" I didn't have time to finish. Lynch set the bottle down on the small table situated between two doors. In the same instant he backed me up against the wall. "Lynch"

"There's something so f.u.c.king exciting and taboo about doing it where anyone could catch us," he whispered against my ear. "I've wanted to f.u.c.k you in public since the day we met on the side of the road."

I sucked in air, s.h.i.+vering wildly at his admission. I'd never thought about having s.e.x where there was potential for an audience, had never thought about how it would feel if someone were watching Lynch f.u.c.k me. But the way he said it, and the visual it gave me, turned me hot like nothing else.

"Right now I'm gonna f.u.c.k my old lady, in her s.e.xy biker chick clothes, and her 'property of' cut, against the wall where anyone can see us."

Lynch didn't give me time to protest. He attacked like a hungry animal, wild and starving. This wasn't going to be a slow seduction of the senses; this was going to be fast, hard, and mind-blowing. Lynch's libido was jacked up to full throttle, and nothing was going to slow him down or come between him and what he wanted.

His rough attack turned-up the heat melting my insides. His mouth and hands seemed to be everywhere, wors.h.i.+ping my flesh in a hot combination of pain and pleasure. Squeezing, caressing, pinching as his palms smoothed over me.

"Lynch!" I rolled my head against the wall when he palmed the area between my legs and pressed hard. His teeth grazed the length of my neck, moved down my chest and to my cleavage, where he tongued between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I thought I was going to lose my f.u.c.king mind.

I twisted against him wildly, breathing so hard that I worried that I was going to hyperventilate. Sounds of our pa.s.sion echoed through the hallway, fading away with the music coming from the bar. The corset I was wearing laced up in the front, but that didn't stop Lynch from grabbing the edges and pulling it down in a sharp move that bared my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Burying my hands in his hair, I held his head against me as he nipped, licked, and sucked at my naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s as if they were a new and tasty delicacy he was sampling for the first time.

"Oh, G.o.d!" I whispered, when his hands began to work the snap to my shorts.

"You look so f.u.c.kin' hot in these 'f.u.c.k me now' boots," Lynch said as he dropped to his knees and kissed the strip of skin showing between my top and the waistband of my shorts. "Wearing my cut and f.u.c.king you in it for the first time is driving me mad."

A soft laugh managed to work its way out between pants, but I didn't have enough air to say the words.

He glanced up at me. "This isn't going to be slow and easy, baby." My jeans undone, he worked the material down my hips enough to bury his face into the hair covering my mound. I could feel the tip of his nose against my c.l.i.t, and then he began to slide his tongue between my slit. "f.u.c.k, you taste good."

Groaning, I slapped the palms of my hands against the wall and began to move my hips in rhythm with Lynch's tongue action. I was so turned-on that I knew it wouldn't take me long to climax.

"I had to have a taste, babe, but let's get these f.u.c.king shorts off so I can f.u.c.k you proper."

I was glued to the wall and couldn't move except to lift my feet when I felt my shorts there. Lynch tossed them aside and reached for his jeans. In seconds he had them undone and his c.o.c.k out. I looked down, taking in his huge erection, which was already dripping pre-c.u.m. He fisted his c.o.c.k at the root and pumped it a few times before picking me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and Lynch guided his hard flesh to the opening that led to heaven.

With a grunt he thrust forward, impaling himself with one plunge. I cried out with the pleasure that ripped through me.

"Christ, baby, you're so f.u.c.kin' tight for me. I'm gonna f.u.c.k you until you scream my name. Until everyone in the whole f.u.c.kin' bar hears you and knows I've just laid claim to my old lady." His thrusts forced me further up the wall.

Our mouths crashed together, and suddenly we were devouring each other. I slipped my hands beneath Lynch's cut and dug my nails into his shoulders, clenching my muscles around his pounding flesh. He groaned low into my mouth, his hips picking up speed. Every inch of his hard body was grinding against mine, leaving in its wake a hunger to be pleasured and satisfied that I never knew I had. The depth of emotion I felt at that moment was overwhelming.


All consuming.

Earth shattering.

Lynch may not have known it, but he owned me, heart, body, and soul. I knew there would never be anyone else for me. His pa.s.sion when he was doing something, anything, was intense and complete. It was real, and right now he was showing me without words how much I meant to him.

I was his old lady.

When we were done consuming each other's mouths I slammed my head back against the wall. I was out of breath. My heart was racing. The o.r.g.a.s.m speeding through my blood was hot and nonstop, in a race to reach completion. Lynch's c.o.c.k filled my every need. I almost cried out when he pulled out, but he only took his c.o.c.k by the hand and ran the hot, swollen tip over and over my c.l.i.t. We both shuddered at the pleasure.

I rolled my head back and forth against the wall, the pleasure so intense that I wasn't sure how much more I could take. "f.u.c.k, Lynch, I'm going to come," I whispered, feeling the greatest pleasure rise hotly to the place of no return.

"Let it go, babe. Put some c.u.m on my d.i.c.k, and I'll let you clean it off with your tongue." He gave my c.l.i.t a few more flicks and then sank back into my body. I felt his hands move beneath my b.u.t.t. "f.u.c.k, Kat. I'm gonna fill you with my seed. f.u.c.kin' come now!"

He crushed my lower body against his loins and I let go, forgetting where we were and screaming when my o.r.g.a.s.m crashed around his c.o.c.k. Losing control, I clamped my teeth into his shoulder. Lynch tensed, I felt a series of short, hard jabs, and then he was releasing inside my body.

"f.u.c.k." Lynch collapsed against me, resting his forehead against mine as we both gasped for air.

Beads of sweat dotted our skin and the air surrounding us was thick with a hint of sweat, leather, tobacco and s.e.x. Not unpleasant. When I couldn't hold my legs around Lynch's waist any longer, I unlocked my ankles and lowered them to the ground. He stepped back enough to do up his jeans, and then picked up my shorts. Our gazes remained locked when his hand sliced between my p.u.s.s.y lips right before he pulled my shorts up over my hips.

"Lynch-" I gasped, shuddering wildly.

"This is my c.u.m leaking out of your beautiful c.u.n.t, baby. It f.u.c.king turns me on." All I could do was smile weakly. "You okay?"

I nodded. "That was intense."

He pushed wet strands of hair out of my face and kissed me. "You're f.u.c.kin' beautiful, you know that?"

"For an old lady?" I teased. He surprised me by picking me up.

"Grab that bottle, babe."

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you back to our room where I'm going to drink wine off your body, and then f.u.c.k you again wearing nothing but your cut."

"What about the party?"

"We're gonna make our own f.u.c.kin' party," Lynch growled. "It's not every day that I get an old lady." He made the turn to his office. "I want to break you in all proper."

I stared at him, wondering what he meant by breaking me in. In the same breath I told myself that I didn't care.

I loved him.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He kicked the door opened to his bedroom and carried me over the threshold.

"For making me your old lady."

He stopped, capturing my gaze with the burning pa.s.sion in his. "Baby, don't you know by now that I f.u.c.kin' love you?"

I swallowed hard, not expecting to hear those words come out of his mouth, that it would probably be the only time that I heard them.

"Now you got two minutes to get out of those f.u.c.kin' clothes before I start tearing them off you." He turned and shut the door.

I only needed one minute.

The End Please continue reading for a snippet of Dark Menace MC...coming 2015!

Dark Menace MC Stone Blurb - Rachel offers herself to Stone, President of Dark Menace, as collateral for her family, and becomes the target of a rival motorcycle club, the Red Devils. Their president wants her, but so does Stone, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect her.

Stone - unedited excerpt The door opened and a group of college aged kids came inside. I glanced at the clock. Yeah, it was about time they started showing up. Things were about to get loud and busy. Rachel should have had time to shower and change by now. I got up and headed back to my room. It didn't even occur to me to knock when I reached my door. I opened it, pausing in the threshold when my gaze fell on Rachel. She was jumping up and down to get into her skin tight jeans. Her large t.i.ts were bouncing, too. Nice. If they'd been naked it would have been f.u.c.king nicer.

"Don't you believe in knocking?" she b.i.t.c.hed, zipping up her jeans.

I closed the door with a smile, taking in her s.h.i.+ny complexion, and the soft thickness of her hair. Black hair and green eyes, what a f.u.c.king combination. "I don't knock on my own doors." She was wearing a black s.h.i.+rt with the shoulders cut out, and it tied at the waist. s.e.xy as h.e.l.l but I wanted s.e.xier. She'd need new clothes.

Her gaze focused on the front of my pants. "I see you've been relieved."

"Rita has a tight c.u.n.t." Something flickered in her eyes but it happened so fast that I wasn't sure if I imagined it. I walked further into the room. "Sit." I indicated the bed.

She moved hesitantly, like she was nervous of being on the bed with me. Good. I wanted her nervous. No, I wanted her frightened of me. I did bad s.h.i.+t, and though I didn't want to break her spirit I needed her to listen when I said something. I patted the spot next to me.

"Well," she slowly began to lower her sweet a.s.s down. "Since Rita has already taken care of you I guess that I have nothing to worry about."

The second her a.s.s settled on the bed I grabbed hold of her and pushed her down onto the bed, rolling on top of her. She sucked in a breath, her eyes growing round, and her curvy body was straining beneath me.

"Get off me," she said between her teeth.

Green fire sparkled in her eyes, as she tried to twist free. "You seem to be worried about my needs, and you should be. I'm not an old man, sweetheart. I like s.e.x, and believe it or not, I can get it up more than once an hour." I was beginning to wonder if she was even listening to me, she was so focused on getting me off her. "I'd stop wiggling if I were you."

"Then get off me," she hissed again. She arched her lower body against mine in an obvious attempt to throw me off. Didn't she know that never worked? Stilling instantly, she glared up at me, breathing hard.

Oh yeah, she definitely knew I was hard as f.u.c.k, and that worried her.

"Have I got your attention, now?" She nodded. "Let's get some s.h.i.+t settled, sweetheart." f.u.c.k, it was hard to think with my d.i.c.k nestled nice and snug between her legs. "If I wanted to f.u.c.k you, I would."

"You said you don't rape women-"

"I don't. When the time comes you'll want it as much as I do, I'll make f.u.c.king sure of that." I watched her mouth tighten, which I took as a challenge to do something about. I leaned in closer and ran my tongue over the tight seam, tasting her angry defiance. "Loosen up, sweetheart. It won't be that bad."

Her lips parted on a gasp, and I slipped my tongue inside her warm mouth. She bit down on my tongue sharply, sending a current of quick lightning straight down to my aching d.i.c.k. I jerked back, and glared down into her eyes for a second. She wanted to play rough? I took her bottom lip between my teeth and tugged on it, ignoring her whimper of pain. Then, because she tasted so warm and sweet, I ground my mouth down on hers.

f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, I wanted more, and Rachel did, too, because after her initial stiffening she softened beneath me and began to kiss me back. I knew I could easily persuade her into letting me f.u.c.k her. I wasn't vain, but I knew how to please a woman in bed, and something told me that she was fighting herself more than she was fighting me.

I ground my d.i.c.k into the crevice between her f.u.c.king thighs. Her responding moans just revved my engine to full throttle. If we had time I'd strip her bare and make her scream my name. I pulled back reluctantly.

"You're a fake, sweetheart," I whispered against her swollen mouth. "I could have you naked and riding my c.o.c.k in a f.u.c.king minute." She began to shake her head, causing me to smile against her lips. "Yes."

"No." Her tone was low and weak.

I laughed out loud. She could say no all she wanted, but her soft, welcoming body was screaming yes. For now, though, I wouldn't force the issue. I'd let her have her small victory until a better time presented itself. I didn't want to rush our first time, as thoughts of licking, kissing and nibbling every f.u.c.king square inch of her luscious body was worth the wait.

Besides, the club's needs came before my needs. It always had, and always would.

I pulled back far enough to meet her eyes, which looked cloudy with arousal. "Time to go, sweetheart, you're going to be working behind the bar. What you don't know Ty will teach you." I pushed myself away from her body, and got to my feet. She took my hand and let me pull her off the bed.

"Is that what I'll be doing while I'm here?"

"Among other things," I replied, noticing the slight trembling of her bottom lip, which was still swollen from my nibbling. "You'll do what needs to be done. Right now Ty needs help behind the bar." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You ready?"


Tory Richards often describes herself as a grandma who likes to read and write s.m.u.t. Known for her hot erotic romances, she's also penned erotic paranormals, and contemporary suspense romance. Writing is a hobby for Tory. It thrills her to be able to share her stories, and she loves seeing her characters come to life with each new book cover. Though published with a few epubs like Ellora's Cave and Liquid Silver Books, she also self-publishes her stories on Smashwords. All of Tory's books are available on Amazon.

Tory began writing short stories on notebook paper when she was only ten. At thirteen she received her first manual typewriter, a few years later an electric one, and not until she was forty-five did she get her first computer. For many years writing was a secret hobby as well as therapy for Tory. She didn't submit to a publisher until her daughter and niece encouraged her to pursue her dreams.

Originally from Maine, Tory has spent most of her life in Florida. She's retired from Disney and spends her time between family, friends and writing. Besides writing her likes include: spoiling her grandchildren, any kind of sandwich, sweet iced tea, good coffee, traveling, going to the movies, watching Syfy, taking care of her four cats, and naps.

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 22 summary

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