Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 3

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"Nope." She shook her head, and then snickered. "Knowing him he'll want you to stay the way you are."

I ignored that. "Do you know what time he'll be back?"

"Nope." She shook her head again and headed toward the door. "You eat up now."

"Tiny" I hesitated. Tiny didn't seem to be in the mood for talking.

She paused at the door, her face softening a little. "Look, I got a few other mouths to see to and then I'll come back after breakfast and we can talk."

"Thanks." I said before she was gone.

Eying the food, I pulled the sheet around me and made my way to the table. G.o.d, I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I started eating. In a matter of minutes my plate was empty, I was full and sipping coffee.

The sound of approaching motorcycles drew my interest to the window. I watched as a half dozen or so bikers turned into the drive and parked their bikes. As they removed their helmets, one of them noticed me watching from the window and smiled, elbowing his friend to look my way. My instinct was to move away from the window, but before I could there was a knock on the door and Tiny was entering the room again.

"This is really good coffee," I smiled, as Tiny sat down opposite me. She'd brought her own cup.

Tiny nodded her head in agreement. "That's one thing the boys demand is good coffee." She looked out the window. "They'll screw but G.o.d forbid you serve them bad coffee."

I couldn't help but smile. "Is that some of the men returning from the run?"

"Nah, they didn't go out on the run last night. Not everyone lives here. Some of the guys have families and their own homes." She took a big slurp of her coffee, watching me over the rim of her cup with eyes that revealed a wisdom that came from experience. "You screwed up yesterday, taking Lynch's bike." Her tone revealed that she was amused over it. "If you'd been a man, well-" Tiny caught herself from saying more. "Never mind, my old man says I talk too much." She winked.

"Tiny, do you know why I was brought here?"

She brushed my question off with a wave of her hand. "That was a mistake. The club has their own doctor but he's out of town right now, so Chicken was sent to get the clinic doctor." She shook her head with obvious disgust. "Dumb s.h.i.+t, he figured bringing someone back was better than no one, and he thought you were a nurse."

"Nurse's aide, I told him."

"Well, don't matter now. Boy took too much lead to be helped."

My heart fell. "Boy?"

"They're all boys to me. He was young, though, but a man just the same." Tiny clarified. "Peewee was a prospect. He f.u.c.ked up and it cost him. Chicken is a prospect, too. He f.u.c.ked up but the brothers will give him a chance to redeem himself." Something in my expression must have conveyed my confusion because she added, "A prospect has to earn his way to be patched into the club. After a year or two of doing grunt work club members will vote him in or out."

"Have you been here a long time?" I took a sip of my coffee.

"I've been under the club's protection since I was in my early twenties, started out working for them in one of their legitimate establishments in town. That was way back when Cutter was president."

"Legitimate establishments?" I grinned at that.

Tiny shrugged. "Probably shouldn't have said that. The only reason I know what's going on around here is because my old man has an even bigger mouth than I do. Lynch has strict orders about the brothers talking business and s.h.i.+t to any of the girls."

"Hey, Tiny!" Someone yelled from outside the door. "We need you out here!"

Tiny got to her feet. "You stay put and do what you're told and you'll be okay. I've never seen Lynch get physical with any woman, but there's always a first time."

She's apparently never been at the receiving end of his c.o.c.k, I thought, while watching her leave. I finished my coffee. Stay put and do what you're told. I knew Tiny's comment was meant to be a friendly warning, but I didn't have to like it. Seemed like my whole life had been shaped around those words. My aunt's face came to mind. How many times a day had she screamed at me to do what you're told?

I had always done what they'd wanted, I'd had no choice, it just hadn't been fast enough, or good enough. A day hadn't gone by when I hadn't felt the sting of a hand against my cheek. Not having any children of their own, my aunt and uncle had used me like cheap labor, giving me room and board as payment-if you could call the tiny storage area beneath the stairs a room. Having been sent to live with them when I was only ten, I guess they hadn't heard of child labor laws.

A moment of weakness grabbed my heart, and I struggled to hold back tears. I'd been so happy to learn that I had an aunt and uncle after my mom had died. Happy I wouldn't have to go into foster care, because I had family that wanted me. It hadn't taken me long to realize that my mother's brother and his wife didn't really want me. I'd only been there a day when I'd received the first slap across my face for not eating my peas at dinner time.

Because of my upbringing I'd learned early on that I might have to take abuse at home, but I didn't take it anywhere else. I'd refused to let my aunt and uncle break me down and turn me into a weak and mindless woman. My smart mouth and bada.s.s att.i.tude had gotten me what I wanted in life, turning me into a fighter for the things that were important to me. It's what had given me the courage to just up and leave that h.e.l.l-hole once I'd graduated from high school. I wondered if my aunt and uncle ever wondered what had happened to me. Probably not. It wasn't their fault they had no hearts.

I was about to get up when the thunder of motorcycles caused me to pause. Another group of riders pulled into the parking lot. There was no disguising that Lynch was leading the way, and I recognized his Harley. They all had the Wild Marauders logo on the fuel tank, but there were dark flames on the fender of his Harley. I had to admit that he was a sight to see on his bike. There was nothing insignificant about his larger than life stature, dressed in leather, all in black. The man was magnificent. He radiated power and confidence. I watched the heavy muscles in his arms flex as he easily controlled his bike.

Looking at him was foreplay.

He looked my way and I grew warm, stepping away from the window. I was secretly glad that he was okay, wondering what it meant for me now that he was back. Maybe if he'd had an uneventful run and was in a good mood I could talk him into letting me go. I'd meant what I said about not going to the police, especially now that Tiny had confirmed that it had been a mistake. If what Lynch said about the law was true, they'd probably brush me off as having over reacted to a situation that hadn't amounted to anything more than a one-night stay at the club. I sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet tighter around me.

I didn't have to wait long before the door opened and Lynch stomped into the room. I stood up nervously, the racing of my heart revealing that his larger than life, raw masculinity was already affecting me, most especially my libido. I faced him and met his eyes, his gaze turning to slight surprise.

"You still here?"

What? He was kidding, right? I stared at him like he'd sprouted horns. Was he saying that I'd been free to leave?

Then his face broke into a smile. "Did you miss me, baby?"

"Like the plague," I responded to his misplaced humor.

Laughing, he tossed a brown paper bag onto the bed. "I got you some clothes and shoes. Take a shower if you want and get dressed. I'm putting you to work."

I caught my breath, pus.h.i.+ng down the anger I felt rising inside me. "Work?" I asked as calmly as I could manage. I didn't mind work, but not the kind that I thought he had in mind.

"Yeah, I think you'll make a popular sweetb.u.t.t. You've got the f.u.c.kin' t.i.ts and a"

What? I drew myself up, ready to blast him. I didn't mind working to pay off some weak, fabricated fine to satisfy his big-boy club rules but if he thought I was up to anything other than a little cleaning then Lynch was in for a rude awakening. "If you think I'm going to wh.o.r.e around for you"

Lynch chuckled. "Relax. I'm going to put you to work with Tiny. She needs help in the kitchen and with keeping the bar clean." I relaxed at his words, surprised at his unexpected humor. "We have enough sweetb.u.t.ts." He reached up to brush his hand over my hair, the look in his eyes turning lazy. "I'm the only one who'll be f.u.c.king your pretty p.u.s.s.y."

He may as well have set me on fire, his words igniting a fireball of l.u.s.t that engulfed my body as well as my senses. He took a lot for granted. I reached up to brush his hand away, but he caught my wrist and jerked me against his hard chest. Gasping, I automatically braced my other palm against the rippling strength of Lynch's abs, which was naked beneath his open vest.

His flesh was hot and smooth, and I unconsciously moved my hand up until I could feel the beat of his heart beneath my palm. I couldn't pull my gaze from his, captured by the mixture of amus.e.m.e.nt and awareness turning his blue eyes darker. As I sucked in air, it was all Lynch filling my lungs-his body heat, the leather he was wearing, and the subtle scent of smoke and motorcycle grease.

I felt overwhelmed; confused at the power he yielded over me. I had never been one to like a dominant man. They were too controlling and bossy, and usually turned me off. Yet Lynch's brand of brutal dominance turned me on like nothing else. He was a drug I'd become addicted to at the first taste. As much as I wanted another taste I fooled myself into believing that I wasn't bothered by his presence.

Licking my lips, I asked, "Where can I take a shower?"

Hr raised a brow, his gaze moving to my mouth. "Aren't you going to kiss me h.e.l.lo first?"

d.a.m.n, his teasing got to me and I found myself looking at his mouth. "Why is this a game to you?"

"Do I f.u.c.kin' look like I'm fooling around?"

No, not anymore. He looked like he was done. He wanted to devour me. Angry that he had such a strong affect on me, I curled my hands around the open edges of his vest and gave him a sharp pull. He wanted a kiss? I'd give him a kiss! I lifted on tip toe and smashed my lips against his like I knew he wanted it, wet and hard. I'd intended to keep it short but when I went to pull back Lynch had other ideas. He wrapped his arm around my waist and crushed me against him with an animalistic sound that went straight to my core.

I moaned the moment he took control. My hands moved up his chest and around his thick neck, locking together. Lynch straightened, lifting me off the floor. His mouth moved roughly over mine, sucking a heated response from my body that equaled his. I bit at his bottom lip, and then ran my tongue over the injury to soothe it, his groan telling me that he liked it. I moaned deeply when I felt his c.o.c.k growing against my belly.

He growled with hunger, the sound vibrating against my lips and traveling through my blood stream like a freight train out of control. With one arm still wrapped around my waist, his other moved between us so his hand could caress my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I could feel his frustration with the sheet before he yanked it down to expose the bare flesh he sought. His large hand squeezed and kneaded my, his fingers pinching my nipples and causing another flush of wet heat in my lower body.

Wet heat I could feel between my legs.

By the time he pulled away I was dazed and panting heavily. He let me slide down his aroused body, and for a long moment our gazes locked. I wondered what Lynch was thinking. In spite of his arousal his expression was guarded, and slightly withdrawn, as if he was undecided about something and trying to figure it out.

"There's a bathroom through that door." He motioned over my head. I'd seen the door but hadn't checked out what was on the other side. "Come to the bar when you're done." With that he turned and left the room.

I stood there for a second, almost stunned. I should have been glad that he'd decided not to finish what he'd started, but part of me was disappointed. All I could do was watch him leave. My whole body was thrumming with arousal. He'd been as turned on as I was, yet he'd walked away without any trouble. It occurred to me that he could very well be going to one of the club sweetb.u.t.ts for his needs. I quickly shook the image of Lynch with another woman out of my head, convincing myself that I didn't care.

I opened the bag and rummaged through the contents while making my way to the bathroom. I was surprised, yet pleased, to see that he'd included some toiletries. I frowned at his choice of clothing, pulling out the short denim skirt and cropped top, neither of which I would have ever picked out for myself because of my full figure. His choice of s.e.xy undergarments didn't surprise me either. At the very bottom of the bag was a pair of s.l.u.tty heels. I rolled my eyes. It was going to be a miracle if every man in the place didn't get a peek of my t.i.ts and a.s.s before the night was over.

I just hoped that everything fit.

Chapter 5.

Lynch I was sitting at a table close to the bar with Lenny, Wizard, and Yank, discussing our run the night before, and trying to keep Kat and her f.u.c.kin' s.e.xy curves out of my mind. I should have f.u.c.ked her instead of walking away. Christ, my c.o.c.k was still hard, but I'd wanted to show her that she wasn't going to control me by giving me her body, even if we both wanted it. I did s.h.i.+t my way, and in my own good time. I might want her like f.u.c.k but I was just strong enough, and mean enough, to deny myself.

Yeah, I was a real b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Yank, my treasurer, had just confirmed that the payoff we'd received was the full thirty grand as guaranteed. I had a strict rule that once the goods were delivered and we were handed the payoff that we got the f.u.c.k out of there, and that included protection runs. Most of the time what was being transported was illegal as s.h.i.+t. We didn't count the money until we were back at the club. Never could tell if the cops or feds had been tipped off and were on their way, or a rival club waiting to ambush us. I knew if the money came up short, we'd get it one way or another, later.

"Good payoff for a short ride," Yank said, leaning back in his chair. "I'd like more of those."

"The best f.u.c.king kind," Wizard agreed, reaching for his beer.

Yank and I exchanged grins. It wasn't like the old coot went on any jobs these days, what with his arthritis. He still got a cut of the payoff though, everyone did. Wizard pulled his weight in other ways, mainly running s.h.i.+t at the club, and that included keeping the bar and kitchen stocked, schedules for the bar, and scheduling the prospects for cleaning detail.

"We're free until New Hamps.h.i.+re." I downed my beer and held up the empty gla.s.s. Almost immediately one of the club's sweetb.u.t.ts, a tired-looking brunette with too much makeup and not enough clothes hurried over with a replacement. I ignored her blatant attempt to catch my interest. "What's the total in the safe?"

Yank didn't hesitate. "Including last night's take, sixty-seven thousand."

I nodded, satisfied. "Make sure our affiliates in town get their cut, pay the brothers, and give Peewee's widow a couple grand." I didn't need to ask Yank what would be left, I trusted him with the club's money. He ran his own accountant business on the side. The man was good with money, and stock savvy.

"Peewee was a loyal brother." A moment of silence followed Lenny's comment as each remembered the fallen brother in their own way. "To Peewee," he followed up, raising his drink. The rest of us did the same.

A shrill whistle echoed through the bar, followed by several unintelligible remarks that, in a crude biker's way, were meant as a compliment for the recipient. I watched Tank's eyes grow round, Ripper's jaw drop, his beer paused in mid-air on the way up to his bearded mouth, and Fat Boy slap his beefy hand over his heart, before I turned to see what the f.u.c.kin' fuss was all about. I released a hiss, my gaze falling on where Kat was standing in the entranceway, no doubt looking for me.

f.u.c.k me she was hot!

My d.i.c.k stood to attention, remembering what it felt like being squeezed by her tight c.u.n.t. The clothes I'd picked up for her outlined her lush curves, revealing that she was a delicious handful. Most of her shapely legs were bare, as was her midriff and one shoulder where the top had slipped down. I grinned, noticing that she'd used the lip gloss I'd provided. The thought of having those full s.h.i.+ny lips close over my c.o.c.k had me groaning. I wondered if she knew how f.u.c.king s.e.xy she was in that tight skirt. It hugged her hips low enough to give us a peek of her bellyb.u.t.ton.

Her gaze finally landed on me, and she began to make her way in our direction, doing a good job of ignoring the crude remarks and leers of the other men. Once in a while she was forced to dance out of the way of reaching hands. The whole time our eyes remained connected until she was finally in front of me.

She definitely gave off att.i.tude.

"Where do you want me?" Her innocent question drew loud laughs from my surrounding brothers.

I could think of a lot of places I'd like her, on my lap, bent over the table, in the shower, every image with me f.u.c.king the h.e.l.l out of her. I inhaled her clean, sensual scent, letting my gaze slide down to her t.i.ts, which were at eye level. A couple inches and I could lock my mouth around that hard little nipple poking through her blouse. "That's a loaded question, baby." I met her eyes again. "Where do you want to be?"

"Home," she fired back with sa.s.s. "I think this whole thing is ridiculous."

I ignored that, and the urge to crush her s.p.u.n.k. She would need it later. "Maybe you should have thought of that before stealing my bike."

She rolled her eyes, and released a huff.

A female laugh sounded above the others, and we all turned toward the brunette who'd served my beer. "Honey, Lynch isn't picky. When he wants you, he'll f.u.c.k you anywhere. He even f.u.c.ked me on his bike once."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, Candy." I knew the other woman was just trying to stir up trouble. There was a smile on her face but I knew it was as fake as her t.i.ts. I might have found her attractive once, but the years of alcohol and spreading herself to any man that would have her had taken an ugly toll. She looked years older than she was.

I returned my gaze to Kat, unable to decipher the guarded look in her eyes. Then she lifted that obstinate chin of hers and gave Candy a response that, for some strange reason, made me f.u.c.king pleased. "Maybe we can get together later and compare notes."

Laughter broke out, and the look crossing Candy's face was anything but amused. She was fuming and glaring retribution at Kat. I didn't have any doubts that if Kat were closer the b.i.t.c.h would have reacted with violence. "Go ahead and enjoy your time," Candy said in a hard tone. "It won't last. It never does. Fresh meat spoils fast around here." With that she sashayed off.

I reached up and toyed with Kat's exposed bra strap. "Don't worry, baby, I have a feeling you're going to outlast all the others." What the f.u.c.k was I saying? She'd be out of my life by Monday, and I'd be moving on to my next f.u.c.k.

s.h.i.+t, I should just let her go now, screw that she took my bike. Only I wanted to pull her onto my lap and kiss her until she couldn't breathe. What the f.u.c.k was I waiting for? I was the president of Wild Marauders for Christ's sake; I could do whatever the f.u.c.k I wanted. But then I thought about the business we needed to deal with at the end of next week. Club business always came first. Our Dark Menace brothers in New Hamps.h.i.+re needed some extra muscle and backup against a rival club. We never turned down a club we were friendly with when they asked for help.

"Tiny's in the kitchen in the back." I drew the eye of the sweetb.u.t.t who'd just finished f.u.c.king Hulk a few tables over. "Marla, take Kat to the kitchen."

"Kitchen duty!" Fat Boy barked out loudly, his beady eyes running over Kat thoroughly. "Ain't that a f.u.c.kin' crime to waste a body like that in the kitchen?"

What he and every brother present were thinking. I watched Kat turn and follow the other woman without speaking. I stared at the sway of her tight a.s.s, and how the denim was stretched across it, as she walked away. My c.o.c.k reminded me that it was still f.u.c.king hard, but I ignored it and returned my attention to Wizard and Lenny.

"Tell the brothers we have church in thirty minutes." Lenny nodded, got up and left right away. I swung to Yank. "Get with the prospects and tell them to be in my office in an hour." Once Yank was gone it was just me and Wizard at the table.

Something was on the old timer's mind. I knew the signs. I'd known Wizard all my life. He was one of the oldest and most respected members in the club. The only reason he'd never made president was because of Tiny. She'd threatened to take their son and leave if he took the dangerous post, a choice that often ended in prison, or death. It had been the one and only time I'd seen Wizard bend to his old lady's will.

"f.u.c.kin' say it," I demanded bluntly.

Wizard leaned back and took a breath, then shrugged. "Just wondering about the girl, and you putting her to work in the kitchen. That her penalty for taking your bike?"

I shrugged. "She stole my f.u.c.kin' bike, man. She's got to pay by doing something." I didn't have to explain myself to anyone, but I did it out of respect more than anything else. "You got a f.u.c.kin' problem with that? I figured Tiny could use the help." He must be getting soft in his old age. I laughed. "I doubt she wants to pay by working on her back."

Wizard narrowed his eyes and studied me for a moment. "How long you gonna make her pay?"

"If it'd been up to me I would have f.u.c.kin' let her go, but I knew the boys wouldn't go for that s.h.i.+t. I'll keep her a.s.s around till Monday. Why? You worried about something?"

"h.e.l.l, yeah, an unclaimed female around here belongs to the club and its members. You know what that means."

Everyone would want a piece of the new girl, but the guys knew how I felt about that s.h.i.+t, and I wasn't Cutter. Cutter, the Wild Marauders' last president, initiated the new girls in the club, whether they were sweetb.u.t.ts or not. They'd pull a train and the men would line up, taking turns at them. If they had stamina, and were a good f.u.c.k, they were kept around. Kat wasn't a new girl, and even if she were, I wouldn't be pa.s.sing her around. I didn't follow every rule that had been set in place by Cutter. I didn't believe in mistreating women. If they put out p.u.s.s.y it was their choice, and my brothers knew there was no f.u.c.king getting around that.

I'd have to make it clear at the meeting that no one touched Kat unless she wanted it. f.u.c.k, scratch that. I didn't want anyone touching her but me. She was mine while she was here, whether I f.u.c.ked her again or not. "Relax, she's under my protection."

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 3 summary

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