Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 7

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I hoped the information we'd received was accurate. I was reminded that I still needed to find out what the f.u.c.k happened to Kirby. He was usually reliable. I reached to turn off the water, and stepped from the shower. As I was wrapping a towel around my hips I heard female voices coming from the bedroom.

"What the f.u.c.k?" I walked into the room to see Stella and Kat sitting on the bed.

"It's okay, Lynch," Kat said, drawing my gaze to her. She was still wearing nothing but a towel. "Stella and I work at the same clinic and know each other. She was just apologizing to me for the way she acted last night."

I glanced at Stella, who was doing her best to look remorseful.

"It's true, Lynch. I, I guess I went into shock or something. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I guess I was hoping that we would be more."

I wasn't buying it. Stella had been coming around the bar for a while now. She'd made it obvious from the beginning that she wanted to become part of the club, and someone's old lady, and her sights had been set on me. It was one of the reasons I ignored her blatant attempts to get me to notice her. My f.u.c.king mistake had been giving in to her one night, hoping that my cruel selfishness in bed would set her straight on what kind of a b.a.s.t.a.r.d I was, and scare her away. I didn't kiss her once during our f.u.c.k, didn't go down on her, and had treated her like a wh.o.r.e. Apparently some women thought when a man f.u.c.ked them like that it meant that he liked her.

It'd been all about getting off.

Nothing more.

Remaining silent in the face of her comment, I glared at Stella until she rose nervously to her feet.

"Well, I suppose I should leave now." She glanced back down at Kat. "Thank you for accepting my apology. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

I waited until she left before saying, "How well do you know Stella?"

"Not very well, really. We work in different areas of the clinic, so we don't get to spend much office time together."

"Watch your back with that one."

Kat raised her brows in surprise. "Why?"

I held her gaze. I wished I could tell her but the truth was that it was just a gut feeling that I had. I'd learned to never ignore my instincts. Stella's turn around didn't f.u.c.king sit right with me. The woman I'd come to know was driven, conniving, and a b.i.t.c.h. She was not one to back down when she wanted something. I'd seen her in action.

Maybe Kat saw a completely different b.i.t.c.h at work. h.e.l.l, maybe the whole thing was just an act. I reached down and pulled Kat to her feet. "Just f.u.c.kin' do it, baby. I don't want to see anything happen to you." She laughed, the husky sound going straight to my d.i.c.k. What was it about this woman? s.h.i.+t, I didn't know if I liked it.

"Why are you worried about me? After tomorrow we'll probably never see each other again."

Did she really believe that? "Like f.u.c.k. I'm a long way from done with you. What do you think about that?"

She turned her head away from my mouth. "I think you're crazy. You kidnap me, practically run me off the road when I try to escape, f.u.c.k me with no regard to what I want, keep me here to pay some bogus club fine. Speaking of fine, am I all paid up?"

I grinned against her neck. She was going to be p.i.s.sed. "A couple more f.u.c.ks should do it." Who was I kidding? I couldn't get enough of her. Since she'd been on the scene I hadn't once craved another p.u.s.s.y.

She pushed me away. "Are you ever satisfied?"

"With f.u.c.king?" She nodded. "Baby, you have the sweetest, tightest, c.u.n.t I've ever sunk my d.i.c.k into. I might never be satisfied again." Kat laughed and shook her head as if to say there was no help for me. "Come on, I'll get you a s.h.i.+rt to sleep in."

I went to the dresser and pulled out one of my tee-s.h.i.+rts. She held it up after I tossed it to her. It was black and had the club's logo on it. She let the towel fall, and I let out a wolf whistle, letting her know that I thought she was hot, and that I liked what I saw. Kat wasn't shy, I'd give her that. She liked my eyes on her, and took her f.u.c.king time slipping my s.h.i.+rt over her head, even giving a little wiggle so it would slip over her t.i.ts and down her torso. f.u.c.k, she filled it out nice. It fell to the middle of her fleshy thighs.

My d.i.c.k didn't stand a chance.

Her smile said she knew what she was doing to me.

I had to get back out onto the floor. s.h.i.+t happened on nights, and I liked being there when it did. My d.i.c.k wanted another shot at Kat but it would have to wait. Club s.h.i.+t came first, always.

"Get some rest. I have business to attend to." I pulled out another s.h.i.+rt and slipped it over my head, and then from another drawer yanked out a pair of clean jeans. Ripping off the towel, I slipped them on. My boots came next.

Kat was still standing there when I stood. I went to her, curled my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her against me for a quick kiss. "I'll be back."

"I'll be here."

I kissed her again, this time longer, deeper, a mistake because it made it that much harder to let her go. In a moment of l.u.s.tful madness I reached back and gave her a.s.s a squeeze, growling against her soft mouth. I almost pushed Kat from me. "I gotta get out of here."

She laughed huskily.

I didn't look back.

Chapter 9.

Kat "Wake up baby! Time to go." I felt something hit the bed next to my head. "Better call the clinic and tell them you're going to be late."

I tried to open my eyes to see what he'd thrown, reaching around blindly for it even while not knowing what it was. It was my phone. "What time is it?" My voice had that scratchy, just-woken morning sound that, any other time, would be s.e.xy. I sat up, pushed my hair out of my face and tried to focus my eyes. Lynch stood over me, fully dressed, reminding me that he hadn't come to bed the night before. Had he found someone else to spend his time with? I didn't want to think about it.


"Six! I won't be late. We don't even open until eight."

"I figured you might need time to go home and change, or something," he explained.

I thought for a second, and shook my head. "I can just use the clothes that are already there."

His brows shot up. "You usually leave clothes there?"

"No. But I usually bring a change of clothes. There's a shower upstairs and sometimes after work I go out."

"As in dates?"

Very rarely, but I said, "Yes." He looked like he was going to say something but then thought better of it. "Since you have my phone I a.s.sume you have my purse."

He pointed to the dresser, where it sat on my folded jeans. "I sent someone back to get them, and lock up the clinic."

That news surprised me. "Thank you. I would have had a hard time explaining an unlocked door this morning." I pulled back the covers and got to my feet. "I'll get dressed." I wanted to ask him where he'd spent the night, but forced it down. It wasn't any of my business. There was a knock at the door and Lynch turned to open it.

It was Marla. She glanced past Lynch to me and the smile on her face quickly vanished. "Hi, baby. I just wanted to thank you for last night."

Well, I guess I didn't have to guess where he'd spent the night. I ignored the heavy fullness in my heart, questioning the reason for it. I shouldn't care, but I did. I guess I thought he'd felt something, too. Not love, Christ, but something.

"You've thanked me already." He closed the door and swung back to me.

Pretending not to care, I slipped into my jeans, ready to be gone. There was really nothing more for me to do so I grabbed my purse and forced myself to meet his eyes. "I'm ready to go." He took a step toward me. "Don't touch me," I hissed. Until that second I wasn't even aware that I was angry. He stopped short, a question in his eyes. "Just take me to the clinic and then go back to your"

"What the f.u.c.k?" he snarled, his expression turning dark. It was obvious that he didn't like my change in att.i.tude.

Well, that was just too d.a.m.n bad. He'd spent two and a half days f.u.c.king me senseless at every chance he got, and then he went to Marla last night? It was my fault for forgetting that to a man like Lynch; s.e.x wasn't anything more than the means to an end. He was a man-wh.o.r.e, and remembering his words to Stella the night before, I was just his weekend f.u.c.k. We stood there staring at each other, the anger simmering between us.

Finally he said, "I know what you're thinking, and you can f.u.c.kin' stop it right now. But know this, babe; I don't explain myself to anyone."

He made me so mad that I wanted to scratch his eyes out. But that would be showing Lynch too much emotion, and put me at a disadvantage. "I didn't ask you for a f.u.c.king explanation," I said, heading toward the door. "And don't expect to get inside my pants again." What the h.e.l.l? The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I was glad he couldn't see my face as I reached for the doork.n.o.b.

Before I could open the door Lynch spun me around and pushed me up against it. I caught my breath, meeting the fire burning in his eyes. It was hard to determine if he was just that angry, or if he was aroused.

It was probably a little of both.

"Try and stop me," he snarled down at me. "I told you Kat, you're mine." Hadn't that been spoken in the heat of the moment, and everyone knew that it didn't mean anything then. "I don't f.u.c.kin' play around baby." He pressed against me.

I dropped my purse and struggled mildly, thinking about him f.u.c.king Marla."No, you just f.u.c.k around," I said, digging my nails into him. I should have remembered that Lynch liked pain. He grunted and grabbed my wrists, pinning my arms above my head with one hand, while his other circled my throat. He held me with just enough pressure to get my attention, and keep me still.

"I'm not going to apologize for liking to f.u.c.k, Kat." His saying my name told me just how angry he really was, but I could see the l.u.s.t in his eyes, too, could feel his c.o.c.k pounding against my belly. "Do you honestly think I went to a sweetb.u.t.t after satisfying myself in your p.u.s.s.y?"

My heart was hammering. "You said you might never be satisfied," I reminded him.

"With you, babe," he growled with annoyance. He slammed his mouth down on mine and I tried to ignore the warm, minty taste of his kiss. His lips were almost punis.h.i.+ng, but his tongue caressed the inside of my mouth with slow, even strokes that fanned the desire in my belly.

Before I knew it the hand around my throat slowly glided down to my Lynch wasted no time in squeezing and pinching my nipples until they were painfully hard. I whimpered with pleasure, wis.h.i.+ng I had the strength to ignore what he did to me. When he was done with my his hand continued down my body. His fingers lifted my s.h.i.+rt and slipped beneath to where my jeans were closed. Without hesitation he expertly pulled the snap and lowered the zipper.

I began to squirm against him, realizing what his intentions were. His c.o.c.k has like a solid steel rod against me, and I couldn't help but roll my hips into him. Groaning, Lynch started to dry hump against me, while slipping his hand inside my pants. His fingers tugged at the hair covering my p.u.s.s.y, teasing the slit by running up and down the seam. My moans turned louder, as my whole body quivered, releasing a flush of excitement just as his finger dipped inside me.

"Oh, f.u.c.k, baby," he growled against my mouth. He began chewing on my bottom lip, working another finger inside me. "Your body knows it belongs to me."

"f.u.c.k-" I gasped, why was it so important that he own me? When he raked over my c.l.i.t I tried to break his hold.

His laugh was low and s.e.xy. "h.e.l.l no, I want you at my f.u.c.kin' mercy."

"Lynch." It was my turn to chomp down on his lip, only I wasn't gentle about it. He paid me back with a pinch to my c.l.i.t. "You're driving me crazy."

His mouth kissed its way to the side of my neck where he latched on and began to suck hard, drawing the blood to the surface. More liquid flowed around his fingers and I knew I was going to come soon, felt the telltale spiral as it sparked deep inside my core before catching fire. I moved my hips in rhythm with his fingers, reaching for the ultimate ecstasy. Held helpless against the door, Lynch picked up speed and became more focused on my G-spot and c.l.i.t.

As his fingers curled, applying continuous pressure to my G-spot, his thumb tortured my sensitive c.l.i.t without mercy. It all became too much and I peaked, crying out. I didn't care if they could hear me at the bar. I lost all control, trembling wildly with my release. Lynch didn't let up, drawing out my o.r.g.a.s.m until I collapsed and would have fallen to the floor if he hadn't been holding me up with his body.

His satisfied grumble vibrated through my limp body. When I was able to open my eyes again it was to look directly into his. My were heaving as I panted. At that very second I think I hated him.

"You're mine, and don't f.u.c.kin' forget it." He released me, bent and scooped up my purse. I slowly lowered my arms, taking it from him when he held it out. "Are we clear on that?"

I nodded.

"Say it."

"We're clear."

"All of it, Kat."

"I'm yours!"

"No one else gets inside your p.u.s.s.y."

"No one, else."

He stared into my eyes for what seemed a long time, as if deciding for himself if I was on board with what he said. Well, I was, but under one condition. He wasn't the only one who had rules. "The same goes for you, Lynch." I wasn't going to spell it out for him.

He seemed almost pleased. "Is that what you want?"


"Done. Now let's go."

Well, that was easy. He reached around me and opened the door. He followed close behind as we exited his office and stepped into the hallway. Muted conversation could be heard the closer we walked to the bar, and we were almost to the main door when someone called out.

"Hey, prez!" We stopped to see Lenny walking toward us.


"I have some f.u.c.kin' news about Kirby." His gaze s.h.i.+fted to me and then back to Lynch. "It's not good, man."

"f.u.c.k," Lynch swore. "Get with me after I get back."

He ushered me outside and onto his bike. I could tell by his movements that he was eager to be off so he could get back. It wouldn't take long to reach the clinic, especially with how fast Lynch was going. It was early morning and still cool out so I burrowed behind his large body for protection against the wind, holding on tightly.

As we pulled into the parking lot I was glad to see that my car was still there. Lynch stopped directly in front of the gla.s.s doors leading into the clinic. With his help I climbed off, and removed the helmet he'd given me. Our eyes met when it was time to say goodbye.

I smiled. "Thank you for the ride back."

He reached up and brushed my hair back behind my ear. "Have to leave town on business at the end of the week. Don't know when I'll be back."

What about the few days before that? I decided not to say anything, just nodded, already missing him. Or, maybe it was just the s.e.x. "Club business?" No, it wasn't just the s.e.x. Lynch was unlike any man I'd ever met or been involved with. He might be crude and dangerous but I had a hunch that he'd do anything for his club, and the people he cared for.

"Yeah, babe. Always." He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and guided me toward him for a kiss. "If I can get by before I leave, I will. If you need anything I've programmed my number in your phone."

That news surprised me and gave me hope, making me feel good inside. "Okay."

"Anything, Kat. You got me?"

"I got you," I smiled He kissed me again and then sped away without a backward glance. I took a deep breath and turned to unlock the clinic door.

What a weekend!

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 7 summary

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