Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 8

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Lynch I walked into the clubhouse, and yelled for Lenny as I continued to my office. He'd know where to find me. My gut told me Kirby might be dead, and if he'd talked before they'd killed him, that would explain how the Red Devils had located our warehouse. If he wasn't dead, then he'd joined them, and sold us out. I ran my hand over my face as I walked around my desk.

By the time Lenny walked through the doorway I was sitting. I got right to the point. "Kirby dead?"

Lenny shook his head. "Worse than that, prez. The f.u.c.ker's been patched-in."

Now that was something I hadn't been expecting. I leaned back in my chair, anger seething through me. "f.u.c.k me."

"I'd say he did it to keep up with the pretense that he wanted in their f.u.c.kin' club if it hadn't been for the warehouse incident." I nodded at Lenny's a.s.sumption. "Now I think he's betrayed us."

"f.u.c.kin' looks that way." I thought about all of the things Kirby had been part of and had knowledge of as a prospect. He'd never been allowed to attend church, but his job as an inside man with the Devils had made him privy to much more than the other prospects. s.h.i.+t. We were f.u.c.ked, and so was Dark Menace. "Who did you talk to?"

"Rebel, Stone's inside man, but here's the thing, I talked to Kirby first. He said he didn't know s.h.i.+t how the Devils found the warehouse. Then I filled him in on the plans to go to New Hamps.h.i.+re this coming weekend to give Stone back up against the Devils. Five minutes later Rebel calls me with his news."

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. This wasn't good. Kirby's betrayal meant he'd probably told Wildman about our plans. "I wonder how much of the s.h.i.+t he's been feeding us is real." It wasn't a question.

"f.u.c.k," Lenny said, taking a seat.

As something occurred to me I reached forward and dialed Stone's number on the conference phone. He was not going to be a happy brother. "Stone needs to hear this s.h.i.+t." He picked up on the third ring.

"What's up?"

"You're on speaker phone, can you talk?" I heard him tell someone to shut the door on their way out. "My inside man with the Red Devils just got patched-into their f.u.c.kin' club."

"s.h.i.+t, man."

"Yeah, all the way around, brother."

"Well, now you know how they found out about the warehouse," Stone snarled.

"That makes me wonder about the rest of the s.h.i.+t Kirby's been feeding us." I gave Stone a minute for it to sink in. "I think we're being set up."

"You think the f.u.c.kers are planning to hit your club when you're out of town?" Stone asked.

"Without a doubt." I slammed my fist down on my desk. "f.u.c.kers! I bet they never had plans to go to New Hamps.h.i.+re." No, they were probably going to hit the clubhouse when we were gone. s.h.i.+t. I thought about the few brothers we'd planned to leave behind, the old ladies, and sweetb.u.t.ts. The Red Devils left no one behind, or alive. We would have returned to complete devastation.

I wanted to get my hands on Kirby.

"What has your guy told you?" He had to be privy to the same information as Kirby.

As if knowing what I was thinking Stone replied "Rebel hasn't been there as long as Kirby."

I nodded even though Stone couldn't see me. "Thank f.u.c.k we never told Kirby that Rebel was your brother."

"Amen to that. You know, we need to rethink this whole f.u.c.kin' thing." Stone's ruthless tone cut into my thoughts.

"Way ahead of you. I'm thinkin' we won't be making a trip to New Hamps.h.i.+re after all, brother."

"I have an idea," Lenny cut in for the first time.

He was sitting with his arms crossed and a look of stone-faced anger twisting his features. I nodded for him to continue.

"I say we make a show of leaving for New Hamps.h.i.+re as planned, it's what Wildman is expecting. But then we double back and come in through Cutter's Pa.s.s behind the warehouse. We hide out there until the Devils make their move. It won't take us ten minutes to get back here."

I thought about it for a minute, working it out in my head. The hardest part would be the waiting because we had no idea when Wildman would make his move. One thing was f.u.c.king clear though, it would have to be between Friday and Sunday while he thought we were away. Lenny's idea had merit.

"It would work, Lynch." Stone decided to put in his two cents. "Wildman's gonna think you're in New Hamps.h.i.+re. He can hit us anytime but he wouldn't pa.s.s up an opportunity to take out your club when you've made it so easy for him."

He was right. "Okay. Can we count on you for backup?"

Stone didn't hesitate. "Be there Friday night."

"Don't come to the club," Lenny began, "We'll meet you at the warehouse. Know the back way?"

"Send me a map, and we'll find it."

That's what I liked about Stone. He f.u.c.king jumped right into s.h.i.+t to help out. He was all about club life. We ran our MCs similarly. Had plenty of legitimate businesses to keep the local cops, Feds, and IRS off our, and offered protection and support to the small towns we called home. Sure we did some illegal s.h.i.+t, but that's what brought in the biggest payoffs, and that's what allowed our members to live a better life.

"Lenny will fax it to you within the hour." I gave Lenny a meaningful look. "Church, fifteen minutes." With a nod of understanding Lenny got up and left.

"I guess I better make plans for my own club," Stone said. "They'll go on lockdown while were gone. We'll come up using the back roads."

"Kirby doesn't know we're on to him so as far as he's concerned the information he got about us going to New Hamps.h.i.+re is the truth. Just to be on the safe side, I wouldn't let your man know s.h.i.+t's been changed and that you're coming here."

"I trust Rebel," Stone said firmly.

"Yeah, well, we thought we could f.u.c.kin' trust Kirby," I reminded him. I could hear him release a deep breath.

"I'll tell him what he needs to know."

"Okay, then, that's it for now."

I ended the call, feeling good about s.h.i.+t, in spite of Kirby switching sides. If Wildman thought we'd left the club unprotected, he might not show up with too many men. I didn't really give a f.u.c.k, as long as I ended him and Kirby, and if we got really lucky, we'd take out his officers too. Nothing disbanded a club faster than having no one with the b.a.l.l.s to run it. I wasn't the only one who thought once Wildman was taken out that the club would fall apart. Getting to him wasn't easy, though. For a crazed lunatic he was d.a.m.ned lucky.

I sat back and waited for my brothers. My eyes fell on my cell and I thought about Kat. I picked it up and began to text.

You there?

A couple minutes went by before she responded. Yes.

How's your day goin'?

Good so far, busy.

I grinned like a stupid school boy. Miss me?

Miss your big fat c.o.c.k.

s.h.i.+t! I didn't expect that. You're a tease baby.

You left me all wet this morning.

f.u.c.k! My d.i.c.k was growing hard at her comments. Should have said something, we had time to f.u.c.k.

You're insatiable, lol Only for you babe.

Sure, and pigs fly. Gotta go, bye.


About the time we disconnected I heard the guys approaching. I'd brief them on the change of plans. After that all we'd have to do was wait.

And I knew just how to kill some time.

Chapter 10.

Kat "Hey, baby."

Lynch, sitting on his motorcycle, looking all rugged and s.e.xy in leather, was the first thing I saw when I pushed through the clinic door after my s.h.i.+ft. We'd been texting regularly but I hadn't seen him in two days. Seeing him now, with a s.e.xy smile on his face, made my heart race, and my panties wet. I walked straight to him, antic.i.p.ating his kiss, and his touch.

I wasn't disappointed.

"Hi-" He didn't let me finish, but grabbed me and pulled me in for a long, panty-melting kiss. A sharp curl of need uncoiled inside me, turning me all soft against him. I was aware of his smooth lips slanting over mine, the taste and texture of his tongue when I opened my mouth to let him inside. We both moaned hungry for each other.

"I need to get my d.i.c.k inside you," he rasped once he pulled away. "Get on before I f.u.c.k you here in the parking lot."

"It's only been two days," I laughed; secretly glad he was taking me somewhere to have s.e.x. I was eager to have his huge c.o.c.k inside me again. d.a.m.n, one weekend with him had turned me into a greedy s.l.u.t.

"Feels like two hundred." His no nonsense tone revealed his impatience, and that he was on edge. He revved his bike.

"Where are you taking me?" I soon found out that mounting a bike while wearing a short skirt was near to impossible. "Lynch," I tried again but the material refused to cooperate.

He looked back. "Lift your d.a.m.n skirt up, baby, and get the f.u.c.k on," he ordered.

Well, h.e.l.l, I could have figured that out on my own, but I was trying to retain a little modesty. With a huff I did what he suggested and climbed on, hoping that no one in the clinic would catch me. The doctor and a couple of nurses were still there, and then of course Stella walked out just in time to see us. She tried to hide it, but I caught the look of resentment before it turned into a stiff smile.

I glanced away, pretending I hadn't noticed. I could imagine how it felt being hung up on someone who didn't give a c.r.a.p about you, other than for s.e.x. I hoped in time that Stella would move on, but instinct warned me that that was a long way off. I'd been half-listening to her gush over someone at the club since I'd started work there, but I hadn't paid enough attention to realize that the man was Lynch. The girl was obsessed with him.

Lynch didn't need to tell me to wrap my arms around him and hold on. I'd just barely linked my hands around his middle when his bike shot forward. It all happened so fast that he hadn't even seen Stella.

Wherever he was taking me was off the main dirt road. He veered onto a barely-there trail in some tall gra.s.s, taking us through a field and deep into the woods. I buried my face against his strong shoulder when the sting of the wind became too much. There was nothing I could do to stop the vibration of the bike between my legs, stimulating my sensitive c.l.i.t like a giant d.i.l.d.o. The intense feeling was a hundred times more powerful, keeping me just on the edge of an o.r.g.a.s.m. As Lynch slowed his bike I glanced up and over his shoulder, seeing a lake in front of us.

Lynch a.s.sisted me off first. His gaze zeroed right in on the exposed triangle between my legs. I felt myself blush because I knew my p.u.s.s.y was wet and therefore my panties were, too. Before I could push my skirt down he reached forward, curled his fingers around the silk covering my p.u.s.s.y and yanked me closer to him. My gasp was cut short when he slammed his mouth over mine. It was brief but satisfying nevertheless.

"Get these f.u.c.kin' clothes off," he grumbled and he dismounted.

"Do you have to be so bossy, and abrupt?"

"It's the only way I know, babe." He removed his vest and laid it carefully over the seat of his bike. "There will be times when all I want is s.e.x, hot...hard...and fast." He kicked off his boots. "There won't be any finesse. I'll f.u.c.k you before you even have time to get your clothes off. I'll f.u.c.k you raw. I'll f.u.c.k you until you scream my name and can't walk. Sometimes after a particularly long and dangerous run my adrenaline will be flying off the chart. The only thing that brings me down is f.u.c.king it out of my system.

"You make it sound like I'm going to be around for a while."

He turned to me, completely naked, his c.o.c.k fully erect and seeming to reach out for me. He looked like a warrior, his tanned torso and arms revealing scars that proved he wasn't afraid of a fight. Under his quiet stare I reached for the hem to my top, pulling it up and over my head and letting it fall to the ground. When I moved on to my bra his gaze dropped to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, just like I knew they would.

"You have beautiful t.i.ts." l.u.s.tful appreciation burned bright in his eyes. "Now let me see that c.o.c.k clencher."

As usual his unfiltered, coa.r.s.e language got to my libido. I wasn't used to a man saying what he wanted so bluntly, at least not outside the bedroom. My hands moved to the waist of my skirt and I slowly wiggled it down my hips, thighs and legs, the whole time aware of his intense stare. I stood and faced Lynch in nothing but my tiny panties.

His nostrils flared like a wild stallion taking in the scent of his mate, and he came to me. Rough, calloused hands cupped my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, ma.s.saging them vigorously. My nipples hardened with one sharp pinch that drew a gasp from me.

"Touch me, baby." He kissed me hard, plunging his tongue inside my mouth. "I want to feel your hands on my p.r.i.c.k." His mouth nibbled on my bottom lip, before leaving a slow trail of fire along my jaw.

Sighing, I reached forward and wrapped my hand around his thick length. OhmyG.o.d! His c.o.c.k felt like hot steel. I moved my hand slowly over his blood engorged muscle, relis.h.i.+ng in Lynch's long shuddering snarl.

"Yeah, that's the way." He closed his eyes, pumping his d.i.c.k into my fisted hand.

I glanced down, seeing the white pearl of pre-c.u.m glistening in the slit, the head of his c.o.c.k s.h.i.+ning almost purple. I licked my lips, not realizing how badly I wanted to taste him until I fell to my knees and took him into my mouth. Curling my tongue, I scooped the salty thickness into my mouth, moaning when the wild flavor overwhelmed my taste buds. With a snarl, Lynch's hand clenched in my hair as he started to control my movements.

Moaning around a mouth full of the biggest c.o.c.k I'd ever seen, I was prepared to let Lynch come into my mouth. I wanted it, and thought he wanted it too until he pulled away and guided me to my feet. His kiss nearly snapped my neck under the pressure, his hands roamed over my body roughly, stimulating me into a frenzy of feral, desperate need. I opened my mouth to his demanding tongue, hearing him growl with satisfaction when I gave him access to my mouth.

I strained into Lynch's incredibly hard c.o.c.k as it throbbed against my belly, gasping when his hand moved down my body to slip between my thighs. His finger outlined the seam of my p.u.s.s.y lips, before dipping inside to run teasingly along my l.a.b.i.a. A s.h.i.+ver escaped me when he circled my c.l.i.t.

"So f.u.c.kin' wet," he growled against my swollen mouth. He began to flick my c.l.i.t with more vigor, causing my legs to quiver and my breathing to pick up.

It felt so good I almost fell to my knees! I spread my legs, giving him greater access. Lynch didn't hesitate to slip a long, thick finger inside my c.u.n.t, while continuing to play with me. I cried out in pleasure and dug my nails into the muscles of his arms but it wasn't enough. He was driving me insane and I wanted him to feel my frustration. I bit his chest, getting the reaction I needed.

Lynch pulled me back by my hair and snarled, "You'll pay for that." He slipped his hands beneath my bottom and picked me up.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Without hesitating he grabbed hold of his c.o.c.k and rubbed the head over and over my c.l.i.t, before penetrating me with one, rough plunge. I caught my breath but had no time for anything else when Lynch turned and pinned me up against the nearest tree. The rough bark was soon forgotten as I was overcome by Lynch's hard thrusts. Each plunge caused me to ride up the tree while his c.o.c.k hit the core of me with exquisite, mind-numbing pleasure.

My first o.r.g.a.s.m drew a scream from me, and my release had me clenching uncontrollably. He never let up pounding into my body, if anything his thrusts became faster and more intense. His grunts sounded next to my ear, and I knew that he was about to come when I felt his c.o.c.k swell even more. With an animal-like sound he clamped his teeth down onto my shoulder and let go, filling my body with unrelenting jets of c.u.m.

"No!" I screamed, realizing he hadn't used a condom. I tried to push him away but he didn't budge. In fact, much to my surprise, his c.o.c.k was still releasing inside me. d.a.m.n, it felt good, but I wasn't happy that we hadn't used protection.

I knew I was safe, but had high doubts about Lynch. His way of life was reckless and dangerous, and I'd seen the way his crew just grabbed and f.u.c.ked any woman within reach. What made him any different? As we continued to gasp heavily against each other I became aware of just how painful f.u.c.king against a tree actually was, now that I didn't have something else occupying my mind. My back felt raw.

"Jesus!" I finally said after a few minutes, and I felt an occasional squirt from his c.o.c.k. "How much c.u.m do your b.a.l.l.s hold?"

Lynch's body vibrated with silent laughter. He pulled away to meet my eyes, leaving his c.o.c.k nestled deep inside me. It was definitely softening, but still big enough not to slip out completely.

I met his smirk. "That was good." I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling.

"Good?" He sounded insulted. "Seemed like you were into it." He leaned down enough to take a nipple into his mouth.

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 8 summary

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