Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 9

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More than into it but I wasn't fool enough to admit it.

I rolled my head back against the tree and moaned. My body was betraying me and it wasn't fair. Denying it was true would be an obvious lie. Lynch, and everything about him, turned me on. He began licking his way to my other breast, and the mild thrust of his hips revealed his c.o.c.k was hardening while still inside me.

Oh my G.o.d! I didn't stand a chance. It felt f.u.c.king good when his c.o.c.k swelled and lengthened inside of me. Glancing down to where his mouth was locked onto my nipple, I tried again to push him away.

"No, I" I barely got the words out when he pulled me away from the tree and lowered us to the gra.s.s.

His mouth attacked mine; his hands squeezed my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his c.o.c.k turned hard as a rock in the s.p.a.ce of a few minutes. Before I was aware of what I was doing I was touching him all over, taking in the hard muscles and planes of his form. I would never get enough of his ripped torso and bulky arms. His neck was thick and straining with his forceful kiss. Everywhere my hands wandered revealed that he was a powerful, strongly-built man.

He began to move his hips slowly, pulling his c.o.c.k all the way out to the tip before sliding back in. I s.h.i.+vered violently beneath him. It seemed like every nerve ending inside my body was alive and being teased by Lynch's huge d.i.c.k, penetrating me in a way that had his flesh gliding against the tiny cl.u.s.ter of nerves between my legs with ruthless accuracy. I bowed up in pleasure, while his rough hands guided me to meet his thrusts.

He tore his mouth away. "f.u.c.k, baby. Your body hugs my d.i.c.k good." He continued his slow movements. Bringing his hands up to my hair, he brushed a few strands out of my face, looking into my eyes almost tenderly. Well, as tenderly as the president of a one percenter motorcycle club could.

I didn't know what possessed me to reach up and bury my hands in his dark hair. I pulled him closer to my face, and licked his bottom lip. His reaction was so minimal that I was sure I'd imagined it. Lynch wasn't into tender. I already knew the hard-a.s.s biker liked to feel it, and he liked it rough. So I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and chomped down on it with my teeth.

He pulled back, a l.u.s.tful fire flaring in his eyes. He picked up speed, slamming his hips forward, in, out, in and out. I felt like he was trying to f.u.c.k me into the ground. The breath left me in grunts. Without warning Lynch pulled out. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up and over his body while he switched places with me. Once he had his back on the ground he slowly lowered me over his c.o.c.k.

His growl sounded loud in the silence surrounding us. He clenched his teeth when I began to move, bringing his hands up to caress my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I cried out softly when he pinched and tugged on my nipples until they were burning. Then his hand moved to my c.l.i.t.

"I'm going to f.u.c.k you until you're screaming my name," he said. "Come for me, baby."

I leaned back, putting my hands on his thick thighs. I was so close to climaxing, and his throaty, self-a.s.sured words, along with his expertise at manipulating my c.l.i.t, pushed me up the summit until I maxed-out. With a cry of overpowering pleasure I let my o.r.g.a.s.m take over, content to ride the torrent spiraling out of control. Halfway through Lynch came, adding longevity to my ecstasy while his body bucked against me until it was depleted.

We lay there panting heavily, our bodies glistening with sweat, and twitching occasionally. The muted sound of a cell phone had Lynch nudging me to get up. He followed and went to his jeans where he pulled his cell out.


I scrambled to my clothes, picking them up and arranging them in front of me. Lynch smirked at my modesty, standing there without a shy bone in his big, beautiful body. He wasn't saying much, but he was getting an earful, considering the non-stop talking that I could hear coming from the other end. I watched the growing scowl on his face.

"Sorry, babe. The swim I had planned for us will have to wait. Get dressed."

"You didn't wear a condom," I accused, slipping my skirt back on. My panties were ruined, so I tossed them into the bushes.

Lynch laughed gruffly. "I like riding bareback, and it wasn't our first time s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g without protection." I gave him a scathing look, racking my brain at trying to remember when I had been so careless. He shrugged. "I'm clean."

"How can you be so sure? Do you f.u.c.k every woman bareback? And how do you know that I'm clean?" I pulled my blouse on.

Lynch snarled at me as he pulled his jeans up. "No, I don't f.u.c.k every woman bareback. I wear condoms when I'm with a sweetb.u.t.t." He zipped up his jeans with an agitated movement. "Are you clean?"

"Yes, but"

"Well, now I know." He mounted his bike and started it. "Get on."

Oh, he was so infuriating! So, so alpha! And just like a man, insensitive to a legitimate concern. I was getting tired of him always ordering me around, just expecting me to be available to him at all times, and deciding when to have s.e.x, like today. Sure, I'd been happy to see him and had antic.i.p.ated the s.e.x. Lynch was amazing in that department. But the rest of him could do with some improvement. He couldn't just expect me to drop everything the second he showed up. He needed to know that I had a mind of my own, and my own wants, and I had questions.

Mainly, I needed to know what to call this thing going on between us.

I held back, slapping my hands on my hips. When he realized I wasn't climbing on behind him he turned and looked at me.

"What?" His tone said he didn't have time for this.

"I need to know what this is, Lynch." The frown between his eyes told me that he had no idea what I was talking about. "Between us? Am I just this week's f.u.c.k, am I a friend, am I your girlfriend?

He looked me over and grinned. "I don't f.u.c.k my friends."

"Well, then, that leaves f.u.c.k of the week or girlfriend." I tried to keep my anger in check. "You're secretive when it comes to club business, but that doesn't include me. You can't just expect me to be at your beck and call. You can't make all the decisions for me. You don't own me."

His expression darkened at my last comment. He was clearly not happy over my rant. "You think not? I've f.u.c.kin' owned you about half a dozen times over the last week."

"Does everything boil down to s.e.x?"

"In my world it does, baby. s.e.x ranks right up there with money and freedom. Just be glad I'm willing to give up other p.u.s.s.y for you. Now, get on."

He'd said it like it was a big deal, maybe even a hards.h.i.+p for him. I had no doubt that it was, but his comment made me see red. If Lynch thought that I was going to make myself available whenever he wanted he would soon learn differently. I wasn't going to just continue to put out, he was going to have to work a little more to gain access to my body.

With little help I climbed on behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we were at the clubhouse in five minutes flat. Some of Lynch's men were on the porch, smoking and joking around. I recognized Hulk, Tank, and Chicken, but no one else. A few of the men that I hadn't seen before looked at me with curiosity, as if wondering what I was to Lynch. Chicken's narrowed gaze made me feel uneasy.

Lynch parked his bike and reached around to a.s.sist me off first. I was embarra.s.singly aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing panties, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"What the f.u.c.k, Lynch, you finally got yourself a woman?" a man I hadn't seen before asked around the cigarette dangling out the corner of his mouth. He was dressed like the rest, and there was no guessing his age from the s.h.a.ggy beard covering most of his face. He was huge though, not fat, but heavily muscled. Most of the Wild Marauders I'd seen so far were healthy and in top form, and I couldn't help but wonder if that was a requirement for them becoming a member.

I couldn't hear Lynch's reply. Whatever it was caused laughter. As I followed him toward the door someone reached out and grabbed my a.s.s. More laughter erupted and I swung around and glared at the man.

"You sharing?" the same man asked, ignoring me and laughing.

"f.u.c.k no."

I followed Lynch up the steps, and just as he was about to open the door it opened from the other side, and Lenny came out. "Hey, man, did Stone call back?" Lenny nodded, and then looked at me as if he had more to say but wasn't sure he should. "Say it," Lynch said.

"He and his crew are already here."

f.u.c.k, they were a couple days early. "At the warehouse?"

"Close. I sent Fat Boy over with a key. They're gonna hang tight until dark."


"Cutter's Pa.s.s, at the edge of the woods."

Lynch nodded and I could tell that he was satisfied with what Lenny was saying. "Okay, let's get ready to roll out." His gaze s.h.i.+fted briefly to me. "First I want you to take Kat home. Have two prospects follow you and get them set up. I want them there until they hear from me."

"What? Why do I need someone staying with me?" I asked in confusion.

"I'll go get Red and Bullseye."

Lenny went back inside and Lynch pulled me away from the door. "Listen, serious s.h.i.+t is going to go down, and I want you away from here, and safe."

"Club business?" He nodded. "I'm not connected to the club," I said. Even still, Lynch's comment about 'serious s.h.i.+t' had me thinking all kinds of dangerous, a.s.s-kicking stuff, and none of it good.

"You're connected to me, you're connected to the club, babe." He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and pulled me against him. As soon as I came in contact with his hard body a sharp need uncurled inside my belly. "Please just f.u.c.kin' do what I say, Kat. I don't want to worry about you while this s.h.i.+t is going on." He'd said please. I knew it was bad. Before I had a chance to respond Lynch's demanding mouth was on mine and his hands were cupping my a.s.s.

d.a.m.n him, he didn't play fair. I didn't need a babysitter, but the longer we kissed and his hard-on pounded against me, it wiped my mind clear of everything but him. It was easy forgetting that we were still on the front porch until laughter and crude remarks penetrated the daze surrounding my brain.

"Red and Bullseye will be with you more to ease my mind than anything else."

"What about my job? I can't just have two bikers follow me around all day." Although the girls in the office wouldn't mind it, I thought, especially Stella.

Lynch smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear. "They know how to stay out of sight and still get the job done." Lenny, followed by two bikers, pushed open the door, and stepped out onto the porch. They immediately turned our way.

"When you get back we'll head out," Lynch said to Lenny, who nodded silently. Then he made eye contact with Red and Bullseye, his expression turning to stone, and an unfathomable darkness filled his eyes that sent a chill through me. "Anything happens to her, it falls on you." It was a threat if I'd ever heard one. I wasn't exactly sure what he wasn't saying, but the expressions on the prospects' faces revealed that they knew, and they took his warning seriously. "We clear?"

"Clear as f.u.c.k, boss," the one with red hair responded. I a.s.sumed he was Red.

Lynch took my face in his hands and forced me to meet his eyes. "I was hoping to spend some time with you but this is business." He kissed me long and hard. "Whatever the f.u.c.k happens, babe, you do what they say, no questions. Okay?" I nodded, which turned the corners of his mouth up. "Good girl. Lenny will take you home in a cage."

Lynch gave me a last hard kiss, turned away, and disappeared into the club.

I glanced at Lenny, confused. "A cage?" When he began walking I followed, conscious of the two prospects behind me.

"The cage is what we call a vehicle," he explained. "Most bikers don't like being in a cage because it makes us feel closed in, but sometimes they come in handy."

"Like now," I said, more to myself than him. I glanced around the yard, surprised to see so many motorcycles parked there. Whatever s.h.i.+t Lynch referred to must be big.

"Yeah. Prez doesn't want you on the back of anyone's bike but his."


Lenny gave me a smile over his shoulder. "He's possessive as f.u.c.k."

"Until he's done with me." I could hear the bitterness in my tone.

Lenny stopped so short that I plowed into him. "You're the first woman prez has f.u.c.kin' kept for himself that I can remember, and I've been here for almost ten years."

"And that makes me special how?" We came to an SUV and he opened the driver's side door and clicked the lock so that I could open mine. Once we were settled inside and on our way I said, "You're not going to tell me?"

Lenny shrugged. "I don't know why that makes you special," he cast a quick glance at me and smiled, "You're not my f.u.c.kin' woman."

I couldn't help but return his smile. I had a feeling that even if he did know he wouldn't have told me. There were a couple of things I'd learned quickly about the Marauders, and that was they were fierce, protected their own, and were loyal to Lynch.

I was surprised when Lenny dropped me off next to my car in the clinic parking lot, but didn't say anything. It was obviously that he and Lynch had worked out some plan. He waited until I was inside, and then pulled behind me once I pulled onto the road. It was clear that he was going to follow me, even with Red and Bullseye tagging along.

As I drove the fifteen miles to my home, a lot of things went through my head. What was going on at the club, what Grace was going to think about my company, but most of all, when was I going to see Lynch again?

Chapter 11.

Lynch I slammed my empty bottle down and motioned for a sweetb.u.t.t to bring me another beer, while waiting for Lenny to return. I'd just gotten off the phone with Stone, and everything was falling into place. As soon as night fell he and his crew would make their way to the back door of the warehouse, where Fat Boy was all ready waiting to let them in. Thank f.u.c.k the warehouse was large enough to accommodate hiding our bikes, too.

Any old ladies that had been hanging around had already been sent away to a safe house. The sweetb.u.t.ts lived at the club but at the first sign of trouble they would lock themselves in the panic room. One of the first things I'd done as the president was to have one built behind a closet in the back storage room. A well placed camera on the outside of the hidden door would allow anyone inside to see who was there. Kirby knew about its existence as did all my brothers, but without the code there was no way to get inside. The code had been changed that morning.

Normally during lockdown everyone, including families of club members, stayed there for protection. Lockdown was serious, no one got in and no one got out until the threat was gone. This time the only ones' staying were a few members of the crew, just enough to hold the Red Devils off until we could make it back here.

Any eyes Wildman had on us would report back that they'd seen us take off for New Hamps.h.i.+re. The plan was to get on the interstate, and then get off the next exit and head back to the warehouse. Waiting for Wildman's move would be tough, though. We were men of action and liked to face s.h.i.+t head on, get it sorted, and go on with our lives. Waiting and not knowing made the men antsy, and Wildman could hit the club anytime once he thought we were gone. If he was planning to-there was still a possibility that nothing was going to happen.

Candy sashayed over with my beer. There was an invitation in her heavily made-up eyes that I couldn't miss. I let my gaze drop to her t.i.ts, which were huge fakes but t.i.ts none the less. For some reason the sight of them jiggling close to my face did nothing for me. Kat was the one I wanted. How could one little woman ruin it for me with other women in such a short f.u.c.king time?

"Want a little company, boss?" She took it for granted that I did and started to sit on my lap.

I almost took her up on it just to prove to myself that I could, but instead my hand clamped around her arm to hold her back. "I didn't invite you to sit." I took a sip of my beer. "Get lost." Her huff as she turned and walked away didn't faze me. Neither did the sight of her skinny a.s.s.

Kat's fleshy backside flashed in my mind and my d.i.c.k jerked. She wanted to know where we were heading. Most women who knew anything about biker life knew that just because we liked to f.u.c.k them didn't mean we wanted to give up our lives for them. I sensed that she knew some things about club life, but what she didn't know was just the tip of the iceberg. If I told her the cold stark truth she'd run and keep right on going. The women in my world knew and accepted the s.h.i.+t we did, without question. In some perverse way it turned them on.

It was too soon to know if Kat would accept me for who I was, and could handle the sometimes dark s.h.i.+t the club got messed up in. h.e.l.l, we didn't like it either, preferring to keep life simple and easy. It was the a.s.sholes and rival MCs out there who felt they had something to prove by challenging our club, and thinking they could take over our town. Whether or not Kat became a permanent fixture in my bed depended on if she could witness the occasional fighting, handle threats of danger, and yes, sometimes a f.u.c.king murder, without running to the cops.

f.u.c.k, when was the last time a woman entered my thoughts for anything other than a place to get my d.i.c.k wet? I'd screwed more than my fair share of sweetb.u.t.ts, here and at other clubs, and knew my status could get me any woman I wanted. There was always something about a hard-a.s.s biker in leather that attracted attention and seemed to get a woman's panties wet. The women who looked at us with l.u.s.t in their eyes, and let us f.u.c.k them behind the bar or in a back alley were the same b.i.t.c.hes who complained about our presence in town, and the dangers we presented to their virgin daughters.

Virgins were over-rated anyway. Fears and tears I didn't need. Give me a wet, pretty p.u.s.s.y that knew how to hug my d.i.c.k tight and could take my rough pounding any day. Someone who could wrap their legs around my waist and hold on until I satisfied us both. I thought about Kat's nails raking down my backside during o.r.g.a.s.m. Yeah. She was what I wanted.

Exactly what I needed.

She was perfect.

I was sitting here with a hard-on. Normally that wasn't a problem, but the clubs three sweetb.u.t.ts no longer tempted me and hadn't for some time. I'd only used them because they were convenient. Maybe that's why I couldn't get enough of Kat. She was fresh meat, as Candy had so crudely put it the other day. Only I didn't want to give her up anytime soon. I grinned, thinking about her outburst at the lake earlier. Maybe I should make her my old lady.

What the f.u.c.k? A smiling Lenny walked into the room breaking my concentration. I shook my head to clear it of the insane thoughts going through it, of having an old lady and what that would mean for me. I liked my freedom and tying myself down to one woman would definitely screw things up. I didn't know if I was ready for that.

"Kat good?" I stood as he neared the table, anxious to be off.

"Yeah, brother. When I left she was introducing Red and Bullseye to this sweet little old lady who offered them lemonade."

I could imagine the looks on their faces. "I thought she lived alone."

"She does. The old lady has a loft apartment built over a detached garage next to her house. Kat's renting it out, pretty nice, too."

"It look secure?"

Lenny shrugged. "One way in, one way out. I noticed windows, but the apartment is built up high, so I don't see any easy threat there."

I nodded, thinking about having a security alarm installed at her place. I patted him on the back of the shoulder. "Let's hope this s.h.i.+t is over soon."

[Kat I glanced out the side window that faced Grace's small house, and couldn't stop the ear to ear grin from spreading across my face. There was something funny about seeing two big, tough bikers with full beards and long hair, sitting beneath Grace's tree, drinking lemonade with her. What was even funnier was that the three of them appeared to be having an in-depth conversation. I figured Red and Bullseye either loved her home made lemonade, or they were afraid to hurt the eighty-year-olds feelings by declining her hospitality.

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Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 9 summary

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