The Iroquois Book Of Rites Part 21

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Nadekakaghneronnyonghkwe [nedekakanneronnyonkwe], it was commonly looked at. _Kagannere_, B., to see (frequentative form, imperfect tense).

Nai (exclam.), hail! oh! ah! (It is the exclamation _ai_ or _hai_, with the particle _ne_ prefixed.)

Nakonikonra, their mind. See _Onikonhra_.

Nakwah, (?) indeed. See _Akwah_.

Natehotiyadoreghtonh, they decided on. _Kajatoreton_, B., to examine, think, deliberate about anything.

Natejonhne, it was your number; this was the size of your cla.s.s.

_Teionihes_, C., large, wide; "_ken ok nateionhes_, not larger than that."

Nayakoghstonde [nayakostonde], by reason of, the pretext being.

_Gastonton_, B., to make a pretext of anything.

Nayawenh, it may be. _Enon, yawenon_, B.,--_iawens_, C., to happen. See _Nenyawenne_.

Nayeghnyasakenradake,(?) having a white neck. _Onniasa_, B., neck; _gagenrat_, B., white.

Ne, the, this, that, who, which (rel.). A demonstrative and relative particle, variously used, but always giving a certain emphasis to the word which it precedes.

Nedens, either, or.

Nekenne (or _ne kenh ne_), thus.

Nene, the, this, that, these, those, etc. (an emphatic reduplication of _ne_).

Nenyakoranne, they will keep on, persist, go so far as. _Garaon, garannne_, B., to find any one; _keras, kerane_, C., to approach any one, to come to him.

Nenyawenne, it may be; it will happen; it shall be done. Future of _Nayawenh_, q. v.

Nenyerighwanendon, they will inquire. See _Enyerighwanendon_.

Neok, nok, and, also. (Contracted from _ne_ and _ok_.)

Neony [neoni], also. See _Ne_ and _Oni_.

Niateweghniserakeh, every day. From _niate_, each, every, and _wehnisera_, (or _wennisera_) day, with the locative participle _ke_.

Nitthatirighwayerathaghwe [nithariwayerathakwe], they used to do the work. From _karihwa_, business, and _gaieren_, B., to do. (Imperfect tense.)

Nityakwenontonh, they search, inquire, pry into. _Annonton, gannenton_, B., to seek, search, interrogate.

Niutercnhhatye (?) it was startling. From _katyeren_, to wonder, to be startled.

Niwa, extent, size, number.

Niyakoghswathah, they are mischievous, troublesome. _Gasaton_, B., _etre mechant_.

Niyawehkowa [niawenhkowa], great thanks. _Niawen_, C., thanks; _kowa_, great.

Niyawennonh, it happened. See _Nayawenh_.

Niyenhhenwe [niyenhhenwe], in the future.--_nenwe_ relates to the future, C.

Niyieskahhaghs, being borne. _Gaha_, B., to carry away.

Niyonsakahhawe, he is carried. _Gahawi_, B., to bring.

Noghnaken, hereafter, afterwards, in later times. See _Oghnaken_.

Nonkenh, it may be. _Enon_, B., to happen.

Nonkwaderesera, our grandchildren. See _Saderesera_.

Nonwa, now.

Nyare, while, previously. _Niare_, C., beforehand.


Oghentonh, in the first place, foremost, firstly. _Gahenton_, B., to go first; _ohenton_, C, before, foremost, formerly.

Oghnaken [onaken], afterwards. _Ohnaken_, C., behind, backwards, afterwards.

Oghniyawenhonh, what has happened. From _ohni_, C., what? and _iawens_, to happen.

Oghnonekenh, dismayed (?) _Kannonhiannion_, B., to fear, to be alarmed.

Oghseronnih [onhseronni]; together. _Oseronni_, C., together.

Oghsonteraghkowa [aghsonderahkowah], disease, pestilence.

Ohhendonh; see _Oghentonh_.

Ok, and, also, indeed.

Okaghserakonh [okaserakonh], an tears. _Gagasera_, B., tears.

Okaghsery [okaseri], tears. _Okaseri_, C., tear, from _Okahra_, eye, and _keri_, liquid.

Onakara, horn.

Onekwenghdarihenh, in crimson (_i. e._, in blood). _Onigentara,_ B., red; onnigensa, blood.

Onenh [onen]. Now; at last; finally.

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