Boy Scouts Handbook Part 13

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8. Fix curtains, portiere rods, blind fixtures.

9. Lay carpets and mend clothing and upholstery.

10. Repair furniture and china.

11. Sharpen knives.

12. Repair gates.

13. Fix screens on windows and doors.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Horseshoe insignia. (tr)]

To obtain a merit badge for Horsemans.h.i.+p a scout must

1. Demonstrate riding at a walk, trot, and gallop.

2. Know how to saddle and bridle a horse correctly.

3. Know how to water and feed and to what amount, and how to groom a horse properly.


4. Know how to harness a horse correctly in single or double harness and to drive.

5. Have a knowledge of the power of endurance of horses at work and know the local regulations concerning driving.

6. Know the management and care of horses.

7. Be able to identify unsoundness and blemishes.

8. Know the evils of bearing or check reins and of ill-fitting harness or saddlery.

9. Know two common causes of, and proper remedies for, lameness, and know to whom he should refer cases of cruelty and abuse.

10. Be able to judge as to the weight, height, and age of horses; know three breeds and their general characteristics.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Handshake insignia. (tr)]

To obtain a merit badge for Interpreting, a scout must

1. Be able to carry on a simple conversation.

2. Write a simple letter on subject given by examiners.

3. Read and translate a pa.s.sage from a book or newspaper, in French, German, English, Italian, or any language that is not of his own country.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Gear insignia. (tr)]

To obtain a merit badge for Invention a scout must

1. Invent and patent some useful article;

2. Show a working drawing or model of the same.

Leather Working

[Ill.u.s.tration: Awl insignia. (tr)]

To obtain a merit badge for Leather Working a scout must

1. Have a knowledge of tanning and curing.


2. Be able to sole and heel a pair of boots, sewed or nailed, and generally repair boots and shoes.

3. Be able to dress a saddle, repair traces, stirrup leathers, etc., and know the various parts of harness.

Life Saving

[Ill.u.s.tration: Lifesaving buoy insignia. (tr)]

To obtain a merit badge for Life Saving a scout must

1. Be able to dive into from seven to ten feet of water and bring from bottom to surface a loose bag of sand weighing five pounds.

2. Be able to swim two hundred yards, one hundred yards on back without using the hands, and one hundred yards any other stroke.

3. Swim fifty yards with clothes on (s.h.i.+rt, long trousers, and shoes as minimum).

4. Demonstrate (a) on land--five methods of release; (b) in the water--two methods of release; (c) the Schaefer method of resuscitation ( pressure).


[Ill.u.s.tration: Pipewrench insignia. (tr)]

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Boy Scouts Handbook Part 13 summary

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