Boy Scouts Handbook Part 4

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_Patrol Leader's Tenderfoot Badge_--Oxidized silver finish.

These badges are seven eighths of an inch wide and are made either for the b.u.t.ton-hole or with safety-pin clasp. Price 5 cents.

_Second-Cla.s.s Scout Badge_--Gilt metal.

_Patrol Leader's Second-Cla.s.s Scout Badge_--Oxidized silver.

These badges--safety-pin style--to be worn upon the sleeve. Price 10 cents.

_First-Cla.s.s Scout Badge_--Gilt metal.

_Patrol Leader's First-Cla.s.s Scout Badge_--Oxidized silver.

Both badges safety-pin style--to be worn upon the sleeve. Price 15 cents.

_Scout Commissioner's, Scout Master's, and a.s.sistant Scout Master's Arm Badges_.

These badges are woven in blue, green, and red silk, and are to be worn on the sleeve of coat or s.h.i.+rt. Price 25 cents.


_b.u.t.tons_--The official b.u.t.tons worn on the scout uniforms sell for 10 cents per set for s.h.i.+rt and 15 cents per set for coat.

_Merit Badges_--Price 25 cents each.

_Boy Scout Certificates_--A handsome certificate in two colors, 6 x 8 inches, has been prepared for boy scouts who wish to have a record of their enrolment. The certificate has the Scout Oath and Law and the official Seal upon it, with place for the signature of the scout master. The price is 5 cents.

Directions For Ordering

Important! When ordering supplies send exact remittance with order, If check is used add New York exchange. Make checks and money orders payable to Boy Scouts of America. All orders received without the proper remittance will be s.h.i.+pped C. O. D., or held until remittance arrives.

The Scout Oath

Before he becomes a scout a boy must promise:

On my honor I will do my best: 1. To do my duty to G.o.d and my country, and to obey the scout law; 2. To help other people at all times; 3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Hand position. (tr)]

When taking this oath the scout will stand, holding up his right hand, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger and the other three fingers upright and together.

The Scout Sign

This is the scout sign. The three fingers held up remind him of his three promises in the scout oath.

The Scout Salute

When the three fingers thus held are raised to the forehead, it is the scout salute. The scout always salutes an officer.

The Scout Law

(Result of work of Committee on Scout Oath, Scout Law, Tenderfoot, Second-cla.s.s and First-cla.s.s Scout Requirements:--Prof. Jeremiah W.

Jenks, Chairman. Dr. Lee K. Frankel, George D. Porter, E. M. Robinson, G. W. Hinckley, B. E. Johnson, Clark W. Hetherington, Arthur A. Carey.)

There have always been certain written and unwritten laws regulating the conduct and directing the activities of men. {15} We have such unwritten laws coming down from past ages. In j.a.pan, the j.a.panese have their Bus.h.i.+do or laws of the old Samurai warriors. During the Middle Ages, the chivalry and rules of the Knights of King Arthur, the Knights Templar and the Crusaders were in force. In aboriginal America, the Red Indians had their laws of honor: likewise the Zulus, Hindus, and the later European nations have their ancient codes.

The following laws which relate to the Boy Scouts of America, are the latest and most up to date. These laws a boy promises to obey when he takes his scout oath.

1. A scout is trustworthy.

A scout's honor is to be trusted. If he were to violate his honor by telling a lie, or by cheating, or by not doing exactly a given task, when trusted on his honor, he may be directed to hand over his scout badge.

2. A scout is loyal.

He is loyal to all to whom loyalty is due: his scout leader, his home, and parents and country.

3. A scout is helpful.

He must be prepared at any time to save life, help injured persons, and share the home duties. He must do at least one good turn to somebody every day.

4. A scout is friendly.

He is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout.

5. A scout is courteous.

He is polite to all, especially to women, children, old people, and the weak and helpless. He must not take pay for being helpful or courteous.

6. A scout is kind.

He is a friend to animals. He will not kill nor hurt any living creature needlessly, but will strive to save and protect all harmless life.

7. A scout is obedient.

He obeys his parents, scout master, patrol leader, and all other duly const.i.tuted authorities.

8. A scout is cheerful.

He smiles whenever he can. His obedience to orders is prompt and cheery. He never s.h.i.+rks nor grumbles at hards.h.i.+ps.

9. A scout is thrifty.

He does not wantonly destroy property. He works faithfully, wastes nothing, and makes the best use of his {16} opportunities. He saves his money so that he may pay his own way, be generous to those in need, and helpful to worthy objects.

_He may work for pay but must not receive tips for courtesies or good turns_.

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Boy Scouts Handbook Part 4 summary

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