Quest For Honour Part 15

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Shulgi could restrain himself no longer. "No, it went the way you said it would, d.a.m.n you!"

"Come inside," Kushanna said, ignoring the harsh words. "Tell me all about it."

He followed her through the main chamber and into one of the inner rooms, not her bedchamber but a small windowless alcove where her companion slave slept at night. Shulgi had never been invited into Kushanna's bedroom. Even she wasn't that bold.

Kushanna sat on a small chest, while Shulgi sat on the edge of the slave's bed and stared at his sister. The entrance to her quarters could be seen from here, but no one could hear their words, as long as they kept their voices low. And no one could see inside the alcove without being seen.

Shulgi took a deep breath to calm himself. "I told him . . . we told him what needed to be done, that he had to be patient, that he had to stop wasting his gold on weapons and men who can't be trusted. Marduk take him! It's my gold he's spending, Shanna. My birthright. Even your dowry. Soon there will be nothing left for us, and Sumer will be weaker than before. Already the other cities no longer fear us."

Kushanna smiled at him. She did not permit many to call her by her childhood name.

Nearly as tall as her half-brother, she had two more seasons than his eighteen. Graceful and willowy, with light brown hair that reached nearly to her waist, she attracted every man's eyes. Her white gown of the softest linen clung to the full lines of her body. A gold ring adorned each of her forefingers, and a pendant of the finest lapis lazuli dangled between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"So, what will you do now, my brother?"

"I'm surprised you're not reminding me about Father. You warned me he would not see reason."

"I could have been wrong," Kushanna said, picking at a thread on her dress. "He might have listened to your advice."

"He still thinks of me as a child," Shulgi said. "I get more respect from my men even from Razrek than our father the king."

"I know Razrek wanted you to accompany the soldiers when they went north. Perhaps if you had been there, our soldiers might not have been defeated."

"Father did not want to share his glory with me," Shulgi said, unable to conceal the bitterness he still felt. "That's why the fool ordered me to stay behind, supposedly to protect his city and his gold. Not that I had managed to do even that much. His loyal steward Petrah made all the decisions, in father's name, of course."

"He's been our father's trusted servant for many years," Kushanna said. "Such loyalty deserves to be rewarded."

"Yes, it does," Shulgi said, his voice hardening as he envisioned a suitable reward for his father's retainer. "Petrah will obey our father's every wish, even if it means destroying Sumer in the process."

"Petrah gathered the gold as soon as he received the message from Akkad. He paid the ransom in less than a day," Kushanna said. "He was very concerned for our father's welfare."

Her calm words fed the flames of Shulgi's rage, not that he cared any more. "Eight hundred coins, wasted, for nothing! Eskkar will use it to strengthen his army. And now father wants to spend what little gold remains on another foolish attack on Akkad. He will ruin Sumer to gain his revenge on Eskkar."

"One day, when you rule here in Sumer and over the other cities, things will be different."

He lifted his eyes and met her gaze. For once he paid no attention to the lush body sitting before him. "I think that day has come, Shanna. My father's mind is consumed with hatred. He will destroy all of us. What we talked about . . . it must be done. Will you stand beside me?"

Kushanna met his gaze for a long moment, studying his face, as if measuring the depth of his anger and resolve. Satisfied, she rose from the chair and sat next to him on the narrow bed.

Shulgi felt the heat from her thigh through the thin garment as it touched his own.

"You know I will, Shulgi. You are the only man I have ever loved." She took his hand in both of hers and pressed it to her bosom, letting him feel the softness.

A rush of desire swept over him. His eyes closed for a moment. When he opened them, her mouth was close to his own. Shulgi kissed the soft lips that reached up for him. They had kissed many times before, stolen moments when their father was absent or the servants occupied, and each time his pa.s.sion for her grew stronger.

This time, however, Shulgi sensed something more than a casual dalliance. He let his hand slip from her grasp, and used his fingers to push the dress off her shoulder, until her right breast swelled from the garment's confines. For once she didn't push him away. Instead her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath, her nipple firm and hard. The warmth from her skin seemed to burn his hand as he brushed his fingers over her, and the scent of her body roused him even more than the sight of her naked breast, perfect in its beauty. He cupped the heavy globe of soft flesh, squeezing gently.

Shanna leaned against him, her body reacting to his touch. Then she opened her eyes and held his gaze while she nudged the dress down from her other shoulder, then let herself fall back on the bed. She reached up and traced her finger along his cheek, enjoying the look on his face as he drank in the sight of her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Shanna had never let him go so far. Then she placed both her hands behind his neck and pulled him toward her.

Shulgi leaned over and kissed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, first one, then the other. Shanna moaned softly at his caress, and arched her back against him, while her hand reached over to brush against the rock-hard manhood straining beneath his tunic.

"When will you make me yours, my beloved?" Her voice, husky now with pa.s.sion, inflamed him even more, and the touch of her hand made his already fierce erection even harder.

He moved his mouth to her lips, and kissed them, gently at first, then with growing pa.s.sion. "Tonight, my Shanna . . . tonight. Before our father decides to send me off on yet another wasted journey to recruit men." He ran his hand over her breast, teasing the nipple until it swelled and hardened. "Besides, I can't bear to wait another day for you."

"The time for waiting is past," Shanna agreed. "Tonight you will make me yours." She returned his kiss one more time, then slipped from his grasp and sat up, smiling at him as she rearranged her dress. "But first we must talk about what needs to be done. We must plan with care, so that nothing can go wrong. Only when we are ready can we act."

Shulgi forced the sight of her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s from his thoughts. His erection still throbbed, but after all these years, he could wait one more day. "Then let us talk."

The rest of the day pa.s.sed soon enough, as Kushanna and Shulgi made their preparations. He felt no surprise at learning that she had already considered every detail, every step. And only when she declared herself satisfied with his role did she agree. One last kiss, and he returned to the soldiers' camp just outside the city, where Razrek had settled his men and horses.

New recruits those too stupid or too desperate to find another trade milled about, waiting for the day to end. Kuara had spoken the truth in the council, Shulgi knew. These men would make poor fighters. It would take many months before even half of them reached the level of training achieved by the men Eridu had led north to their deaths.

Shulgi didn't care. His own detachment of men its survivors numbering less than thirty since the battle with Eskkar's forces were as good as any of Razrek's core group of veterans. More important, they were loyal to Shulgi, not Razrek, not even Eridu. They were commanded by Vanar, formerly one of two of Shulgi's leaders of twenty. The other had died by an Akkadian arrow, and Vanar had taken charge of those that remained.

Shulgi found Vanar stretched out on the gra.s.s beneath one of the few trees large enough to provide shade.

"Taking your ease, I see."

Vanar opened his eyes, but didn't bother to get up. "We've finished training for the day, commander. The men are was.h.i.+ng down the horses in the river."

"Make sure they give themselves a good cleaning as well. My father has complained about the horse stink of the guards at the house. When you're satisfied with them, I want you and ten men at the house at sundown. Our men will take the evening s.h.i.+ft at the Compound, from supper to midnight."

That news prompted Vanar to pull himself to his feet. "Tonight, commander? Can't we start tomorrow?"

"If you're not there before sundown, I'll be finding a new sub-commander. So unless you'd rather be taking orders than giving them . . ."

"Yes, commander. We'll be there. But why so many men?"

"My father grows even more nervous about from Akkad. So just get the men there." Shulgi turned and made a circuit of the camp, making sure all was well. The sun had touched the western horizon before he walked back toward Sumer's gate, ignoring everyone he encountered, many of whom gazed curiously at him as he pa.s.sed by, wrapped in his private thoughts.

Shulgi had set the first part of the plan in motion. With Vanar and his men to back him, there would be no problem with the household servants or guards.

Meanwhile, Shanna would see to everything else inside the household. As they went over what they needed to do, Shulgi realized she had prepared for this day months ago, waiting until he came to his senses and saw what needed to be done. Shanna understood what it would take to rule Sumer, to turn the city into the mightiest in the land. She wanted that power, the same way Shulgi did. Together they could achieve it. If he had listened to her when she first proposed taking action, Shulgi would have been the one leading the soldiers north into Akkad's territory. Unlike his father, Shulgi knew he would have returned with a victory. The men trusted him, believed in him. They would have fought bravely. Instead, they had run at the first sign of attack, as did Eridu.

Too late to worry about that now, Shulgi decided. In a way, this might even be a better time to act. Where once Shanna had tried to coerce her brother to act, now she merely had to encourage him. They both understood the grim future that awaited them if Eridu continued to rule. No, this was best. And even better, she would help Shulgi rule a new southern empire, even as she pleasured him in bed.

A sense of calm settled over him, and he wasted no more time worrying about what might happen tonight. Instead, he let his mind recall Shanna's body. He'd wanted Shanna for years, dreaming about her, l.u.s.ting for her, and now the time had come.

Long after Shanna reached the age for childbearing, her father had kept her at his side, little more than an intimate servant. Then, less than two years ago, Eridu offered Kushanna for marriage to unite a troublesome village with Sumer. Shulgi had sulked in silent fury for days afterwards. Less than a month later, he joined the fighters defending the western borders of Sumer. Even killing his first man in combat soon afterwards hadn't helped lessen the despair Shulgi felt at the thought of another man enjoying Shanna's body, ordering her about, commanding her to kneel before him, to please him with her mouth and hands. Those visions had tortured him for months, and hardened his heart against his father, who had sold his daughter to a common merchant for a mere fistful of gold.

The marriage indeed worked well enough. Her husband, no doubt with prompting from Kushanna, had joined with Sumer and supplied both men and gold for Eridu's growing military.

Thankfully, the G.o.ds had answered Shulgi's prayers, and her foolish husband an old man scarcely able to walk without a cane had died little more than a year after the marriage. Since Shanna had produced no child, her husband's family welcomed the opportunity to send back the unfruitful wife to her father's house, even if they had to return part of the dowry. Eridu had been pleased to take her back under his roof, especially since she brought a fair share of gold with her.

None of that mattered to Shulgi now. For years Shanna had teased him, aroused him with her touch and caresses. Shanna had done almost everything to him, spilled his seed with her hands, everything but let him take her. Tonight would see the end of that game. Tonight she would be his, in his bed, his property. After tonight, there would be no more games, only an empire to build.

A little before sunset, Kushanna sat beside her father, at his right side, during the evening meal. Like her half-brother, she felt no qualms or doubts. She'd prepared for this night for years. Unlike Shulgi, her wedding caused her no anguish. She much preferred an old man for a husband, one who could be easily manipulated. Plenty of wine and more lovemaking than he could handle soon produced the desired death. Her constant antagonizing of his existing wives and family ensured her speedy return to her father. little before sunset, Kushanna sat beside her father, at his right side, during the evening meal. Like her half-brother, she felt no qualms or doubts. She'd prepared for this night for years. Unlike Shulgi, her wedding caused her no anguish. She much preferred an old man for a husband, one who could be easily manipulated. Plenty of wine and more lovemaking than he could handle soon produced the desired death. Her constant antagonizing of his existing wives and family ensured her speedy return to her father.

Now Eridu in his blind rage had fallen prey to another kind of manipulation, subtly encouraged by her solicitous advice and suggestions. Tonight King Eridu, still angry at the council's decision, had decided to dine alone. Only his steward, Petrah, joined father and daughter at the table, sitting opposite his master.

Shanna had worked with the cooks to make sure the evening meal was one of Eridu's favorites, a roast leg of lamb, covered with rosemary and seared to a golden brown, the meat tender and juicy within. Knowing of her father's foul mood, she had ordered the servants to serve the king's finest wine, and she mixed the wine and water for her father herself, adding a bit more of the strong wine than he normally preferred.

She also cut the lamb for him, taking care to slice the steaming meat to just the right size. Since his return from Akkad, Shanna had filled the role of diligent daughter, helping her father overcome the lack of his right hand. He scarcely noticed, and treated Shanna like a servant, complaining about the slightest oversight. No matter how unfair, she never protested.

Tonight Eridu's mood was as dark as the wine Shanna poured for him. Several times she tried to start a conversation, but the king had little interest in talking, and certainly not with Shanna.

"Where is Shulgi?" The meal was well under way before he uttered the first words spoken since they sat down.

"He said he would sup at the camp, with his men," Shanna said. "He will join us later."

"His men." Eridu snorted as he stuffed another piece of lamb into his mouth, chewing loudly. "Cowards, all of them. And Razrek is the worst of the lot."

"You're right about Razrek, Father," Shanna agreed. "You should get rid of him. Shulgi can lead the men as well as anyone."

"I should get rid of both of them. Find someone with the will to fight. What do you say, Petrah?"

"Razrek is experienced in warfare, my king, and he leads the men well enough. He may still be of some use to you."

"He'd fight just as hard for Akkad, if I didn't pay him so much gold. He's bleeding me dry."

"Soldiers are expensive to maintain," Petrah said, deftly avoiding Eridu's comment.

"Give Shulgi more authority over the men, Father," Shanna said. "At least you can be certain of his loyalty." She refilled her father's wine cup, adding only a splash of water.

"When he's older," grunted Eridu. "He's too young yet for such responsibility."

They ate the rest of the meal in silence. When Eridu put down his knife with a loud belch, Shanna rose.

"I'll fetch the sweet cakes, Father." She left the chamber, but returned within a few moments, carrying the cakes and dates herself, covered with a piece of linen to ward off the flies. Shanna settled the platter down on the table. Eridu's wine cup was empty, and she started to refill it.

"No more wine," he ordered. "Are the slaves ready to attend me?"

Shanna stopped pouring, but the cup was already half full, and Eridu reached for it. He'd chosen two women for his evening's pleasure, new slaves whose fear and trembling would act as an aphrodisiac to their jaded master. He liked them very young, and to take them two at a time. And if one failed to please him, a good beating would encourage the other to try harder.

"They're waiting downstairs, Father. I'll summon them when you're ready."

The door opened, and Shulgi entered, closing it behind him. He still wore his leather vest and sword, as if he'd just come from the soldiers' camp, though in fact he'd waited in the courtyard for Shanna's signal, a wave from the upper window when she went to fetch the sweet cakes.

Shulgi moved to the foot of the table, to stand opposite his father, placing himself almost directly behind Petrah.

"Now what?" Eridu demanded, a hint of petulance in his hoa.r.s.e voice. He rose, wiping his face on a cloth and tossing it down on the table. Petrah stood also, prepared to utter his thanks for his master's generosity and depart.

"It's the men, Father, they're demanding more gold again."

Shanna returned to her place beside her father, though she did not sit down. The knife she'd carved the lamb with rested on the table. With a smooth motion, she picked it up, grasping it firmly as Shulgi had instructed her, then Shanna turned and drove it into the right side of Eridu's chest, thrusting the blade upward so that it would penetrate the ribs, not glance off the bone.

She struck with such speed and smoothness that Eridu scarcely gasped, even as he looked down to see the knife protruding from his body.

The steward, slow to react and shocked by Shanna's attack, never had a chance. As Shanna delivered her thrust, Shulgi jerked out his sword, twisted the steward around, gripped him by the throat, and drove the blade into Petrah's chest, forcing him backwards onto the floor.

Eridu, his eyes wide with fear and astonishment, tried to call out. But Shanna clapped her hand on his mouth. With his only hand, he struggled to push her away, but by then Shulgi had reached his father's side.

He drew a knife from his belt and plunged it into Eridu's heart, driving the blade deep with a brutal thrust. "I've waited long enough for this, Father."

Eridu's eyes flickered from son to daughter one last time before his knees gave way. He was dead before he reached the floor.

"Quick! Move Petrah's body closer." Shanna kept her voice low. She knew Shulgi would have ordered the guard away, but anybody might be outside the chamber, and the door might open at any time.

Shulgi returned to the other side of the table, and dragged Petrah closer to Eridu's body. The knife Shulgi used for the fatal thrust belonged to Petrah, taken from his quarters only moments before. Using both hands, Shanna jerked the blade she'd used from the king's body, and thrust it deep into the remains of the lamb. Any trace of Eridu's blood vanished. She turned to Shulgi.

"Are you ready?"

Shulgi had withdrawn the knife from his father's body and placed it in Petrah's hand. "Yes, hurry."

Shanna touched his arm for the briefest moment, and took a deep breath. Then she screamed, a loud piercing sound that carried through the upper chambers and through the open window to the courtyard below.

At the same moment, Shulgi picked up the wine pitcher and hurled it to the floor, where it burst into a dozen pieces, the red wine mixing with the blood and staining the floor. Shanna, using all her strength, tipped the table up as high as she could, before letting it drop back to the floor with a loud thud. Food, cups, and the remains of the meal clattered to the floor.

Shanna screamed again, then ran for the door. "Help! Help! Petrah stabbed the king!"

Before she reached the door, servants flung it open and rushed into the room, followed a moment later by the stunned guard. His face turned white with fear when he saw the king's body, and blood spattered everywhere.

"Send for Razrek!" Shulgi ordered. "I want him at once. And send my guards to me."

"Is the king . . . is he dead?" The guard could scarcely get the words out.

"Yes, d.a.m.n you!" Shulgi snapped. "Murdered by Petrah! Now get moving!"

The guard opened his mouth as if to speak, but then changed his mind and darted off, anxious to do Shulgi's bidding. His voice echoed down the corridor, shouting the news of Eridu's death.

The rest of the night was full of turmoil and confusion. Shanna pulled at her hair, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes, and left it in disarray over her face. She told the story again and again, in a halting voice that paused every few moments to sob. Her father and Petrah had quarreled over the cost of the soldiers. Eridu had slapped his steward, and Petrah had retaliated by stabbing his master with his knife. Shulgi had then killed Petrah.

Shanna kept crying, her body shaking with emotion as she shouted again and again for her beloved father. She repeated the story to every new arrival. Soon servants and soldiers filled the room, everyone jostling each other to catch a glimpse of the dead king, still lying where'd he fallen in the midst of the remains of the evening's meal. Razrek arrived in haste, pus.h.i.+ng his way through the crowded chamber, his meal interrupted, his eyes going wide at what he saw.

As Shulgi repeated what had happened, Razrek's eyes narrowed. "Petrah?"

Razrek's face mirrored his confusion, and Shanna moved quickly to stifle any questions. Razrek was, after all, the only one strong enough to challenge their story.

"This is your fault," Shanna shouted, standing before Razrek, her face now contorted with rage. "It was your guard who failed to protect the king, your guard who let Petrah bring his knife into the room. He should be put to death at once. At once!" Her voice broke down, and she began to sob again, her whole body shaking from her sorrow.

Shulgi caught Razrek's arm and pulled him aside. "Best to do as she says. Otherwise, she'll start claiming you put Petrah up to this."

"Are you sure Petrah . . . ?" His voice trailed off. Something in Shulgi's eyes told him not to ask any questions.

"Do it now," Shulgi went on, his voice low. "With my father dead, I'll take charge of the city and the army. You'll be getting paid by me from now on. Is that clear enough?"

Razrek recovered his wits in a few heartbeats. Suddenly, he remembered that Shulgi's men stood in the corridor outside the chamber, and in the courtyard below. "Yes . . . my king. I'll take care of the guard, and send my men to guard the Compound."

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Quest For Honour Part 15 summary

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