Heart Cultivation 288 Choice

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Choice, The Diction

Diction was the will of Defender and currently six guardians and one human was granted with this will, in simple terms it was the signature of supreme authority over the common cultivators, it harness force and the power of Defender Xuan Rong.

Wherever it would be used, it would carry the order and no one can run from the punishment if one was guilty.

The rules and the punishment was sealed in the diction, whoever was found guilty would be punished on the spot.

Jen was that human who was granted with the diction, she could use this diction to call her great grandfather and get help in banis.h.i.+ng this cult cultivator, but it would not bring any good, the people would never learn to show courage, they would learn to relay on the power of others, if in future they faced such difficulty they would coward and wait for the miracle to happen.

Her great grandfather granted her this diction because he was worried for her safety during her journey, and from the way his granddaughter talked he was sure that she won't stay in the safest place of this sphere, 'Defender Hacienda'

It would weaken the overall morale and the strength of the sphere, if people started to fear stronger one then they would never stand up for their own rights and one day they would lose the right of freedom too.

The elderly lady regretted to show her complete form, she had to leave this place but before leaving she would kill these both outsiders who were cunning than a fox, they intentionally use this way to trick her but why they went through this struggle, what was their true aim? She was still unable to understand.

No matter how strongly she reb.u.t.ted their force, it was very slowly retreating and it seemed they have control on it, why they slowly retreated because wanted to let her think other way.

She was framed, suddenly this thought crossed her, "You are intentionally doing this?" she howled with fury.

With the crown lady appearing more and more threatening, the people were retreating.

It was time to make the final move before crown lady understand the whole scenario.

Jen brought out the diction and poured a drop of her blood on the seal, it immediately started to glow and as soon as it got activated, it was able to sense the bleak force on its own, Jen picked it with both hands and lifted up above her head facing the crown lady who has lost her initial human stature.

No matter how much strong was the cult dominion, this diction was the strongest against anyone, it started to absorb the evil force and now crown lady has nowhere to go, the rage fell from sky and her heart was burned alive, the cultivators, onlookers, dean and his protectors, everyone covered their ears because the blood curdling scream could possibly harm their sanity.

Jen and Zhi Chang lost protection of their dominions as soon as Jen brought out diction, it was high time for the second elder to provide protection against the impact force of the diction which was releasing a strong punishment.

It was not that they lost their dominion in the middle but they had reached their limits already, their acmes pairs were emptied out and they were barely holding themselves against the crown lady.

The people saw this turn of events and gasped, who was this girl and what was she holding, not many were familiar with the Will of the Defender.

Only a Crown of any Manias or his elders share such knowledge, the second elder immediately understood why this girl was persistent till the end of her endurance.

But the question was same, who was this girl and why she was granted with it? After all diction was not some accessible thing, just like the defender was not reachable for everyone.

With the final burst, Jen was forced backward and almost lost her balance, Zhi Chang who was stand beside leapt and spread his arms to hold her from fall.

There was a gust and the bleak mist finally disappeared completely leaving no traces of crown lady, her daughter was looking with disbelieve, she saw her mother dying and there was not sliver of sympathy in her eyes, she has seen her mother killing her father, she has lost her all admiration for her mother from that time.

The dean was able to stand though he was injured while saving Lin'an but believing his own eyes seemed difficult, the crown lady was killed.

The Clandestine Manias has finally gotten rid of the black shadows of her presence.

Third elder brought someone dragging, the fourth elder was also a cult cultivator, so it was necessary to give him punishment too, if he was able to hide somewhere he would come back with the more dangerous intentions.

Jen threw the diction toward the fourth elder and he was immediately killed by a sudden rage, the surrounding became silent with this, they could see this horrible seal which this girl was carrying.

The second elder supported both of them under his dominion and they descended down, the seal returned back to her and she saved it inside her storage.

Defender Xuan Rong as soon as find the traces of this diction being used, he would come looking for her to make sure that she was alright and no big enemy was behind her but Jen would let him reach to her often, would it shadow her own image of strong girl, people would say that she was relaying on the strength of her great grandfather.

Why she used diction to kill the crown lady because even if she gathered few elders and was able to kill the crown lady, her heart would not die, and her soul would revive, the punishment was the only way to stop this happening.

Zhi Chang held Jen and they slowly walked toward their lodge, they needed some rest but who will guard from any mugger? Probably if there was any mugger left, he would not come courting his death.

The people slowly dispersed while discussing about the future of this Manias.

"The elders won't take advantage ever, they don't want to be killed just like crown lady," someone commented on the possibility that elders would fight for the crown possible since the throne was empty now.

They don't know the one who was interested to take the throne was already killed and now the remaining elders were not vying this ominous position, they even don't wish to look toward the throne where crown lady was use to sit and order.

Lin'an was brought in the crown residence by the second elder, she was given best care until her injuries got better, the crown residence was given all new look and the previous ominous signs were removed or destroyed, people praised the reluctance of the royal blood though she was not strong against her mother but she never give up and remain firm, she was even willing to leave this place.

She was an example of courage as well.

"Why you always endure till the end of your limits?" Zhi Chang supported and asked.

"It always help my endurance level increase and with the endurance level increase the fiber core gets stronger, so if you face the same situation don't hesitate to learn the perks," she smiled and closed her eyes resting her head on his chest.

He could feel how much she trust him, it made him smile too.

The merchants returned back to the market, the old merchant was silent, he remembered that he was worried that crown lady might come to harm them but today he was forced to believe his eyes.

Whoever has witness the events of today would never forget and they would relate it to their families and generations.

There was no more threat, the shopkeepers can build their shops anew and they don't to fear that someone would destroy the market.

But the question was how the crown would be selected, normally a crown was chosen by the previous crown but here the matter was little different.

The elders were also silent, they were only doing some crucial things like giving some orders for the urgent matters after talking to each other, they no more has any grudge, the second elder has taken his revenge, the dean was also satisfied with the death of crown lady he has forgotten the painful memories of his son being killed.

He sent someone to bring back the geniuses of the Clandestine Manias Cultivation School, they could study hard and fear not to be killed by the insanely powerful cult.

Lin'an came out of her room slowly walking, it was first ever that she felt this freedom, in presence of the crown lady she was confined until she accept the conditions of her mother, she breathed deep and few tears fell from her eyes, she could finally forget to revenge for her father.

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Heart Cultivation 288 Choice summary

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