Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 2977 An Infinite Sky! I

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Chapter 2977 An Infinite Sky! I

2977 An Infinite Sky! I

An Endless Weaving of power, grace, Quintessence, and much more.

Other Existences had their own version of this- their own progression…but did Noah always have to conform?

Did he have to bend to what they decided was the Existential Dominium Realm? Its boundaries and limitations? Or could he simply just create his own?!

Before he took down the few Basileus of the Legacy of Al-

Abalem and obtained eons worth of common sense of the Imperium, he had already done something that ent.i.ties like them would consider crazy and inefficient by equally distributing Existential Authority equally between his three Dominiums.

Common sense for them was to seek a single Dominium and not divide one's resource between three, with this sense actually being true for the most part!

Someone who ate 1,200 Fruits of Existence and placed them all towards their Dominium Souls would be capable of expressing much greater power than someone who gave 400 Fruits of Existence to all three of their Dominiums. They would be equally weaker in all three as against the one who gave everything to a single aspect and elevated it to a higher point.

It was nothing complex, and this method was true and tried over the eons.

This was why the conformed to it.

But was this same common sense applicable to Noah!?

With his Fruits of Existence.

With his Lineage.

With his Foundation!

As he felt the Fruits of Existence forming throughout his Aletheian Havens and Forge, Noah's will buzzed with his extremes as he proceeded on his own path

What others deemed impossible…was merely something deserving a nod of his head and a wave of his hands.

He would forge his own path.

|Let us see this Dominium Sky…|


His intent echoed out.


[The Extremity of Quintessence throws their support towards the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky.]

[The Extremity of Infinity throws their support towards the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky.]

[The Extremity of Cheats throws their unflinching support towards the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky…]

One extreme after another.

Their intent flowed along with Noah as they added in the construction of the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky!

Above the Quintessential Gradations of Extremity, an endless sky was forged.

[Let us see its beginnings…]

Noah rose from his throne as unlike the waters of the Gradations of Extremity where only a manifestation of himself could appear within, since he held his tremendous authority and this construct was under the control of the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed, he could appear they both directly and with a manifestation of his existence!

He took a step, and he disappeared only to reappear in a splendorous new s.p.a.ce.

The weavings of many extremes seemed to be acting as the building blocks, with the fallen source of the Existential Domains, Records, Annals, and Extremes of Vitalis and Vacuous also being crumbled and recycled as the fuel!

All around, the authorities weaved into transparent white tendrils that formed symbols of Infinity- these weavings stretching out like endless rivers towards an endless sky whose end was not close to being decided.

The moment Noah arrived, waves of prompts came as he felt the extremes within his body come to life.

[You have utilized your absolute authority over the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed to appear in the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky.]

[It is a unique domain to cultivate one's Dominiums to their fullest, with the effectiveness of all tools of existence a.s.similated into one's Dominiums increasing by three times while in this s.p.a.ce.]

[The early stages of the Infinite Existential Dominium Sky are demarcated by a characteristic white brilliance that others refer to as the Neonate Stage of the Existential Dominium Realm. As the Master of this s.p.a.ce, you can choose to declare this stage with this same distinction or another, with its upper tier being something influenced by you as it can vastly exceed what others commonly know to be the Neonate Stage.]

[Still under construction with its full features yet to be unveiled, but another one of its most distinct features is making it possible for the Extremes within one's Dominium to be stimulated to a Quintessential extent that one's extremes become actualized outside of their bodies. Such an action would already require a deep understanding of the Extremes within one's existence, with very few ent.i.ties at the Neonate Stage capable of this, and with Existential Extremity Authorities being the only ones with a high level of strength to even express a sliver of their sentience outwardly.]


A unique prompt came as finally, Noah understood why he felt like his extremes were becoming much more active.

It was a rare feat.

Not even feasible for those in the Neonate Stage of the Existential Dominium Realm!

And yet the moment Noah arrived, his immense understanding of the desires and intents of his extremes that he was already allowing to run free by expressing themselves…they began to bud and bloom.

His body began to pulse with arcs of multicolored Haki as soon, it felt like smoke was rising from his body!

It was heavy and thick, with the first one being Colorless as it was none other than Quintessence.


The gorgeous Dominium Sky trembled as above Noah thick Colorless essence arose like smoke from Noah's body…and rose above him to form a smoky visage of himself- but with a touch of extra glory and honor as it gazed up at the Dominium Sky!

An actualization of his extreme.

Different from the past Reified forms of his Extremes- with these concepts now being bound to him as to an extent, they were him!

They couldn't be extricated so easily as it was akin to pulling a part of himself away, but Quintessence became actualized at this moment as it wasn't the only one.


A moment later, an endlessly blue smoke arose from Noah another visage similar to him but looking extremely cold appeared!

The Reified Form of Infinity appeared as the gorgeous cerulean light began to cover the white hues all around.

Existential might emanated off of these reified forms with glory as they truly were just the first!

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 2977 An Infinite Sky! I summary

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