Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3494 Singed! IV

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Chapter 3494  Singed! IV

And yet the reply of the white gold spider burning with Source complexity was a somber one.

"Maybe, maybe not. If you do succeed in a.s.similating my weavings, will you still be you, or will my source be potent enough where you won't be the same anymore? Either way, whoever is in control will continue to have access to weavings of the Wheel. You will begin to see the flow clearly, and you can decide on whether you will kindle chaos or order. Choices. At the end of the day, it's all about choices…"

The voice remained as ancient as ever as at that moment, the ma.s.sive figure of the white gold spider began moving across the gray white s.p.a.ce of Megalos Nihilos.

Inside of it, a uniquely terrifying will continued a.s.similating its weavings without pause!

Far from Megalos Nihilos.

Within the weavings of the Megalos Beyond.

Near a Pantheon that was known as the Pantheon of Desoto.

A collection of humanoid Faceless Ent.i.ties could be seen descending on the top of this Pantheon, the aura of a slumbering Pioneer and a dozen Existence Severing ent.i.ties arising from it to face these unknown enemies!

An even further distance away from this Pantheon, there was a figure s.h.i.+ning with obsidian gold light who was watching this entire event unfold.

It was a ma.s.sive ent.i.ty that had a worm like body for the bottom, and above, 18 serpentine heads sprouted!

Each of these heads shone with a golden brilliance as its eyes burned with a terrifying gold flame.

|What vile creatures are you? To mask yourselves like this bloom along with this Change?|

It asked the question to itself as there was n.o.body to answer, but its gold eyes could already see what would happen once the Outerversal Morphons and these Faceless Ent.i.ties clashed.

Decimation would ensue.

And so, it made a choice.



From a distance.

An unfathomably far distance!

This ent.i.ty uttered out calmly as the very fabric of the Megalos Beyond trembled.

An unfathomably far distance!

This ent.i.ty uttered out calmly as the very fabric of the Megalos Beyond trembled.

Outerversal authority surged madly as golden flames also converged around them like singularities, forming ma.s.sive swirls of black and gold that were the size of a hundredth of an Omniverse!

Starfall, this ent.i.ty called it.

The fall of stars.

And yet, what formed were swirling of black and gold simmering with an ember of a scorching flame that was the size of a hundredth of an Omniverse.

Thousands of them formed as when observing the Pantheon in the far distance, this single cl.u.s.ter of scorching black gold…would cover all of this Pantheon!

The heat was so scalding that after they formed and began to descend, those down below felt their veiled skins p.r.i.c.kling even from afar.

The white bands on the Faceless Ent.i.ties brightened as they looked up and saw the scene.

The Outerversal Morphons below that were just rising to fight saw this scene and sought to back away in fright!

And yet regardless of their size, they came down with such shocking speed that they were already above the Faceless Ent.i.ties and above the Pantheon before even an instant pa.s.sed.


Roars of utter complexity bloomed from the Faceless Ent.i.ties as terrifying dark towers erupted from their bodies, with some blooming with millions of terrifying dark Runes to explode out heavily as if they were directed towards the Pantheon below, it would be eradicated in an instant!

And yet…


When the scorching of black and gold came down, all of these millions of runes and towers lit up as if they were paper and became scorches entirely- turned into as.h.!.+

Thereafter, the thousands of scorching black gold smashed and uniquely pa.s.sed through the Faceless Ent.i.ties, descending onto the Pantheon below as they also…pa.s.sed through the Pantheon as if they weren't even real.

Outerversal Morphons cried out and expected death, but they were shocked to find that they only felt a warmness as these terrifying pa.s.sed through them and the black earth below them too.

But the Faceless Ent.i.ties…

Their bodies trembled as the white bands on their heads vibrated only slightly before their white bands burnt away, and the within began to wriggle as they revealed themselves right after!

But even before they came out, even they became covered by a golden flame as they were scorched out of existence.


The scene was horror inducing to look at as Outerversal Morphons down below only stared dumbly.

Far above, the 18 headed black gold Outerversal Morphon had grim eyes as it looked at the wriggling that erupted from the bodies that were no longer veiled.



This was the word that this creature used as golden flames of a Singed burned within its eyes!

|O Master, why are you not here for this? What path did you take as all we are left with is your supposed Instrument in these times of uncertainty?|

The terrifyingly complex ent.i.ty called out silently as in the distance, the utterly gorgeous scene of thousands of fantastical black gold pa.s.sing through a Pantheon harmlessly and extending down below played out.

Far from here.

Away from these Megalos and Expanse- away from this Frequency of Existence entirely.

Inside another Spoke of the Wheel, within the Expanse.

A secret abode inside of a Blancverse within a Blancverse that only the highest echelons of the Logos of the Wheel knew of.

Here, in an isolated domain, a man found himself confined as all around him, there was only white blankness.

In such a s.p.a.ce, light flickered as…a pristine and utterly magisterial black cat with a jewel on its head appeared, her serpentine eyes looking at the man with calmness as he also rose up to look at her.

His eyes flashed coldly as he spoke out.

"You give me a mission to issue, one that has caused a rift between the Wheelomachy and the Logos of the Wheel, and now I stand here confined. Do you care to explain any of this at all?"


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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3494 Singed! IV summary

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