Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3495 Entanglements! I

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Chapter 3495  Entanglements! I

A black cat in an expanse of white looked at a man who was seeking answers!

A father who had left behind his daughter.

"O McAllister, why point any fingers at this moment? In these grand weavings of the Wheel, everybody makes their own choices and owns up to their consequences."


The cat opened her mouth and uttered such words with a smile as McAllister remained cold and impa.s.sive.

His Source may not be as complex as hers, but he was not afraid of her. He was not afraid of death!

She saw his cold gaze as her smile became even wider.

"Okay, okay, it was my choice to hand you that mission and subsequently, I shall bear the consequences. What answers do you want? I will speak about what I can to the best of my abilities."

Her serpentine eyes blinked with honesty.

McAllister looked at her sharply as he asked.

"Those Faceless...Ent.i.ties I barely glimpsed before being taken away. What are they? Since when did the Logos become aligned with them?"


The Black Cat blinked as it promised to answer the best it could, but the first question alone was already so heavy!

She paced around the white s.p.a.ce for a moment before she spoke out seriously.

"For now, think of them as distant allies that have been with the Logos for some time, but are only able to move right now."



This word resounded in McAllister's mind as he asked sharply.

"When did the Logos of the Wheel ever need allies? Even the Watchers of the Wheelomachy, we didn't get too close to. Why these beings? For what purpose is the Logos of the Wheel moving towards at this moment?"


Every single ent.i.ty seemed to be looking for it!

What were the Logos of the Wheel moving towards now with these Faceless Ent.i.ties also at the helm?

The Black Cat was silent as after some time, she resumed once more.

"In the past, many of the missions completed…had inferences and ideas from them. this ent.i.ty, propel that ent.i.ty, destroy that Alliance, ensure the eradication of these Lineages across the Frequencies…many different aspects of what the Logos of the Wheel has done had their influence behind it. I tell you this to allow you to understand where we came from, as only after understanding this can you understand where we are going. And as of this moment, I can tell you that it is all for greater Complexity."



"All of this…just for Complexity?"

The eyes of McAllister were dazed slightly as the Black Cat nodded.

"That and more, but you don't have the qualifications just yet. You can gain them. You can get access to understand more if you want."

"If I want?"

"Mmm. And I will keep it simple too. Join us- truly join us, and we can get you your daughter back. I know the regret you feel must be consuming you whole. And you won't even have to do anything crazy. The first and only mission you will be given is leading a few Faceless Lifeforms to track down the last thing we could recover from the weavings of your daughter before she disappeared. You see, they consider it truly important to wrap up loose ends, especially those involved directly or indirectly in contributing to the change. Your daughter is already pardoned as we simply need the one she became entangled with after her mission. A name we were able to dig out after much arduous work before the weavings of your daughter disappeared, and this same name is your target- should you choose to accept it."


Before the weavings of his daughter disappeared entirely, she had an entanglement!

Who? What was the target being put down for him to chase?

He calmly listened to the Black Cat as she opened her feline mouth.

"All I have for you is a name. You will have to find its weavings and everything else. Your target, should you choose to accept, will be someone called Noah Osmont. Just digging up that name came with a tremendous cost as we know nothing else. But this creature needs to be captured preferably. The Faceless Lifeforms will do the work, you will simply lead them. What shall it be?"

A choice had to be made.

McAllister thought about his daughter as he closed his eyes.

Her rage. Her disappointment. He convinced himself he didn't care. He told himself he had Severed everything!

And yet…

"Haa…." He sighed as he rose from the white blank s.p.a.ce.

"Let us get it over with."


"Haha, I'm glad we can see eye to eye. It is good to have you back, little guy."


The white s.p.a.ce around them fluctuated.

It broke down and deteriorated as if it were a painting, revealing clear skies nearby as McAllister felt terrifying auras bloom behind him as if they were already there to begin with.

His gaze turned around to see the blank expressionless heads of Faceless Lifeforms who had a radiant white bar on their heads- and there were 12 in number as each one did not seem to have complexity any lesser than his!

They gave him an eerie feeling as the Black Cat in front of him spoke out.

"Your Faceless Squadron to lead. They will listen to your orders for the most part, and they would only not listen under very unique circ.u.mstances."

"Oh? And what would be designated as a unique circ.u.mstance?"

McAllister asked as the Black Cat only smiled.

"Don't worry too much about that. Head towards where you sent your daughter, and start there to find the weavings and location of this Noah Osmont. You get to him, you get to your daughter. Good luck."


With a glimmer, the Black Cat disappeared as McAllister was left behind with the Faceless Lifeforms. He glanced at them as the unfamiliar sense only increased, but he buried it deep within himself as he spoke out.

"Let's go!"

He moved.

They moved.

Their goal was someone called Noah Osmont!

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3495 Entanglements! I summary

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