Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2249 Chaos Coins! Five Burial Token! (1)

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2249 Chaos Coins! Five Burial Token! (1)

The sudden sound drew the attention of the crowd.

w.a.n.g Teng, slightly taken aback, turned to look behind him. Several figures were approaching from a distance, commanding an imposing presence. The onlookers instinctively made way for them.

"Universe-stage martial warriors!"

A gleam flashed in w.a.n.g Teng's eyes as he immediately discerned the strength of these approaching figures.

The radiance of their Force far surpa.s.sed that of heaven- stage martial warriors. They were unquestionably universe-stage powerhouses.

"It's the five family heads!" Grandmaster Yun Dang wore a wry smile on his face, bowing slightly in greeting.

"No need for formalities, Grandmaster Yun Dang!" One of the figures replied, returning the gesture.

Five family heads!

A thought crossed w.a.n.g Teng's mind. There were five individuals in total, their features somewhat resembling those of Hengzang Mo and his companions. Could they be the heads of the five major families?

"Old man, you guys arrived pretty quickly!" Guizang Yan addressed a middle-aged man among the group.

"You brat, couldn't you have informed me of such a significant matter in a more timely manner? If it weren't for the quick response of the mining engineers from the Five Burials Hotel, I wouldn't have known that such a miraculous object had appeared here." Guizang Feng scolded with a hint of irritation. Then, his gaze fell upon the elixir within the crystal, and his eyes showed a subtle tremor.

Upon receiving the news, he found it hard to believe. Now, seeing the object in person, his heart trembled even more.

Never did he expect to encounter such an ancient and divine-grade pill.

Merely from the faintly emanating sacred aura, one could discern the extraordinary nature of this pill.

Yizang Xinnuo, Shouzang Caiyun, and the others approached, paying their respects and standing by their respective elders.

"Aunt, let me introduce you. This is the universe explorer who unraveled the Seven-Star Sage Pill, Han Zhu!"

Yizang Xinnuo brought a woman in her thirties to w.a.n.g Teng's side and introduced them to each other:

"Brother Han, this is my aunt, Yizang Bai, the head of the Yizang Family."

"Leader Yizang, nice to meet you!" w.a.n.g Teng bowed.

"I didn't expect someone as young as you to be a universe explorer, and with such profound expertise in mining engineering. Surely, you must be a master mining engineer?" Yizang Bai smiled slightly.

"My mining mastery is almost at the grandmaster level!" w.a.n.g Teng smiled. 

"Grandmaster level!" Yizang Bai had initially asked merely out of courtesy, thinking that reaching the master level was already impressive. However, now she was surprised to hear that he was nearing the grandmaster level. She was shocked.

A mining engineer at the grandmaster level was not someone to be underestimated.

Guizang Feng and the others, hearing w.a.n.g Teng's words, were equally astonished.

Guizang Yan and the other young talents were speechless. Their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot. This fellow's mining mastery was almost at the grandmaster level. Was he trying to trick them?

"Aunt, you don't know, but Brother Han helped Sister Caiyun and me select the two ores as well," Yizang Xinnuo added.

"Oh?" Yizang Bai raised her slender eyebrows, even more amazed.

Before coming, she naturally knew that Yizang Xinnuo and the others' ores rose in value, but she didn't know that the ores of these two women were selected by the young man before her.

If it was true, then the young man's mining skills were indeed not to be underestimated.

One ore could be attributed to luck, but three consecutive ores were not something that could be easily explained by luck alone.

Unless the luck of this young man was truly heaven- defying!

"Your mining skills are truly admirable," Guizang Feng remarked.

The other family heads also echoed their agreement, signaling friendliness towards w.a.n.g Teng.

On the side, Hengzang Mo and his companions became even more displeased. They disapproved of w.a.n.g Teng, yet their elders were being exceptionally polite and friendly towards him, causing them considerable frustration.

"You're too kind!" w.a.n.g Teng replied with a faint smile. Facing the flattery from the crowd, he remained remarkably calm without a hint of disturbance in his heart.

These people were only interested in the Seven-Star Sage Pill, and perhaps they also valued his mining abilities.

"We also want to purchase this Seven-Star Sage Pill. I wonder if you can give us some face." After some small talk, Guizang Feng finally got to the point.

"Since we are all interested in this Seven-Star Sage Pill, why not see who can offer a higher price," Grandmaster Yun Dang suggested.

He naturally wouldn't let the Seven-Star Sage Pill slip away from him. While the five major families held considerable power in the Five Burial Stars, they might not dare to confront the Secondary Career Alliance directly.

Regardless of the location, the Secondary Career Alliance was an immensely influential force. Offending them would likely result in displeasure among all the warriors on the Five Burial Stars.

After all, the Secondary Career Alliance not only had alchemists, who were most essential to martial warriors, but also blacksmiths, rune experts, doctors, and other secondary professionals closely linked to martial warriors. Offending such a group of people would be an unwise move for the Five Burial Stars. nov_el ne_xt. c _o_m

"Grandmaster Yun Dang, you are an alchemist. You've seen all kinds of elixirs. Why compete with us?" Yizang Bai remarked.

"Head Yizang, you're wrong. This Seven-Star Sage Pill is ancient and lost. Handing it over to our Secondary Career Alliance is the only way to unleash its maximum potential."

"We hope to decipher the lost elixir formula through this pill and bring benefits to more martial warriors in the future." Grandmaster Yun Dang greeted the people around with a fist and spoke.

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Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2249 Chaos Coins! Five Burial Token! (1) summary

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