De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bona Part 12

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Debts due at death were 90, And no one in their senses Can say that 20 was much For Funeral Expenses.

The Trustee read the Will with care And studied it minutely, And found that all was left unto The Widow absolutely,

Except some Legacies, which made The worthy man feel dizzy, He read "I hereby leave my Bags Unto my daughter Lizzie."

"I leave the Virgins to my son, Advising him to hold them, Unless it proves upon my death I've previously sold them."

"I solemnly bequeath my Bones Unto my second sonny, Although I know they'll quickly be Converted into money."

"I also feel in duty bound To leave my brother's kiddies A Legacy, so let his girls Take over all the Middies."

"My Trustee gets a hundred pounds For trouble and attention, All Legacies are duty free, Perhaps I ought to mention."

"Those whom I leave will thus receive, A generous provision, And when all's paid, they'll see I've made A very just division."

_The following lines were addressed by the Trustee to the Professional Accountant:_--

You are a man, to Law and Figures bred, I am a Layman, and I fear to tread The unknown way.

You know the course Executors should take To carry out their Trust, without mistake, Without delay.

Give me then help to ascertain the rate Of Duty payable on the Estate; The Residue, Which goes to Mrs. Huckett, and which may Be challenged by her lawyer; and I'll pay A fee to you.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Name Full Name of Investment. Amount left c.u.m. Div Price of by Deceased. at Date of Investment. Death --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bags Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern 60 Stock 116-117 Rly. Ordinary Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Coils Californian Oilfields 40 Shares 1 5-3/4-6-1/4 Ordinary Shares each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Can. Pacs. Canadian Pacific Rly. 100 Shares 233-1/2-234-1/2 Common Stock $100 each ($5=1) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Berthas London, Brighton & South 40 Stock 89-3/4-90-1/4 Coast Rly. Deferred Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lions J. Lyons & Co., Ltd., 60 Shares 1 6-5/16-6-9/16 Ordinary Shares each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Brazil Brazil Traction Light and 42 Shares 89-90 ($5=1) Tracs. Power $100 each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Knackers Harrison, Barber & Co., 80 Shares 5 1-1/2-2 Ltd. each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Breads Aerated Bread Co., Ltd. 20 Shares 1 4-1/4-4-1/2 each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Saras Great Central Rly. 400 Stock 14-1/4-14-1/2 Deferred Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Middies Midland Rly. Deferred 1,000 Stock 70-1/2-71 Ordinary Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanks Tanganyika Concessions 20 Shares 1 2-3/8-2-5/8 each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Claras Caledonian Rly. Deferred 57 Stock... 18-1/4-18-1/2 Converted Ordinary Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chinas Eastern Extension 200 Shares 12-7/8-13-3/8 Telegraph Co. Ordinary 10 each Shares --------------------------------------------------------------------- Megs Mexican Rly. 1st 90 Stock 136-137 Preference Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Virgins Virginia New Funded Bonds 10 Bonds $100 84-86 ($5=1) each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Doras South Eastern Rly. 40 Stock... 58-3/4-59 Deferred Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vestas Railway Investment Co. 100 Stock 14-1/2-15-1/2 Deferred Stock --------------------------------------------------------------------- Matches Bryant & May, Ltd., 10 Shares 1 7/8-1-1/8 Ordinary Shares each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bones Wickens, Pease & Co. 12 Shares 5 3/4-1-1/4 Ordinary Shares each --------------------------------------------------------------------- Noras Great Northern Rly. 80 Stock... 50-1/2-51-1/2 Deferred Stock ---------------------------------------------------------------------


The late Mr. John Bunyon died in affluent circ.u.mstances after having, by the exercise of keen business instincts, overcome those obstacles which confront every great philanthropist who combines the cause of humanity with the desire to achieve wealth and fame.

In his early days he vended to a suffering but suspicious public, a commodity known as "Bunyon's Specific"; and it was his custom at this time to commence his nightly oration to his potential patients at the street corner with the words, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have extracted corns from all the Crowned Heads of Europe."

In later years, when by the aid of judicious advertising he had convinced the public that no home was complete without his famous Specific, Mr.

Bunyon sold his business to a Limited Company, and on then calculating his wealth, found himself rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

He thereupon decided to enter Society, and after some difficulty procured an introduction to Mr. James Rooker, who obtained for him--for a consideration--the entree into that sphere of Social life which he was so eminently fitted to adorn. On Mr. Rooker's advice, he purchased a Freehold House in a favourable quarter of the West End of London, but owing to a desire not to disturb certain Investments, he raised 2,500 of the purchase price by Mortgage, which at the time of his decease had not been repaid.

In view of the great services rendered to him by Mr. James Rooker, Mr.

Bunyon promised to remember him and his family in his Will; which led Mr.

Rooker to be very solicitous concerning Mr. Bunyon's health until he was certain that a Will had been executed, and subsequently caused him much speculation as to whether an early decease of his Patron might not be more beneficial than the advantages to be gained from him whilst alive.

Mr. Bunyon's death put an end to these speculations, and it occurred under the following circ.u.mstances. Having met Mr. Rooker by appointment at that gentleman's house, they spent a merry hour at the card table, much to Mr. Rooker's advantage. They then sallied forth in a Taxi-cab; when suddenly remembering that he had parted with all his ready cash, and knowing that Mr. Rooker never paid for cabs on principle, Mr. Bunyon ordered the chauffeur to drive to Attenborough's and there placed his diamond pin in pledge for the sum of 5. Feeling somewhat faint after this exertion, he instructed the chauffeur to drive to a Chemist's where he ordered a pick-me-up. The Chemist not knowing his customer, considered his symptoms a fit case for a dose of "Bunyon's Specific," of which Mr.

Bunyon unwittingly partook, and so met his death.

Mr. Bunyon's Will was found to contain the following Legacies and Devises in favour of the Rooker Family:--

Mr. James Rooker, my Diamond Pin.

Mr. Tracey Rook Rooker, 1,000 Shares in "Bunyon, Ltd."

Mr. Ricardo Rook Rooker, my Freehold House in London.

Miss Christabel Rook Rooker, 100 of Consols out of my 2,000 Consols.

Miss Emmeline Rook Rooker, 100 payable out of my 2,000 Consols.

It was found that both the Shares in "Bunyon, Ltd." and the Consols, had been sold shortly before Mr. Bunyon's death. The Freehold House was valued at 6,500, the Diamond Pin at 25.

The Net value of his Estate when aggregated was 108,000. What did the Rooker Family receive, and what duties were payable by them?

[Ill.u.s.tration: BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING J. MILES & Co Ltd Printers 68 & 70. Wardour St, London, W. ]

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: In the following, the original text of the Foreword is repeated with an informal English translation by proofer "Lucy 24"

(Louise Hope). This was not in the original text, but is provided by the transcribers for the convenience of the reader. The English text below is placed in the public domain.]


By D. F. de l'Hoste Ranking, M.A., LL.D.

De mortuo illo quid dicam?

What shall I say about the deceased?

"Nilnisi bonum" ut aiunt.

"Nothing but good" as they say.

Sed quid si nil boni fecit?

But what if he didn't do any(thing) good?

De bonis licet loqui.

One can talk about his goods.

At si nulla bona reliquit?

But what if he left no goods?

De eo tacere decet: One should keep quiet about that: si neque bonum fecit nec bona acquisivit nil valet.

if he neither did good nor acquired goods, he is worthless.

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De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bona Part 12 summary

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