How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 25

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~9. Methods of Preserving Foods--~

1. Salting.

2. Pickling.

3. Refrigeration.

4. Canning.

5. Preserving.

6. Drying or evaporation.

~10. Method of Preserving Eggs--~

1. Packing in coa.r.s.e salt.

2. Cover with water-gla.s.s in large stone jars, set in cool place.

~11. Care of Milk--~

1. Use certified milk or inspected milk.

2. Wash bottle top before removing cover.

3. Pour milk in pans that have been scalded and drained dry in the sun or, in damp weather, by the stove.

4. As soon as cool enough put in refrigerator or in coolest place possible, as milk spoils very quickly unless kept cold.

~12. Care of Meat--~

1. Wash thoroughly as soon as it arrives.

2. Place on clean pan of aluminum, porcelain or some such ware.

3. Place in refrigerator until ready to cook.

~13. General Rules For Care of Food--~

1. Keep food clean--(personal cleanliness, was.h.i.+ng food).

2. Keep food dry.

3. Keep food cool.

4. Care for food left from each meal. If carefully put away it can be used and not wasted.

Inspected Milk--

1. Comes from sanitary farms where cows, cases and bottles are reasonably clean; the rules are much less strict than for certified milk.

2. Cannot by law contain more than 500,000 germs in each teaspoonful, while certified milk contains not more than 50,000 germs.

Pasteurized Milk--

1. Method recommended by Department of Health of Chicago. In a small tin pail place a saucer.

On the saucer stand the bottle of milk (leaving the cap on the bottle). Now put sufficient hot water (not so hot as to break the bottle) into the pail to fill same to within three or four inches of the top of the bottle, and then stand the pail and its contents on the top of the stove. The instant the water begins to boil remove the bottle of milk from the pail and cool it as rapidly as possible. Keep the bottle of milk in the ice box and keep the cap on the bottle when not in use.

When you remove the cap do so with a clean, and be careful that the milk side of the cap does not come in contact with anything dirty.

None but inspected or certified milk should be used.

Milk should be kept covered with clean cheese cloth to prevent dust getting in.


1. Water will carry germs of typhoid fever, cholera, etc.

2. Boiling and cooling all water that might be suspected.

Unprotected and Exposed Food--

a. Prevention--

1. Be sure of a pure water supply (inspection of Board of Health).

2. Cleanse all foods properly before eating.

House Fly--

a. Why it is a Disease Carrier--

1. Breeds in filth where disease germs are found.

2. Construction of feet, legs, body, wings, etc., favorable for catching and holding great numbers of filth and disease germs.

b. How to Fight the Fly--

1. Catch all flies that get in the house.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 25 summary

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