Jack Ranger's Western Trip Part 18

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"I think he wants to make friends with you," went on Jack, trying not to smile. "In fact he said as much to me. He said he would like to write you a farewell note and apologize for anything that might have given you offense."

The German's manner changed. Jack was speaking the truth, though he had been instrumental in bringing the matter about. He had previously paid a visit to Socrat, and, broaching the subject of the cold feeling between the two teachers had suggested that it would be a fine thing if Mr. Socrat would say he was sorry for it, and would do all in his power to heal the breach.

It was no easy task to bring this about, but Jack had a winning way with him, and really made the Frenchman believe it was more a favor on his part to apologize than it was of Mr. Garlach to accept it. In the end Professor Socrat had agreed to write a little note to his former enemy.

"Only I know not ze Germaine language," he said.

"That's all right, I'll do it for you," said Jack. "I can fix it up."

"Then write ze note and I sign heem," said the Frenchman.

"So he vill my pardon ask, iss it?" inquired Mr. Garlach when Jack had explained to him.

"I believe that's his intention. Why can't you two meet out in the chapel and fix things up. Exchange letters so to speak. He's going to write to you in German, and you can write to him in French."

"I know not de silly tongue!" grunted Mr. Garlach.

"I'll write it for you," Jack said, turning aside his head to conceal a grin. "I'm pretty good at French."

"Den you may do so," said Mr. Garlach. "I haf no objections to accepting his apologies, and being friends mit him."

"Then here's the note," said Jack, handing over one he had prepared.

"Sign it and be in the chapel in ten minutes. Mr. Socrat will be there, and we'll have a sort of farewell service."

"Fine!" exclaimed the German. "Und we vill sing 'Der Wacht am Rhein!'"

"And maybe the 'Ma.r.s.eilles,' too," added Jack softly as he went to deliver a note written in German to Mr. Socrat. The missives had cost him and the other boys no little thought.

"Now, you fellows want to lay low if you expect to see the fun,"

cautioned Jack to his chums, when he returned and told of his success. "Garlach and Socrat will be here in about ten minutes. There must be only a few of us around. Bony, I'll depend on you to act when I give the signal."

"I'll be there," promised Bony.

A little later all but a few of the boys had concealed themselves behind benches in the chapel. Jack was out of sight but could see what was going on, A few students stood conversing in one corner.

Mr. Socrat was the first to enter. He came in, holding a note in his hand.

"It is now zat I prove ze politeness of ze French," he murmured.

A moment later Mr. Garlach entered from the other side.

"Goot effning, Herr Socrates," he said, with a stiff bow.

"Bon jour!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat. "Only, if it pleases you my dear Professor Garlick, my name ees wizout ze final syllable."

"Und mine it iss Garla-a-ach, und not like de leek vat you eat!"

exclaimed the German.

"They're off!" said Jack in a whisper to Sam.

"Your pardon!" came from Mr. Socrat. "I am in error. But I have here a note in which I wish to greet you wiz the happiness of parting. It iss in your own language!"

"Ach! So! I too have a missive for you," went on Mr. Garlach, somewhat modified. "It iss in your tongue as I belief, but I am not so goot in it as perhaps you are."

"It is charming of you," spoke Mr. Socrat, bowing low. The two professors exchanged notes, and then stepped over to a flaring gaslight where they could read them.

"Now watch out!" exclaimed Jack.

"Ha!" cried the German. "Vas ist dis?"

"Pah!" cried Mr. Socrat. "Diable! I am insult!"

"Dot Frenchman iss von pig-hog!" came from Mr. Garlach.

"See! So I will treat ze writair!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat, tearing the note to shreds and stamping on the pieces.

"I vill crush the frog-eater as I do dis letter!" muttered Mr.

Garlach, as he twisted the slip of paper into a shapeless ma.s.s and tossed it into the air.

"Scoundrel!" hissed Mr. Socrat

"Vile dog vat you iss!" came from Mr. Garlach.

Then, unable to restrain their feelings any longer they rushed at each other.

"Ready!" called Jack, and the next instant the lights went out, leaving the chapel in darkness.



For a few seconds there was the sound of a confused stumbling about.

Blows were struck, but they seemed to land on desks and tables.

Mingled with them were the murmurs of strong French and German words, and the heavy breathing of the two teachers.

Then, as the door at the farther end of the room opened, allowing light from the hall to come in, a voice asked:

"What's the matter?'

"Matter enough! I am terrible insult!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat from behind a table where he was crouching.

"I must be apologized by alretty!" muttered Mr. Garlach, in deep tones.

"What is this all about?" demanded Dr. Mead, who had made the first inquiry. "What does it mean?"

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Jack Ranger's Western Trip Part 18 summary

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