Jack Ranger's Western Trip Part 31

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"Here are some pocketbooks," called a man from the upper hall.

"Then we're all right, after all," spoke Jack. "Money and pocketbooks safe. How did it happen? How did you land on him, John?"

"He was in our room," replied the Indian. "I woke up and saw him.

Then I chased out, that's all."

The man who had picked up the pocketbooks handed them to Jack. The boy saw his own on top, and opened it, as he had a number of souvenirs and keepsakes in it. As he glanced in he uttered a cry of surprise.

"The card Mr. Liggins gave me to present to Mr. Tevis is gone!" he exclaimed. "Here! We must catch Professor Punjab! He has my card.

Come on!"

Jack was about to rush down the stairs but was stopped by several of the men.

"You can't catch him," they said. "Besides, the police may have him by now. Go back and get dressed."

The boys decided this was good advice, particularly as they were getting chilled, for the halls were draughty. They donned some clothes, and were all ready when several bluecoats and a number of detectives in plain clothes arrived.

"Where'd they get in?" asked a big man, with a very black moustache.

"Let's see what sort of a job it was."

"Right in here," said the hotel manager, leading the way to where the boys roomed. "From all accounts this was the only place he broke into."

"Didn't really lose anything, did you?" asked the black-moustached one of the boys.

"He got a valuable card," said Jack. "I would not like to lose it."

"What do you mean, a playing card; one you carried for luck?"

"No, I don't carry such things for luck," replied Jack. "It had a message on it."

He described the queer bit of pasteboard Mr, Liggins had given him.

"Oh I see; it was a sort of charm," interposed the detective with the light moustache.

"Well, we'll make a round of the p.a.w.nshops tomorrow. Maybe we'll locate it."

"I don't believe so," said Jack, half to himself. "It's not a thing that would be p.a.w.ned."

The boy felt that Professor Punjab would be very likely to keep the card, thinking it might be some mysterious talisman, which could be used to advantage in his peculiar line of work. So Jack had little faith in what the detective said.

There was nothing more for the police or detectives to do. No trace of the thief was to be found, and, after a general look around, the officers departed and the hotel settled down to normal quietness. The boys went back to bed, but it was some time before they fell asleep.

Jack dozed uneasily, wondering how he was going to regain possession of the card which Professor Punjab had stolen.

"You ought to be thankful it wasn't our money, which it would have been, only for John," said Nat next morning. "Penetrating peanuts!

When I think of what might have happened I shudder," and he gave an imitation of a cold chill running down his back.

"It's bad enough," said Jack. "Of course we need the money, but we could get more on a pinch. We can't get another card like that, though, and we may need it very much. At least I will."

"Let's go to the police and make them find it," suggested Nat.

"They'll never find it," put in John, who sat in a chair with his head bandaged. "We'll have to depend on ourselves."

The robbery, and John's slight wound, necessitated a change in their plans. They wired to Mr. Kent, Nat's uncle, that they would be delayed. Then they arranged to stay several days in Chicago.

The hotel proprietor insisted on sending a physician, to see the Indian. The medical man prescribed a rest, and, while John stayed in his room his chums paid several visits to the police. Jack impressed them with the value of the card, and the detectives really made efforts to find it, and to arrest the "professor," but without result.

One evening, as Jack and Nat came back from a visit to police headquarters, they found John much excited.

"I think I'm on the right track," he said.

"How?" asked Jack.

"Listen to this" John went on, holding up a newspaper, and he read:

"Attention, all who suffer or are in distress. Professor Ali Baba, one of the descendants of the Forty Thieves, who has devoted his life to undoing the wrong they did, will give palm readings, star gazings, trance answers, locate the lost, and, by a method learned from an Indian Yogi, double your money. Readings one dollar up."

"You're not going to be taken in by one of those foolish clairvoyants, are you?" asked Jack.

"Not exactly," said John. "But if I am right I think this Professor Ali Baba is Hemp Smith, or Professor Punjab under another name."

"What makes you think so?" inquired Nat. "Rip-snorting radiators! But if it should be!"

"That last clause about doubling your money, by the Indian method leads me to believe it," said John. "That is how Punjab tried to rob Mr. Post. Now I'm going to try this and see what it amounts to."

"But he'll know you as soon as he sees you," objected Nat.

"Not the way I fix up," replied the Indian.

The boys talked over the plan, and agreed it would do no harm for John to attend a seance of the professor, whose address was given in the advertis.e.m.e.nt.

[Illutsration: Give me the card!--Page 177]

John's best friend would hardly have known him as he sallied forth the next day. He wore the bandages on his head, which was cut by his fracas with the fake professor, and, in addition, he had tied one about his jaw, as though he had the toothache.

He had no difficulty in finding the place. Outside the door was a sign reading:


John was admitted by a rather slick individual, in a s.h.i.+ning, greasy suit of black.

"The professor is busy just now," he said. "He will see you soon.

Meanwhile you had better give me a dollar, and state on which particular line you wish to consult him."

John handed over a two dollar bill and said:

"Tell him to make it extra strong. I have lost a valuable article."

"I am sure he can find it for you," the sleek man said. "The professor has wonderful success."

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Jack Ranger's Western Trip Part 31 summary

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