The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest Part 30

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"I don't know whether it is good or bad," said Kitty freeing herself, "but I know I must get to Royal."

"Can't we go with you?" asked Grace. "We are not afraid of any old Aunt Hannahs."

"Oh, no, no, please, not yet. That would be so much worse. I have to be so tricky to save Royal, and if she suspected me I would lose everything. Not that I care for her old hundred dollars now. I wouldn't even take it," she declared.

The girls were puzzled. Royal, it appeared, must be some child that Kitty was protecting, and this woman was holding a threatening club over Kitty's head.

"Are you positive we can't come right over there and fight things out for you, Kitty?" asked Grace with a brave voice. "We have been waiting around here all summer for that sort of thing."

"No, no," wailed the child, now running toward the little skiff which lay under the willow at the water's edge. "I'll call you if I get in trouble. See that high rock over on the far side of the island? Well, you can see that all the way from Sea Crest, and if you see a lantern hanging in that tree to-night, come. If it's day-time I'll put a white flag up, and the wind will wave it, but I don't believe she'll make trouble just now. All I was afraid of was being put away, and now I see why she said that. She just wanted me to run away. But I shan't. I'll stay, and I'll take care of little Royal."

She was gone. Her oars lapped the waves and sent back their brave message as she turned into the cove that faced Luna Land.

"Well, of all things!" exclaimed Cleo.

"I expected you to say something a little more original," remarked Grace. "But I don't quite blame you. It is bewildering."

"And Royal!" repeated Helen. "Royal made our signs and played with the little tools!"

"And signed his name Peter Pan," recalled Louise.

"Why should Kitty be watching a child with such a swell name?" queried Julia.

"Why all the other things?" replied Elizabeth.

"There's Neal's toot. We must go," announced Isabel.

"I wish we could circle around the island," suggested Cleo. "No harm in that, surely. Every one goes as they please on the bay."

"Grand idea!" exclaimed Helen. "Maybe we could see into the island from the boat. Come on. Hope Neal has some more time to spare."

The owner of the Treddie was glad to circle the little isle, and when all had jumped in the launch, the trip home began with that preliminary dash.

"I'll slow down so you can get a good look," Neal told them, and he understood enough about the interest in Luna Land to do his part.

All eyes were strained toward the sh.o.r.e.

"There's the pretty, rocky ledge Neal told us about," remarked Isabel.

"Just see! It's like a movie rock. What a pretty arch it forms."

But even the natural beauty of the rocky alcove did not furnish the point of interest they searched for.

"Would you imagine that place hid human life?" said Cleo, a little disappointed. "Not even a tree branch moves."

"Dense foliage," added Grace. "It would be pretty hard to see anything through those trees."

The launch was covering the last strip of water that lapped the island.

Every one seemed tense with an anxious sort of interest.

Suddenly Helen jumped up.

"Look," she called. "Over by the arch!"

"The white duck lady!" cried Cleo. "See, she is looking at us through"

"Sit down Helen," ordered Grace. "Don't pretend we are interested, or she will know this launch."

They were not far from the sh.o.r.e, and it was easy to discern the figure on the rock, who evidently used the to make sure of the faces in the launch.

"Maybe she's looking for her wireless," said Isabel.

"Well, I am doubly sorry for Kitty if that's Aunt Hannah," declared Julia, and then the Treddie left Luna Land behind.



GRACE tapped at the side window of the Log Cabin; she had climbed over the little stile-steps that mounted the fence between Rosabell and Cleo's cottage, and now she waited at the window for a sign of life within, for it was early, and summer folks could sleep late. Her round dimpled face was pressed to the pane with a rather serious look, and anyone might know to see her, that Grace was troubled.

Cleo answered the call, throwing open the latticed window, and almost kissing Grace in the act.

"Come in, Grazia. Why so early? Looking for the story book worm?" Cleo greeted.

"I'm glad you are not out--on the lake I mean," answered Grace. "I'll come around to the side porch, Cleo, I must talk with you."

On the big swing made of interlaced white birchwood, the two chums perched, and Grace promptly undertook to unburden her mind.

"Cleo dear," she said, "I am so worried about Kitty. How do we know but that woman may have locked her up, or something?"

"Strange, Grazia, I have been thinking just that myself. But how are we to find out without jeopardizing Kitty's interests? She begged us not to go over there."

"I know, Cleo, but I have a plan. You and I can go to the Point. We will ask Tommie Johnston to row us over. He would not be busy so early, and a row boat doesn't make any noise. Then, we can go over to the island, and just feel our way around."

"Splendid," agreed Cleo. "I'll be ready in a jiffy. Are you ready?"

"Just have to tell Benny I'm going up the river," replied Grace. "We can easily be back in an hour."

Tommie Johnston could go, and was glad to give the girls a sail in his freshly-painted boat, but he wagged his head seriously when Cleo said she had a message for Kitty, and was going to take it straight over to the island.

"Miss Morehouse is over there," he said in warning, "I saw her sailin'

around in her hospital clothes yesterday."

"We don't mind. Is she Aunt Hannah?" Cleo asked.

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The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest Part 30 summary

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