Shinju. Part 16

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"Not tonight, though." Laughter.

What did that mean? Sano waited until he heard them talking with the guards at the gate. Then he hurried in the direction from which they'd come. Additional patrols, if any, would be spread out around the estate. He followed the wall's curve until he could no longer see the road or gate. He paused to watch and listen. No one was inside the observation towers mounted at intervals along the wall. The forest seemed deserted, its gloom deepening with the fading sky, quiet except for the steady drip of water from the trees. Sano stole up to the wall.

Made of earth and faced with flat stones fitted together without mortar, it rose high above Sano's head. He began to climb, his fingers and toes finding precarious holds in the cracks between the stones. His straw cape rustled loudly, and he winced at the noise. He pulled himself on top of the wall and lay there, looking down at the other side. There he saw more forest, similar to the one he'd just left-a natural-looking mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. It, too, seemed deserted. Sano waited a moment more. Seeing no one, he dropped over the edge of the wall. His cape rustled again as he landed. He hastily tore it off, burying it under a pile of dead leaves. The rain had almost stopped, and his dark cloak and trousers would make better camouflage in the coming twilight.

He stood up and began moving in the direction of the gate. A trail led through the woods, probably cleared to make a scenic walk for the daimyo's ladies. It curved and wound, then ended at the edge of a clearing. Ahead Sano saw a wide gravel path leading from the gate. His eyes followed it to the distant house at his left. Immediately he felt as though he'd gone back in time.

Built in a style popular some eight hundred years ago, the Nius' tree-shaded summer villa crowned a small rise in the land. The large main house, or s.h.i.+nden, a boxy s.h.i.+ngle-roofed wooden structure raised on stilts, faced south. At the foot of its steep staircase rested Lord Niu's deserted palanquin. Two more guards stood watch over a door fronted by a wide veranda and sheltered by a pillared roof. Covered corridors led from each side of the s.h.i.+nden to similar but smaller houses. Diamonds of light glowed behind the window lattices of all three buildings. From each side house, Sano guessed, another covered corridor extended backward, enclosing a rear garden and ending in open pavilions. Behind this compound, more interconnected buildings would house family apartments, servants' and retainers' quarters, kitchens, and stables. He'd seen such dwellings in old paintings. Female authors of the Heian imperial court, such as Murasaki s.h.i.+kibu and Sei Shonagon, had written their poems, stories, and diaries in them. Prince Genji had carried out his romantic intrigues in the chambers, pavilions, and gardens. Lord Niu's coming here out of season, in an unmarked conveyance, suggested some more sinister purpose for the elegant villa.

Moving from tree to tree, Sano approached the rear of the house. The clearing paralleled the covered corridor he'd expected to find. He stopped just short of the rambling wooden family quarters and crawled under the raised floor of the pavilion at the end of the corridor. Reaching the opposite side, he peered cautiously out toward the s.h.i.+nden. The back garden contained a small lake with an island in the middle. Arched bridges connected the island with the sh.o.r.e. Sano jerked his head back when he saw two more guards standing on the rear veranda. His curiosity, piqued by the other guards' conversation, increased. Did all the daimyo keep such tight off-season security on their summer estates, or were these men here for a special reason? Were there more inside the house? He wouldn't get anywhere near Lord Niu with them around. Frustrated and exhausted, Sano squatted under the pavilion, wondering what to do next. He leaned against the curved wooden surface of a large object beside him.

Maybe its half-familiar contours sparked a sense of recognition in him; maybe his samurai training made him wary of things encountered in dark places where he shouldn't be. Whatever, Sano examined the object. As his eyes grew accustomed to the dimness, he saw that it was a boat. Not a flimsy craft for carrying ladies about the lake, but a st.u.r.dy wooden punt with an equally stout oar laid across it. Sano reached inside. His fingers touched tatami, rolled into a loose bolt. He probed the bolt and thought he felt something at the center. Keeping his ears strained for footsteps, he unwound it. He hoped the guards couldn't hear the faint rustle of the matting from this distance. The last fold opened. Two soft objects fell onto the ground beside Sano. He picked them up. Triumph flared within him.

In one hand he held a sandal, made of straw and heavily worn on the inner heel. His other hand tightened around a coil of rope. He'd seen the sandal's mate in Dr. Ito's dissection room: it belonged to Noriyos.h.i.+. He would swear on his life that the rope had once bound the matting around two bodies during transport between here and their watery grave. Mentally reconstructing the murders, Sano imagined Lord Niu bringing his victims to the villa-Noriyos.h.i.+ with the promise of money, perhaps, and Yukiko with a simple brother-to-sister command. Stealing up behind them to deal the fatal blows. Carrying the unwieldy bundle by horseback to the river's edge, where the boat waited. Then having the boat and its contents retrieved at his leisure. Sano thrust both sandal and rope inside his cloak. The first real smile in days tugged at the corners of his mouth. This evidence he could take to the authorities-not Magistrate Ogyu, but higher, to the Council of Elders. They would have to listen to him now.

But instead of making straight for town, he hesitated. He still didn't know why Noriyos.h.i.+ and Yukiko had died. The absence of a motive weakened his case against Lord Niu. He must find out what it was, even if he had to stick with Lord Niu all night.

Inspiration came when he saw that the corridors leading from the pavilions to the side houses were elevated, too. He could look straight down the narrow, stilt-framed tunnel beneath the one adjoining his pavilion and see daylight on the far side. Carefully he crawled toward the light. Halfway there, he heard the guards' voices from the veranda. Would they hear him? It was darker under the corridor than under the pavilion, and he swept the ground ahead of him with his hands as he advanced. One against an unexpected obstacle, one tumble into a hole would alert the guards.

Sano had just reached the large s.p.a.ce beneath the side house when he heard hoofbeats coming from the direction of the gate.

He flattened himself against the ground, arms over his head. The floor above him creaked as someone inside walked across it. Footsteps crunched on the gravel path.

A man called, "Hail, brothers! What took you so long? His lords.h.i.+p is waiting."

Sano missed the reply. The guards had gone to meet the new arrivals, who had stopped just out of earshot. He scooted to the front of the house. Now he heard voices raised in argument and could make out broken phrases: "... meaning of this?"

"... insisted on coming... wouldn't deliver the goods otherwise... know he won't like it, but... "

Peering out from between the house's stilts, Sano saw eight men cl.u.s.tered on the path. The two guards faced four mounted samurai and two bearers with a palanquin. The gray afternoon had begun to dissolve into a darker gray twilight, and he couldn't see the newcomers' faces clearly, or distinguish any crests on their garments. But the guard had greeted them as comrades: they, too, were Lord Niu's men. Sano wished they would come closer so he could hear better.

Suddenly a loud rapping came from within the palanquin. The bearers eased it to the ground. The door opened and a small, stooped man burst out.

"Take me to Lord Niu Masahito immediately!" he yelled, his voice carrying across the distance to Sano.

The guards grabbed at the man. He darted away and ran toward the house. The mounted samurai galloped forward, blocking the stairs to the door. Thwarted, the man skidded to a stop. The guards seized him. As they dragged him back to the palanquin, he stumbled and fell sideways, his face turning toward Sano.

Even from a distance of some thirty paces, Sano saw and recognized the stained mouth and chin. The man was Cherry Eater, shunga dealer and former employer of Noriyos.h.i.+.

Sano smiled again as he grasped the significance of Cherry Eater's presence. Whatever business had brought the shunga dealer here must have once included Noriyos.h.i.+. Now, if he could just learn what that business was! He didn't believe Cherry Eater would come all the way from Yos.h.i.+wara, uninvited, just to deliver artwork.

The guards flung Cherry Eater toward the palanquin. He fell in a heap on the ground beside it.

"Unload the goods and take this pest back to Yos.h.i.+wara," one of the guards ordered the bearers.

"I won't go until I've spoken to Lord Niu," Cherry Eater shouted. When the bearers tried to pick him up, he kicked and thrashed.

Sano heard a door open, then Lord Niu's voice demanding, "Just what is going on here?"

Cherry Eater scrambled to his feet. "My lord, what a pleasure to see you," he simpered, bowing. "And to receive such great hospitality is an honor indeed." Even under the circ.u.mstances, he didn't-or couldn't-curb his wit. He took a few steps toward the house and dropped to his knees before the guards could grab him again. "I apologize for the imposition, but there is something I must discuss with your lords.h.i.+p."

"What is it?"

Although trees blocked Sano's view of the veranda, he could imagine the annoyance on Lord Niu's face.

"I am afraid that the price of my services has increased," Cherry Eater said. "Perhaps you would like to discuss the matter inside, in private?"

Lord Niu ignored the suggestion. "We had an arrangement," he said. "I see no reason to change it."

Cherry Eater rubbed his hands together, an ingratiating smile opening within his red birthmark. "Noriyos.h.i.+'s death has made change regrettably necessary."

Sano expected Lord Niu to protest. But the daimyo's son seemed to lose interest in the conversation. "All right," he said impatiently. "How much?"

Cherry Eater named a sum that sounded outrageous to Sano. Was the dealer taking over Noriyos.h.i.+'s position as blackmailer, or just charging more because his employee's death made more work for him?

Lord Niu didn't ask; he just said, "Come to the yas.h.i.+ki tomorrow. The money will be waiting for you." To the bearers, he called, "Get him out of here, and bring me what he's brought. And hurry. Time is short." The door slammed.

Sano watched the bearers reach into the palanquin. A wave of shock hit him when they lifted out an inert body wrapped in a blanket. They carried it between them like a sack of meal, toward the house. The man's head lolled. Sano drew a sharp breath as he glimpsed closed eyes and pale cheeks.

"He's dead!" One of the mounted samurai voiced Sano's thought.

Cherry Eater waved his hands. "No, no. Just drugged, as his lords.h.i.+p ordered. He won't wake up for at least two hours."

The shunga dealer got inside the palanquin. Then he stuck his head out and called, "I'm sure that's more than long enough, heh, heh, heh!"

Sano left his lookout point and shot under the corridor that connected the side house to the s.h.i.+nden. He had to find out what Lord Niu intended to do with the man. Was he on the verge of learning what hold Noriyos.h.i.+ had had on Lord Niu, and why the artist had died? A moment later, the corridor creaked above him as the bearers shuffled along it with their burden. He crawled after them, back to the side house he'd just left. They stopped near the rear corner, and he heard a thud as they set down the body. Should he climb up and try to see inside the room?

Not yet: a pair of trousered legs was approaching the house. Sano shrank back into the shadows. The man stooped at intervals to thrust torches into the ground and light them. Soon a line of dancing flames surrounded Sano's hiding place and lit the path to the gate. Hurrying footsteps came from the direction of the servants' quarters. Doors opened and closed. When Sano crept over to look toward the garden, he saw maids carrying laden trays up the stairs to the main house. What now? Lord Niu and his men must eat, of course, but the commotion suggested something more. A banquet? Sano's stomach growled, and he realized he was hungry. Reaching inside his cloak, he pulled out a cake of mochi. He bit off small pieces and swallowed them. The dense, nutrient-rich staple that fed samurai during long journeys would silence his stomach before it attracted someone's attention.

Gradually the commotion subsided. A hush fell over the villa as night encroached. From the house above him, Sano heard nothing. No one pa.s.sed. He waited with growing impatience, longing for action as much to warm his cold, cramped muscles as to satisfy his curiosity. At last he crawled to the side of the house and put out his head and shoulders. Seeing no one lurking among the dark trees, he slid the rest of himself out and stood.

He staggered a little, his legs stiff from crouching and crawling. The air outside was colder, but fresher; he breathed it with relief. Cautiously he moved along the side of the house, stooping below window level. At the corner room, he slowly straightened to his full height-and halted in frustration. Behind the lattices, the windows were closed. He could distinguish only vague, dark silhouettes inside the lighted room. He put his ear to the wall. This time he heard a faint moan. He had to see!

Sano examined the wall for cracks or holes, but found none. He ran his hands over the smooth, weathered wood. His searching fingers found a rough, circular spot about the size of a human eye. A knot. Maybe...

He drew his dagger, stuck it into the knot's center, and wiggled it. The knot held firm. Sano tried again. Did he feel a slight movement this time? He pulled gently. Ah, there...

The knot came out with an almost inaudible that nevertheless sent Sano hurtling back under the house. Had Lord Niu heard? Sano lay still, clutching his dagger and expecting shouts and chaos. But nothing happened. He waited for what seemed like forever. The villa remained steeped in silence. He crept out again. Still holding his dagger, he looked around, then put his eye to the knothole.

A ring of candles lit the naked body stretched out on the floor. It was not a man after all, but an adolescent samurai with a shaved crown and the long forelock that signified he'd not yet had his manhood ceremony. He lay motionless, eyes closed. An unnatural redness, perhaps from the drug, colored his slack face. Lord Niu stood over him, also naked, his manhood erect. Sweat sheened his muscles. The scarred and withered right leg was a monstrous deformity grafted onto the perfection of the rest of his body. His feverish eyes shone; his parted lips glistened wetly. Chest heaving with rapid, shallow breaths, he dropped to his knees beside the boy. One hand grasped his own organ and began to stroke it.

Sano, clued by Cherry Eater's parting remark, had half expected something of the sort. Now both disgust and disappointment rose inside him. Child prost.i.tution, even in a grotesque form like this, was legal, common, and socially acceptable. Lord Niu was guilty of nothing but indulging himself outside the Yos.h.i.+wara licensed quarter. Even a refined young lady like Yukiko would have known this. And Lord Niu would neither have paid Noriyos.h.i.+ nor killed him to keep such a secret.

Then Lord Niu reached behind him with his free hand and picked up a knife. He held it aloft, pointed upward, so that the blade sparkled in the candlelight. He stared at it as if mesmerized. His tongue pa.s.sed once over his lips. The hand on his organ moved faster. With a slow, deliberate motion, he lowered the knife. He held it to the sleeping boy's neck. Just as slowly, he drew it across the rosy flesh. A thin line of blood welled against the blade.

Rooted to the spot in awestruck horror, Sano realized too late that someone had come up behind him.

Chapter 21.

There stood a woman, her eyes wide with fear. She opened her mouth to scream.

Instinct took over. In a flash, Sano seized her and dragged her away from the house and into the woods. He pressed her against him with one hand clamped over her mouth, the other holding his dagger before her face. She squealed and kicked. Locked together, they struggled. He could feel her heart beating as she tried to twist free.

"I won't hurt you," Sano whispered urgently against her ear. "Please don't scream."

Merciful Buddha, he didn't want to kill her! But he couldn't let her raise the alarm. Belatedly he recognized her: the Nius' maid.

"O-hisa. You remember me-Sano Ichiro. I came to the yas.h.i.+ki and to Miss Yukiko's funeral. Will you be quiet if I let you go?"

A nod and a whimper. O-hisa stopped struggling. Sano released her cautiously, ready to grab her again, or to run.

O-hisa turned to face him. Hugging herself, she nodded toward the house.

"He's doing it again, isn't he?" she whispered. Her face bunched, as if she might cry.

"Again? He does this often, kills children for his own pleasure?" Sano experienced anew the shock of seeing Lord Niu cut the boy's throat. He had to save the boy-if it wasn't already too late. He took two steps toward the house, remembered the guards, and stopped. They would kill him before he got near Lord Niu. But he had to intervene, even if he died in the attempt. Clutching his dagger, he offered a silent prayer for courage and strength. Then, before he went to his confrontation with Lord Niu, he turned to O-hisa. There was one thing he must know before he faced death.

"Did Yukiko know about this?" He a.s.sumed that Noriyos.h.i.+, in league with Cherry Eater, had known.

"No, no!" O-hisa's hands fluttered in vehement denial, and at first Sano thought she meant Yukiko hadn't known. Then she said, "He never killed them before. He just cuts them a little, then sends them home."

Sano didn't believe her. He'd seen the blood, and Lord Niu's desire for it. He ran back to the house and looked through the hole.

Lord Niu knelt in the center of the room, his back to Sano, a white under-kimono draped over his body. Beside him, two guards were wrapping the boy in a blanket. The boy's eyes remained shut, but he groaned softly. The superficial cut, cleansed of blood, encircled his throat like a red thread.

Relief forced a long, shaky breath out of Sano. Neither he nor that boy would die tonight. Sheathing his dagger, he returned to O-hisa.

"I didn't understand, either," she babbled, her voice rising. "It's my fault Miss Yukiko is dead!"

"Shhhh!" Sano took O-hisa's arm and pulled her deeper into the woods. "What do you mean? You didn't kill her-did you?" He could not believe that this frail, weepy woman was a murderer.

O-hisa responded in characteristic fas.h.i.+on: she burst into tears. Sano wanted to comfort her, but they couldn't stand there indefinitely. The patrol might arrive at any moment. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her, hard.

"Tell me what you mean," he ordered.

Halted in mid-sob, O-hisa glared at him in bewildered outrage. Then she blurted out, "Miss Yukiko died because I thought the young master was killing boys." With pathetic bravado, she drew herself up, head high. "Honor demands that I take my own life as payment, but I am a coward. So arrest me, please."

Sano let go of O-hisa and cast a nervous glance at the house. "Why don't you tell me why you think you're responsible for Miss Yukiko's death," he whispered. Here, finally, was the person who could tell him why Lord Niu had killed Yukiko and Noriyos.h.i.+. But if she didn't start making sense soon, he would have to leave.

O-hisa let loose a torrent of words, as if eager to share the secrets she'd kept for too long. "I came to work for Lady Niu last autumn," she said. "After three weeks at the yas.h.i.+ki, the housekeeper sent me here to serve the young master, who comes when his health requires that he leave the city. The weather was warm. The young master's window was open, and I happened to look inside as I was pa.s.sing by. I saw... what you saw.

"And two nights later, the same thing, with a different boy! I thought he'd killed them. All the blood, and they lay so still. Later, the young master's men would come and carry them away. At first I told no one. It's not my place to inform on my master. But after the third time, I couldn't let him kill more boys. So... so I told Miss Yukiko, who was always kind when she spoke to me." O-hisa's voice broke.

"What did she do?" Sano asked, hiding his impatience while she got herself under control.

"She didn't believe me. She loved her brother and could think no evil of him. But she must have wanted to see for herself. The next time the young master came here, she followed him. I was there"-she pointed to the window-"watching, when she arrived. She opened the door without knocking and came into the room." O-hisa gulped. Her hand went to her mouth.

Sano remembered Midori saying that Yukiko had gone out by herself one night. That fact had seemed unimportant at the time.

Now he knew she'd come here. He admired Yukiko's courage and her faith in Lord Niu, even as he regretted the dangerous innocence that made her breach her brother's privacy.

"Lord Niu was with a boy," he prompted.

A vigorous nod. "The boy had cuts on his throat and chest. The young master was dressing. When he saw Miss Yukiko, he was very angry. He scolded her for coming into his room without permission and slapped her face. Miss Yukiko began to cry. She asked him how he could kill innocent boys and begged him to stop. I cried too, I was so afraid. The young master shouted that the boys were drugged, not dead, and that he hadn't harmed them. Then the boy groaned and sat up. He saw Miss Yukiko and the young master, and saw the cuts on his body. He screamed, 'What have you done to me? Who are you? Where am I?'

"Miss Yukiko screamed, too. The young master ordered them both to be quiet. Oh, he was furious. And when the boy wouldn't stop screaming, he-he-"

O-hisa's voice dropped so low that Sano had to lean closer to hear. "The young master grabbed his sword and cut the boy's head off." She buried her face in her hands and dissolved into sobs.

Sano shook his head, mentally completing the story. The blood-spattered room; Yukiko's horror; O-hisa cowering outside the window. Lord Niu, his fury quenched by his impulsive act of violence, turning to the task of covering up the murder. Did he regret his preference for boys of his own cla.s.s instead of eta or other commoners, whom he could kill with impunity?

"Miss Yukiko fainted. The young master shouted for his men, then picked up Miss Yukiko and carried her out of the room." O-hisa's trembling voice narrated the scene as Sano envisioned it. "Then the men came. They took away the body. After they left, I could hear Miss Yukiko crying in the corridor. And I heard the young master say to her, 'If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you!"

So that was why Lord Niu had killed his sister. Yukiko's high morals wouldn't have let her keep silent forever, and Lord Niu had known it. And Noriyos.h.i.+ must have discovered the murder, too, either by spying, or when Lord Niu failed to return the boy he'd procured.

"He knew Yukiko would tell someone, so he killed her," O-hisa said, confirming Sano's guess. "If only I had spoken! She would still be alive. It was my duty to sacrifice myself for her, and I failed." She threw herself at Sano, hands scrabbling against his chest. "Her spirit haunts my dreams. To put her to rest, I must die. So arrest me!"

Sano held her. "It isn't your fault, O-hisa," he said, deploring the ingrained loyalty that made her want to punish herself instead of Lord Niu. "If what you say is true, the young master is solely responsible for his sister's death. Will you help me see that he pays?"

O-hisa's mouth fell open in dismay. "I?" she whispered. "Oh, no."

"By doing so you can pacify Miss Yukiko's spirit," Sano pressed. "Please."

"But what can I do?" Hope lit O-hisa's eyes, eclipsing the dread.

"Come with me to the Council of Elders tomorrow," Sano said. "Tell them your story." And he would tell them his. "They will administer justice to young Lord Niu." Surely they couldn't do otherwise when they heard O-hisa's testimony. Daimyo's son or not, Lord Niu would be punished for a crime of this magnitude.

O-hisa's eyes unfocused, and Sano watched her turn the idea over in her mind. Then she pulled away from him and hung her head.

"No," she mumbled. "I cannot betray my master. For myself, I care nothing. But he might punish my family, too, and I cannot let him do that." She started to back away. "I must go now; I've been gone too long, they'll be looking for me."

Sano knew the risk he was asking her to take, but he understood her position better than she did. "Lord Niu probably suspects that you know about the murder," he said. "He knows who was here that night. For now, he's content to let you live, because the fewer servants who know of his habits, the better. But even if you continue to say nothing, he may decide it's safer to kill you anyway, just as he did Miss Yukiko. The only way to protect yourself and your family is to deliver him to the authorities before he can act. Don't you see?"

O-hisa's mouth worked silently. Her eyes darted from side to side as if trying to see an alternative to this scenario.

Finally she said, "Yes. All right. The young master returns to Edo tomorrow morning, I and the other servants as well. I will go with you to the Council of Elders then."

"Thank you, O-hisa." Sano hid his relief under a businesslike manner. "Shall we meet somewhere at noon?" Knowing it wouldn't be safe for either of them if he went to the yas.h.i.+ki, he cast about for another rendezvous place. "How about in front of Musas.h.i.+ the swordmaker's." he suggested, choosing a well-known business in Nihonbas.h.i.+.

"Yes. All right. Good-bye." O-hisa bowed hastily, then turned and scurried off toward the servants' quarters.

Sano watched her go. Would she change her mind between now and tomorrow? Would she talk about their plan with the other servants, who might report it to Lord Niu? He had no time to worry about that now. So far he'd been lucky; the guards hadn't seen him. He should leave before they came. Besides, he was wet to the skin and so cold that his hands and feet had lost all feeling.

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Shinju. Part 16 summary

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