The Ghost Chronicles Part 1

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The Ghost Chronicles.



Don't tread lightly into the realms of the paranormal, because it can be a dangerous place.There are so many other subjects that intersect with and overlap the topic of ghosts and hauntings, including psychological issues, religious beliefs, history, science, legends, and even popular culture. Don't think you know everything there is to know about ghosts because you watched a television program or two.

Do read on.

All over the planet there are individuals and groups whose pa.s.sions involve paranormal investigation. These are folks who spend a great deal of time and their own money digging through old buildings, historical doc.u.ments, and sometimes through the spirit world, looking for evidence of things that go in the night and answers to their own spiritual questions. Ron Kolek and Maureen Wood are two such people.

Think you have what it takes to hunt the supernatural? The demands often include all-night vigils in cold weather, waiting for something to happen. You hear a strange noise above you, and your senses come alive as the adrenaline courses through your veins.You think you're about to find indisputable proof of a haunting, only to discover it's just a racc.o.o.n in the attic. It's all part of the job. But once in a while, when conditions are right-and with a little bit of luck-something happens while you're watching and your cameras are rolling. It's these moments we all live for, when we brush the plane that exists between life and death, where ghosts-and sometimes darker forces-dwell.We gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes back.

What you're holding in your hands are some of the doc.u.mented experiences and evidence collected by the New England Ghost Project. I've had the pleasure of knowing Ron and Maureen and working with them for several years now, and I can tell you that they bring total dedication to the subject of the paranormal.

Through hosting their popular radio show, their myriad investigations, and being out in the field for many years doing research, these folks are well-qualified to be your paranormal tour guides through some of their more fascinating cases.

New England is ripe with hauntings. Some paranormal legends go back generations and seem to hover over certain areas like a morning fog. When the stories become more than just tales, witnesses and families go looking for help, so they can better understand their situation or, worse, protect themselves from potential harm. In New England, when people ask around for someone who looks into these kinds of things, they often discover the New England Ghost Project.

When Ron, Maureen, and their team walk into a potential haunt, they're trying to establish contact. Maybe there's a mundane explanation for the phenomena, but maybe there isn't. Being psychic, Maureen will reach out to what may be waiting in any given location as Ron, with his EMF meters, cameras, and other equipment, attempts to scientifically validate any oddities in the environment. When his EMF meter beeps, and Maureen's face gets that faraway look, you know something is happening. I've watched Maureen's shoulders slump and her head drop, and I've heard her voice deepen as she takes on a new personality-channeling someone the rest of us can't see. Ron has seen this before and immediately reacts, asking questions of the "ent.i.ty," but always mindful of Maureen's safety. If events turn violent, if Maureen starts to shake or swing her fists, Ron is there to subdue her, to bring Maureen back to our world, and to help her drive the ent.i.ty back out.

When the information Maureen channels can be later verified by historical doc.u.ments, you have what we in paranormal research call a home run. By combining scientific with psychic intuition, Ron and Maureen bring you a complete picture of a haunting investigation. From lighthouses to spooky mansions, from ancient sites to private homes, this book takes you inside the haunts and into the world of a real paranormal investigation team.

Don't tread lightly as you read through the chronicles of the New England Ghost Project. Do know there are forces and realms we don't fully understand just yet.

-Jeff Belanger, author of The World's Most Haunted Places The World's Most Haunted Places and founder of



Dear Reader, thank you for taking this journey through The Ghost Chronicles The Ghost Chronicles and walking beside us as we encounter what may seem like surreal paranormal events. However, truth be told, these glimpses into our world, as the saying goes, are often stranger than fiction. So sit back and buckle yourself in, because you're in for a wild ride. and walking beside us as we encounter what may seem like surreal paranormal events. However, truth be told, these glimpses into our world, as the saying goes, are often stranger than fiction. So sit back and buckle yourself in, because you're in for a wild ride.

I'd like to thank a few of the special people in my life: To my mother, Lorraine Couture, I thank you for quieting my fears while growing up as a medium and telling me without a shadow of a doubt that despite society's interpretation of normal normal, I was normal just the same. If it hadn't been for your acknowledgment of my gifts, I may not be as psychically open as I am today.

Jim and Marie Apitz, friends and family of my heart, thank you for being there in my tumultuous youth and believing in not only me, but also my blossoming, sometimes horrific, psychic abilities. It was through you both that I met my metaphysical mentor, Carol Waldie White, a woman who studied under Laurie Cabot, the official witch of Salem, Ma.s.sachusetts, and who played an important role in teaching me how to control and not fear my gifts.

To the past and present members of the New England Ghost Project, you have always accepted me for who I am-thank you! Ron Kolek, my partner in crime, thank you for your openmindedness, your strong faith, and for having my back when the going gets tough...and oh boy, can it get tough!

To my family and friends too numerous to mention, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me in all I do. Yet there are a few I must mention: To my sisters Donna Fereira and Evon Tudisco, thank you listening to my spirited tales and loving me all the same. And to my friends Bety Comerford, Debbie D'Orazio, and Marky Gibson, thank you for your guidance, love, and encouragement, and for helping to solidify my vision.

Deidre Knight, our agent: you are amazing! Thank you for your keen insight and persistence. Shana Drehs, thank you for sharing our vision in our quest to bring our stories to print and for having the patience of a saint to see it through.

Most importantly, I want to thank my husband, Stephen, and my children, Sabrina and Joshua. Stephen, I thank you for your warmth of spirit, for your patience and understanding, for your support, and for your unending encouragement in all my endeavors. But most of all I thank you for being my balance, for catching the occasional glimpse of my paranormal life (as, Reader, you will later attest to) and, to my amazement and my unyielding grat.i.tude, still welcoming me by your side. I love you.

Sabrina and Joshua, thank you for believing in me. You are the light that guides me through any storm. I love you both with all my heart.


When I founded the New England Ghost Project, I had no idea where it would take me. After all, my degree was in environmental science-who'd ever thought I'd be chasing ghosts? But it happened. Perhaps it is my scientific background that pushes me to find the truth. Whatever it is, it has become my mission. Like so many other people before me, I really don't care what others say or see; I want to experience it for myself. I want proof! It is that goal to which I strive. But what const.i.tutes proof?

It would be great to be able to walk up to one of these spirits, touch its substance, and converse with it without the aid of a medium or psychic, but chances are, it ain't going to happen. So I strive for the next best thing: photographic, video, and audio evidence. It is these physical things that we are more apt to believe, and yet to the unbeliever, no amount of evidence will suffice. Therefore, it is my goal not to try to convince you, but rather to share my experiences as I walk along the thin line between the living and the dead.

I cannot say enough about the people who have helped me in my quest. From scientists to witches, from psychics to skeptics, they have all opened my eyes to the many paths I have traveled. I would especially like to thank Maureen Wood, my partner in this journey, who taught me the ways of the metaphysical; Janet, my faithful wife of thirty-six years, for putting up with me; Dr. Karen Da Silva, who saved my life and started me on this journey; the many members and former members of the New England Ghost Project, who have a.s.sisted me with this voyage; Brian the Monk and Jeff Belanger, my spiritual and literary mentors; Shana Drehs and Sourcebooks for giving me the opportunity to share my story; and most of all, my mother, Catherine Kolek, who never stopped praying for me.

So as you travel with me through the pages of this book, you will see what I have seen, hear what I have heard, and feel what I have felt. Is this proof of the existence of ghosts? You be the judge.


Come with us on a journey to the unknown, the unexplained, and the unbelievable. Enter a world in which science and religion clash...or do they? The episodes in The Ghost Chronicles The Ghost Chronicles will test your senses and challenge your thinking. You will meet real people and hear real stories. But what will you believe? will test your senses and challenge your thinking. You will meet real people and hear real stories. But what will you believe?

Let the New England Ghost Project take you on a new kind of paranormal adventure, with investigators Ron Kolek and Maureen Wood leading the way.

Before we dive into the ghostly case files, there are a few things you may want to know: Q: What is the New England Ghost Project? What is the New England Ghost Project?

RON: It's a select group of people who volunteer their time to investigate the paranormal. Our goals are to a.s.sist those in need and to educate the public. It's a select group of people who volunteer their time to investigate the paranormal. Our goals are to a.s.sist those in need and to educate the public.

Q: How did the Ghost Project start? How did the Ghost Project start?

RON: It all started with me, New England's own Van Helsing, as I like to call myself. Back in the late 1990s, I cut my fingers off in an industrial accident. The doctors at the hospital were able to reattach them, but one of the doctors had a "feeling" that something was not quite right, so she sent me for a CAT scan. They discovered a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that had traveled to my lungs, which usually results in death. But they rushed me to the ICU and saved my life. While in the ICU, I had a strange experience: I saw the light, if you will. Everything was bright white. I felt warm, as if I had come home, and there were people all in white (not doctors) and angelic music. Then all of a sudden, it all disappeared, like the closing of an iris. The bright white light was replaced by the dim lights of the ICU, the "people in white" were gone, and the pleasant sounds were replaced by the beat of my heart on the monitor. It all started with me, New England's own Van Helsing, as I like to call myself. Back in the late 1990s, I cut my fingers off in an industrial accident. The doctors at the hospital were able to reattach them, but one of the doctors had a "feeling" that something was not quite right, so she sent me for a CAT scan. They discovered a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that had traveled to my lungs, which usually results in death. But they rushed me to the ICU and saved my life. While in the ICU, I had a strange experience: I saw the light, if you will. Everything was bright white. I felt warm, as if I had come home, and there were people all in white (not doctors) and angelic music. Then all of a sudden, it all disappeared, like the closing of an iris. The bright white light was replaced by the dim lights of the ICU, the "people in white" were gone, and the pleasant sounds were replaced by the beat of my heart on the monitor.

When I was released by the hospital, I was no longer able to work, so I took a course in TV production. One of the course projects was to produce a show, and I decided to do the show on ghosts. It aired on local cable television and was so successful that WNDS in Derry, New Hamps.h.i.+re, picked it up. The more I investigated the paranormal, the more addicted I became to it. I started a website (it is the number one result when you Google "New England Ghost") on which I published my findings. As my notoriety grew, I began to meet various people who wished to join me in my quest for the unknown. Each person that I have accepted into the Ghost Project along the way brings a special skill or talent, making the Ghost Project a strong and resilient organization. When I was released by the hospital, I was no longer able to work, so I took a course in TV production. One of the course projects was to produce a show, and I decided to do the show on ghosts. It aired on local cable television and was so successful that WNDS in Derry, New Hamps.h.i.+re, picked it up. The more I investigated the paranormal, the more addicted I became to it. I started a website (it is the number one result when you Google "New England Ghost") on which I published my findings. As my notoriety grew, I began to meet various people who wished to join me in my quest for the unknown. Each person that I have accepted into the Ghost Project along the way brings a special skill or talent, making the Ghost Project a strong and resilient organization.

Q: How does the Ghost Project differ from other ghost-hunting groups out there? How does the Ghost Project differ from other ghost-hunting groups out there?

RON: Some of the other ghost-hunting outfits focus primarily on debunking, using only scientific methods, whereas we capitalize on the unique pairing of a medium and a paranormal scientist, using both spiritual and scientific methods to investigate the paranormal. The Ghost Project goes into an investigation open-minded, using all of our equipment and techniques to discover the truth. We provide the client with the evidence we uncover, and it is ultimately up to him or her to make a decision as to what to do next and what to believe. Some of the other ghost-hunting outfits focus primarily on debunking, using only scientific methods, whereas we capitalize on the unique pairing of a medium and a paranormal scientist, using both spiritual and scientific methods to investigate the paranormal. The Ghost Project goes into an investigation open-minded, using all of our equipment and techniques to discover the truth. We provide the client with the evidence we uncover, and it is ultimately up to him or her to make a decision as to what to do next and what to believe.

Q: Who's on the team? Who's on the team?

RON: My partner is Maureen Wood, our psychic investigator and trance medium, and my co-host of the My partner is Maureen Wood, our psychic investigator and trance medium, and my co-host of the Ghost Chronicles Ghost Chronicles radio show. My family is also involved-my son, Ron Jr., and my wife, Janet (also known as Saint Janet by most people, for putting up with my antics), help out as investigators. Various folks will float in and out of the episodes in this book: previous members of the team include Bob Corey and his wife, Gay, photographer Leo Monfet, and electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) specialist Karen Mossey. Current members include photographer Laura Wooster, EVP specialist Jim Stonier, tech manager Clay Rucker, thermal imaging specialist Dan Parsons, case manager Stacylynn Caira, and director of research Janet Rucker. radio show. My family is also involved-my son, Ron Jr., and my wife, Janet (also known as Saint Janet by most people, for putting up with my antics), help out as investigators. Various folks will float in and out of the episodes in this book: previous members of the team include Bob Corey and his wife, Gay, photographer Leo Monfet, and electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) specialist Karen Mossey. Current members include photographer Laura Wooster, EVP specialist Jim Stonier, tech manager Clay Rucker, thermal imaging specialist Dan Parsons, case manager Stacylynn Caira, and director of research Janet Rucker.

Q: How did Maureen get involved with the Ghost Project? How did Maureen get involved with the Ghost Project?

MAUREEN: Although I have been communicating with spirits all of my life, up until the day I joined the Ghost Project, I'd never worked with a paranormal investigative team. At a time in my life when the call to communicate with spirits could no longer be ignored, I happened across an article in a local New Hamps.h.i.+re newspaper. It featured a paranormal investigative team called the New England Ghost Project. After reading the article, and being a big believer that everything happens for a reason, I quickly emailed Ron. Curious, he invited me to tag along on the first of a four-part series with WNDS television in Derry, New Hamps.h.i.+re. Episode Two depicts that first investigation with Ron's team: my "audition," if you will. I guess I did something right, because not long after I was invited to join. And as Ron frequently says, the rest is history. Although I have been communicating with spirits all of my life, up until the day I joined the Ghost Project, I'd never worked with a paranormal investigative team. At a time in my life when the call to communicate with spirits could no longer be ignored, I happened across an article in a local New Hamps.h.i.+re newspaper. It featured a paranormal investigative team called the New England Ghost Project. After reading the article, and being a big believer that everything happens for a reason, I quickly emailed Ron. Curious, he invited me to tag along on the first of a four-part series with WNDS television in Derry, New Hamps.h.i.+re. Episode Two depicts that first investigation with Ron's team: my "audition," if you will. I guess I did something right, because not long after I was invited to join. And as Ron frequently says, the rest is history.

RON: I didn't believe in psychics when I started the Ghost Project. In fact, I always thought they were charlatans. But once I started working with Maureen, I began to realize that there was more truth to psychics and mediums than I had first believed. With a degree in environmental science, I still consider myself a skeptic, but open-minded enough to investigate the possibilities. I didn't believe in psychics when I started the Ghost Project. In fact, I always thought they were charlatans. But once I started working with Maureen, I began to realize that there was more truth to psychics and mediums than I had first believed. With a degree in environmental science, I still consider myself a skeptic, but open-minded enough to investigate the possibilities.

In fact, that's why I call myself New England's own Van Helsing. The real Van Helsing comes from Bram Stoker's Dracula Dracula-like me, he was a man of science, yet well versed in the arts and crafts. I didn't believe in a lot of the metaphysical techniques that you'll read about later in this book, but I have come to understand and accept and even use them.

Q: What's the deal with the typeface changing? What's the deal with the typeface changing?

RON: Throughout the book you'll notice two different fonts: one for Maureen's voice, and one for mine. Telling our stories in the first person makes for a much more visceral experience, but we wanted it to be clear who was doing the talking. Throughout the book you'll notice two different fonts: one for Maureen's voice, and one for mine. Telling our stories in the first person makes for a much more visceral experience, but we wanted it to be clear who was doing the talking.

Q: How did Maureen know she was a psychic? What is a trance medium, anyway? How did Maureen know she was a psychic? What is a trance medium, anyway?

MAUREEN: I've been seeing and hearing spirits all my life, but it was difficult to realize what was going on. Think of how many little kids have imaginary friends. That's not to say those imaginary friends are all spirits, but I wouldn't rule it out. When we're young, our minds are completely open. It's not until wellmeaning teachers, parents, media, etc., tell us that what we are experiencing is not real that we begin to think it's nothing more than our imagination. That we need to show them proof, you know, they-will-believe-it-if-they-see-it syndrome. I've been seeing and hearing spirits all my life, but it was difficult to realize what was going on. Think of how many little kids have imaginary friends. That's not to say those imaginary friends are all spirits, but I wouldn't rule it out. When we're young, our minds are completely open. It's not until wellmeaning teachers, parents, media, etc., tell us that what we are experiencing is not real that we begin to think it's nothing more than our imagination. That we need to show them proof, you know, they-will-believe-it-if-they-see-it syndrome.

I love Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer, but medium work is not as Hollywood as the show. Let me start by explaining the differences between a medium and a trance medium. Being a trance medium means having the ability to share the spirit's energy. A trance medium can allow spirits to enter and speak through her, which is called "channeling" or "trance channeling." On the other hand, a medium picks up information from the spirits and relays it-they are not actually using her voice to speak.It's difficult to explain exactly what happens when I trance channel, but when we are investigating, I open myself up. Sometimes the spirits are timid, not strong enough, or not cognizant of how to share energy, to allow me to trance channel. Other times, the spirit is all too eager to speak through me.Most times, I have control of who I channel. But when I open myself up to spirits, it's possible for another, not so nice spirit, to jump in.I'm also empathic. Which means I can feel the spirit, their energy, and, sometimes, how they died. Ron calls me the Queen of Pain, because sometimes those experiences can be extremely painful.

Q: How does the Ghost Project find new investigations? How does the Ghost Project find new investigations?

RON: We're often contacted through referrals, our website, and the Ghost Line (as we refer to the phone number for the New England Ghost Project). Ninety percent of our cases are those in which people are looking for verification that they aren't crazy. They just want to know if they have ghosts or not. Sometimes we're contacted by the media, who want to see what we do. We're often contacted through referrals, our website, and the Ghost Line (as we refer to the phone number for the New England Ghost Project). Ninety percent of our cases are those in which people are looking for verification that they aren't crazy. They just want to know if they have ghosts or not. Sometimes we're contacted by the media, who want to see what we do.

Q: What tools do you use to conduct an investigation? What tools do you use to conduct an investigation?

RON: On one hand there's the research arm of the Ghost Project. Janet Rucker, who holds a degree in library science, heads up that end of the investigating, which involves discovering the details of a particular location or person-the history of a property, genealogies, etc. On one hand there's the research arm of the Ghost Project. Janet Rucker, who holds a degree in library science, heads up that end of the investigating, which involves discovering the details of a particular location or person-the history of a property, genealogies, etc.

But that takes place back at the office. On location, we have two types of tools. The first is Maureen, who uses her abilities to discover any paranormal activity. One of her methods is dowsing, a centuries-old way to use your own sixth sense, an extension of yourself, to tap into various energies. When you read about her using a pendulum or L-rods, that's what's going on. Although she doesn't need a device to speak to the spirits, she uses it as a visual tool for those present during communication with a spirit.From the paranormal science perspective, we use a lot of equipment: a thermal imaging camera (which is used to view temperature differences), an electromagnetic field (EMF) meter (used to measure fluctuations in electromagnetic fields), and ultraviolet (UV) lamp (used to detect bodily fluids and dust particles in an environment). We also use infrared (IR) camcorders to see in low light, along with still cameras, both digital and 35mm, with infrared film (it's believed that spirits dwell in the infrared range). Infrared film is expensive, however, and it has to be treated very carefully. Because it's heat sensitive you need to load and unload the film in a black bag and the film has to be refrigerated. We also use hand-held digital recorders to gather EVPs.

Q: What exactly is an EVP? What exactly is an EVP?

RON: EVP stands for electronic voice phenomenon, also known as "voices of the dead." We cannot hear EVPs as they happen; we can only hear them played back on a recorder. The spirits use the white noise in a recorder to manipulate energy to manifest their voices. Any digital or a.n.a.log recorder will work. Ironically, the more inexpensive recorders are better, since they have more static/white noise. The recordings are then cleaned up and amplified through a software program like Cool Edit, allowing the listener to decipher the words more clearly. EVP stands for electronic voice phenomenon, also known as "voices of the dead." We cannot hear EVPs as they happen; we can only hear them played back on a recorder. The spirits use the white noise in a recorder to manipulate energy to manifest their voices. Any digital or a.n.a.log recorder will work. Ironically, the more inexpensive recorders are better, since they have more static/white noise. The recordings are then cleaned up and amplified through a software program like Cool Edit, allowing the listener to decipher the words more clearly.

Q: How much do you charge for an investigation? How much do you charge for an investigation?

RON: I've heard this question numerous times so I've almost come to expect it. The simple answer is: we don't charge. I've heard this question numerous times so I've almost come to expect it. The simple answer is: we don't charge.

Now you might be wondering how we get paid.The truth is we don't. It's voluntary. Since I started the Ghost Project, I made the decision that we shouldn't profit at the expense of someone in need. We all have day jobs: I'm an author and radio show host, Maureen is an author, radio host, and a technical instructor. My wife, Janet, and Stacy are both administrators, Ron Jr. is a manager, thermal Dan is an a.s.sistant fire chief, Jim and Clay both work with computers, and Janet Rucker is a librarian. However, we do run lectures, seminars, and throughout the year to help cover the cost of our websites, the Ghost Line, film, equipment, and so forth.

Q: What do you consider a successful investigation? What do you consider a successful investigation?

RON: When we go into an investigation, we never know what we're going to encounter. The EVPs, photos, psychic impressions, video, and any other evidence collected during an investigation are reviewed, and we provide our clients with the results, whether there is paranormal activity or not. When we go into an investigation, we never know what we're going to encounter. The EVPs, photos, psychic impressions, video, and any other evidence collected during an investigation are reviewed, and we provide our clients with the results, whether there is paranormal activity or not.

Some cases may require special treatment, including spirit removal and/or exorcisms. At the NEGP, we want to help both the living and the dead, but it's our belief that everyone has free will. Unless a spirit is crossing the "karmic line," which we consider to be interfering with the living, we don't force them to leave. But we do ask the spirits if they want to leave. Believe it or not, most times they don't.To be honest, we can never be 100 percent sure why spirits are here. Maureen can tell you what she's feeling and what she's picking up on. But it's conjecture. What if a spirit is here to help another, living or dead? What if that spirit is part of a bigger master plan? We don't want to interfere by forcing an ent.i.ty to do anything. So while many people might consider eradicating the ghosts as a successful operation, that's not what the NEGP sets out to do.

Q: And you have a radio show? And you have a radio show?

RON: As I mentioned before, part of the goal of the New England Ghost Project is to educate the public. To do this we always accept offers to appear on various radio and TV stations. One day after an appearance on WCCM radio in Lawrence, Ma.s.sachusetts, the station asked me if I would be interested in having my own show. Never shy, I jumped at the chance and on Friday the thirteenth, 2004, As I mentioned before, part of the goal of the New England Ghost Project is to educate the public. To do this we always accept offers to appear on various radio and TV stations. One day after an appearance on WCCM radio in Lawrence, Ma.s.sachusetts, the station asked me if I would be interested in having my own show. Never shy, I jumped at the chance and on Friday the thirteenth, 2004, Ghost Chronicles Ghost Chronicles was born. For three years Maureen and I entertained the rush hour traffic (our motto for the show was, "Rush hour just got scarier"). We were then approached by Ghostvillage (the largest paranormal site on the Internet) and TogiNet (an Internet radio station), and now I produce and host three shows: was born. For three years Maureen and I entertained the rush hour traffic (our motto for the show was, "Rush hour just got scarier"). We were then approached by Ghostvillage (the largest paranormal site on the Internet) and TogiNet (an Internet radio station), and now I produce and host three shows: Ghost Chronicles Ghost Chronicles, the podcast on Ghostvillage, iTunes, and Podcast Alley; Ghost Chronicles Live Ghost Chronicles Live on TogiNet and Para-X Radio; and on TogiNet and Para-X Radio; and Ghost Chronicles International Ghost Chronicles International, which is UK based, on TogiNet and Para-X Radio.

In addition to our studio shows we also take "road trips" and broadcast from haunted locations...which is what the seventeen episodes you're about to read are all about.Be prepared for the unexpected.


The contents of this book are for informational purposes only. Although these episodes are based on factual events, under no circ.u.mstances should they be interpreted as a recommendation for novice or inexperienced paranormal investigators. In no way will the New England Ghost Project or any of its ent.i.ties be held liable for misinterpretation of this book or any companion websites.


To enhance your reading experience, go to This site includes bonus features such as photographs, video, history, and additional information on the places and incidents described in each episode of this book.

episode one


CASE FILE: 6242684.


Location: Windham, New Hamps.h.i.+re.History: An 1812 farmhouse, once owned by the Dinsmore family, has been occupied by several businesses and now houses the Windham Restaurant.Reported Paranormal Activity: Ghostly apparitions, shattering, objects moving and disappearing, and unexplained noises.Clients: Lula (owner), Vess (owner).Investigators: Ron (lead investigator), Maureen (trance medium).Press: Melissa (reporter from, Jen (Melissa's photographer).

The sign over the door of the Windham Restaurant reads "Food and Spirits," and it may be truer than you think.


An individual who allows the spirit of a dead person to take over his or her body for the purpose of communication.

I could scarcely breathe. could scarcely breathe.

The beating grew louder and louder. I thought my heart might burst.

I gasped for breath.

Then I felt a hand on my chest. It was oddly familiar, and I realized it was my own. My breathing was heavy. Raspy.

I clung to the banter between Ron and the reporters from, who were standing a few feet away from me, but the crisp, clear syllables of their words became nothing more than an echo in the distance. Even my fear of spiders in the dank cellar was slipping away. I could no longer focus. There was no turning back.

I had reached the "in between," the place where heaven barely touches earth. I knew because I could feel it. The air was charged, sizzling with electricity. The way it always felt when "they" arrived. An ominous presence swirled around us, bringing with it a sense of foreboding. I had a feeling this night was a bad idea. It was Friday the thirteenth after all.

Playing a tug of war with my consciousness, I struggled to recapture Ron's voice.

"You ready to communicate?" I barely heard his words over the electromagnetic field (EMF) meter, its continuous beeping an indicator of an energy s.h.i.+ft in the room.

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The Ghost Chronicles Part 1 summary

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