Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 24

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The soldier like a coreselett; bellaria, et appet.i.tiua, redd hearing. Loue Quod controuertentes dic.u.n.t bonum perinde ac omnes.

Sermon frequented by papists and puritans; Matter of circ.u.mstance not of substance boriae penetrabile frigus adurit Cacus oxen forwards and backwards Not examyning.

_Folio 124, back_.


_Folio 125, front_.


_Folio 125, back_.


_Folio 126, front_.

_a.n.a.logia Caesaris_

Verb. et clausalae ad exercitationem accentus et ad gratiam sparsam et ad suitatem

Sat that; (for admitt that) It is like Sr. etc. putting Peradventure can yow: sp. a man agayne into his (what can yow) tale interruted So much there is. fr.(neuer- Your reason thelesse) I haue been allwaies at See then bow. Sp. (Much his request; lesse) His knowledg lieth about Yf yow be at leasure fur- him nyshed etc. as perhappes Such thoughts I would yow are (in stead of are exile into into my not) dreames For the rest (a transition A good crosse poynt but concluding) the woorst cinq a pase The rather bycause con- tynuing anothers speach He will never doe his tricks To the end, sauing that, whereas yet (contynu- A proper young man and ance) and so of all kynds so will he be while he liues In contemplation (in con- 2 of these fowre take them sideracon) where yow will Not praejudicing. I have knowne the tyme With this (c.u.m hoc quod and it was not half an verificare vult) howre agoe Without that (adsque hoc Pyonner in the myne of quod) truth

_Folio 126, front--continued_.

for this tyme (when a man As please the painter extends his hope or imag- A nosce teipsum (a chiding inacion or beleefe to farre) or disgrace) A mery world when such Valew me not y'e lesse by- fellowes must correct cause I am yours.

(A mery world when the simplest may correct).

Is it a small thing yt & (can not yow not be content) an hebraisme What els? Nothing lesse.

It is not the first vntruth I have heard reported nor it is not y'e first truth I haue heard denied.

I will prooue X why goe and prooue it Minerallwyttsstrongpoyson yf they be not corrected.

O the'

O my I. St.

Beleeue it Beleeue it not; for a time Mought it pleas G.o.d that fr (I would to G.o.d) Neuer may it please yow As good as the best: I would not but yow had doone it (But shall I doe it againe)

NOTE.--This folio is written in three columns. The third column begins, "It is a small thing."

_Folio 126, back_.

The sonne of some what y'e ayre of his behauior; factious; To frime (to Sp)[30]

Sp To cherish or endear; To vndeceyue. Sp to dis- abuse deliuer and vnwrapped To discount (To Cleere) Brazed (impudent Brawned Seared) vn- payned.

Vuelight (Twylight) band- ing (factions).

Remoouing (remuant) A third person (a broker) A nose Cutt of; tucked vp.

His disease hath certen traces To plaine him on Ameled (fayned counterfett) in y'e best kynd.

Having (?) the vpper grownd (Awthority) His resorts (his Conceyts) It may be well last for it hath lasted well Those are great with yow y't are great by yow

_Folio 126, back--continued_.

The Avenues; A back thought.

Baragan; perpetuo Juuenis A Bonance (a Caulme) To drench to potion (to insert) Haggard insauvaged Infistuled (made hollow with malign deales).

_Folio 127, front_.


_Folio 127, back_.

Cursitours lament and cry [31]Verba interjectiua siue ad gratiam sparsam

_Folio 128, front_.

Semblances or popularities of good and evill w'th their redargutions for Deliberacions Cujus contrarium malum bonum, cujus bonum malum.

Non tenet in ijs rebus quarum vis in temperamento et mensura sita est.

Dum vitant stulti vitia in contraria currunt X Media via nulla est quae nee amicos parit nee inimi- cos tollit Solons law that in states every man should declare him self of one faction. Neutralitye: Vtinam esses calidus aut frigidus sed quoniam tepidus es eveniet vt te expuam ex ore meo.

Dixerunt fatui medium tenuere beatj Cujus origo, bonum; cujus mala malum.

Non tenet in ijs malis quae vel mentem informant, vel affectum corrigunt, siue resipiscentiam in- ducendo siue necessitatem, nec etiam in fortuitis.

No man gathereth grapes of thornes nor figges of thistelles The nature of every thing is best consydered in the seed Primum mobile turnes about all y'e rest of y'e Orbes.

A good or yll foundacion.

X Ex malis moribus bonae leges.

[Greek: pathaemata maaemata]

When thinges are at the periode of yll they turn agayne

_Folio 128, front--continued_.

Many effectes like the serpent that deuoureth her moother so they destroy their first cause as inopia luxuria etc.

The fashon of D. Hert. to the dames of Lond. Your way is to be sicker Usque adeo latet vtilitas Aliquisque malo fuit vsus in illo

_Folio 128, back_.

Quod ad bonum finem dirigitur bonum, quod ad mulum malum

_Folio 129 front_.


_Folio 129 back_.

Philologia colors of good and euill

_Folio 130 front_.

Some choice Frensh Proverbes.

II a chie en son chapeau et puis s'en va couvert Par trop debatre la verite se perd.

Apres besogne fait le fou barguine.

L'hoste et le poisson trois jours puent.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 24 summary

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