Everyday Foods in War Time Part 4

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Pour cold water gradually over corn meal and salt. Cook over water for 20 minutes. Add fat and syrup. Allow to cool to room temperature. Add yeast which has been softened in the lukewarm water. Add flour gradually, stirring or kneading thoroughly after each addition of flour. Knead lightly for 10 or 15 minutes. Shape into a loaf. Let rise until double in bulk. Bake in a moderate oven (360-380) for about an hour. (The amount of corn meal may be reduced if one desires a loaf with the characteristics of wheat bread.)

Corn Meal and Rye Bread (9)

Lukewarm water, 2 cups Yeast, 1 cake Salt, 1/2 tablespoon, 1/2 cup Rye flour, 1 cup Corn meal, 1 cup Flour, 3 cups

Soften yeast cake in water, add remaining ingredients, and mix thoroughly.

Let rise, shape, let rise again and bake.

Sour Milk Corn Bread (8)

Corn meal, 1 pint Soda, 3/4 teaspoon Baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon Sour milk, 1 pint Salt, 1/2 teaspoon Egg, 1 Lard (melted), 1 1/2 tablespoons

Slightly beat the egg, add milk, salt, and soda. Stir in the meal. Beat well. Add melted lard and baking powder. Bake in hot greased pan. Cut in squares and serve. Do not have batter too stiff.

Eggless Corn m.u.f.fins (8)

Corn meal, 1 cup Pastry flour (sifted), 1/2 cup Sugar, 1/4 cup Melted b.u.t.ter, 2 tablespoons Salt, 1 teaspoon Baking powder, 2 teaspoons Milk, 1 cup

Mix dry ingredients and add milk and melted b.u.t.ter. Put in greased m.u.f.fin pan and bake 30 minutes in a moderate oven.

Oat Bread (4)

Boiling water, 2 cups Salt, 1/2 tablespoon 1/2 yeast cake, dissolved in 1/2 cup lukewarm water Rolled oats (dry), 1 cup, 1/2 cup Fat, 1 tablespoon Flour, 4-1/2 cups

Add boiling water to the rolled oats, stir well and let stand for one hour. Add, salt, fat, dissolved yeast cake, and flour; let the dough rise to double its bulk, beat well, and turn into greased bread pans, let rise the second time, and bake about one hour in a moderate oven.

Oatmeal m.u.f.fins (8)

Cooked oatmeal, 1 cup Flour, 1-1/2 cups Sugar, 2 tablespoons Baking powder, 4 teaspoons Salt, 1/2 teaspoon Milk, 1/2 cup Egg, 1 Melted b.u.t.terine, 2 tablespoons

Mix and sift flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add the egg well beaten and one-half the milk. Mix the remainder of the milk with the cereal, and beat in thoroughly. Then add the b.u.t.ter. Bake in b.u.t.tered m.u.f.fin or gem tins about 30 minutes in a moderate oven.

War Time Boston Brown Bread

Rye meal, 1 cup Corn meal, 1 cup Finely ground oatmeal, 1 cup Milk, 1-1/2 cups Soda, 3/4 teaspoon Salt, 1 teaspoon, 1 cup Baking powder, 2 teaspoons

Mix and sift dry ingredients, add and milk, stir until well mixed, turn into a well-greased mold, and steam three and one-half hours.

The cover should be greased before being placed on mold. The mold should never be filled more than two-thirds full. A one-pound baking powder box makes the most attractive shaped loaf for steaming; place mold on a trivet in kettle containing boiling water, allowing water to come half-way up around mold; cover closely and steam, adding as needed more boiling water.

One cup chopped peanuts and 1 cup of cut dates may be added.

Rice Bread (10)

Milk, 1/2 cup Sugar, 6 tablespoons Fat, 4 tablespoons Salt, 1-1/2 teaspoons Compressed yeast, 1/2 cake, softened in 1/4 cup liquid Boiled rice, 7 cups Flour, 8 cups

This proportion makes two loaves of bread.

Scald the milk with sugar, salt, and fat. Let cool until lukewarm and pour over the boiled rice. Add yeast which has been softened in one-quarter cupful warm water. Stir in flour and knead. Let rise until double its bulk. Knead again and put into pans. Let rise until light and bake 50 minutes to one hour in a moderate oven.

_The rice should be boiled in a large quant.i.ty of boiling water_, in order to insure a dry rice. At least eight or ten times as much water as rice should be used.

Eggless Rye m.u.f.fins (8)

Rye flour, 2 cups Baking powder, 4 teaspoons Salt, 1/2 teaspoon Sugar, 4 teaspoons Milk, 1 cup Melted b.u.t.ter or other fat, 1 tablespoon

Mix and sift the dry ingredients; add the milk and melted fat. Mix quickly, do not beat. Bake in greased m.u.f.fin pans 20 minutes in a hot oven.

Rye Corn Meal m.u.f.fins (9)

Corn meal, 1/2 cup Rye flour, 1 cup Baking powder, 3 teaspoons Sugar, 2 tablespoons Melted b.u.t.ter, 1 tablespoon Salt, 1 teaspoon Milk, 1/4 cup Egg, 1

Mix and sift dry ingredients, beat egg, add to it milk and, then stir liquid mixture into dry ingredients. Do not beat. Place in well-greased m.u.f.fin tins and bake in moderate oven 25 to 30 minutes.

Rye Rolls (9)

Milk, 1 cup Water, 1 cup Fat, 3 tablespoons Sugar, 2 teaspoons Salt, 2 teaspoons Yeast cakes, 2 Water, 6 tablespoons Rye flour, 4 cups White flour, 4 cups

Scald the milk with the salt, sugar, and fat. Soften the yeast in the six tablespoonfuls of water.

Cool the milk by adding the rest of the water cold, stir in the yeast and flour, and knead. Let rise until double in bulk. Knead again and shape into rolls. Let rise until very light and bake.


Apple Sauce Cake (4)

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Everyday Foods in War Time Part 4 summary

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