Every Storm Part 35

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Rigg watched her for a few minutes but didn't want to be caught staring. She was a little more relaxed with him today, and he didn't want to spoil that. He looked across the yard, and almost as if she'd been waiting for that very act, Lorri had another question.

"Do you ever think about the island, Lieutenant?" she asked him.

"Yes, I do. How about you?"

"I do think about it, and I ask myself if there's something I need to apologize to you about."

Rigg shook his head. "I can't think of anything."

"Not even when you wanted to leave and I was nowhere to be found?"

"I didn't know about your sister at the time. I realize now where you were."

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"I couldn't tell you," Lorri turned to him. "I just couldn't talk about it right then. I'm sorry."

"There's no reason to be sorry. I was too harsh on you."

Lorri looked away, not certain she could cope with his compa.s.sion. She suddenly saw herself leaving the island in that small boat and looking back to gain a final glimpse.

"I wasn't going to jump out of the boat," she said.

"What's that now?"

"When we were leaving the island, I think you were afraid I was going to try to return."

Rigg nodded with understanding.

"Just a last look, right?"

Lorri turned to him, her eyes swimming.

"I didn't want to leave her there. I didn't want to leave Clarence Fuller either, but I had to. There was nothing else I could do."

"I saw the graves," Rigg told her. "You did a very honorable thing. A fine job."

"You saw the graves?"


"But you didn't ask me about them. You didn't mention it at all."

"I realize that," Rigg agreed. "Maybe I should have, but you weren't very strong right then, and I just wanted to get you safely away."

"Why didn't you think I would be safe?"

"If the enemy had spotted us, Miss Archer, we would have been in a lot of trouble. It was a very vulnerable predicament to be in."

"And made worse by my presence." Lorri's voice was flat.

"I don't regret a single moment," Rigg told her. "We were proud to rescue you and would do it again."



"You weren't always very happy with me."

To her surprise, Rigg laughed. Lorri turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry to laugh," Rigg apologized, "but you were a bit unpredictable."

"Would you please tell me about it?" Lorri entreated sincerely, leaning a little from her chair. "Some of it is so blurry in my mind."

"What would you like to know?"

Lorri shrugged a little. Her reserve had melted away but now came back like a wall.

Rigg saw it and jumped in. "I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll just start at the beginning, and if you have a question, you stop me."

"All right."

Her face had taken on that hopeful gleam again, and Rigg, anxious to please her, worked to recall thje events..

"I think you knew thatEvery Stormwas having mechanical trouble."

Lorri nodded.

"We stopped at the island and ten of us went ash.o.r.e. I was with Lionel and Quinn. They were a few steps ahead of me and the first to hear you singing."

"I was singing?" Lorri asked, amazed that she didn't remember this.

"Yes," Rigg had to answer with a smile.

"What was I singing?"

"'The Yellow Rose of Texas.'"

A sudden laugh escaped Lorri, and Rigg thought she looked more beautiful than ever. He forced his mind back to the rescue and continued.

"We didn't try to bring you aboard right away but fed you on the island. Do you remember that?"


Lori Wick "Lionel helped me."

"That's right. I knew I could trust him to take care of you."

"I was hungry," Lorri said, thinking about the food he gave her. She thought it might have been crackers. "When did you find the graves?" she suddenly asked.

"The next morning. Hugh discovered them."

A s.h.i.+ver ran over Lorri, but she still asked, "What did you think? What was that like?"

Rigg debated how to answer and decided on the simple truth.

"I was stunned when I realized what you'd been forced to do, and I just hoped that the other people on the plane had been strangers to you."

Lorri's hand came to her mouth. The memory was tormenting. She could still see herself digging and then having to push her sister's body into that hole because she'd been too weary and weak to lift her.

"I wish I'd left a marker or something," Lorri said, tears in her voice. "I wish I could have done more."

"You did very well. Hugh and I were very impressed."

"We had a service here," Lorri told him, wanting him to know.

"I'm glad."

"We even had a casket."

"What did you put in it?"

"Just little things that reminded us of Josie."

The sound of her sister's name, even coming from her own lips, was too much for her. She broke down and cried. The lieutenant sat still, helpless in the midst of her pain.

"I'm sorry," she managed at one point, working to find her breath.



"Here-" Rigg offered his handkerchief, and Lorri realized she had one of her own.

She took his anyway.

"Thank you," Lorri said, her voice still coming in gasps. "You're going to think that all we do is cry."

"I don't think that, and I would wonder more if you didn't cry."

"She had a fiance," Lorri suddenly said. "So often I wish it had been me so Josie could have gone on to marry Ken."

I don't wish it had been you,Rigg thought but kept silent, not sure what to say next.

"I think my family forgot that they were supposed to bring coffee and cake," Lorri said as she suddenly glanced behind her, wondering where everyone had gone.

"Before they come with the cake, Miss Archer," Rigg spoke up. "I would like to suggest something to you."

"All right."

"If you have any more questions about the island, please ask me. You can write me at the base if that's easier, or catch me at church or even when I come to get Violet. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

The silence rained down on them again. It was a little uncomfortable, but Lorri didn't try to find her family. She had one more thing to say.

"Thank you for letting me talk to you."

"You're welcome,"

"You saw worse things, didn't you?"

Rigg looked at her but didn't answer.

"Oh, I knowj you don't want to tell me about it, but I know it was awful for you too."


"At times it was. That's very true." "I'm glad it's over."

Rigg sighed, his heart relaxing. "So ami, Miss Archer-so am I."


"Where were you?" Lorri asked of Ruth the moment the lieutenant left. "I thought you were coming right out with cake and coffee. What took so long?"

"Well, your grandfather hoped you would have a chance to talk so we stayed away." She smiled at her daughter. "I don't think the lieutenant minded."

"No," Lorri had to agree. "He certainly liked the cake."

Ruth laughed. "I think he wanted to say yes to the third piece I offered but forced himself not to."

Lorri smiled. "We did talk. I learned a few things."

"Maybe you can talk again."

"That's what the lieutenant said."

"What exactly?"

"That he would answer any questions I have."

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Every Storm Part 35 summary

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