Every Storm Part 8

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The occupant of the lower bunk was laughing softly when they were joined by two other men. Both men fell asleep happily but silently breaking the order not to think about their guest.



Lorri couldn't remember where she was.S^ ^j^ ^knowing that someone was in her bedroom and that.i.tw4sn'tjosi^ or Max. She gasped in fright, wanting to call for her jr^dpa. "Miss Archer?" Rigg's voice came from the darkness^-"Oh, Lieutenant, it's you." She breathed heavjiy^-th relief, coming back to the boat in a rush. "Are you all right?" "Yes. I'm sorry I woke you."

"Don't worry about it," Rigg told her, not elaborate >8onthefact that he was just now coming to bed.

As swiftly and as quietly as he could, he dittoed intc^ Hugh's bunk and willed sleep to come. He battled wortyovermtf,e repairs that didn't get done and his desire to land Lorij ArchersafetyatSeaford.



"I'm sorry about earlier today."

"Don't trouble yourself over it."

"I shouldn't have said those things." "It's all right."

Lorri heard a thump and started a little. "Are we moving?" she asked. "No. I think we'll be underway about midmorning." Silence fell in the cabin. Lorri thought the lieutenant^ ""Sh* say more, but he didn't. She didn't feel rea.s.suredaboutn0fier apol-I; gy-She wanted to say she was sorry again, buitOo muc^0*1timehad pa.s.sed. He might be sleeping.


Lori Wick I.

Making herself more comfortable, she forced herself to go back to sleep. It wasn't that easy, but about ten minutes later she lost consciousness.

Not at any time did she suspect that Lieutenant Riggs was wide awake for a good deal longer.


With no idea as to when she might be on dry ground again, Lorri was up early, washed, dressed, and on the beach. Her monthly situation was well in hand for the moment, and if that status changed, she would simply return to the boat and remain in the officer's cabin.

Not worrying about an escort-no one had been waiting for her-she hit the sand and strolled along between the waves and the line of trees. She'd seen other men moving about and figured if she remained in sight, she was plenty safe.

What she hadn't figured on was the way the island made her feel. Memories of the accident and the burials came flooding back to her. Her steps slowed and her mind wandered. Lorri saw images in her mind that made her shudder, and she suddenly wished she had stayed on board.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

Lorri stopped her walk and looked up to see a sailor she hadn't met before. He was not alone, but it still took Lorri a moment to realize these men were from another crew. She had stopped in her tracks, but the men were approaching, boldness written on every move.

"What's your name, pretty lady?"

Lorri took one step back and then another.



"Don't be afraid," one of them said. "We just want to talk."

"Speak for yourself," another put in, and Lorri felt a jolt of fear. She glanced behind her and wondered how she could have gotten so far down the beach.

"You're on the skinny side, but we like skinny women," one foolish man said, his smile very wide, his eyes studying her body in the baggy men's clothing.

"I have to get back to the boat" she told them, but one was already close enough to touch her.

He reached up and stroked down the side of her hair. That was all Lorri needed. Bringing herself painfully erect, she reached up and pushed his hand away with as much force as she could find.

"Do not touch me," she ordered in her teacher's voice.

"Ooh," several men said from behind him, "she's a feisty one."

Lorri turned and started away, but the man grabbed her hand and held it.

"Let go of me," she ordered, but trembling had come over her, and her voice lacked conviction.

"You heard the lady" Jack said, suddenly appearing, Donald and Cliff behind him.

"Well, now," the physical sailor started in, his hands going up in innocence. "This must be the lucky crew who has a woman on board. Must be nice."

"Shut your mouth!" Jack told him.

"I'd be happy to shut my mouth as soon as you open yours. Where'd you find her?"

"Can we have one?" another of the strangers asked, bringing a lot of unpleasant words from the three sailors off the Storm.


'Lorri didn't wait around to see if the words would lead to blows. She turned and moved up the beach as fast as her legs could 'carry her. Up the ladder she went without talking to anyone. She sank into the first alcove she came to and curled into a ball.

Lionel had seen her come aboard and gone to check on her, but her face was buried against her bent knees. He kept his distance, but he could see on the beach that word was spreading Iover something that had happened. Not sure what she'd done this ,time, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Hugh or jthe lieutenant came looking for her.

It was Rigg. Not 20 minutes had pa.s.sed before the encounter ireached his ears. Lionel watched him come on board but didn't speak to him. Not until he'd disappeared below deck and returned did Lionel catch his eye and nod in Lorri's direction. IRigg came around the wheelhouse and found her curled into ,a ball, her body rocking slightly.

"Miss Archer," Rigg said after he'd hunkered down in front of ',1her, but she shook her head against her knees.

.Rigg let his eyes roam over the island and then out to sea, ' 1debating what to do. He thought they might be underway in less than an hour. Did he let the incident go or find the other JHcommander and tell him what he thought of his men? And could he really do that if he didn't find out from Lorri Archer exactly what had happened?

IIJHe looked down at Lorri's bent head, knowing only one thing was important.

"Are you hurt, Miss Archer? I need to know that." Again the shake of her head against her knees. He'd hoped for more. Rigg suspected that she'd been through things on the other island that would devastate many. And now an encounter with



hormonal, foolish sailors. How much more could she take? He stood to his feet with no answers.

"Stay close," he said quietly to Lionel, and then he strode back onto the beach.

The Every Storm was back at sea when Ellis served lunch. Lorri still hadn't spoken to anyone about the incident on the beach, but she went to the officer's mess when she was beckoned and found Hugh already eating.

"Have a seat, Miss Archer."

"Thank you."

Lorri thanked Elks when he put food in front of her, and without praying, she began to eat. Hugh didn't try to speak to her for a time but waited until she'd had some food.

"Are you feeling better?"

Lorri had almost forgotten his presence.

"Yes, thank you."

"Not all sailors are honorable men, I'm afraid to say."

Lorri looked at him, her mind working on a question.

"You have something on your mind."

Lorri nodded and hoped he wouldn't press her.

"You can voice it."

Lorri tore a piece from the small biscuit she'd been given and tried to put her thoughts into words.

"Would the men aboard this boat have been rude to me had we met in the same way?"

"The same way as the men on the beach?"'. "Yes?


Lori Wick "I don't think so. I can think of a few who might get out of hand, but be bold enough to touch you? No."

"How do you know I was touched?"

"Jack reported what he saw."

Lorri felt cold. She reached for her mug of coffee and wrapped her hands around it.

"I want to go home, Ensign," Lorri said quietly. "I want it more than I can say."

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Every Storm Part 8 summary

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