Corps Security: Cooper Part 10

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When her legs lift up and lock around my body, causing me to sink even deeper, I know that slow is beyond my capabilities. I start moving, pressing into her body so deep that I know she'll feel me tomorrow.

We continue this dance. My body taking hers, claiming her as mine. Every second inside her body has my chest ripping open with the swelling of my heart.

Yeah, this is f.u.c.king heaven on Earth.

"Oh, oh G.o.d!"

She's close-I can tell by how her walls lock onto my c.o.c.k and almost refuse to let me go each time I bottom out. The sounds of her wetness and my b.a.l.l.s slapping against her a.s.s are the only things I can hear. The roaring of my blood burning through my veins is almost loud enough that I miss it. That f.u.c.king glorious sound of her screaming my name. And with just a few more rapid thrusts home, I shoot off, coating her walls with my come.

Making. Her. Mine.

Chapter 18 Chelcie.



Holy s.h.i.+t.

Oh. My. G.o.d.

My body still feels like it's floating, and if it weren't for the slight weight of Asher against my right leg and arm, I would have thought that I'd just dreamt that. I can feel him leaking out of my body, and I shudder slightly. My legs feel weak, as if I've just run ten miles. My p.u.s.s.y is still clenching with aftershocks. My lips feel swollen. And my heart feels whole.


What now?

"Stop thinking, Suns.h.i.+ne," Asher mumbles at my side.

I turn my head and drink him in. His eyes are closed, and the hardness I've grown used to seeing across his face has vanished.

"I'm not," I weakly defend.

"Babe, I can feel you thinking. Your whole body gets tight and you all but stop breathing. That was f.u.c.king mind blowing, and as much as I would love to take credit for you getting all breathless...I know your mind is working overtime right now."

"I'm sorry?"

I jump when his deep laughter shakes his body. The sound is so foreign to me, but so beautiful. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh so...carefree before.

"I'm not sure hearing you say you're sorry after I just f.u.c.ked you is helping my ego here. Should I be glad you didn't laugh when you saw my c.o.c.k for the first time?" His body is still shaking with silent laughter, and I can feel my face flush with embarra.s.sment.

"Oh, G.o.d! I didn't mean it like that you jerk!" I chuckle. "I doubt you need any help with your ego, Ash. Something tells me you know just how mind blowing s.e.x with you is."

"Mind blowing, huh?" He leans up, his hand coming up and curling around my neck in the possessive way I'm coming to love. He sobers and looks down at my stomach. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

I turn on my side, his hold on my neck flexing as I move. "No, baby," I whisper, enjoying the way his face gets softer when I call him that. "Why do you do that?"

He gets this adorably cute, confused look before his face darkens, and I instantly question if I should have kept my verbal vomit in check. Way to ruin the moment, Chelcie.

"Do what?" he asks, but I know he knows what I'm talking about. He wouldn't have gotten that look if he didn't.

"Uh, dammit. Okay. When I called you baby, twice now, you've gotten this look that is so... It's... d.a.m.n, I don't know how to explain it. You look at me like I've done something so remarkable and all I've done was call you a silly pet name. I was just curious. I'm sorry." I duck my head in embarra.s.sment even though I'm not sure what I did to be embarra.s.sed about.

"Chelcie, look at me."

"Uh-huh," I hedge.

"Chelcie." The command in his voice couldn't be missed, but still, I avoid looking up. "I'm not going to ask you again, Suns.h.i.+ne."

After taking a deep breath and willing those stupid tears away, I look up. I swear, all I do is cry these days; pretty soon, I'm going to be like all of those annoying heroines in books that never stop leaking! I gasp when I see the smile on his face. His eyes are soft, and he looks so carefree and peaceful.

"I'm not mad at you. You aren't doing anything wrong in asking me that. Let's get one thing straight, okay?" I nod. "I will always be honest with you. Always. Even if you don't want to hear it. The only thing I ask is that you do the same. I don't want you to ever doubt what's going through my mind or wonder if you should say something. No secrets, babe. I understand why you didn't tell me about the baby before now. That's in the past. From now on, I want you to be completely open with me. Think you can do that?" I nod again. "Okay, Suns.h.i.+ne. That's good."

He kisses me sweetly then pulls back and urges me to rest on his shoulder. His arm curls around my shoulders and his hand that isn't holding me tight grabs my hand and places it over his heart, keeping his warm hand on top. The steady beats of his heart help to calm my own. We settle into a relaxing peace that almost has me drifting off until he speaks again.

"I know I told you about my mother. I don't want to get into that deeper, baby. Just know that there was absolutely no love when I was growing up. I can't remember her ever calling me anything other than a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Constantly reminding me how unwanted I was." He pauses when I sob softly. "Hey, none of that. I've come to peace with it. It's taken me a while, but she has no place left in my life. I pretty much never had a relations.h.i.+p until I decided to give it a go once. I didn't love her, but I enjoyed being around her. Figured what the h.e.l.l, surely there was a woman out there who wasn't full of evil like my mother. She wasn't as bad, but I learned almost too late just what kind of person she was. We were engaged for almost a year and not once did she call me anything other than Asher. So, I guess, long story short...hearing you call me baby, hearing something so f.u.c.king pure coming from your lips, does something to me that I can't even explain. But I love it."

G.o.d, my heart breaks for this man. This incredible man who has had way too much pain in his life. I can't even fathom how a mother could treat her own children the way his treated him and Coop. Just the thought of it makes me pull my hand from under his and place it against my stomach.

"Hey, talk to me," he requests.

"I can't imagine how that b.i.t.c.h of a mother could treat you like that. And that...that woman you were engaged to... Asher, I want to hurt them so badly."

He laughs lightly. "Suns.h.i.+ne, it's in the past. It's been a long time since I let my mother hurt me, even emotionally. As for Sarah Jane-that was her name-I haven't even thought about her until tonight. She was a mistake, and I got lucky seeing her true colors before I married her."

"Why do you call me that?" Well, h.e.l.lo ADD! Of all the things I should and could be asking him, I stupidly ask him why he calls me Suns.h.i.+ne.


"Why do you call me Suns.h.i.+ne?"

He actually looks embarra.s.sed for a second before he answers. "It's going to sound stupid or maybe just make me sound like a d.a.m.n p.u.s.s.y." He awkwardly laughs. "I've been stuck in this fog, this darkness that's held me captive since Coop's murder. This black hole of grief that I just couldn't escape." He sighs, and I know this is costing him a lot to talk about. I instantly kick myself for bringing it up. "But then you came into my life, and as corny as it sounds, you were my light when there was none to be found. You were my Suns.h.i.+ne when I had been stuck in nothing but night."

Oh my G.o.d!

"Oh my G.o.d," I squeak.

"Yeah, I told you. It sounds stupid as h.e.l.l."

He goes to move away from me, but I quickly move, straddling his hips and making it impossible to get away. Bringing my hands up and framing his face, I make sure he has nowhere else to look but directly into my eyes.

"You make it impossibly hard not to hand my heart over to you. That has to be the most incredible, heartfelt, and moving thing anyone has ever said to me, Asher. Do not for one second think I would ever think that how you feel about me would make me think you were anything less than remarkable." I lean down, pressing my lips lightly to his. I don't move to deepen this kiss. I breathe him in, basking in the glow of being his suns.h.i.+ne.

"I want you again," he says against my lips. His hand moving between us and slowly pus.h.i.+ng into my p.u.s.s.y.

"Then take me. I'm yours," I gasp.

"Yeah, Suns.h.i.+ne, you sure are mine."

This time, he doesn't take his time. I thought the first time we came together was toe-curling, awe-inspiring, earth-shaking, best s.e.x ever...but this blows it all out of the water.

His eyes bore into mine the whole time his hips are thrusting powerfully, driving his thick erection into my body at a speed that has me gasping for my breath. His hands never leave my face, where he holds me prisoner to his gaze. His arms are under mine, bracing him to the bed and leaving mine free to roam over his strong back and firm a.s.s. Every time he dips deep and my fingers dig into his back, he lets off this animalistic groan that has me soaking his c.o.c.k.

By the time he pushes in deep, empting himself out into my body, I've come three times and would swear that I saw angels.

After he leaves the bed, returning with a warm washcloth to clean me off with so much care that I almost come again, he throws it off to the side and climbs back into the bed with me, wrapping me in his arms.

A peace I've never known washes over me in that moment, and I know without a shadow of doubt that, no matter what happens, this man has taken a part of my heart I will never be able to get back.

Chapter 19 Asher.

"He's clueless, Britney. Completely f.u.c.king clueless." Sarah Jane laughs into the phone, completely oblivious that I'm standing right outside our bedroom door.

I can feel my anger starting to simmer at a low boil. I just stand there waiting to see what she's going to say next.

Sarah Jane and I have been dating for about a year. I met her at a local bar, and for the first time, the thought of being with someone steady didn't cause my d.i.c.k to die a slow death. It just seemed like the right thing to do when she started pressuring me to put a ring on her finger. I don't really know what love feels like, but I like her enough to deal with her daily. So that has to mean something. But what do I know is that, at twenty-five, I just know I need something stable for Coop so he can get over this notion that all chicks are pure evil. But judging by this s.h.i.+t I'm listening to, I might be proving him right.

"Can you believe he was stupid enough to buy me a ring? Well, if you could call this speck a ring. I need a G.o.dd.a.m.n magnifying gla.s.s to make out the diamond," she laughs. For the first time in months, that laugh doesn't make me want to f.u.c.k her. No, it makes me want to strangle her slim f.u.c.king neck. "He's perfect though. I just know that, once he marries me and I get pregnant, he'll bend over backwards for me."

I don't know what Britney, her best friend, says in response to that, but I continue to stand here, waiting to see what bulls.h.i.+t comes out next.

"We talked about this, Brit! I need him to prove to Daddy that I'm responsible enough to take over the company. You know he thinks I'm too flaky to take over, and Clarkston Inc. is worth f.u.c.king millions. All I need to do is marry Asher and maybe have a kid. Then-boom-Daddy will hand over the company on a silver platter.

"No...I'm not just doing this for the company. That's the goal of it all, but h.e.l.l, you've seen Asher-and his brother for that matter. He's gorgeous and he can f.u.c.k me like an animal. Maybe I can get his brother to agree to some side action. Could you imagine? Both of the Cooper boys f.u.c.king me? G.o.d, I could come right now just thinking about it. I bet he's just as rough as Asher is!" She laughs again, and I'm livid.

How could I have been so f.u.c.king stupid? I move to storm into the bedroom but stop short when a firm hand grabs my bicep and holds me still. I turn sharply, ready to lay out whatever motherf.u.c.ker is stupid enough to let this train wreck keep going. His eyes are burning, his lips set at a thin line, but he shakes his head and nods in the direction that Sarah Jane's voice is still yapping, mouthing a firm, "No," to me.

We stand there and listen to her go on and on about how much she wishes she could f.u.c.k us both. How she's using me, f.u.c.king using me like a piece of s.h.i.+t, just to get her daddy's money. I'm disgusted with myself, ashamed that I let her get the best of me, but most of all, I hate that I've done this.

In an effort to prove to Coop that he doesn't need to sleep with every woman he meets, that there has to be a woman worth sharing your life with, I've let him down. I should have seen this coming. And now I worry that Coop is going to see that maybe he's right... Maybe chicks aren't worth s.h.i.+t when it comes to us.

We've been tainted from birth.

Makes sense that we should just keep our f.u.c.king distance.

Sarah Jane's laugh floats through the air again, and I'm f.u.c.king done. Before Coop can stop me, I step forward and push the door open the rest of the way. It slams against the wall, breaking off the hinges and leaving it hanging at an odd angle. Lovely, just something I'll end up paying for with the landlord.

"The f.u.c.k did I just hear you say, Sarah Jane?"

She has the f.u.c.king nerve to look ashamed. The f.u.c.king nerve to look like she is the wrong party here. h.e.l.l. f.u.c.king. No.

"Did I hear you correctly, b.i.t.c.h? I'm just a G.o.dd.a.m.n game to you?"

"Asher-" she starts.

"Oh f.u.c.k no. Let me tell you what's going to happen now. You're going to take my miserable diamond off your finger, get your f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t, and leave. I don't ever want to hear from you again, and while we're at it, I better not see you step a foot near Coop. You think you're going to use me as a p.a.w.n for your s.h.i.+t, then think again, darling, because this s.h.i.+t ends now." I step forward, my chest brus.h.i.+ng her ample t.i.ts. "It's a shame you let the cat out of the bag. Who knows? Maybe you would have known what it feels like to be taken by both the Cooper men. Such a pity. But sweat off my back, b.i.t.c.h. Your p.u.s.s.y is so worn that I could have dropped a coin in there and never found the bottom."

I don't waste time seeing her reaction. I stomp right out the door, past a laughing Coop, and into my truck. I wait because I know Coop will be quick behind me. We don't even talk before the rubber of my tires is screaming against the pavement and I'm tearing a.s.s to the bar.

Time to get f.u.c.ked up and try to remember why I ever thought that I was good enough for someone.

We have been at the bar for a few hours. I'm well past drunk, while Coop is just chilling and keeping the drinks coming. I'm not drinking because I'm heartbroken or anything. I'm drinking because I'm p.i.s.sed. I wanted so badly to prove Coop wrong. I don't want him alone; I don't want him to keep thinking that he should avoid a relations.h.i.+p. I want him to believe that there is more out there for us. It's the hope I've had as long as I can remember. I would see people who seemed so in love, so happy, that I would pray that one day we would find that.

Unfortunately for me, Coop has made it perfectly clear that he will never settle down. Never give a woman a chance to hurt him again. And I hate that for him. He has so much to give, so much of him that deserves to feel that love we see.

"You ready to believe me when I say all chicks are good for is spreading their legs and enjoying our d.i.c.ks?" He laughs.

"No, I'm not. One day, there's going to be more than s.e.x. We're going to meet someone who proves all this bulls.h.i.+t wrong, Coop."

"Doubt that, brother. I'm not setting myself up for that s.h.i.+t ever. Don't get me wrong. I love the ladies...but that love is for what we can give each other between the sheets. Never. I will never settle myself down with just one."

"How can you be so sure? Don't you want to share your life with someone else?"

"Yeah. I've got you."

I shake my head. I know he believes that too. He really thinks that the only thing he will ever need is me, and even though I know I'm not going anywhere, I wish he would see things differently. I've seen our friends settle into good, loving relations.h.i.+ps, so I know it's out there. He just refuses to believe it. And I know it all has to do with our f.u.c.king mother. She's done this to him, and just when I thought I couldn't hate her more than I already do, I'm proven wrong twice in one day.

"What about kids, Coop? Do you really never want to have kids?"

"What the h.e.l.l is this, Dr. Phil?" he laughs. "h.e.l.l no I don't want kids. I won't take a chance that anything that evil b.i.t.c.h has could be pa.s.sed on to my kid. No way will I take that chance. The poor thing would be doomed from the f.u.c.king beginning. There isn't anything in me worth giving a kid, and you know that." He sobers for a second, shaking his head. "It's better this way, Ash. I've got you. I've got the boys. There's no need to shake things up now."

"I wish you didn't believe that, brother."

"Just give it up, Ash. Please."

If it weren't for the raw desperation in his stare, I would press longer. But I do what he wants and keep silent. We sit there, together, just like we always have been. He's right about one thing: I'll always be here and nothing could change that.

Chapter 20 Chelcie.

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Corps Security: Cooper Part 10 summary

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