Corps Security: Cooper Part 13

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Lifting up, I guide his thick c.o.c.k inside and begin to do just as he demanded. I ride him hard. My hands start off on my t.i.ts as I gain speed, but when it becomes apparent that I need help steading myself, his hands come forward and help me move from their grasp on my hips. I move my hands back and brace myself on his muscular thighs. I bounce, rock, roll, and grind against him, my wetness echoing along with the slapping of our skin.

"G.o.dd.a.m.n, your p.u.s.s.y is so f.u.c.king tight. Your walls are milking my c.o.c.k, Suns.h.i.+ne. f.u.c.king begging for my come." His fingers dig in, and I'm almost sure I'll bruise from the pressure. It is delicious. "I'm not going to last much longer," he warns.

I just hum my response, too close to my own completion to speak. Sensing my closeness, he takes one of his hands and moves it to my throbbing c.l.i.t, pinching it roughly before he gives me a light slap against my lips. And just like that, I come with a ferociousness I never knew possible. By the time I stop screaming his name-and G.o.d only knows what else-I loosen the hold my fingers have on his legs and lean forward.

I can tell he hasn't come yet. His face is flushed, lips drawn in so tight that they're turning white around the creases. His eyes though-they've become so dark that they have that navy color I love so much. I lean up, slowly take him all the way to the root, and rock my hips, and we both let out a heavy breath when he swells even more within me.

"f.u.c.k me," he pants.

After leaning up, he lays me down with more gentleness than I thought him capable of then pulls his hips back. He pauses with his c.o.c.k just centimeters away from slipping from my body before he slams home. I scream, my hands reaching up and pulling him down to my mouth. We swallow each other's cries as he takes what he needs from my body. Right before he comes, my body seizes in the second most delicious o.r.g.a.s.m I've ever experienced.

He grunts deep in his throat, his teeth biting my shoulder with just enough pressure to cause a little mini o.r.g.a.s.m to rock through my body. Then he unclamps his teeth, throws his head back, and screams my name.

"Chelcie! Oh f.u.c.k, Chelcie!"

I close my eyes and drift off to one h.e.l.l of an o.r.g.a.s.m-induced fog.

Chapter 23 Asher.

After I'm able to mentally find all the pieces of my brain that just splattered all over the ceiling, I look down at my woman as she's pa.s.sed out with a small smile on her face.

f.u.c.k, that was the one of the hottest things I've ever experienced. My legs feel like mush when I go to move off of her, and when my c.o.c.k slips free of her body, I want to cry out from the loss of her tight walls hugging me.

Looking down and seeing our joined releases falling out of her p.u.s.s.y has my d.i.c.k throbbing for more. I close my eyes and will my erection down but all I do is notice the heavy scent of her arousal feeding my nostrils.

f.u.c.k. Me.

I climb off the bed, looking back at her. She's completely bare and spread wide for me, and I have to make myself walk to the bathroom. I clean myself off, smelling my fingers one last time before grabbing a washcloth and running it under the warm water. Walking back in our room, I smile a wicked smile when I see that she hasn't moved a muscle. Her long and lush legs are parted from where I was just seated deep, her arms having fallen to her sides in a lazy way and her breathing making her substantial t.i.ts and her beautiful, round belly rise and fall with even movements.

She doesn't even stir when I clean her p.u.s.s.y. Not even a twitch when I bring my lips down and kiss her against her red p.u.s.s.y lips.

Shaking my head, I grab a new pair of shorts and head back into the kitchen to finish the task I was in the middle of when she got home, stopping long enough to pick up the mail and grab her purse and keys to place on the entryway table.

The smile never once leaves my lips.

"Mmm, that smells heavenly," I hear softly spoken from behind me right before her arms wrap around my stomach. I see my abs clench when the jolt that always follows her skin touching mine shoots through me.

"Yeah, Suns.h.i.+ne, that's called dinner," I joke.

"Dinner sounds good. All of a sudden, I'm famished. Would you happen to know anything about that?" She snickers.

"d.a.m.n right I do."

She squeaks when I turn quickly and grab her by her hips. The feel of her soft body against my hard one causes my d.i.c.k to stir in my shorts. There seems to be no shortage of my craving for her. She leans up on her toes, and I love how we fit together. Her stomach presses hard against my c.o.c.k, her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. .h.i.t me high on my abs, and with her face tipped up-staring at me with so much open love-her chin rests at my collarbone. She feels perfect.

"Do you want to tell me why there are two small refrigerators in my closet?" she inquiries with a smile.

"About that..." I hedge.

"Yeah, about that. Maybe you could tell me why they're stuffed full of the most interesting things?"

"Just making sure everything is covered."

"Asher, what on Earth could I possibly need a fridge full of pickles, almost every brand of cheese I've ever heard of-and some I haven't-not to mention the abundance in coleslaw? I'm pretty sure I saw anchovies and pickled eggs when I was looking too, which, baby, that's just strange."

"Don't forget the fruits and vegetables. They're in the second one. Did you not look in that one?" I ask, moving around her to open the refrigerator in the kitchen, "Well, maybe I put them in this one. Hold on, Suns.h.i.+ne." I start rooting around but don't see them. "Are you sure they weren't back there?"

I turn around and meet her eyes. She's trying hard not to laugh; I can see it in her eyes, which are s.h.i.+ning brightly at me.

"This is not funny," I say firmly.

"This is hilarious, baby," she giggles. "Did you go on a mission to find every food recorded as a pregnancy craving?"

I can feel my skin heat. f.u.c.k, when was the last time I blushed?

"This is serious, Chelcie. What if you're sitting here one day and you think 'd.a.m.n, I really wish I had some anchovies with Cheese Whiz'? Well, no worries, because it's here. You want to nibble on some pickles and grab some ice cream? I've got it taken care of. Go on. Look." I push her towards the freezer, my chest puffing with pride. Yeah, that's right. I took care of my woman.

She opens the fridge and almost gets nailed with a pint of Chunky Monkey when it falls from the cold depths. I see her lip twitch and decide to ignore it. This was genius.

"And what was blocking the door when I came in?"

"Ah! That was the juice. I got two of every brand they had. I wasn't sure if you would want something sweet or something with a little tart taste to it. So it's taken care of. I was moving the coats out of the closet by the front door when you came in. I need to make room for your juice." I smile at her, proud as h.e.l.l at all I've accomplished today.

She's silent for a moment, just looking at me then back to the freezer. She opens the fridge and sees the stuffed shelves before looking back over at me. She glances down at the floor for a few beats before she looks up at me again.

"Thank you, baby. That was very sweet of you. I'm really glad that, if I ever need Cheese Whiz and anchovies, spinach, or olives, you've taken care of it."

And just like that, my chest puffs up a little more. d.a.m.n, I'm good.

She rolls up to stand on the b.a.l.l.s of her feet; I bend down and meet her lips for a few small kisses.

"Go on and relax. Dinner should be ready in about thirty minutes."

"All right, baby." She smiles, shakes her head, and walks away.

I hear the TV click on before I turn back to the stove and finish cooking dinner for my woman.

(Chelcie) I have never tried harder to keep my face blank. To keep the laughter that is threatening to burst loose. When I opened my closet and came face to face with two small, black fridges, I was instantly confused. But when I noticed what they were full of, it all started to click together.

Every cabinet and closet I looked in had been stashed with more odd foods. There were nuts in the bathroom drawers. There were chips-of almost every brand and style-stuffed in the guest bathtub. Apparently, I have a small juicer in my closet too.

But even as funny as this is, I can't help but love him a little more for how much thought he put into his weird stocking.

I round the couch, grabbing the remote and clicking on the TV as I go. I spot the mail and s.n.a.t.c.h it up before settling on the couch. When I lean back, I feel it. I've felt it a few times before, but this time, I can clearly feel my son making his presence known.

"Asher!" I scream, a huge smile taking over my face.

He comes tearing into the room, looking all over for a threat before settling his confused eyes on me. "What's wrong?" he gasps.

"Come here! Hurry." I keep my hands in the spot, the spot he is steadily kicking against from my womb. "Here, give me your hand!" He reaches out without question, kneeling on the floor next to my leg. "Do you feel it?"

"Do I feel what, Suns.h.i.+ne?" He hasn't stopped looking at my belly, where my hand is pressing his larger one hard against my swollen stomach. I wait for it, praying as hard as I can that I get another firm kick. It takes a few minutes before I know he's felt it. His eyes widen, and I watch as complete euphoria takes place of the confusion. His eyes shoot up to mine and I smile at him.

"Can you believe it?" I whisper, afraid that, if I speak any louder, I might scare the baby and he will stop.

"Beautiful," he murmurs under his breath. Looking back up at me, he continues. "Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for making sure I shared that with you, Suns.h.i.+ne." He leans in and gives me his sweet kiss before bending down and placing one against my belly. "G.o.d, I love you-both of you," he says with a smile.

"I love you too, and if you want me to keep loving you as much as I do, you need to go cook my dinner."

He throws his head back, his rich laughter raining around me, and I love every second of it. I watch him walk back, his firm cheeks looking hot as h.e.l.l in his shorts.

d.a.m.n, I'm one lucky woman.

"Ten minutes," he calls from the kitchen.


I turn my attention back to the mail. Just bills, gossip magazines, and some junk. Apparently it's been a few days since I checked the mail. It's never full of this much junk. I am just about to toss everything except the bills when I catch an envelope that must have fallen from my pile. It's just a plain, white envelope with my apartment number on it. Weird.

After tossing the other mail on the coffee table, I peel the back open and pull out the folded piece of paper before unfolding the single sheet and flipping it over so I can read the print. I gasp when I see the words that are staring back at me.

If you know what's good for you you'll back the f.u.c.k off now. Or else.

Oh my G.o.d! I can't stop my body from the uncontrollable fear that has taken over. My muscles have seized up in horror of what I hold in my hands. Coming out of my shock, I throw the letter from my grasp and jump from the couch before running into the kitchen.

Asher looks amused at first-until he sees whatever look I'm sporting.

"Chelcie, what is it? Are you okay?" He starts roaming his hands along my body, looking for something visible that would make me this upset.

I just keep shaking my head, my breathing becoming erratic. His eyes get hard, and I can see the panic he's trying to hide.

"You have to tell me what has got you so upset so I can take care of it. Please," he begs.

Words are still beyond me. I pick my hand up and point one shaky finger towards the living room.

"You stay here, okay? I'll be right back."

I nod my head and hear him walk through the apartment. I know when he finds it because I hear his roar and feel its power shake the walls.

He comes bursting back into the kitchen; his arms go around my body. One arm is holding me tight at my waist, the other cradling the back of my neck, holding my head to his chest. I can feel the power of his anger raging in his body.

"I promise you-I will find out who the f.u.c.k sent that. You let me take care of this, Chelcie. I mean it. No harm is going to come to you or our boy."

I continue to shake in his arms, terrified for him, the baby, and me. He doesn't let up on his hold. I can smell our dinner burning, but I can't stop my body from the overpowering dread. What does this mean? Who was that for?

And more importantly, what now?

Chapter 24 Chelcie.

"That's all it said?" Izzy asks from the floor, where she's playing with Nate. She's been in the same spot since she arrived at my apartment earlier.

"Yeah. Scary, right?" I look around, meeting each of their eyes.

Izzy looks confused, Dee's worried, and Melissa looks p.i.s.sed.

"What did Asher say?" Dee questions.

"He told me not to worry about it. That he would take care of it, but it's been two weeks and he's been so distant lately. He's gone before I wake up and I'm already asleep when he comes home. The little that I have seen him was in pa.s.sing when he came home to change his clothes."

I've been so worried about the distance between us. I've tried to talk to him about it, but every time I try, he just gives me one of his sweet kisses and tells me to stop worrying. I'm terrified and I feel so alone.

"He's been at CS. Axel says that he's there every morning and stays long after they all have gone."

"G.o.ddammit. He's researching that man again! I thought we had moved past it. I mean, I knew that he was still looking into him, but I didn't think it was as bad as before."

My heart hurts. I think I've known that there was a chance that even my love wouldn't keep him from this crazy, quest for vengeance. There can't be anything good that comes from his bloodthirst to avenge Coop's death. I get it-I really do-but that doesn't mean I don't feel hopeless to stop this.

"What man?" Izzy asks.

"Dominic Murphy," I shudder. "The man who put everything in motion. The man who is single-handedly responsible for everything that happened to you, Dee. And the man Asher is hunting so that he can make him pay for Coop's murder."

All of their eyes widen. I know Dee knew that he has been researching him, but I don't think anyone besides Maddox and I knew just how deep he was swimming in this s.h.i.+t.

"Do you think it's from him?" Melissa asks with worry clearly written all over her face.

She hands one of her twin daughters-Lyndsie, I think-over to Dee and s.h.i.+fts the other sweetheart onto her shoulder to give her a burp. I look over at Dee, who is doing the same. I have no idea how Melissa has learned to breastfeed both babies at the same time.

I meet her eyes and let her see my worry. Maybe if she talks to Greg, he can talk some sense into Asher. "I can't imagine anyone else it could be. I don't know anyone here beyond all of y'all, and unless Dee is p.i.s.sed that I'm no longer working for her, then I can't comprehend who else it could be. It makes sense. Who else would say that?"

The whole situation is both confusing and terrifying. I can't even leave the apartment without becoming so fearful of my surroundings that I'm teetering on the verge of having a panic attack. And I know my rising anxiety isn't good for the baby, so I haven't left. I stay here day in and day out, praying that everything is going to be okay.

"You need to talk to Asher, babe. Don't let this fester," Dee whispers.

I know she means well, and Lord knows I love her, but I don't keep things from Asher. She and Beck had a c.r.a.ppy start, and I know she's speaking from experience, but my not talking to Asher has nothing to do with avoiding the topic. I haven't been able to get him in the same room with me long enough to have a conversation. I think he believes that, by shutting me out completely, he's doing me a favor, but the worry for him is worse than the fear of the unknown.

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Corps Security: Cooper Part 13 summary

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