Mascara-Viscera Part 7

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I won't envy the heat this August.

The fall (English say autumn) burrowing like urinating dogs thru trees, carrying winter woolies with sniff of air crisscrossing the lion's tamer's path I must trod when snow hits.

2 No, I won't envy searing blasts be they inclement weather or lost souls bargaining with rain.

Acceptance . . . they say is the key and the word clangs like chimes into my biology, a grandfather clock to my own chamber music, a little something to cheer and serenade the buffeted spirit.

3 Think still thoughts in gloomy houses when petals cry burst in springtime.

This is done in preparation for brighter moments ecstatically greeting November chill, devouring the last chestnut, cursing wheat-cakes over winter's fire.

4 A pleasant page crammed in the tumbler briefcase carrying my life's thimble, rocketing toward a brilliant destiny all 4 seasonal planets orchestrating mood; the patch quilt procupine quill emotion tapestry working overtime like a fish hook thru brain's inner eye, ocular hair s.h.i.+rt pulled on at warning's glance to trigger the way I boil eggs; devour slivers of wood on learning another day kicks a.s.s from the horizontal pillow.


The leaves on their trumpet flames Richter scale inside pulse stems-- into the gorge, la gorge throat and crevice of the canyon arroyo.

Walking the slit into rheumatism earth the twilight pain of Paleozoic ice, Jura.s.sic Age whence rupture sculpted rock

River precipice the afternoon dangling like shadow beside taiga sun lost to dark & rain toward the water now, ever, and chemical rus.h.i.+ng sound.

Chameleon, I would swear this journey was that, worse, sorceress on my emotions; I left pathways contoured with Merlin rock & trees like Babbitt refugees from the Nahanni, fearful Dogrib aboriginals swarming my imagination their scalp-locks loaded for bear.

Arabesque boulder, lavender curls of winter-wind swept moss and berets of tiny, dead soldiers. The moisture between you and clearing.

Hushed forest an envelope edge of moisture patterns, more leaves in reindeer formation a.s.serting themselves in beckoning sleighs and trance of veined, elfin hand skirting cracks & fissure gloom.


She had a fireplace-- the s.e.xual kiln of her pyromaniac desire, a brick embedded in heat, white hot coal to ember, her l.u.s.t flaring red, soot to powder dark as charcoal smear, a walk across s.h.i.+mmering mirror.


To create dream-- the pearl thru wine effect, oil and vinegar viscidity of giant salad leaves basking on the broken picnic table like so many lemurs taken to a Malagasy forest.

Liverwurst on rye, cuff-links drag the hard, mica table; so, why be afraid 'cause spume from waves glows upward in so many trails of grey-laden smoke?

This island looks like a loaf, a dot or mole on inviting cheeks, to me; so wary, invariably, of land (and perhaps the Sand Man) amongst all those wandering eyes, especially the sea-scape, curl of snake illuminated in a sudden, tropic shower.

See the sudden bandanna of rock squeezed so tight by sh.o.r.e's edge that a grim hammer of stones intones a warning?

Its back from the wars to dive, there, among threads of water where needle eyes of little fish ("young fry of treachery") are so scalpel-like dunes and eddies of living colour shake you.

To slake a thirst.

For adventure.

For precision.

Try a lavender roll of water curved in bite recess much as a conch's outer sh.e.l.l dons triple-ripple effect.

Up the stakes. Skillets off the meandering edge are pounding undertows and riptides resemble porters in foreign airports who simply smile. . .

Purple dye on white toga, water retches up on land.

A necklace, this activity, in warm shallows.

Consciousness raising--reef life coming into contact with the b.u.mper edge to freedom.

Heavenly bodies parry light from the moon, wrath from a deeper bellows cough up one hand raised in silver mourning.


Dodder capitulates on his b.u.m, skulks under fence posts a twitch of Timothy weed prying apart his ma.s.sive lips.

A strip of lavatory paper his golden rule; the merrie lad bakes ready made surprises to the jowled response of his parting brains.

The mastication of shoe laces on tired leather jerkins akin to grinding Michelin rubber--his reedy voice in overbite haste rounding corners like a club-footed dog travelling edgewise from his master's sight.


Pausing to see light thru c.h.i.n.ks the corner door battered barn floor musty webs and pebbled face expect shadows from flecked dust, yet damsel flies with doily edge blanket the air a throaty radiance in angel hair and stepping stones to nearest crevice and laddering place.


White ermine/white s.e.m.e.n, green eyes jade from the night.

Eternity falls in sparrow, an inch-worm down a pear-coloured leg, within this droplet lies coiled raptures of a snake, anointed coils musky as in woolen handshake where tributaries turn into socks wrapped to the vertebrae clasp of a teenager's leg.

My fingers are frying skillets slow-boiling water, with precision, your rivers & chasms, a v.a.g.i.n.a white knuckle rafting across your enchantment.


Our lives evaporating as we talk, flypaper from cosmic ceiling--

We gather stardust, mnemonics, perhaps, re-arrangers of mystic twigs into a pattern.

Look to the sky, les nuages, l'ombre les arbres alla primavera "magnificio", said I with real relish & snap of ring-encrusted fingers, distant G.o.d, not quite Himself, behind a podium exiting the band sh.e.l.l.

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Mascara-Viscera Part 7 summary

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