The Woodlands Orchids Part 10

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_C. Kienastiana_ (Catt. Luddemanniana Catt. aurea).--Sepals flushed white, petals warm lilac, the veins paler; magenta lip with shadings of orange and lilac towards the edge and a white margin.

_L.-C. Hon. Mrs. Astor_ (Catt. Gaskelliana L. xanthina).--Sepals clear yellow, petals white with a sulphur tinge; throat golden yellow veined with purple, disc rose, veined with crimson and edged with lilac.

_L.-C. Broomfieldensis_ (Catt. aurea-chrysotoxa L. pumila Dayana).--Mauve. The lip deep crimson, gracefully frilled; the throat has crimson and gold markings on a purple ground.

_C. Fowleri_ (Catt. Leopoldii Catt. Hardyana).--Rosy lilac, lip crimson. The side lobes are white tipped with crimson.

_C. Miss Measures_ (Catt. speciosissima Catt. velutina).--Pretty mauve-pink with darker lines. Golden throat, lip crimson veined with purple.

_C. William Murray_ (Catt. Mendelii Catt. Lawrenceana).--Rosy with a purple tinge. Throat veined with orange and purple, lip purple-crimson.

_L.-C. C.-G. Roebling_ (L. purpurata alba Catt. Gaskelliana).--Sepals and petals flushed, lip deepest violet, suffused with crimson and edged with white.

_L.-C. D. S. Brown_ (Catt. Trianae L. elegans).--Soft pink, throat yellow with a brownish tinge, lip carmine-crimson.

_L.-C. Mardellii fascinator_ (L. elegans Turneri Catt.

speciosissima).--Mauve. Throat yellow, darkening to orange in front, lip purple-crimson.

_L.-C. callistoglossa_ (L. purpurata Catt. gigas).--Sepals pale rosy mauve, petals darker. Throat yellow streaked with purple; lip purple.

_L.-C. callistoglossa ignescens_ (Catt. gigas L. purpurata).--Sepals rosy lilac, petals a deeper shade, lip glowing purple.

_L. Latona_ (L. purpurata L. cinnabarina).--Pale orange. Lip whitish at the base, the disc crimson bordered with orange.

_L.-C. Decia_ (L. Perrinii Catt. aurea).--Pale violet, deepening towards the tips. Lip crimson, streaked with white on the side lobes, with white and rosy purple on the disc.

_L.-C. Eudora_ (Catt. Mendelii L. purpurata).--Rosy purple. Lip deepest crimson shaded with maroon.

_L.-C. Eudora alba_ (L. purpurata alba Catt. Mendelii).--Ivory white.

Lip crimson with purple shadings.

_L.-C. Hippolyta_ (Catt. Mossiae L. cinnabarina).--Bright orange with a rosy purplish tinge. The lip red-purple, much frilled.

_L.-C. Zephyra_ (Catt. Mendelii L. xanthina).--All Nankin yellow except the crimson disc, which has a pale margin.

_L.-C. Amesiana_ (L. crispa Catt. maxima).--White washed with amethyst.

Lip purple-crimson fading towards the margin.

_L.-C. Exoniensis_ (Catt. Mossiae L. crispa).--White flushed with rosy mauve. Lip purple-crimson.

_L. Yula_ (L. cinnabarina L. purpurata).--Scarcely larger than cinnabarina, bright orange, the petals veined and flushed with crimson.

The lip of size proportionate--that is, small--shows more of the purpurata influence in its bright crimson disc.

_L. Yula inversa_ (L. purpurata L. cinnabarina).--The same parentage but transposed. More than twice as large as the other and spreading, but thin. Sepals of the liveliest orange, petals agreeably tinged with purple.

On the long narrow lip this pink shade deepens almost to red. Upon the whole, neither of them is to be commended for its own sake, but the brilliant orange of cinnabarina is retained so perfectly that both will prove valuable for hybridising.

_C. Our Queen_ (Catt. Mendelii unknown).--Sepals and petals white, faintly flushed. In the throat, of brightest yellow, are several brown lines. The upper part of the lip is crimson, the disc purple.

_L.-C. Empress of India_ (L. purpurata Brysiana Catt. Dowiana).--Sepals and petals rose, tinged with violet at the ends, lip large, spreading, of the richest crimson-purple.

_L.-C. Leucoglossa_ (Catt. Loddigesii L.-C. fausta).--Rose-pink. Lip white, touched with yellow in the throat.

_L.-C. Henry Greenwood_ (L.-C. Schilleriana Catt. Hardyana).--Sepals and petals cream-coloured, tinged with pink, the latter veined with rosy purple. Lip purple with yellow throat.

_L.-C. Canhamiana_ (Catt. Mossiae L. purpurata).--White tinged with mauve. Lip crimson-purple, with a narrow white margin, crisped.

_L.-C. Pallas superba_ (L. crispa Catt. aurea).--Dark rose. Lip purple in the throat, golden in the disc, finely striped with crimson.

_C. Wendlandiana_ (Catt. Bowringiana Catt. gigas).--Bright soft rose, lip purple-crimson with two yellow 'eyes' beneath the tube.

_C. Cecilia_ (Catt. Lawrenceana Catt. Trianae).--Sepals and petals deep violet, throat buff changing to violet, disc purple.

_C. Louis Chaton_ (Catt. Trianae Catt. Lawrenceana--the same parentage as Cecilia but reversed).--A most successful combination. Fine in shape, petals soft rosy mauve, sepals paler, and superb crimson lip, with the yellow of Trianae strongly expressed in the throat.

_C. O'Brieniana._--A natural hybrid of Catt. Loddigesii and Catt.

Walkeriana apparently; pale mauve; lip yellow.

_L.-C. Miss Lily Measures_ (L.-C. Arnoldiana Gottoiana).--Very large.

Sepals and petals dark rose; lip rosy purple.

_L.-C. velutino-elegans_ (Catt. velutina L. elegans).--Sepals and petals white with a yellow tinge, veined with rose. At the throat an orange blotch. Lip darkest crimson with white veins.

I append a list of hybrid seedlings which have not yet flowered and therefore have received no name as yet. It will be useful only to those who practise the fascinating art of Hybridisation. But such are a mult.i.tude already, and each year their numbers swell.

Cattleya l.a.b.i.ata Catt. Bowringiana.

" Mendelii L. xanthina.

" Warnerii L. Euterpe.

" Bowringiana Catt. Hardyana.

" " Sophronitis grandiflora.

" l.a.b.i.ata Catt. Brymeriana.

" Gaskelliana Catt. Harrisoniae violacea.

" l.a.b.i.ata L. Perrinii.

" Bowringiana L. Perrinii.

" granulosa Catt. gigas Sanderae.

" amethystoglossa Catt. Trianae Osmanii.

" l.a.b.i.ata L. Gravesiae.

" Bowringiana Catt. Leopoldii.

" Schofieldiana Catt. Schroderae.

" Schroderae L. elegans.

" Harrisoniae Catt. Hardyana.

" Bowringiana L.-C. Clive.

" l.a.b.i.ata Catt. Brymeriana.

" Gaskelliana Catt. Hardyana.

" Schroderae L. grandis.

" granulosa Catt. gigas.

" Gaskelliana L. crispa.

" Mossiae L. purpurata Schroderae.

" Leopoldii L. crispa superba.

" Leopoldii Catt. Harrisoniae violacea.

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The Woodlands Orchids Part 10 summary

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