The Third Violet Part 8

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"Well, what did you say it for, then?" she demanded indignantly.

"I said it," answered Hollanden placidly, "just to tease you." He looked abstractedly up to the trees.

Presently she said slowly, "Just to tease me?"

At this time Hollanden wore an unmistakable air of having a desire to turn up his coat collar. "Oh, come now----" he began nervously.

"George Hollanden," said the voice at his shoulder, "you are not only disagreeable, but you are hopelessly ridiculous. I--I wish you would never speak to me again!"

"Oh, come now, Grace, don't--don't---- Look! There's the stage coming, isn't it?"

"No, the stage is not coming. I wish--I wish you were at the bottom of the sea, George Hollanden. And--and Mr. Hawker, too. There!"

"Oh, bless my soul! And all about an infernal dog," wailed Hollanden.

"Look! Honest, now, there's the stage. See it? See it?"

"It isn't there at all," she said.

Gradually he seemed to recover his courage. "What made you so tremendously angry? I don't see why."

After consideration, she said decisively, "Well, because."

"That's why I teased you," he rejoined.

"Well, because--because----"

"Go on," he told her finally. "You are doing very well." He waited patiently.

"Well," she said, "it is dreadful to defend somebody so--so excitedly, and then have it turned out just a tease. I don't know what he would think."

"Who would think?"


"What could he think? Now, what could he think? Why," said Hollanden, waxing eloquent, "he couldn't under any circ.u.mstances think--think anything at all. Now, could he?"

She made no reply.

"Could he?"

She was apparently reflecting.

"Under any circ.u.mstances," persisted Hollanden, "he couldn't think anything at all. Now, could he?"

"No," she said.

"Well, why are you angry at me, then?"


"John," said the old mother, from the profound m.u.f.flings of the pillow and quilts.

"What?" said the old man. He was tugging at his right boot, and his tone was very irascible.

"I think William's changed a good deal."

"Well, what if he has?" replied the father, in another burst of ill-temper. He was then tugging at his left boot.

"Yes, I'm afraid he's changed a good deal," said the m.u.f.fled voice from the bed. "He's got a good many fine friends, now, John--folks what put on a good many airs; and he don't care for his home like he did."

"Oh, well, I don't guess he's changed very much," said the old man cheerfully. He was now free of both boots.

She raised herself on an elbow and looked out with a troubled face.

"John, I think he likes that girl."

"What girl?" said he.

"What girl? Why, that awful handsome girl you see around--of course."

"Do you think he likes 'er?"

"I'm afraid so--I'm afraid so," murmured the mother mournfully.

"Oh, well," said the old man, without alarm, or grief, or pleasure in his tone.

He turned the lamp's wick very low and carried the lamp to the head of the stairs, where he perched it on the step. When he returned he said, "She's mighty good-look-in'!"

"Well, that ain't everything," she snapped. "How do we know she ain't proud, and selfish, and--everything?"

"How do you know she is?" returned the old man.

"And she may just be leading him on."

"Do him good, then," said he, with impregnable serenity. "Next time he'll know better."

"Well, I'm worried about it," she said, as she sank back on the pillow again. "I think William's changed a good deal. He don't seem to care about--us--like he did."

"Oh, go to sleep!" said the father drowsily.

She was silent for a time, and then she said, "John?"


"Do you think I better speak to him about that girl?"

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The Third Violet Part 8 summary

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