Emergence: Bound To Be Tested Part 14

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"Who do you belong to, baby?"

Oh, he was the master at amping up her desire. "You, Sir. Please let me come."

He thrust two fingers into her and ground them against her G-spot.

Lori shot up onto her toes, in spite of his arm on her lower back. She screamed as her o.r.g.a.s.m swept through her body, pulsing hard and fast. All the while she knew it still wouldn't be enough. She needed him to f.u.c.k her. Hard. And now.

And of course, as soon as she came down, he didn't linger. He pulled his fingers out of her channel and held them to her lips. "Suck, baby."

She moaned around his digits. Her body craved more, but she knew she had to be grateful for the sharp, fast come right now. To do otherwise would be detrimental, no matter how badly she still desired his c.o.c.k.

Jude caressed her lower back with his hand as her breathing came back to normal. "I'm going to spank you now. Not because you're in trouble, but because I want to see your a.s.s pink."

"Yes, Sir." She stiffened. She wanted whatever he would give. Her mind scrambled to remember what it felt like to have his print on her a.s.s. He was pus.h.i.+ng her. It had only been two days, and already Jude had a.s.serted his authority over her body beyond what she should probably have accepted so quickly.

It was nearly impossible to pause and reflect on the fact that he'd left her, brutally. He'd kept her so busy for the last two days that she couldn't concentrate on the reasons why she shouldn't be so easily swayed. She knew there was a list, but d.a.m.n, the man was such a fantastic, controlling Dom, it was hard to disa.s.sociate.

Her p.u.s.s.y tightened as her mind processed what he was about to do. It had been so long since she'd been on the receiving end of a spanking.

"Can you hold still for me, baby?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I can restrain you if you prefer, but I'd rather you control yourself."

"Yes, Sir."

Jude rubbed her a.s.s, squeezing and molding first one cheek and then the other. "Your skin is so white. I'm looking forward to seeing it pink. I've missed that." His hand disappeared and landed a hard swat on her a.s.s so fast she gasped.

Again. He quickly struck lower and then smacked each cheek in succession.

Lori rocked forward at the contact. She dipped her head as she held her breath. Her p.u.s.s.y was wet from coming just a minute ago.

Jude rubbed her b.u.t.t again with his palm. "So s.e.xy. You're doing well, baby. Can you take more?"

"Yes, Sir."

Jude swatted each cheek several times, switching back and forth, leaving no skin unspanked.

Lori had to grit her teeth to keep from coming. She remembered the feel of his fingers inside her p.u.s.s.y, and her mind was capable of pretending they were still there now, pumping her to o.r.g.a.s.m.

She moaned as he finished. Her legs shook.

Jude patted her b.u.t.t, stroking over the offended skin, and then with no warning he lowered his hand and entered her p.u.s.s.y again with two fingers. "Come again, baby," he whispered. He pumped his fingers in and out, letting his thumb catch her c.l.i.t on each pa.s.s. Fast and rough he f.u.c.ked her with his hand until she couldn't wait another second and came, pulsing around his fingers so hard her arms s.h.i.+vered against the coffee table. She moaned loudly.

Jude slowed his movements as she worked through the long, drawn-out o.r.g.a.s.m. He kissed her shoulder and nibbled around her neck. "So s.e.xy, baby. G.o.d, I've missed you."

He eased his fingers out of her p.u.s.s.y and sucked them clean himself this time.

When he determined she was able, he released her. "You may kneel next to the table. Same rule applies. Either kneel with your hands behind your back or sit on your heels. You won't want your a.s.s touching the ground right now anyway."

As she took her spot on the floor, her knees wobbled. She lowered her gaze. It had only been a few days and already she'd started to slip back into the role of submissive to Jude without question. Was she doing the right thing? The man had given her three in such a short time, she hadn't been able to recover her brain cells in between. An onslaught of sensations constantly slammed into her.

Whatever his motive, it was working. It was difficult for her to disa.s.sociate and make rational decisions about her choice to fall back under his care with the way he continually proved to her that her body belonged to him. No matter where her mind was on the issue of his disappearance and the way he'd so callously tossed her aside two years ago, her body melted under his gaze, his touch and his d.a.m.n words.

Chapter Twelve.

On Monday morning, Jason looked up from his desk to find Jude hovering in the doorway. He leaned back in his chair, took a calm breath and then motioned him in.

To be perfectly honest, Jason hadn't expected Lori to survive the weekend under Jude's eye. But he'd been proven wrong. He'd called twice both days and gotten the same response from her. She was fine. She was happy. It seemed the man was back. And Lori was intent on making things work, so he figured he needed to man up and get rational.


Jude entered and took the chair across from Jason.

"I'm surprised you made it past Carlton. The man is stomping angry after the stunt you pulled here."

"I brought him gourmet coffee and a m.u.f.fin." He grinned.

Jason nodded. "Yep, food will do it."

They stared at each other for long moments.

"Where were you? I have to know."

Jude pursed his lips before he spoke. "I know how you feel, man. Really I do. And if I could tell you, I would. But it's complicated and I'm not at liberty to disclose a word."

Jason narrowed his gaze. For the first time he contemplated the possibility Jude was on the up and up. "Did this have something to do with the military?" There was no doubt, with the amount of unrest on the planet in the last several years, it was possible Jude had been deployed. What didn't make sense was why it was such a secret.

When Jason scanned Jude's frame from top to bottom, he had to admit the man had not spent the last few years somewhere sick or dying. He was even larger than before he'd left, his broad shoulders muscular, rigid lines in his face telling a tale of hard work. The military could do that.

Jude didn't move or blink or flinch.

Jason glanced away, exhaling in exasperation. "I don't like it."

"I know. And like I said, I'm sorry. I need you to know that my departure had nothing to do with Lori or how I felt about her...still feel about her. She was never out of my mind. If I could have separated myself from her emotionally and lived out my days in sanity, I would have done so. But the reality is, I can't. She owns a piece of my soul, Jason." He set his hand over his heart as he spoke.

"You broke her heart, shattered it into a million pieces and left the shards for me to pick up."

"I know. It nearly killed me. I'll never forget the look in her eyes when I told her I was leaving."

"Did you have to be an a.s.s about it?"

"I thought I did. It seemed best at the time. I told myself if I was firm and led her to believe I didn't want her anymore, she could move on easier."

Jason leaned forward as a light bulb came on in his head. "You never expected to return."

Jude said nothing.

"f.u.c.k." He ran a hand through his hair and looked around, wis.h.i.+ng he could make the last two years disappear and cease to exist. "Are you planning to stick around this time?"

"Absolutely." Jude dipped his head and folded his hands together in his lap. "I love her, Jason. More than anything in the world."

"Have you told her that?"

"No." He shook his head. "Of course not. I'm giving her time. I don't deserve her. I need to be sure she will be okay with my return and her role reversal before I lay anything heavy on her plate."

Jason nodded. "At least you have one brain cell."

Jude sucked in a deep breath. "How's Margaret?"

"She'll survive. She was in love with Lori."

A pause, and then Jude continued, "I know, and I'm sorry for what I've done. As for Lori, I don't have all the answers yet. I steamrolled over her, flipped her upside down, yanked her from her current life as a Domme and turned her into my submissive so fast her head is still spinning.

"I know it was the right way to go about it. Anything less would have been cruel. It wasn't a situation I thought possible to ease into. She couldn't have it both ways."

"And now?"

"Now she's settling back into the role of my submissive." He shook his head. "I never meant to hurt anyone. But settling down without Lori wasn't an option for me."

"Are you sure you have this under control?"

"No." He chuckled. "Not in the least. All I can do is what feels right each day and hope for the best. I pushed Lori hard this weekend. I needed to know what she could withstand after all this time. She did better than I ever could have expected. I hope Margaret can find peace without Lori. I know this was a trial, and I hope Margaret isn't hanging on in hopes she will get Lori back. I don't see that happening."

"I know Margaret pretty well. She's a strong woman. She'll survive this. I've always thought the entire relations.h.i.+p with Lori was more a mutual fulfilling of needs. They are close, but they will survive." He paused. "Not that I'm condoning your actions."

"I understand."

"You aren't stupid. You know how Lori feels about you."


"Are you wanting to return to Emergence?"

"Eventually. But let's leave it alone for now. Tensions are high. Your man Carlton might stab me if he finds me in the club during working hours." He smiled.

"And I might watch, so be sure you don't p.i.s.s either of us off. You're on a short leash. I thought you were my friend. One of the best. Lori was devastated and I spent countless hours consoling her, but you hurt other people too, Jude." Jason leaned forward, making sure he'd made himself clear.

"I know. And I'll work hard to earn your friends.h.i.+p back. I swear."

"You do that."

Jude stood. "I have to get back. Lori was teaching a yoga cla.s.s. She'll be home soon."

Jason stood also. He reached out a hand. "Please ensure she is safe and consenting, Jude. If I get one inkling of an idea she is treated any other way than with the utmost respect, I'll be at your door faster than you can blink."

"You have my word."

Lori stepped into the house Monday afternoon with her heart pounding out of her chest. The entire time she'd been at work, her mind had been elsewhere, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Yoga was her life, her escape, the way she grounded herself on this earth after the ground fell out from under her. To step back onto that same slippery slope terrified her at moments. While she'd been teaching, she'd wondered what the h.e.l.l had gotten into her. She was certifiably crazy to let Jude get under her skin.

f.u.c.k that. He was so deep inside her already, she was swamped with emotions that wouldn't settle enough for her to wrap her mind around them.

The house was quiet, and she took a deep breath before removing all her clothing and folding it neatly by the door. No matter where Jude was, she had orders to perform a certain way, and she wasn't wired to defy him.

Her skin tingled as soon as she was naked. She came alive, her p.u.s.s.y gripping at nothing, her nipples pebbling. Amazing how her body reacted to the lack of clothing even if he wasn't home.

A door creaked and she jumped. Jude stepped in from the backyard. He smiled at her. "You're home." He wore nothing but jeans.

His bare chest and feet made her mouth water. "Yes, Sir." She lowered her gaze, folded her hands behind her back and spread her legs farther than necessary to be sure he was satisfied. Thank G.o.d she was in such good shape or her thighs would be killing her today after the length of time she'd spent hobbled by the spreader bar yesterday.

He smiled as he stepped closer. "It's nice out. Come outside with me." He reached for her hand.

She stepped toward him, uncertain about sitting in the backyard of this home she was unfamiliar with. What if someone saw her?

"Trust, Lori. Remember?"

"Yes, Sir." She took a deep breath as he led her onto the back deck. She glanced both ways. The property was large and the yard was secluded. Someone would have to be lurking in the woods behind the edge of the premises to see anything.

Jude took a seat on the oversized lounge chair and pulled her into the s.p.a.ce between his legs.

She leaned back against his bare chest and tried to relax.

For several minutes he didn't say a word. He reached under her arms and toyed idly with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, grazing the undersides back and forth. The effect was maddening, but she said nothing. If she closed her eyes and let herself feel, she could almost erase the last two years and all the grief she'd endured.

He spread his hands down to her thighs and lifted her legs, setting her feet outside his knees. "Relax your legs, baby," he whispered against her ear.

She s.h.i.+vered as he nibbled the skin on her neck. The air was warmer today, but not quite warm enough for naked.

Nevertheless she heated under his touch.

"I've missed this," he said.

She had too, but she held her tongue.

"Tell me about your job."

Talk? Now? She almost smiled. Some things never changed. He'd always loved to torture every inch of her bare skin while asking her questions. If she didn't concentrate, he would make sure she paid attention by pinching her nipples or c.l.i.t.

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Emergence: Bound To Be Tested Part 14 summary

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