Emergence: Bound To Be Tested Part 29

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She nodded. "I'm good, Sir." She didn't know what Jason's real aim was in setting up this scene with her, but he might have been right. She could feel herself unraveling with each blow.

A third spank landed on the center, covering both cheeks, and she moaned as tension left her body.

Shawn swatted her again. He was a strong Dom. Not firm enough for her to request him in the future, but he was learning.

A deeper voice broke the silence. "If you wait longer between each blow, the need to come will well up inside her, giving you stronger results in the end. I bet she's f.u.c.king hot when she" She froze. Those words pierced her memory, shocking her and yanking her into the past. She had to have imagined the deep voice and the exact phrase he'd said to her the night he'd interrupted her scene over a month ago.

For a moment she was sure she'd imagined the voice. She didn't open her eyes, unable to decide if she willed Jude to be standing behind her or if she would prefer to jump up and slap him if he was.

And then another voice. Carlton. "Jude. What the f.u.c.k, man? You can't keep waltzing in here, taking over people's scenes."

Lori squeezed her eyes shut. So it was him. She couldn't bring herself to look. She gripped the hand rests with her palms and held her breath.

"It's okay, man," Shawn said. "Obviously you two have a history?"

"A long one," Jude almost growled.

"I'll back off," Shawn said.

"Jude..." Carlton warned. "Why do you always have to be so unconventional?"

Jude chuckled. "I like to make an entrance. Keeps my sub on the edge."

"Your sub, as you call her, can make her own decisions with regard to who tops her or who she tops." Carlton came around the bench and kneeled at her face. She could feel his breath as it hit her cheeks, but she didn't open her eyes. "I'm sorry, Lori. I was away from the front. Are you okay with this?"

"Yes," she mumbled, though she had no idea why. She was anything but okay. All she knew was she needed the rest of that spanking, and there was no better man to give it to her than Jude. Her a.s.s nearly hummed with the need to be swatted.

"Okay. You use your safe word if you need it. Red. Got it?"


Carlton left. She didn't have to look to know she was now alone with Jude. Except for the regular patrons who might be milling around, no one would be paying her much attention. She was his to command.

Jude set his hands on her a.s.s, eliciting a moan she wished she'd been able to hold back. G.o.d, how she craved his touch. So badly she didn't care that he'd left her not once but twice. She could rip him a new one after the scene, but for now, she needed his touch.

"I went by Jason's, but when I didn't see your car there, I came here." As if she needed that explanation.

She remained still.

Jude traced his hand up her spine until goose b.u.mps rose under her corset. She gritted her teeth, willing him to touch her more. Firmer.

Finally he spanked her several times in succession.

She held on tight, stiffening her entire body and gripping the pads with her hands. Her mouth opened, but she managed to control the need to moan.

After he molded her cheeks, he did it again.

This time she let out a long, low sound she barely recognized.

"That's it, baby. Let it go. I know you're tense." He soothed her with his words and his hands as he trailed his palms down her thighs and back up toward her b.u.t.t, letting his fingers graze through her s.e.x over the top of her thong. "So s.e.xy."

Lori panted. That simple stroke across her p.u.s.s.y had sent her to the edge of need so fast her mind was spinning. Shawn had elicited no such reaction from her. She'd been solely in the zone for a mental release from a spanking when Jude had taken over with his sultry voice and his firm grip.

Now she needed to come. And she wasn't done with the release from the spanking either.

Jude knew her well. He swatted her again, several times, pausing only to stroke her a.s.s and let his fingers graze her tight hole. Eventually he swiped them directly and intentionally through her slit.

Lori bucked her a.s.s.

"So wet, baby. I love how my touch affects you." He leaned in closer as he spoke, his mouth near her ear, making her neck tingle. "Look at me, baby."

She hesitated.

He gripped her hair and leaned closer. "Meet my gaze, so I know you're with me."

She blinked her eyes open and found him right in her face, his jaw covered with stubble, unshaved for a few days. She rarely saw him like that, and she swallowed around the need that built to a new high at his rugged look.

"Do you need to come, baby?"

"Yes, Sir."

Jude ran his hands down her back until he left her line of sight. He nudged her knees together and tugged her thong away from her body.

She envisioned him stuffing it in his pocket like he always did. The ritualistic process relaxed her. She expected him to spank her again, but instead he went straight for her p.u.s.s.y, stroking through her folds and spreading her moisture around to coat her c.l.i.t.

Without saying another word, he set his free hand on her back to hold her still and thrust two fingers into her.

A long moan escaped her lips. It felt so f.u.c.king good having him inside her. Even if she was still at Jason's house, on the bed in the guest room, dreaming. She didn't care. All she cared about was the release she would get at Jude's hand.

He didn't make her wait, for which she was grateful. After leaving her and making yet another appearance on her scene, the least he could do was let her get off quickly. And he did. He set his thumb on her c.l.i.t and f.u.c.ked her p.u.s.s.y with his fingers, stroking them over her G-spot several times until she reached the peak. He knew that moment.

"Come, baby. Give it to me."

She shattered, her p.u.s.s.y gripping his fingers and squeezing them over and over until she couldn't breathe. It lasted longer than usual. When she finally gasped for air, he was still stroking her gently, his hand on her back working in tandem with the one between her lower lips.

"Beautiful, baby. G.o.d, you're s.e.xy when you come." He lowered his top hand to her a.s.s and gently stroked the skin. "And I love your a.s.s when it's all pink like this."

Lori was afraid to move. Afraid it wasn't real and she would turn around and find she'd imagined the entire thing.

Jude released her and stepped away. She pictured him grabbing a wipe to clean his fingers, and then he returned to stroke a soft wipe through her folds. When he finally helped her off the bench, she was jelly, emotionally and physically. He wrapped a throw around her body and lifted her into his arms.

She settled her head against his chest and gripped his s.h.i.+rt with her fist. She wanted to hit him and kiss him at the same time. But she was too wrung out for either. Instead she held him tight, undecided about her grip being in frustration or relief.

Jude carried her to a quiet corner and sat on a love seat. He kissed the top of her head and held her equally close as though she might slip away if he didn't. He nuzzled his face in her hair and inhaled long and deep. After several minutes, he finally spoke. "I'm sorry."

Lori sucked in a breath. "What the h.e.l.l were you thinking?"

"I was a coward. I thought you deserved better. I panicked, fear that you aren't safe with me eating a hole in me. When I saw you lying on that bed, all bruised and beaten, I lost it. It was inexcusable that I put your life in danger by coming back and taking over your world. If I hadn't returned..."

She reached for his cheek and held his face with one hand. "Oh, Jude. You couldn't have known all that would happen. You can't take the blame."

He closed his eyes and leaned into her palm. "You smell like heaven." He reached for her opposite cheek and stroked it. He swallowed. "Your face..."

"Is fine. It's healed."

He furrowed his brow and met her gaze. "I don't deserve you."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I can't guarantee there aren't others out there looking for me." He nuzzled her neck until goose b.u.mps rose on her arms.

"I can't promise I won't get hit by a truck crossing the street. But that's no reason to hide out alone for the rest of your life."

He lifted off her and stared hard into her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too. Are you going to stay this time?"

"Yes. Promise." He squeezed her against him. "You won't be able to get rid of me. Eventually you'll wish I wasn't glued to your side."

She smiled. "I doubt that." She held his face with both hands and narrowed her gaze. "I will hunt you down and kill you myself if you pull that s.h.i.+t again. You hear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She continued to stare at him. "Jason found you, didn't he?"

He nodded. "Man's persuasive."

"Glad he talked some sense into you. I was willing to let you rot on the beach."

"I couldn't sleep well without you."

"You don't even sleep well with me, Jude." She hadn't seen him sleep more than a few minutes at a time since he'd returned from active duty.

"Yeah, I might have some issues I need to work through."


"Okay, definitely. I wasn't willing to deal."

"And now?"

"Now I have something worth living for. I have an appointment with the psychiatrist tomorrow. Some PTSD s.h.i.+t." He rolled his eyes.

"Jude, it doesn't make you less of a man, or less of a Dom for that matter, just because you have stuff to work through. It makes you human."

"I'm a lucky man."

"Yeah. Stop forgetting it." She kissed his lips. "I'm out of patience."

"Swear. Now, let's get out of here. I need to be inside you."

"Where are we going? Between the two of us we have no place to live."

"Hotel. I already checked in. We'll start looking tomorrow. Fresh start. New place. New beginning."

"Sounds perfect." She held him tighter and set her forehead against his. Could she blink? She closed her eyes several times and he was still there.

He smiled. "Not going anywhere."

"Prove it."

"I will. Every day for the rest of your life."

About the Author.

Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading, editing, sc.r.a.pbooking, running, swimming, biking or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn't sleep much...or sit down often...but she loves to be busy! Unlike many other authors, Becca had never written a single word until a few years ago. After enjoying several years on the editing side of the business, Becca decided to give writing a try. Now she can't stop! And the voices in her head are clamoring to get out faster than she can get them onto "paper"! Still experimenting with both contemporary and paranormal genres, there is no telling what she may come up with next. To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at, email her at or tweet her @beccajameson.

Look for these t.i.tles by Becca Jameson

Now Available: Emergence Bound to be Taken Bound to be Tamed Durham Wolves Rescue in the Smokies Fire in the Smokies Freedom in the Smokies Coming Soon: Bound to be Tempted She's agreed to meet their demands...but can they meet her halfway?

Bound to be Tamed 2014 Becca Jameson Emergence, Book 2 Stephanie Parkins has decided to take a chance.

After a whirlwind week under the tutelage of two hot Doms who make her feel more than she's ever experienced, she's taking up the ultimate exercise in trust: quitting her job to put herself completely in their capable hands. Even when it pushes her way beyond her comfort zone.

Aiden Collins and Dane Whitman have fallen hard and fast.

Their unexpected submissive presents them with a challenge of their own: to train her to embrace her new lifestyle in an atmosphere of security and safety. Even when it means hiding a shocking secret until the right moment presents itself.

Her Doms push, and sometimes Stephanie pushes back, with deliciously wicked consequences. But just as her red-hot learning curve reaches its peak, secrets from her past come to searing light. Threatening to send her running back to familiar territory-alone.

Warning: This book contains intense bondage scenes, hot masturbation, man-on-man action, restraints, explicit use of s.e.x toys, spanking, flogging, public nudity, and a photo shoot that gives a whole new meaning to "exposure".

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Emergence: Bound To Be Tested Part 29 summary

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