Astounding Stories, April, 1931 Part 50

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With such versatile authors as Burks (When does his next story appear?), Starzl, c.u.mmings, Leinster, Vincent and all the rest, how can it help but to overshadow all periodicals!

The ill.u.s.trations are superfine. Wesso is a marvel! If he could only write his own stories and ill.u.s.trate them!

Now, a suggestion. I am positive that every Reader of your magazine wants you to start a department in which biographies of the authors and their photographs are given.

Why not start one?--Julius Schwartz, 407 East 183rd St., Bronx, New York.

_"The Readers' Corner"_

All readers are extended a sincere and cordial invitation to "come over in 'The Readers' Corner'" and join in our monthly discussion of stories, authors, scientific principles and possibilities--everything that's of common interest in connection with our Astounding Stories.

Although from time to time the Editor may make a comment or so, this is a department primarily for _Readers_, and we want you to make full use of it. Likes, dislikes, criticisms, explanations, roses, brickbats, suggestions--everything's welcome here: so "come over in 'The Readers' Corner'" and discuss it with all of us!

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Astounding Stories, April, 1931 Part 50 summary

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