Reflections Of A Man Part 4

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and when youve gotten it all out, there will be just

enough room in your heart for you to finally love again.

Only a new love can help repair the damage left by an old one. Whether it be the love from another, a spiritual love, the love of self or all of the above, only love has that power.

Its Okay Its okay.

Its okay for you to miss him.

Its okay for you to feel angry.

Its okay for you to feel sad and even to cry

Its okay.

Its okay for you to wonder whether or not you made

the right decision

Its okay.

Breaking up can be quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Just know, when the ride is over and youve gotten it all out of your systemits okay to move on.


Sometimes it helps to write it all out






A strong woman wont give up on the relations.h.i.+p until

she is completely fed up and her leaving is the only option

she has left.

And even thenits hard for her to do.

Shes Tired When a strong woman finally gives up, its not because shes weak or because she no longer loves her man. To put it in the simplest termsshes just tired. Shes tired of the gamesshes tired of the sleepless nightsshes tired of feeling like shes all alone and the only one trying shes tired.

Some might say that a woman is weak for giving up on a relations.h.i.+p, but I disagree. When youve done all you can and youve reached that point where you feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained, your only option left is to leave. Not because you want to but because you have tofor your own sanity and peace of mind.

A Strong Womans Cry Who can hear the cries of a strong woman who cries only on the inside while the world compliments her on how strong she is and on the beautiful smile that they see on the outside.

Who can you run to when you are the one that everyone runs to? Who can you call when you are the one that everyone calls? When it just seems like the pressure is getting to be too much and you feel like you cant hold it together much longer, who do you, the strong woman that everyone else looks to for strength, who do you turn to?

Sometimes, the only right answer is a spiritual one.

Being Strong Is Not An Option A strong woman knows that being strong is not an option for her, its a necessity.

So, every day she wakes up and meets the world and all of its challenges head on. But sometimes, at the end of the day, when all is said and done and she finally closes the door, she cries. Not because shes weak, but because its hard being strong, day after day, knowing that if you dont do it, no one will.

The soft cries that most will never hear slowly disappear as the new day comes and you rise once again to be the strong, confident woman you are.

You Still Remember You still remember, but you will never forget.

You still remember how he used to make you smile, but

you will never forget how he used to always

talk down to you.

You still remember how you first met, but the day he

called you out your name, thats a day

you will never forget.

You see, its hard for a strong woman to hold on to a

man that has disrespected her. And though he

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Reflections Of A Man Part 4 summary

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