Airhead: Being Nikki Part 15

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Hey, man, Christopher said, prodding his cousin in the shoulder. Thats not cool.

Felix shook his head. Sorry. We know thats not what happened.

I stared at him, not sure if I could start feeling relieved. We do?

We do, Felix said. Take a look at page four.

Steven quickly flipped through the pages he was holding, until he found the fourth page. These are my moms bank records, he said, sounding a little incredulous. How did you"?

But Felix cut him off before Steven could finish his question. Check out the withdrawal she made shortly before her last few cell phone calls.

Her cell phone records are here? How Stevens voice trailed off. Then, his eyes widening while he was reading the page in front of him, he looked up at Felix and asked, in a shocked voice, Nine thousand dollars? She withdrew nine thousand dollars from her savings account before she disappeared? And the police didnt bother to mention this to me before?

Felix had already turned back to his keyboard, however.

When theres no sign of foul play, Christopher said, his gaze as riveted to the computer monitors as his cousins, there isnt exactly a reason for the cops to do a thorough forensic accounting investigation, even if they have the manpower for it, which they dont, usually.

And its pretty common behavior, Felix added, for someone heading underground to make large cash withdrawals. You want to go off the grid, you cant be flas.h.i.+ng your Visa around, or using the ATM. Theyll find you in a red-hot second. Whoever your moms running from, she doesnt want to be traced. Shes paying cash for everything.

Steven glanced back down at the pages he was holding. She owns a dog grooming kennel, for G.o.ds sake. Shes never been in trouble with the police"or even the IRS, for that matter"in her life. Who would she be running from?

Stark, Christopher said. He said the word as bleakly as someone else would say the word death.

Stark? Steven flung him an incredulous look. But why?

Give us twenty-four hours. Christopher nodded at the mishmash of computer screens in front of him. Well find out.

And well bring em down! Felix let out a whoop, not unlike the kind a kid his age would release upon plummeting over the particularly steep summit of a roller coaster.

Only this wasnt a roller coaster. I doubted Felix had ever been on an actual roller coaster in his life. He just didnt seem like a roller coaster kind of kid.

Felix raised his left hand for Christopher to high-five. Christopher, however, ignored him. Felix lowered his hand sheepishly.

So this is what this is all about, Steven said. He didnt sound pleased. In fact, he sounded disgusted. You two are going to hack into their computer system and bring down Stark Enterprises? He looked at me. You knew about this?

Thats what they wanted, I said. Why was he trying to make me feel bad about my decision? I was helping him. Wasnt that what he wanted? In exchange for the information about your mom. A Stark administrative employee user name and pa.s.sword.

Great, Steven said. He looked down at the papers in his hand. And we still dont have the slightest idea where my mom is. He looked over at Christopher and Felix. How can they be so sure shes even alive? Someone could have held a gun to her head and made her withdraw that nine grand, then dumped her body at the bottom of the lake, like the kid said.

No. My voice was soft. You said she took her dogs with her. If someone took her by force, they would have left the dogs. Christophers right. Shes on the run. She has to be.

I glanced over at Christopher and Felix, who were not paying even the slightest bit of attention to us anymore, they were so caught up in their world of destruction and"in Christophers case, at least"revenge. We didnt exist to them anymore. Maybe we never had, except for what they could get out of us.

Lets just go now, I said. Come on.

We started toward the staircase, only to see a Stark brand imitation Ugg appear on it. A second later, Aunt Jackies voice was calling, as she came down the stairs, Yoo-hoo! Ive got those brownies for you! Fresh from the oven! And look who I found outside. Your little friend. She said you all ran off so fast, you left her behind.

Following right behind Aunt Jackie, holding a tray full of mugs containing steaming hot chocolate, was my little sister, Frida.



I was sitting in the makeup chair at the Stark Sound Studios. Hopefully, this dress rehearsal would go a little better than last nights fitting and run-through.

Of course, dragging my little sister along with me hadnt exactly been part of the plan.

Im just so worried about you, she said.

The makeup artist was attaching the last of a set of individual faux fur eyelashes over mine. I was trying not to move for fear of being stabbed in the eye with a pair of tweezers.

I didnt know who that guy was, Frida was saying, referring to Steven. I thought he might have been kidnapping you or something.

This really, I said, isnt a good time to talk about it.

But when can we talk about it? Frida asked. You wouldnt talk about it in the cab back to Manhattan. Why cant we talk about it here?

Because, I wanted to tell her, this is Stark Central. And while the room wasnt bugged (Id checked), everyone"meaning Jerri"was listening.

Just like the cabdriver on the way back into Manhattan had been listening.

Besides, the less Frida knew, the safer shed be. Of course, she didnt know this. And if she had, she wouldnt have agreed.

She was slumped on the chair behind mine, clutching the D&G backpack Id snagged for her at the runway show Id done for them. She looked totally miserable. Shed been looking like that all afternoon. Although I didnt know what she had to be so b.u.mmed about. Shed got to miss out on a day of school"even better, a day of finals.

And then, while Id been yelling at her about that down in Felixs bas.e.m.e.nt, Nikkis cell phone had gone off. It had been Rebecca, telling me I was late for rehearsal"again.

My choice had been either to leave Frida stranded in Brooklyn (she had no money left after paying the cab to follow us out to Felixs house) or bring her along with me. Id tried to drop her off back at school, but she wouldnt get out of the cab. No, Frida was sticking to me like glue.

Only, glue would be more pleasant.

Of course I grabbed a taxi and told the driver to follow yours after you just stormed out of school like that, she was prattling on. He thought I was kidding. But I told him it was a matter of life or death. If that lady who was making the brownies hadnt kept me in the kitchen talking my ear off about the fact that Nikki Howard was downstairs in her bas.e.m.e.nt visiting her kid, I would have been down there a lot sooner to rescue you.

Frida, I said with a nervous glance at Jerri, the makeup artist. I wasnt"

Well, she said sullenly. Its not my fault you didnt need rescuing. Or so you say.

You skipped, I said to her reflection in the wide makeup mirror in front of me, hoping to change the subject. Your finals.

What about you? Frida demanded. You skipped, too. You ran off to Brooklyn with a total stranger. Ill admit he was cute, but"

Hes not a total stranger, I said. Hes Nikkis"I mean, my brother.

Frida stared at me with her mouth hanging open for a full minute before she burst out, Your brother? But what were you doing in a Brooklyn bas.e.m.e.nt with Christopher, Lulu Collins, and Nikki Howards brother? She said all this just as Gabriel Luna came strolling into the dressing room.

Perfect timing. Of course.

Sorry? he said. Am I interrupting anything?

Oh, hi, Gabriel, Jerri said, the smile on her face huge. You could tell she was enjoying every moment of this, even though she had no idea what was going on, or who Frida was to Nikki Howard. She was just enjoying the fight. Are you here for a touch-up? Have a seat.

No, thanks, Gabriel said, looking with loathing at all her brushes and powder puffs. Its only a dress rehearsal.

Gabriel Luna, Frida breathed. Her cheeks immediately burst into flame. Um, hi!

Gabriel studied her. It was obvious he recognized her. Theyd met at the inst.i.tute, back when hed visited me"or, rather, Nikki"after the accident. Just who he thought she was in relation to me"wed never exactly discussed it"remained sketchy.

How are you doing? Frida asked Gabriel, before he could say hi back. Her sisterly concern for my well-being was momentarily lost as she greeted her crush. Her room back home was papered in Gabriel Luna posters the way Felixs bas.e.m.e.nt was with Al Pacino. She Google-stalked him relentlessly on her Mac back home. Its been ages.

Im fine, Gabriel said. He turned his attention on me, in my makeup chair. Brooklyn? Really?

Its a long story, I said, shooting Frida a look. She didnt notice, however, having eyes only for Gabriel Luna, and the fact that he was standing in the same room and breathing the same oxygen as she was.

Not that I blamed her. It probably was kind of hard for her to concentrate on anything else, given the fact that Gabriel had on the performance clothes Stark had ordered him to wear, a pair of pretty tight tuxedo suit pants, the vest that matched the tuxedo suit, and a white b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt open to midway down his chest, with the sleeves rolled up. This could be a very distracting look But only on someone as attractive as Gabriel, as was proved a second later when Robert Stark strolled into the dressing room wearing a very similar getup. Maybe that was because Robert Starks s.h.i.+rt was b.u.t.toned up to his throat, and his bow tie was actually tied. Or possibly because he was followed by his son, also wearing a tuxbut at the same time, a look of extreme agitation, as if the dressing room before the Stark Angel fas.h.i.+on show dress rehearsal with his father was the last place in the world Brandon Stark really wanted to be.

Especially when he saw me. We hadnt communicated with each other since that awkward plane ride home the morning after that kiss wed shared at the hotel in St. John.

When Brandon noticed me there in the dressing room, his scowl grew even more menacing.

Nice to know I have that effect on boys. I mean, Christopher doesnt even know I exist, and Brandon Stark practically throws up when he sees me. Having my brain transplanted into a supermodels body was doing wonders for my love life, all right.

In any case, no one seemed to be sighing over Robert Starks or his sons good looks the way Frida had over Gabriels, seconds before, even though both of them were wearing tuxedos, too.

Nikki! Robert Stark cried. He threw out his arms wide to greet me. I was so startled I didnt know what to do. It was the first time Robert Stark had ever openly acknowledged me. I mean, since the last time we met, at a Vanity Fair photo shoot. So good to see you! Dont you look beautiful?

It took me a second, but I soon saw why he was being so effusive. A string of photographers were following the two Stark men. Flashes went off as the CEO of Stark embraced the Face of Stark. Our photos would appear in countless newspapers tomorrow morning.

Uh, I said. Thanks.

And Gabriel Luna. After letting go of me, Robert Stark turned and held out his hand to Gabriel, who shook it. The photographers got this shot, too. Robert made sure to turn to the cameras, smiling toothily. So glad to have you on board here at the Stark label. Hope you play well tonight. Just a rehearsal, I know, I know, but weve got the Stark stock investors in the audience for your run-through before their big holiday dinner tonight. They couldnt be more excited to see it.

Thank you, sir, Gabriel said. He looked completely baffled by the whole thing. The head of the corporation that owned his label, greeting him personally? This had obviously never happened before in the entirety of his career. I hope they enjoy it.

Just wanted to personally extend my thanks, Robert Stark was saying. I wanted my two biggest stars to know how important they are to me. And make sure you got these.

He snapped his fingers, and Brandon, standing behind him with his scowl deepening again, went, What? in an annoyed voice.

The bag, Bran, Robert Stark said, his smile never wavering. The bag.

Brandon rolled his eyes, then held up a large red velvet bag hed apparently been lugging aroundand none too happily, either. Robert Stark reached inside the bag and withdrew a foot-long box containing a Stark Quark"color: red"which he handed to Gabriel.

Happy holidays, Robert said. First one off the boat. I hope you enjoy it.

Gabriel looked down at the computer. His face was impa.s.sive. Thank you, sir, he said again. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. But Why the h.e.l.l is this guy giving me this? would have been high on my list of guesses.

And heres one for you, Robert Stark said, reaching down into the bag and fis.h.i.+ng out a pink Quark for me. Because, you know, pink = girls.

Oh, gosh, I said, gazing down at the computer Id pretended to be so fond of in the Stark Quark ad (only that one had just been an empty sh.e.l.l, not the real thing, since they hadnt actually come up with anything but the prototype at that time). My MacBook Air was a thousand times more user-friendly and in the long run less likely to break down.

But it also cost five times more, retail. And didnt come with Realms, the new Journeyquest game, on it.

I always wanted one of these, I lied. How did you know?

Behind his father, Brandon kept his gaze averted from mine. I couldnt tell if he knew I was lying or not.

Santa knows all, Brandons dad said with a chuckle, and some of the reporters laughed.

Brandon muttered something about handing out free laptops to celebrities as opposed to the poor. I raised my eyebrows just as his father asked, in the same hearty voice, What was that, Bran?

Nothing, sir, Brandon mumbled. I caught his eye, and for a moment, as our gazes met, something seemed to pa.s.s between us. I dont know what, exactly. I was so surprised at what Brandon had said, I hardly knew what to think, to be honest.

And then it was gone, and Brandon was glaring stonily ahead again.

And whos this? Robert Stark asked, when he finally noticed Frida.

Oh, Frida said, looking mortified. Im no one. Just a friend ofNikkis.

An F.O.N.! Frida had just called herself an F.O.N.!

Well, tonight, young lady, Robert Stark said, reaching down into the red velvet bag, any friend of Nikki Howards is a friend of mine. And he pulled out a bright orange Quark and handed it to her.

Even though a moment before, Frida had been acting as if she were suicidal, and shed never in her life expressed the least interest in owning a Quark, she let out an excited scream and began jumping up and down.

Oh, these are the ones that arent on sale until Christmas! Thank you, thank you, sir! she yelled, throwing the arm that wasnt wrapped around her gift around his neck, and planting a kiss on his cheek. Oh, thank you!

The reporters got lots of photos of this. Excited young teenage girl embracing one of the richest men in the world? It would be all over Fox Business News in about five minutes.

And not just because it was a cute shot, either. It was sickening, really, watching the way Stark operatedgiving away something for free, something that the individual didnt even know she wanted, and thus incorporating in her a feeling of goodwill toward both him and the companyand ensuring that Frida would go fully Quark from now on, with products shed be able to buy only at a Stark Megastore.

Thats why the man was a genius. And a billionaire.

Well, Brandons dad said. Happy holidays to you all. Have a great performance. I have to be off. Cant keep the investors waiting.

He gave a big wave and turned to leave, Brandon following tight-facedly behind him with the bag.

I wondered what would happen if I cleared my throat and said, Excuse me, Mr. Stark? What about the Stark Inst.i.tute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, and what you people do there? I mean, the whole-body transplant thing. Do you have any comment on that?

The truth was, probably nothing would happen. Robert Stark would just blink at me with those blank eyes of his and say he didnt know what I was talking about. And later, Id get sent back to the inst.i.tute and get another lecture by Dr. Higgins. Or maybe theyd send Dr. Holcombe this time, or, if they really wanted to scare me, some of Starks lawyers to threaten my family.

I wasnt supposed to talk about what had happened to me, of course.

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Airhead: Being Nikki Part 15 summary

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