Airhead: Being Nikki Part 22

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Which was when Brandon loped into the room behind me, causing everyone to freeze with alarm before they realized who it was.

Relax, Brandon said, with a big smile and a wide-open gesture with his hands. Nikki"or Em, as I guess her name is really"filled me in on the whole thing.

I saw several people, including Christopher and Steven, throw me startled glances, filled with surprise, and even rebuke.

But what could I do? I knew both guys could have taken Brandon down physically.

But short of killing him, how could they have kept him from telling his dad what hed overheard once hed recovered? He knew where Dr. Fong lived, and probably knew Christophers last name, too. I couldnt let Brandon go to his father with what he knew. I couldnt! Hed agreed to play alongas long as I met his conditions.

I just wished Id never been stupid enough to have kissed him in the first place. Obviously, that had only been playing with fire. Why had I mistaken him for a mere drunken playboy for so long? I should have known that, like his father, there was a scheming businessman underneath that handsome facade who would stop at nothing to get what he wantedwhich, in Brandons case, was revenge on Stark.

Not at all unlike Christopher. Only Brandon wanted revenge on one particular Stark, not the whole company.

I dont want any of you to worry about a thing, Brandon said in a soothing tone. Ive got it all under control. First of all, as you know, Im no friend of my fathers. Secondly, Nikki, Mrs. Howard, and StevenI want you to know, Ive got it all figured out. My limo outside can take you to a private plane thats waiting on a tarmac at Teterboro. It can fly you all to my summer house in South Carolina. Youll be completely safe there.

Nikki, whod been sitting on the couch gaping up at Brandon like an angel had suddenly burst into the room, looked as if shed become transported with joy. Her face beaming, she leapt up and threw her arms around him. Oh, Brandon! she cried. I knew youd come through for us! I knew it!

Brandon gamely hugged her back. Behind him, Steven stared at me, as if to say, Who is this guy? Whats going on?

I gave him a queasy smile that I meant to be rea.s.suring. But Im not sure it did the trick.

Well, Mr. Stark, Mrs. Howard said, glancing at me as uneasily as her son had. Thats awfullykind. But youre sure your father wont find out?

Robert? Brandon laughed humorlessly. No way. Hes too busy with the Stark Quark rollout to have the slightest idea whats going on. Besides which, as I said, its my house. Dad doesnt even know about it. Youll love it. Six bedrooms, six baths, plenty of room for all of you, including the dogs. He looked down at the poodles fondly. Any guy who liked dogs that much couldnt be all bad, right? Okay, wrong. And were in luck, since Em has agreed to come with us"he wrapped an arm around my waist and drew me toward him, anchoring me to his side in a grip I could attest was much tighter than it appeared"to spend the holidays.

I couldnt even look at Christopher. I knew the hurt and disappointment Id see in his eyes would be more than I could bear. My heart was breaking enough as it was.

Well, Brandon said to Nikki. Go and get packed. We dont have much time. The plane is fueling up now. Nikki let out a squeal and darted from the room to go and get her things. Mrs. Howard, Brandon went on. How about you, can you be ready soon?

She looked like a woman in a daze. Shed been through a lot in the past few months"shed been through a lot in the past few hours. But all she said was, Yes. Yes, I think so.

She called to her dogs and started up the stairs. Steven was the first to turn toward Brandon after both women were gone.

Im sorry, he began tersely. But were just supposed to trust you? Your father is Robert Stark. Its because of him were in this situation in the first place.

Oh, I totally get where youre coming from, Brandon said. But remember, I hate my father.

Its true, Lulu said, speaking up from the couch with a squeak. He does hate his father. He says it all the time. Even when hes not drunk.

And I cant believe, Brandon went on, not taking offense at Lulus remark, that he would do this. Im happy to do whatever I can to try to help you and make things right. Ive ordered a local cab for you, Lulu, and your friend"he nodded at Christopher"to take you back into Manhattan. It should be here any minute. Im really sorry for this whole mess. If theres anything else I can dowell, you only have to ask.

Mess? Christopher stepped forward. I had to look at him now, even though I didnt want to. He wore an expression of murderous rage. And the same look of hurt Id seen in his eyes from before. Youre calling this a mess? Your father had a girl murdered"or tried to"and another girls brain transferred into her body, and you call that a mess?

Brandon barely glanced at him. Look, buddy, he said, out of the corner of his mouth. Im doing the best I can, all right? Im trying to get them to safety, and keep the doctor from losing his joband his life. One step at a time, okay? You try growing up with a guy like Robert Stark as a father. Its not easy.

Christopher was breathing so hard, he was practically panting. He glanced over at me, standing anch.o.r.ed to Brandons waist. Youre not actually going with this clown, are you, Em?

Um, I said. This was something I didnt really feel emotionally able to handle at the moment. Besides, while my heart was busy breaking, my mind was busy racing. There might"might"be a way out of this, if everyone just played along. Including Christopher. Do we have to discuss this right now?

Yeah. Christophers voice was as icy cold as the air outside. Right now would be good, actually.

I think you heard the lady. Brandons voice was as cold as Christophers. She said not now.

Lulu, looking nervous, had stood up. What about Stevens and Nikki"I mean, Ems"things? she wanted to know. Theyre still at our place in Manhattan.

Its all right, Steven said. I can buy new things.

Ill send them, Lulu said. The look she flung him was full of emotion, but Steven didnt appear to notice. He was still regarding Brandon suspiciously. I dont mind.

They might trace the package, Christopher said. He seemed as if he were in a bad mood. And that was putting it mildly. Em, he went on. I really need to talk to you.

Therell be plenty of time for talking, Brandon said, releasing me and going to one of the windows and lifting the curtain to look out, once we get the Howards to safety. What we really dont want right now is my father or any of his people getting here before we get them out.

Lulu looked alarmed. Could that happen? Do they know were here?

Theres a vehicle tracking system on all the Stark limos, Brandon said casually. If my driver reported that the limo was stolen"and I imagine he probably did"

Steven let out a swear word. I pressed both my hands to my face. I couldnt believe none of us had thought of that.

Oh, dont worry, Brandon said, seeing our expressions. I already called to let them know Im all right. But Im sure if any of them were paying attention, they have to be wondering what I was doing at the home of a surgeon with the Stark Inst.i.tute for Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Dr. Fong looked more miserable than ever, seeming to curl in on himself. I felt a pang for him. Hed only, after all, been trying to do the right thing.

Hadnt we all, though?

Oh, Brandon said, still peering out the window. Here comes the cab.

I saw Lulu turn and, as if she couldnt hold it in any longer, throw herself against Steven, wrapping her arms around his neck in as pa.s.sionate an embrace as Id ever seenso pa.s.sionate the chauffeurs cap got knocked clean off.

To say Steven looked surprised would have been an understatement. But not in a bad way. His arms even went around her before he realized what he was doing. Then he broke the embrace with a firm Now, Lulu, looking both pleased and disturbed at the same time.

I cant help it, I was close enough to hear Lulu whisper. Im going to miss you. Promise me youll call me somehow. Only if its safe, though.

Ill try, Steven replied. He reached down and wiped some of her tears away with his thumb. You take care of yourself. Dont spend all your time practicing your coq au vin.

Lulu laughed tearfully, and let him go.

A moment later, I turned and found her staring up at me, her eyes as big and tear-filled as Id ever seen.

Nikki, she said. Are you sure youre all right?

Im fine, I lied.

So She looked confused. I guess it wasnt a spirit transfer, after all?

No, I said with a little laugh.

Butyoure going with them? Why? Lulu wanted to know. What about Frida?

I cant tell you why, I said, my pulse pounding suddenly. I couldnt tell her, of course, that a psychopathic billionaires son seemed to think he was in love with me and was blackmailing me into doing it. And you cant tell Frida, okay? You know this cant go any further than this room. This is serious. Lives are at stake. Ill just tell Frida I went away for the holidays with I glanced over at Brandon, whod dropped the window curtain and was watching us, a tiny smile on his lips. A chill went up and down my spine and it had nothing to do with the fact that the fire in the room had gone out so long ago. my boyfriend.

The tears in Lulus eyes spilled over. Your boyfriend? But what about Her gaze strayed toward Christopher.

I reached out and hugged her. Her body felt so slight. I know, I whispered miserably. Over her shoulder, I looked at Christopher, whose expression was inscrutable.

Take care of her, I said to him, indicating Lulu.

To my relief, he nodded.

There was some clattering on the stairs, and suddenly the dogs appeared, followed by Nikki and her mom, each holding an overnight bag.

I think were ready, Mrs. Howard announced. She had changed into street clothes and applied some makeup, as well as done something to her hair. She actually looked much more recognizably like the attractive woman in the photos Steven had e-mailed to all the news shows. It was obvious from whom Nikki had inherited her good looks.

Nikki, on the other hand, was still applying her makeup. Her hair was a work in progress as well, half flat-ironed and half wavy. She seemed irritated at having been hurried along. She still wore the clothes shed slept in.

Great, Brandon said, ignoring the yapping dogs at his feet and the mascara wand in Nikkis hand. He strode to the front door and yanked it open, letting in a rush of bitterly cold air. Lets go, then.

I kept my head down, my hair tumbling over my face as much to protect it from the biting cold as to keep from having to see what was going on around me when I stepped through the newfallen snow, which was still falling steadily in the brightening morning light. I didnt want to have to look at Christophers faceI didnt want to have to answer his questionsnot with the lies Id have to tell because Brandon would be nearby, listening.

I especially didnt want to have to say good-bye. Not when Id finally managed to get him back after so long.

But it turned out I didnt have a choice. Because just as I was about to follow Nikki into the limo, a hard hand closed around my arm, and Christophers voice"Id recognize it anywhere"said, Em.

I closed my eyes before turning around. I closed my eyes and prayed for strength. When I opened them again, I saw Brandon standing on the other side of the limo, looking right at me. He was smiling. He said, I think your little friend wants to speak to you.

I hated him then. Id never hated anyone as much as I hated him in that moment.

And I swore when this was all over"if it ever ended"Id find some way to get back at him, the same way he was trying to get back at his dad.

I turned my head, flipping my blond hair out of the way so I could see.

And there was Christopher, looking down at me, his breath coming out in white puffs in the chilly air. His cheeks were pink, like they always were when the temperature dipped below freezing.

But his blue eyes were blazing.

Em, what are you doing? he demanded. Why are you going with them?

I have to, I said, looking everywhere but into those burning eyes.

Why? Christopher asked. Theyll be all right. Stevens with them.

Because, I said. I looked at some lavender clouds in the sky. Anywhere but Christophers face. Brandon asked me to.

Brandon asked you to? Christophers voice rose incredulously. Who the h.e.l.l cares what Brandon Stark wants?

Uh, I believe she might, Brandon said, from across the top of the car. Tell him, Em.

Tell me what? Christopher asked.

Tell him, Brandon repeated. He drummed the top of the limo in time with the words. About us.

Us, Christopher repeated. I saw his head swivel toward me. Since I couldnt look at his face, I only heard the disbelief in his voice. I didnt see it in his expression. Theres an us with you and Brandon? When did this happen?

I knew what I had to do. Brandon had spelled it out back in Dr. Fongs foyer simply enough for a child to understand. I had no choice. I had to do it, because the Howards were my family now and I had to protect them, same as I would my real parents. Family wasnt just the people whod raised you. Family wasnt just people who had the same blood as you coursing through their veins.

Family was people who needed you. Family was people who had nothing when you had everything.

You had to do what was right by them. You had to, even if doing so broke your heart.

Besides, I could do this. I could find out what Nikki knew before Brandon did, and use that information against him to get out of this, turn this whole thing around, and get Christopher back. Somehow. Right?

But until thenI had to play the game.

Ive been going out with him for a while, I told Christopher. Each word felt like a stab wound. I tried to tell you before. I lifted my head and looked him in the eye. I mean, if you had made a move back when I was alive, maybe things might have been different. But you waited too long"you waited until I was someone else. Until I was with someone else.

I wasnt sure where all this was coming from. But it wasnt feigned for Brandons benefit. It was real emotion, and it was welling up from deep inside me. And it was accompanied by real tears that were spilling out, hot and fast, as well.

What are you talking about? Christopher asked, his voice cracking.

Maybe if you had just liked me the way I was before, I went on brutally. But you didnt. And now its too late.

I could see that every word Id said, which had felt to me like a knife wound, had hit him like a fist. The red had gone from his cheeks. He looked pale as the snow on the sloping yard all around us.

So, I said. I dont know why I kept going. Maybe because of that picture. That picture of me hed kept in his room. I just couldnt get it out of my head. I couldnt believe hed kept it, all this time. I couldnt believe hed loved me, all this time, the same way Id loved him. And now I had to make him stop loving me, because I didnt want him to do anything stupid that might get him hurt. Im with Brandon now. II love Brandon. And Im going with him. Sogood-bye. Good-bye, Christopher.

And I ducked into the limo before Christopher could say another word"and before I took another look at his face"climbing inside to sit between Nikki and her mom. Mrs. Howard looked over at me with some concern, as Cosabella leapt up onto my lap, and asked, Honey, are you all right?

Im fine, I said, wiping away my tears with the backs of my fists. Sorry about that.

G.o.d, Nikki said. She was still working on her eyelashes with the mascara wand. And everyone said I was bad.

This didnt exactly make me want to cry any less hard. In the drivers seat, I saw Steven adjust the rearview mirror so he could see me in it. He looked at mebut he didnt say anything. Not a word. He just looked. It was as if, in that moment, we shared a secret.

Just what that secret was, I had no idea.

But I knew, in the battle that was coming, I had an ally in Steven Howard.

I guess Id always known that, really. I just needed to figure out a way to let him know what was happeningbefore it was too late.

All right, Brandon said cheerfully, climbing into the limo behind me. Are we all set? And without waiting for an answer, he closed the car doorand in that sound, I felt as if I were hearing the end of the world. Or at least the end of all my hopes and dreams. Not that Id had that many, at least recently.

G.o.d, Nikki said with relish. Ive missed limos.

Stark Travel is the way to go, Brandon said. And he reached into a side cooler and pulled out a bottle. Champagne, anyone? Oh, sorry, not you, Steven. But well fill you up when we get there. Do you know how to get to Teterboro Airport? No, of course you dont. Here, let me tell you. Better not program it into the GPS; were trying to keep this whole trip on the down-low And he crawled up toward the front to talk to Steven about how to get where we were going.

While the limo slowly began moving down the driveway, I s.h.i.+fted in my seat to look back through the tinted windows. I saw Dr. Fong turn away and close his front door, his longjourney finally over.

I saw Lulu waiting by the taxi, the wind tugging at her poofy black skirt and making it swell out like a bell, or a big black cape.

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Airhead: Being Nikki Part 22 summary

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