Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 36

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Obviously, since I made this mess, I have to clean it up.

But before I can, Dad takes a step toward Coach, which I think is insane for obvious reasons, before saying, "It's nothing to me. I left her a long time ago."

Mom glares as Coach moves in front of her, towering over my dad. Baylor pulls her dad's hand, but he isn't moving while he snarls, "Yeah, your loss, my gain."

"Hardly, believe me."

I look to my siblings for help, but they are only watching, not even moving. f.u.c.king great.

Letting Avery go, I step between the two men. With my back to Coach, I say, "Wow, okay. There is no need for this. You're leaving."

"What?" Dad asks, incredulous. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'm asking you to go because we are going."

He glares, his eyes cutting into mine, and I'm finding it hard to catch my breath. I've always been scared of my dad-he's always been the disciplinarian, the scary one in our family. But I'll be d.a.m.ned if he's going to tear down my mom in front of me, or if I'm going to allow Coach to go down for my douche-a.s.s dad.

"I see how it is."

"See it however you want, but I need you to go. You're upsetting my mom."

When my mom's hand comes into mine, I clench it as I watch my dad scrutinize me. My heart is in my throat, sweat is dripping down my forehead, but I have to stand up to him. He isn't allowed to hurt her anymore.

"Okay, great game, son. I'll be in touch."

I don't say anything as he turns, kissing the top of Angie's head before looking at Lucy. "I want to see my granddaughter."

Lucy's lips tremble as her eyes narrow further. "Cover your ears, Angie Lynn."

Angie does what she is told, and my sister says, "How about you go f.u.c.k yourself?"

Gasping, my dad's glare deepens. "I am your-"

"Nothing, you are nothing to us," Jude retorts.

"Absolutely nothing. And you have no right to anyone in this family, especially not Angie," Jayden bites out, his eyes dark with hate.

But my dad isn't affected; he just rolls his eyes. "Always the follower, huh, Jayden? Jude tells you to jump, and you do it."

Jayden takes a step forward, going toe-to-toe with my dad. But before I can step between them, Coach is there, his hand on Jayden's chest. "d.a.m.n right. I'd rather follow him and look up to him than to the piece of s.h.i.+t, cheating wh.o.r.e that is my father."

Dad glares and then looks at Coach. "That's my boy. I can handle him."

"From what I'm hearing, you're nothing to him. Don't worry, though," Coach says with a wink. "I've got him and your ex-wife. h.e.l.l, I've got them all."

Well, then.

If that isn't staking a claim, I don't know what is.

"Dad, just let it be," Baylor says. "He's not worth it."

My dad looks at Baylor and then back to me, his eyes full of what I think is remorse, but I'm unsure. I've never seen him upset or hurt by anything. He usually only looks p.i.s.sed off, but right now, that's not his expression and that confuses me.

"Thanks for the invite, son. I'll be in touch."

And then he is walking away, his wh.o.r.e on his arm.

Letting out a breath, my mom wraps her arm around my neck and kisses my shoulder. "See, that didn't go badly at all."

Coach scoffs while Jude and Jayden shake their heads. Lucy is hugging Angie close while my sisters-in-law stand by their husbands. Me, I look at Avery and I find she is staring at me with concern in those turquoise depths. I don't want her to worry about me-I'm good. h.e.l.l, I'm not even embarra.s.sed. This is my family, and I love them. But if she thought she was crazy, she doesn't know crazy until Mark Sinclair comes around my family.

We put the crazy in crazy town.

Reading my mind, she says, "Hey, your family may be crazy, but my family would just ignore you."

She shrugs and all I can do is grin.

I'd take my crazy, drama-filled family over that any day.

Well, that was interesting, for sure.

But I'm still in love with Jace's family.

The way they all came together, the way they stood up to his dad, was just beautiful. Yeah, it was a bit crazy and I really thought a fight was going to break out, but it didn't. They stood their ground, and while I adore Jace, I really do think I'm in love with his sister. She is amazing, and I strive to be just like her.

To rise from the ashes.

To be the best I can be.

And not to let anyone walk all over me.

It was awesome.

Sitting across from her, I watch as she tends to Angie, cutting up her steak and just loving on her. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to be her when I grow up. I really do-with Jace beside me. When his hand slides into mine, I look over at him and grin at his tired look. He played a rough game, and while I'm pretty sure his head might fall off from how big it's getting, he really was excellent.

I've been watching hockey my whole life, and I know I have never seen anyone with game like him. It's like he can read the play before the team even tries it. He is always in the right place at the right time. He had four breakaways tonight. That's mind-blowing. Add in the fact that he was motivational and strong for his team and I was swooning. I really was, and I can't believe this man is mine.

All mine.

Even after my crazy episode last night.

To be honest, I really don't know why he is still standing beside me. I mean, I lost my s.h.i.+t, boohooing and snotting all over him, and all he did was hold me. Telling me that I'm better than my past and that I'm beautiful. I'm trying not to think too much about the fact that I sort of lied to him when I said it ended when Caleb and I ended. Because really, it isn't like we'll ever talk about that. The main reason I'm in therapy was for the cutting. I started therapy right after my mom discovered what I was doing. I was already a month into therapy when I tried to kill myself, so really, I don't think that will ever come up.

And I'm okay with that.

I don't want him knowing that part of me. I was in a dark place, and I allowed someone to take advantage of me. Stupid mistake, but I know d.a.m.n well Jace would never do that to me. He isn't that kind of man, but still I'm worried. Maybe I should be honest, tell him everything. But last night was really too much to handle. I still get this ache in my gut just remembering the look on his face. He didn't understand. How could he? He's Jace Sinclair, he loves life, and I hated it before I met him. He comes from a family that loves through thick and thin. When Matty found me, blood dripping from my wrists and high out of my mind, he shook his head and called for my mom. He didn't even cry. Didn't even care.

Mom, she did it again.

"You okay?" Jace asks, his lips at my ear.

Nodding my head, I look over at him, smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He kisses my cheek. "You look hot tonight."

I wave him off. "I'm wearing a hoodie and pants."

He grins. "My hoodie."

Rolling my eyes, I lean into him as Mrs. Sinclair says, "Avery, you have such a gorgeous voice. I enjoyed your performance very much."

I grin at her. "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure. I feel so proud, all the girls my boys are in love with are so talented. I have a dancer, a hockey player, and now a singer. Pretty proud lady right here. Must have raised y'all right."

Jude scoffs. "Mom, don't act like you raised Jace. We all know it was the wolves."

"I thought it was bears?" Jayden asks. "Didn't we find him in a bear cave?"

"No, it was a racc.o.o.ns. Remember we found him in the Dumpster?" Lucy supplies, which sends everyone into an uproar. But I'm still caught up on the fact that she said Jace loved me.

"Screw you guys. Mom, just tell them I'm your favorite and that's why you decided to stop after me. She had to get it right, you see. That's why I'm the best at everything I do," he says to me, and I roll my eyes at his c.o.c.kiness. It's suffocating sometimes, but I love it.

"That's right, honey," his mom says, cupping his face.

"Yeah, honey, the best ever," Jude says, mocking his mom.

"What would we do if we weren't blessed with the best human possible?" Lucy asks. "Jesus, Mom, thanks for bringing him in from the Dumpster."

"Really, Mom, best choice ever. But I still think the cat would have been easier to keep up with," Jayden adds and Jace just glares.

Man, I wish this were my life. I would have taken this over being ignored anytime. My brothers didn't even care enough to tease me, but these guys are ruthless. It's so funny.

As I reach for my drink, Jude says, "Hey, Avery, I think it's great that you're dating a hermaphrodite."

And I promptly spew it on the table.

"Jude, really?" Jace yells.

"Yeah, he's not a hermaphrodite," Lucy says, handing me a napkin. "He's transgender, remember?"

"That's right," Jude says with a nod, a grin pulling at his face.

"I hate all of you," Jace murmurs, shaking his head as I wipe my mouth and the table.

"That's enough. Jeez, leave him be," Mrs. Sinclair yells out and her cheeks are red in embarra.s.sment. "Y'all got my crazy out in the middle of this restaurant. I'm so sorry, River."

But Jace's coach just gives her a lopsided grin. "It's fine, baby."

When all four of her children and Baylor gag, I can't help but giggle.

"Shut up, all of you. Baylor, honey, your face, erase that," Mrs. Sinclair says, but Baylor just keeps looking as if she is going to puke while Jayden laughs from his gut.

"Is this not weird to anyone else?" Baylor asks and everyone nods but Claire and me, oh, and Angie. But Coach and Mrs. Sinclair look hopelessly in love. It's sweet.

"I can't even look him in the eye," Jace admits.

"I look at his forehead," Jude says.

"I don't even look at him at all," Jayden adds.

"I only come to his chest, so I stare at that... Oh my G.o.d, not in a creepy way- Can I get a margarita?" Lucy begs, which sends everyone into a fit of laughter. "No, really. I need alcohol, like now."

"Lucy Lane, please," Mrs. Sinclair scolds and Lucy gives her a stressed look.

"Mom, I just said I stare your boyfriend's...gag...chest, and I had to deal with my sperm donor tonight. Please, let me drink in peace."

That makes Jace flinch as Jude shakes his head, but Mrs. Sinclair glares. "Lucy Lane, that's enough. That man is not welcome in any future conversations, you understand me?" she snaps and Lucy's eyes widen.

Jesus, before I saw Mrs. Sinclair with her ex-husband, she was sweet, full of suns.h.i.+ne and rainbows, but now, she's kind of scary. Must be where Lucy gets it from. Lord knows, she looks just like her mom, and I sure as h.e.l.l won't be crossing either of them.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you. Now," she says, taking a drink of her tea before setting the gla.s.s down, "Claire, do you need to tell me something?"

Claire looks up, confused. "What, Mom?"

"Yeah, what, Mom?" Jude asks, his face scrunched up as he pops a chip into his mouth.

"Oh, are y'all keeping it secret?"

"Keeping what secret?" they both ask.

"I saw Reese and Phillip."

"And?" Jude asks, and even I'm sitting on the edge on my seat waiting for what is about to happen.

"They said y'all will be having a new addition to bring to the new house."

Claire looks at Jude and he looks back at her, then they both turn back to Mrs. Sinclair. "Yeah, we are getting a dog."

Mrs. Sinclair's face falls and she puckers her lips. "Well, that's not what I thought."

"Apparently," Jude murmurs, shaking his head.

" thought I was pregnant?" Claire asks and Mrs. Sinclair shrugs.

"I was hoping!"

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 36 summary

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