Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 42

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"How? Baby, you're f.u.c.king amazing. This was bound to happen."

Grinning, I kiss his lips once more. "It happened because of you."

He waves me off. "No, it happened because you're awesome. Yeah, I had my dad contact him, but your talent got you the interview."

"You really think so?"

His lips curve as he shakes my shoulders. "I know so. G.o.d, I'm so proud of you."


"I'll be tearing up the ice, and you'll be singing all over the world. Don't forget about me when you're big," he reminds and I grin. "If I hear you're dumping me for Shawn Mendes, I swear, I'll take a hockey stick to his kneecaps."

"G.o.d, Jace. Never!"

Leaning toward me, he kisses me. "That's right. You love me and only me."

The desire in his eyes is all-consuming, and all I can do is smile. "That's right."

"Good, I love you."

"I love you," I whisper, and I can't say it enough to him. I just want to scream it in his face. Tell him how much his love means to me and how I'll treasure it my whole life. I don't know how I got this lucky, but I swear, I'll never ask for anything else.

Jace is enough.

Kissing my nose, he pulls away before starting his car. I'm bouncing with excitement. I still can't believe this. I've wanted this for so long. And d.a.m.n it, I'm going to rock the s.h.i.+t out of it.

All of a sudden, I want to share it with someone else. My mom. I have to tell my mom. She'll be so excited! Pulling out my phone, I hit her name and put it to my ear.

"Who you calling?" he asks, confusion visible on his face as he turns on to Broadway.

"My mom," I practically sing as she comes on the line.

"Hey, honey."

"Mom! You'll never guess what just happened."

"What?" she asks, and I wish she sounded as excited as I am. But she will be! I relay what just happened. It's almost like a dream. I even pinch myself just to make sure, because it isn't that easy. This is happening. I haven't paid my dues yet, but I got in. I really don't want to owe his dad anything, but I guess I do now. That doesn't sit well with me. I don't trust him, and I really wish he'd disappear, but why am I thinking about that? That's not my problem right now.

No, I'm supposed to enjoy my moment.

"Honey, that's amazing."

From the sound of her voice, it doesn't seem like it is, but I ignore that. "Right? So the showcase is March fourth."

"Great, make sure to let me know how it goes."

I pause, my heart sinking. But then, no, they have to come.

"You can't come?"

"Honey, no. Daddy is so busy with work."

"Okay, but can't you come?"

"Oh no, I don't travel without him."

She says it like it's not a big deal, but it is. Doesn't she realize that? I bite into my lip as I nod slowly, looking down at my thighs and hand. When Jace's hand slides into mine, I close my eyes. Why did I even think it was a good idea to call her?


"Don't be upset, honey. It's okay, and plus, I'll see you Friday. Maybe we can talk him into it."

I shouldn't have to talk them into it. They should want to be there for me.

"Yeah. Okay, well, I gotta go back to cla.s.s. I'll talk to you later."

"Great. Love you, honey."

"Love you," I say sadly before hanging up and letting out a long breath. I can't believe it. I really can't, and a part of me thinks maybe it didn't happen. But it did and that just hurts. It f.u.c.king hurts. Like, why? Why aren't I important enough? She didn't even want to bring it up to my father or talk to him about coming. She didn't ask anything about it. Or even about my life. Nothing. It doesn't make sense. When the h.e.l.l am I going to matter?

When the car stops, I glance up to see that we are at Jeni's Ice Cream. I look over at Jace to find him looking back at me with concern in his eyes. "Do you feel like celebrating?"

My lips quirk and I shrug. "Why don't they want to be there for me?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, baby. I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "Oh well, you'll be there. That's all that matters."

"And my family, of course," he says, and then he is on his phone, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, baby," his mom says, and I hear nothing but love in her voice.

"Hey, Mom. Guess what?"


"Avery is performing downtown for a showcase for a record deal!"

"Wait? What is that?"

I smile as Jace laughs. "Like singing, Mom. A real singer, on a stage and stuff."

"Like Taylor Swift?"

He smiles. "Better," he says with a wink and I grin at him.

"Shut up! When? Let me get to the calendar. Is she there? Goodness me, that is so awesome."

"Yeah, you're on speaker."

"Oh, Avery! Honey, I'm so proud of you. Congratulations!"

"Thank you," I say sadly and my eyes flood with tears. Why didn't my mom say that?

"Okay, when is it?"

"The fourth of March," I say, wiping away a stupid tear that falls.

"Got it down. I'll be there. Bells and whistles on! h.e.l.l, I may even have a sign, since that's what hockey moms do. Cowbells might be frowned upon, huh?"

Jace cringes, a grin playing on his lip. "Just a bit, Mom."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll be there!"

"Thank you so much," I say, swallowing past the sob that wants to escape.

"Well, of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world! Wow, I'm so proud. This is awesome."

"Yeah, we're excited," Jace says, kissing the back of my hand. "Okay, can you tell Lucy? I'm gonna text Jude and Jayden."


"Okay, love you, Mom."

"Love you. Love you both. I'm just so excited for you, Avery!"

"Thanks," I say once more. "Love you too." I expect it to feel weird, but it doesn't.

Because when I fell for Jace, I fell for all of him.

Family included.

And really, they make it so easy to love them.

"See, you'll have the whole crew," he says as his fingers go to work on his text.

"Thanks, Jace," I say softly, and his lips curve at the side. Then they press together. "Really, it means a lot. What?"

"s.h.i.+t, Jude has a game the day before and after that, so he can't fly in. Jayden says he can come, though. The have a home stint that week, so you'll have most of my family there."

Leaning my head to his shoulder, I let my tears fall before squeezing my eyes shut tightly. "Don't think I'm not grat-"

"I know," he says quickly, cupping my jaw to look me in the eyes. "I know they aren't your family, and I'm sorry. But my family is awesome, and they will be there for you one hundred percent. If your family won't make you happy, I will. Don't you worry. You will be loved and supported that night." My lip wobbles as he catches some of my tears. "Now suck it up, b.u.t.tercup. You are on the fast track to the top. Now, we are going into this shop and getting some bada.s.s ice cream to celebrate how awesome you are!"

That makes my lips turn up as I slowly nod. "I couldn't do it without you."

He shakes his head. "Yeah, you could, you just don't have to. You never will have to either," he says, kissing the back of my hand again. "Now, come on, let's go." He winks.

He turns to get out, but I stop him, taking him by the arm. "Really, Jace, thank you."

"Anytime, baby. I love you."

He kisses my nose and I close my eyes, basking in the feel of his little act of affection. It's my favorite thing he does. It's so trivial, so little, but just the touch of his lips to my nose makes the world go round for me.

"I love you too."

He sends me a grin, and then he's out of the car and I'm bursting with love.

I didn't even know I could fall any harder for him.

But I am.

I'm so unbelievably proud of her.

As she grins, moving her hair out of her face, she's glowing. Just sparkling before my eyes, and I couldn't be prouder. She's living her dreams, making s.h.i.+t happen, and man, I can't believe she picked me to go on the ride with her. I just can't stop falling in love with her. Especially when she is eating ice cream. There is something about Avery and Jeni's ice cream together that has me in all kinds of knots.

Good knots.

Naughty knots.

"I still can't believe it," she laughs before licking the ice cream off her spoon. I know I should be listening, but it's hard when she's basically making love to that spoon. If only it were my co- "I mean, this is so awesome, right?"

"Yes," I say, meeting her gaze. "So awesome."

She glares, and I think I'm caught. "Brat, stop watching me lick this spoon like it's your c.o.c.k. You sicko!"

"You said it, so you were thinking it!" I accuse and she grins as she leans on her elbows.

"Maybe, ugh, shut up." She starts to turn red, and all I can do is laugh. Smiling back at her, I hold my ice cream out for her and she takes a big lick.

"Oooh, good!"

"Right?" I say, taking another bite. "It's my favorite."

"I wish I would have gotten it. Salted Caramel?"

"Yup, the best," I say with a sigh. I love ice cream. But even with my love for the creamy goodness and with pride seeping out of my pores for Avery, I can't shake the text Jude sent me not even a half hour ago.

Jude: Call me when she's not around.

I have no clue why he needs to talk to me when Avery isn't around, but it's freaking me out.

"Do you work tonight?"

I shake my head. "No, I took the night off because I knew we were either going to celebrate or I was gonna have to hold you all night as you cried."

"Aw, my hero." She grins I point to her. "Does that make you my princess?" I ask with a teasing gaze and she scoffs.

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 42 summary

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