Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 52

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As I head downstairs, the house is quiet and I don't expect to see anyone else. My dad left last night for Toronto, Seth yesterday morning for wherever his next game is, and while Laurence and Matty are still here, I a.s.sume they don't care to say good-bye to me, which is fine by me. Kind of. Whatever.

Dropping my bag at the bottom of the stairs, I head into the kitchen to get some leftovers Julian said he'd have for me. The kitchen is empty and I wonder where he is. He said he'd see me off, but I don't see him and that makes me sad. While I may not think we need him, I love him. He's always been really nice to me. Shrugging, I head to the fridge, getting out the plate that has my name on it before putting it in the microwave. Leaning against the counter, I wait as I play on my phone, stalking Baylor's and Claire's Facebook pages. They asked me to be friends this past weekend, which was surprising since I thought Jace would tell them we broke up. I'm a.s.suming he didn't because we are friends now, and it's cool. I love looking back and watching Jace grow through their pictures. He's so hot.

When I hear a text sound, I look around confused, since my phone didn't go off. Looking to the island in the middle of the kitchen, I see a phone, blinking with a text. When it goes off four more times in a row, my brows mush together. Whose phone is that? I don't want to be nosy, but when it goes off four more times, I take a step toward it, leaning my forearms on the counter until it's in my view. I know I'm wrong with this, but it could be an emergency.

Graham: Dude, really?

Graham: What did I do? I thought we were going somewhere.

Graham: I mean, I've been falling for you and I thought you were too.

Graham: Let's discuss this. I don't want to break up.

Graham: I love you, Matty.

My eyes widen and my heart jumps into my throat.

Holy f.u.c.k.

It lights up again with another text and my eyes get even bigger.

Graham: We can tell them together. My parents understand, they love you like I do. Let's tell your parents. Don't end this. This is good. We are happy.

"Oh my Go-" Before I can even finish my sentence, I'm being pushed into the fridge and Matty's hand is at my throat. My hands come to his wrists, crying out. "Let me go," I struggle to say.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

I slap at his arms but he doesn't budge, and panic settles in my chest because I can't breathe. He doesn't look like he is going to let me go either. His eyes are wild, bloodshot, and his breathing is erratic, almost like he's been crying. That can't be right. Matty has no feelings. But one thing is for sure, I have to get out of his grip. I bring my knee up and he folds over, holding his groin as I get away, going around the island and out of his reach.

"Don't f.u.c.king touch me," I yell at him, and he leans on the island, glaring at me.

"What did you see? f.u.c.king tell me, you b.i.t.c.h!"

"Oh, nothing much," I say, my eyes locked in his intense and angry gaze. "Only that you're gay," I throw back at him and his eyes bug out.

"Shut your wh.o.r.e mouth!"

"Oh, why? You scared someone will hear me? I can't believe that, instead of telling our parents, you'd rather break up with your boyfriend."

"Shut your f.u.c.king mouth. You know nothing."

"I know that Graham is in love with you. And if you touch me," I say when he moves toward me, "I'll tell Mom and Dad. I'll tell the world."

"They won't believe you."

"I don't care. I'll still tell 'em."

"You think I care?"

"I know you do." I see the panic in his eyes. Holy s.h.i.+t, my brother is gay. I mean, it doesn't change anything. He's still a douche, but this is huge. It makes no sense. I never saw this coming. Never. "Wow. I'm a little flabbergasted."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"So, you aren't gay?" I ask, the cold, blank stare he is setting me with giving me chills. He looks so angry, so upset, and somewhere deep inside me, I feel for him. But then I remember what he has done to me, and my sympathy is nowhere in sight.

Especially when he yells, "f.u.c.k you, Avery! Go slit your wrists."

"That's all you have on me," I murmur, shaking my head, my last ounce of sympathy flying out the window. "But at least I've never been anyone but myself. I may have been a little messed up, but I've always been me. You, though, you're hiding, tormented by the man you really are. So really, who's suffering? Because I'm not. I'm happy. You...You're just sad."

"I'm not hiding s.h.i.+t."

"Oh? Really, call Graham over. I'd love to meet him."

His eyes are wild, his jaw clenching, and I really don't know this person. Where is the twin who used to play dolls with me when we were little? Oh. Wow, maybe there were signs?

"Just f.u.c.king go. Get out of my life."

"I'm leaving, after I eat my lunch and watch you squirm with nervousness that I could out you." I hate that it has come to this. I'm not a mean person, but he's done this. He's caused me to be as nasty to him as he has been to me.

"You wouldn't dare. I'd kill you."

See? "I'm not scared of you, Matty. How could I be? You're a fraud. I may be considered crazy and suicidal, but at least I'm me."

"Which is nothing."

"To you, I'm nothing. But I'm something to someone special."

"Ha, that Sinclair b.a.s.t.a.r.d? Please, he's using you."

"Aw, are you jealous my boyfriend is hotter than yours?" I ask.

He takes a step toward me, venom in his voice. "Shut your f.u.c.king mouth!"

"Get away from me."

"I'm allowing you to breathe, Avery. Remember that," he seethes and I scoff.

"Please. You won't touch me," I say, holding up my phone to show that I've been recording this whole conversation. "One click, it's on Facebook." His eyes move to my phone as I hit the b.u.t.ton and my voice fills the room, asking if he is gay. "Now stay the f.u.c.k away from me."

Shaking his head, he glares. "Fine, as long as you stay away from me."

He holds my gaze and I actually feel the loss of him. We've drawn the line in the sand. We will never have a relations.h.i.+p after this, not that I expected we could anyway.

But it still hurts as he points at me. "Don't you dare say anything."

"I don't owe you anything," I say simply. The panic is flas.h.i.+ng in his eyes. He s.n.a.t.c.hes his phone and storms out of the kitchen. When I hear the front door slam, I fall back into a chair and shake my head.


My brother is gay?


That's insane.

Sucking in a deep breath, still unable to process all this, I get my food out of the microwave before sitting where I can see both doors in case he comes back. I know it's sad that I'm scared, but he had nothing but hatred in the depths of his turquoise eyes. As I dig into my food, I swear that was a mindf.u.c.k. Who would have thought that? And why is he hiding it? We are adults and it's not like we have parents of the year anyway. I wonder how long he's known, I wonder if he's been in lov- Wait.

Letting my head fall to the side, I pull my phone out, going to Facebook and typing in a name. When his profile comes up, I'm surprised I'm able to look at his profile picture without crying. To be honest, I don't feel anything as Caleb's grinning face looks back at me. When I see that he is on Messenger, my heart throbs in my throat as I hit his name and then start typing.

Avery Rose: Caleb, it's Avery Haverbrooke. I know it's been a really long time, but I need to ask you something.

His text bubble comes up right away.

Caleb Rutherford: Wow. Hey. Long time.

My heart is pounding in my chest. I can't breathe because I never thought I would speak to him again. Like ever. I've hated him for so long, and yet, here I am, talking to him. But I have to know. Swallowing hard, I type back quickly.

Avery Rose: Yeah. So, do you have a moment?

Caleb Rutherford: Yeah. How are ya?

Avery Rose: Good, thanks, u?

Caleb Rutherford: Good, just touring the world.

Avery Rose: I see. I have a question because I know my boyfriend contacted you, Jace Sinclair. And you told him my family told you that you would never go into the draft. It was said that when I tried to kill myself, my dad retaliated and ruined your career, but that isn't true. I asked my dad about it and he said our breakup wasn't your fault, which I don't agree with. I can't believe I'm actually talking to you right now, but then I have to cuz I just found out something and I really need the truth.

Caleb Rutherford: Whoa. What?

Caleb Rutherford: Can I call you?

Avery Rose: What? Why?

But before he can answer me back, my Messenger is ringing with a call from him. Swallowing hard, I accept the call and his voice comes over the line.


Oh man, it's still as deep as I remember it.

Swallowing hard, I croak out, "Yeah?"

"Okay, hold on. I don't understand. How is it my fault you tried to kill yourself? I had no clue about it until the end. Surely it wasn't 'cause we broke up."

My face scrunches up in confusion. "Um, did you forget that you tormented me, told me to kill myself?"

"What the f.u.c.k? I wouldn't do that."

"I have screenshots."

"Send them to me."

Pulling my phone away from my face, I go the folder that's labeled "h.e.l.l in a handbasket" before I select them and send them to him. He is silent on the other end and my gut hurts. I don't know what is going on. I thought when I heard his deep voice again, it would mean something to me. It doesn't. Which, I guess, is good. Really good. I can't believe this is happening, but it's needed. I not only need closure, but I also need to know the truth.

Even if it does make my chest feel tight and my eyes flood with tears.

I need to know.

Swallowing hard, he clears his throat. "Avery, I swear to G.o.d, I didn't send these texts."

I don't believe him. "Yeah, sure."

"No, really. When I broke it off, it was because I didn't want a girlfriend. I didn't do it to hurt you. I loved you as a friend. I didn't want to lead you on when I wasn't into it. I told you that."

"You did, but then you started singing a different tune and drove me to the point of slitting my wrists."

"It wasn't me," he begs. "I promise you. You have to believe me."

"That's hard to do," I admit and he sounds panicky.

"Really, Avery, that wasn't me. I wouldn't do that to you. I cared for you. Come on, surely you believe that."

I thought he had cared, but it just went to s.h.i.+t so quickly. "I think I know who it was, though," he murmurs.

Confused, I ask, "Who?"


"What? Why would he do that?" I ask, even though... Why wouldn't he?

"What did you find out today, Avery? Because I'm pretty sure you know why," he suggests and I pause, my blood going cold in my veins.

Gasping for breath, it all comes clear to me. He hated Caleb and me together. Used to talk s.h.i.+t all the time and he was so mean. To me, not Caleb. But still, it was insane. He acted as if he was with Caleb, and I stole him from him... Jesus, it all makes sense. "He was in love with you."

"Yeah," he says and my eyes fall shut.

You stole something from me that I can't ever get back, and I'll never forgive you for that!

"Holy c.r.a.p."

"Yeah, I never knew, I never suspected. I mean, we were friends, best friends, and then I started dating you and he just got nasty. When I broke it off with you, he confronted me, admitted that he was in love with me and knew that I loved him. But I don't play for that team. And when I told him that, he lost his s.h.i.+t, promising me that if I told anyone, he could get your dad to ruin my career. I guess my heart wasn't really into hockey because I didn't care. Then I quit 'cause I got into drugs real bad, and I didn't think any more of it, you know? But f.u.c.k, Avery. I'm sorry you got caught in the cross fire and s.h.i.+t. I never knew."

"Wow," I say, sucking in a deep breath. "But that doesn't explain how he used your phone. If you guys stopped talking after we broke up, and the texts came from you for weeks afterward..."

He lets out a long breath and then pauses. "I bet you he did it on my iMessage because he had all my pa.s.swords. Really, Avery, I wouldn't hurt you like that. I did care about you. But when all that s.h.i.+t went down, I just wrote your whole family off."

I close my eyes and I hear the serenity in his voice. "But why? Why would he do that?"

"'Cause he was jealous of you, always has been. He asked if I still loved you after we broke up, and I said I'd always love you. He's f.u.c.king crazy, Av. I promise you."

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 52 summary

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