Glimpses of King William IV. and Queen Adelaide Part 3

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'BOSTON HOUSE, 'August 28 [1834],

WE have been absent a week visiting different friends, and on our return this morning took a Royal luncheon at the Castle. Our dear Queen received us most kindly, and we sat with her for half an hour before luncheon. Her conversation was most interesting. I wish I could give it you word for word. It showed such a feeling, religious, good mind. It was about her loss in one whom she termed a faithful servant, indeed a friend--old Barton (only sixty-four, but he had a paralytic stroke two years since, which had aged him very much), her treasurer. He was their factotum at Bushey. The painful part of it, she said, was feeling that she in a manner had been the cause; for the good old man was so over-excited with joy at witnessing the enthusiastic reception she met with on her return, he went out to meet her. The fatigue and excitement were too much for him, and, after he got home, he had a stroke. He lost all power of speech, but retained his senses, and, by pointing to letters, made himself understood, and a dutiful and affectionate message to the King and Queen was written and sent. The dear Queen immediately wrote to him herself a letter, which was beautiful, so kind, so pious. He answered his hour was come, and he was resigned.

Now, had you heard the manner in which she, in her pretty English, described all this, you never would have forgotten it.

'I never saw her or the King look better. He had all his daughters with him but Lady Mary Fox, who is abroad, and a swarm of grandchildren running about the corridor, and Her Majesty playing with them, and making them all happy and at ease.'

From the above we clearly see that Queen Adelaide had the power of feeling and inspiring sympathy with dependents as well as friends, with young as well as old. The following month the c.l.i.therows again stayed at the Castle in quite homely fas.h.i.+on.

'WINDSOR CASTLE, 'September 27, 1834.

'There is no company but ourselves and the Duke of Dorset; consequently, we really enjoy the Queen. We set at her work-table in the evening with the King, Princess Augusta, and the Duke of Dorset, and really the cheerful, good-humoured conversation that goes on is most agreeable. The Ladies-in-Waiting have two work-tables. The gentlemen sit and chat with them, and there are generally four at whist, the Queen's beautiful band playing in the anteroom.

'We came on Thursday. Friday we were on Virginia Water, with the Guards' band playing in a barge moored. The weather was actual summer, and we were rowed about for two hours--the King, Queen, and ten of us.

'To-day the Queen, Lady Isabella Wemyss, Mrs. c.l.i.therow, and myself in a barouche, my brother, with Miss Hope Jolynson, in a phaeton, drove out for two hours in Windsor Park and Forest. The evening was lovely, though we had heavy rain in the night and morning. The scenery is quite magnificent, and the dear Queen's conversation was so interesting, giving an account of her journey and adventures abroad. It was a drive to be envied.

'We do not think the Queen looking well, though it is uncourtly to say so. She is most miserably thin, and has a sad, wearing cough. However, she a.s.sures us she is better. The oppression on her chest is removed by a German medicine, which she has great faith in. I dread Brighton for her, which never agrees.

'The King is uncommonly well. He is out all the morning inspecting his farms, which they say he is getting into beautiful order, and to-day he returned to them after luncheon, instead of driving out with the party, as he generally does.

'Lady Augusta Kennedy and her four children are here. Lady Sophia Sydney[*] and her three children live here. Sir Philip is backwards and forwards. He is going on slowly at Penshurst, feeling, I suspect, that it will be time eno' to live there should anything happen to prevent their all living on "papa." Lady Augusta has a house at Isleworth near us, which "papa" gave her, but lives a great deal here. Lady Falkland is sadly out of health, and in town for advice. Her fine boy is left here, and the King and Queen have all the children in the corridor after luncheon to run about. It is so pretty to hear them lisp, "Dear Queeny," "Dear King." She plays with them with such good-humour.

[*] The King's eldest daughter; born 1800, married, 1825, Sir Philip Sidney, who was created Lord de Lisle and Dudley in 1835, his father having in 1824 claimed that barony, though without success.

'Mademoiselle d'Este is here. Lord Hill is coming to-day. We are to leave on Monday.'

The next letter reminds us that, about this time, there were several political crises, more or less acute. The tide of enthusiasm, which had carried many measures of social importance, was beginning to abate, and the first signs of the reaction that was setting in showed themselves in differences among the Ministers. Mr. Stanley (afterwards Lord Derby), Sir J. Graham, and two others disagreed with Lord Grey as to the Act to compensate the Irish clergy, while Lord Althorp opposed Lord Grey on the question of coercion in Ireland. Lord Grey, who was an old man, retired in July, and Lord Melbourne succeeded to his place. These dissensions led the King to believe that there was a Conservative reaction, so he determined to dismiss the Ministry and send for the Duke of Wellington. In the end, on the Duke's advice, Sir Robert Peel became Premier, but only held office till April, 1835, when Lord Melbourne was recalled to power. Again rumour was busy with the Queen's name, and many suspected that the dismissal of the Whigs was due largely to her influence. The following letter deals plainly with this, and incidentally mentions the const.i.tutional practice of the King respecting even the Court appointments:

'BOSTON HOUSE, 'November 23, 1834.

'How do you feel on the sudden change in the political world? I rejoice, but cannot envy the party who have taken the reins in these ungovernable times.

'It is very sad they will not let the dear Queen alone. I believe from my heart she has no more to do with it than you or I. Mrs. c.l.i.therow sat half an hour with her at St. James's, and she, who, is truth itself, declared the first she knew of it was the King coming to her room and telling her the Duke of Wellington was to dine with them, for there was going to be a change of Ministers.

'She has not named a single person for any appointment, and will not, she is determined. Jane expressed her hope that the Duke of Dorset would again be Master of the Horse. The Queen replied: "There never was a better; but, in the present state of the country, favouritism must be quite out of the question." They must select the most influential men in a political point of view. She regretted extremely that the King's children, instead of rallying round the throne, were the first to send in their resignations and to show such strong opposition to their father's wishes. And we do hear from every quarter their conduct is abominable, and the manner in which they speak of the Queen unpardonable. Lord Erroll[*] went on so bad in a public coffee-room that a gentleman cried out: "Shame! shame!" As far as we have ever seen, she has shown them nothing but kindness, and their return is ingrat.i.tude. Poor soul! her cough continues to wear her sadly, and she is hardly stout enough to contend with all her annoyances, notwithstanding the support of a clear conscience.

[*] William George, the Seventeenth Earl, had married Lady Elizabeth Fitz-Clarence, the King's third daughter, and was Master of the Royal Buckhounds.

'The Bishop of London and Mrs. and Miss Blomfield dine here to-morrow.

I mean to get this franked.

'I hope you are not annoyed with your winter cough, and that your family are all well. Accept a trio of best wishes, and believe me,

'Yours sincerely, 'MARY c.l.i.tHEROW.'



'BOSTON HOUSE, 'July 13 [1835].

'WE were invited on to dine at Kew with their Majesties. It was quite a social party, no company but ourselves and the Landgravine; the rest were the ladies in attendance, the household, and the King's family. We mustered thirty at dinner. They came down early in the day to thoroughly enjoy the country. They walked about till luncheon; then the Queen had her horse to ride, and little carriages, and they all went to Richmond Park, and returned to dress for seven o'clock dinner.

They both seemed remarkably well. I had not been seen by the King for a long time, and when I went in he expressed himself most glad to see me quite well, and at dinner drank wine with me.

'When we went in to dinner, the Queen said: "Mrs. c.l.i.therow, you must sit by Lord Howe." The fact was she was expecting her sister to land Sunday morning, and would have been at the water-side to receive her, but she felt she ought to go to church with the King. Lord Howe told her certainly; she could drive and meet her sister after church. Still, her wish was to go to Deptford early, and she wanted somebody to second that wish. She bid Lord Howe ask Mrs. c.l.i.therow--"She will _say honest_." The Queen is so quick, she discovered when they were conversing on the subject, though they were at the very bottom of the table, and addressed Mrs. c.l.i.therow, "Are you for me, or against me?"

"I must agree with Lord Howe," was her answer. Now, I suppose there are few women but my Jane who would not have advised according to the Queen's wishes, and I am certain it is her honesty, so unlike a courtier, that makes the Queen so partial to her. After dinner she called Mrs. c.l.i.therow to sit by her, and they conversed together the whole evening. Her ideas and right way of thinking are quite delightful.

'I had a very amusing evening, for the good-humoured Landgravine called me to her, and was full of fun and chat. She has a sweet countenance, but her figure is extraordinary. "My dear," she said, "Augusta charged me to tell you a charade--

'"Three shakes and a grin, Shake your tail and you're in."

She was in such a hurry to tell me I had not time to find it out; but you may take your time, I shan't tell you. She laughed so hearty. She seems to enjoy herself most exceedingly in her native land, and must be in excellent health to go about as she does. Yet her figure looks as if she was dropsical. She cannot stand long, and walks with difficulty; at the Drawing Room she sits.

'The whole party left Kew for London at ten.

'We have been wondrous gay at both the fetes at Syon House. As to the first fete, I think it was the most perfect thing of the kind that possibly could be. We were invited to a breakfast at three o'clock to meet their Majesties, and we went according to orders; but the breakfast proved a good dinner at seven. The day was lovely, the company of the very first order, and the dresses most elegant morning costume.

'The King did not come; he was overfatigued at the Waterloo dinner. The Queen came at five. She and the d.u.c.h.ess of Northumberland led the way to the famous conservatory, and all the party followed. I believe it is reckoned the finest in Europe. The flower-garden, filled with all the smart and the pretty, was really a sight of sights. There were chairs and benches innumerable on the lawn, the Blues band of music, and people amused themselves till dinner was announced. It was certainly the most elegant party I ever was in, for the whole 524 guests followed each other into the tent as quiet and orderly as into the dinner-room at Windsor. The dinner was sumptuous. Three turkeys were drest, and eight men cooks employed. A seat for everyone, a napkin, three china plates, three silver forks, knife, and spoon. The waiters had only to remove your plate. And such quant.i.ties of waiters! yet so quiet, no bustle or clatter. We all came out of the tent together, when the house was lit up, and you went in or staid out as you pleased. The great drawing-room for tea and coffee, tables each side. And so the time pa.s.sed till it was dark enough for the fireworks, which were most magnificent.

'The Queen was then ushered into the tent, which, like magic, had been prepared for dancing. A very good floor, as clean as if no soul had dined in the room. The tables were laid round the room on the floor to make a platform to raise the sitters to look at the dancing. There were two tiers of benches, so that really the room seemed hardly full. There was a n.o.ble s.p.a.ce for the dancers 180 feet long. Weippert's beautiful band. I quite longed to dance. It was lit the whole length by large handsome gla.s.s lanthorns, and round the tent was a broad border of growing flowers and coloured lamps in festoons. Nothing could be prettier. They had waltzes, quadrilles, gallopade, and reels. The Queen went at eleven, and everybody was gone by one. Refreshments of all sorts were provided at each end of the tent.

'The second fete rather failed, as the day it was to have been held was so wet it was obliged to be put off; and then Royalty had gone to Windsor, and thought it too far to come. Numbers also were engaged. We were only asked in the evening, but everything was in as good style as the first, only a different style of company. The fireworks equally good, and the dancing, but the night was cold.

'The papers will have told you of my brother's success in Queen Adelaide's Fund. It is most particularly gratifying to him. Ever since the lunatic asylum was finished he has been wis.h.i.+ng to establish this fund, and was brought about by the Queen signifying to him that she wished to subscribe to the lunatic asylum, about which he interested himself so much. He told her it was a county asylum, not supported by subscriptions, and then named this plan, which she eagerly acceded to, and gave 100 and her name as patroness. He has got near 700, and does not mean to be satisfied till he has 1,000, and as much more as he can. I must conclude, as the man has called. Lucky for you.

'Your affectionate friend, 'M. C.'

The fund mentioned at the close of this letter was founded to a.s.sist patients at the Hanc.o.c.k Asylum on their discharge, and is still in existence. As this was due to Colonel c.l.i.therow's initiation, it may be well to mention here that another trace of his influence also remains in the system of employing patients in occupations with which they were previously acquainted, which was established during his chairmans.h.i.+p, with very successful results.



AFTER a short illness, William IV. died at Windsor Castle on June 20, 1837. On July 17 Miss c.l.i.therow wrote as follows:

'Thank you very much for writing to me. I always enjoy your letters, and delight to hear from you. I feel I did not deserve it, so much time has elapsed since I wrote to you. But I dislike writing when the spirits are below par, and how could they be otherwise with the afflicting event which has befallen the country? Great were our apprehensions for the dear Queen when she was so ill and could attend none of the State entertainments, but the King's death never entered our ideas. On June 3 my brother went by command to Windsor. He sat with the King while he ate his early dinner. He was cheerful and chatty, and had only sent for him for the pleasure of seeing and conversing freely with him, which he did for above an hour, and the last thing his Majesty said was, "Thank you for coming; it always does me good to see you, and very soon you and Mrs. c.l.i.therow must come to Windsor for a few days and your sister.' How little he thought his days were numbered, and that he should never see him more! He then appeared so little ill my brother returned home quite in spirits, and on the twentieth he was dead--only seventeen days.

'Since the Queen Dowager got to Bushey Lady Gore has written to us. The description of her resigned pious mind is beautiful, and Lady Gore[*]

a.s.sures us she really hopes her health has not materially suffered from all she has gone through, particularly the last sad ceremony.

[*] Wife of General Hon. Sir Charles Gore, G.C.B., K.H., third son of the second Earl of Arran, a Waterloo officer.

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Glimpses of King William IV. and Queen Adelaide Part 3 summary

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